Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
Nidgardt was born from the union of a dragon and a demoness, his father sought powerful offspring and thus experimented with a co-worker.
Despite his nature, Nidgardt is not ashamed of his heritage, nor does he flaunt or act with a high and mighty attitude because of it. He accepted early on what he was, but decided to not let his half-breed status stop him from having a life normal to that of humans and others. His father had much expectations of him however, his mother was never in the picture or offered him anything. She was to Nidgardt 'just the woman who gave birth to me'. He was trained from an early age to make use of his strange racial powers, some whom not even his father could have predicted would fall into his hands.
Whilst he would never be able to turn into a true dragon like his father, he possessed draconic wings, claws and a single horn at the right side of his head, whereof the horn had been due to his draconic or demonic side is unknown.
Nidgardt's skin is naturally resistant to many forms of injuries, mainly slashing kinds. His bloodline also gives him resistance towards fire and demonic energy, but at the same time weakness towards holy magic and magic specialized for fighting with dragons. He also is more vulnerable to piercing attacks than any other. While he may not suffer the full effects a pureblood would, it is still enough to be felt would he be hit by either.
Amongst the abilites that was granted to him early on due to his nature, such as winged flight, immense strength and durability, the ability to use flame breath, he also were granted a number of demonic powers at his disposal which he has inherited from his mother. His skills with them has made him a very variable combatant, even if his main strength lies in fighting opponents up close using his oversized demonic left arm or his demonic sword in his right hand.
When spoken to he is generally quite laid back and not very judgemental on first glance, he has come to understand people need time to accept oneanother, same goes for respect to which he thinks is important. Thus if engaged or challenged, he will gladly oblige and fight. Would he win or lose, he still think that it would have had it's purpose of gaining mutual respect for oneanother.
In the school, Nidgardt is working hard to gather a strong team in order to take on the Rhean schools in privately funded tournaments. At such he is interested in both bettering himself, but also his companions. He believes that teamwork is the key to everything, since he is a halfbreed he believes that mixing tactics and people in one same group is a good idea to achieve a variety of skills and ideas. He may upon first glance look quite intimidating, due to his oversized arm and claw, aswell as those large draconic wings on his back. Not to mention his attire, with him wearing a black visor almost all the time.
Core: Aspects of the demondragon:
The best of two worlds, Nidgardt has been granted many gifts from his mixed heritage. Such as draconic wings usable for flight or attacking with, an oversized clawed left arm, a oddly shaped horn upon his head and the ability to spew fire in a cone shape. He is also resistant to physical damage, fire, demonic powers, mental control and has immense physical strength.
But all these gifts also come with it's flaws, his dualblooded nature means he has a weakness to holy magic and weapons, aswell as anything regarding causing harm to dragons do affect him aswell. Not to the full degree it would to a pureblood, but good enough to cause alot of damage. His body is also weak towards physical piercing attacks, as they pierce the near invisible to the eye scales which decorate his body.
1: Energy absorption: Nidgardt may create a small shield of dark energy to absorb magical attacks, such as projectiles, beams and anything which comes into contact with his hands/claws. Holy magic bypasses this, and so does physical projectiles, physical weapons and matter which are non-magical in nature or from a non-energy source.
2: Balor blade: This is a magical dark-purple blade which manifests in his right hand, it assumes solid form and may be used as a viable melee weapon for stabbing and slicing attacks, it can also hurl wave-like projectiles towards opponents, in both vertical and horizontal manners. He uses this as one of his main weapons and usually in conjunction with his oversized left arm and claw.
3: Demonheart: Nidgardt can attune himself more to his demonic side, creating a massive explosion from himself, sending whomever standing near him back in a violent fashion. Unless ofcourse they are too heavy, or if warded by some form of shield or barrier and capable of keeping their footing. The knockback effect is however not the main part of this power, it is that it empowers his strength and overall energy output, making his balor blade bigger, aswell as the projectiles used by it. His energy absorbtion also instead envelops him in a bubble, but he needs to lower it before being able to use his own magic.
(This will be a side-story ish RP, where players from the original Royal Rumble RP can take part of. This is mainly meant to be a Place where you can RP while waiting for things in the main RP. All things occuring in this RP will be considered non-Canon to the main thread unless the main GM says otherwise.)
The characters of this story finds themselves living in the country of Yekaterina, finding themselves as students to the Zarkov academy.
An academy specifically design to bring out the potential of those with special abilities, but not limited to. People from all manner of Life, races and varieties of powers gather together. The school itself has plenty of teachers and a principal whose Power is so immense that if someone in the Academy would get out of bounds, then the principal would set them straight, student or teacher. The fully masked and tall person clad in a grey robe does his outmost to promote the balance of the academy, so that students with good or evil intent, can grow in power but also in understanding, of themselves but also of those whom be sharing their surroundings.
The principal is a firm believer in that the future is never fully decided, that those who commit evil can turn, but that the same applies for those who do good. Whilst many of the teachers do not share his point of view, they have come to respect his undeniable power and would very unlikely break the rules of the school. At least not where he may be watching. Every year the school hosts tournaments, some of which are one-on-one contests, others are team battles. Most of these are done in order to hone each student's abilities to the fullest, so that they may later also compete in the first grand tournament with the schools of Rhea.
The rules are the same as main Royal Rumble thread.
Nidgardt was born from the union of a dragon and a demoness, his father sought powerful offspring and thus experimented with a co-worker.
Despite his nature, Nidgardt is not ashamed of his heritage, nor does he flaunt or act with a high and mighty attitude because of it. He accepted early on what he was, but decided to not let his half-breed status stop him from having a life normal to that of humans and others. His father had much expectations of him however, his mother was never in the picture or offered him anything. She was to Nidgardt 'just the woman who gave birth to me'. He was trained from an early age to make use of his strange racial powers, some whom not even his father could have predicted would fall into his hands.
Whilst he would never be able to turn into a true dragon like his father, he possessed draconic wings, claws and a single horn at the right side of his head, whereof the horn had been due to his draconic or demonic side is unknown.
Nidgardt's skin is naturally resistant to many forms of injuries, mainly slashing kinds. His bloodline also gives him resistance towards fire and demonic energy, but at the same time weakness towards holy magic and magic specialized for fighting with dragons. He also is more vulnerable to piercing attacks than any other. While he may not suffer the full effects a pureblood would, it is still enough to be felt would he be hit by either.
Amongst the abilites that was granted to him early on due to his nature, such as winged flight, immense strength and durability, the ability to use flame breath, he also were granted a number of demonic powers at his disposal which he has inherited from his mother. His skills with them has made him a very variable combatant, even if his main strength lies in fighting opponents up close using his oversized demonic left arm or his demonic sword in his right hand.
When spoken to he is generally quite laid back and not very judgemental on first glance, he has come to understand people need time to accept oneanother, same goes for respect to which he thinks is important. Thus if engaged or challenged, he will gladly oblige and fight. Would he win or lose, he still think that it would have had it's purpose of gaining mutual respect for oneanother.
In the school, Nidgardt is working hard to gather a strong team in order to take on the Rhean schools in privately funded tournaments. At such he is interested in both bettering himself, but also his companions. He believes that teamwork is the key to everything, since he is a halfbreed he believes that mixing tactics and people in one same group is a good idea to achieve a variety of skills and ideas. He may upon first glance look quite intimidating, due to his oversized arm and claw, aswell as those large draconic wings on his back. Not to mention his attire, with him wearing a black visor almost all the time.
Core: Aspects of the demondragon:
The best of two worlds, Nidgardt has been granted many gifts from his mixed heritage. Such as draconic wings usable for flight or attacking with, an oversized clawed left arm, a oddly shaped horn upon his head and the ability to spew fire in a cone shape. He is also resistant to physical damage, fire, demonic powers, mental control and has immense physical strength.
But all these gifts also come with it's flaws, his dualblooded nature means he has a weakness to holy magic and weapons, aswell as anything regarding causing harm to dragons do affect him aswell. Not to the full degree it would to a pureblood, but good enough to cause alot of damage. His body is also weak towards physical piercing attacks, as they pierce the near invisible to the eye scales which decorate his body.
1: Energy absorption: Nidgardt may create a small shield of dark energy to absorb magical attacks, such as projectiles, beams and anything which comes into contact with his hands/claws. Holy magic bypasses this, and so does physical projectiles, physical weapons and matter which are non-magical in nature or from a non-energy source.
2: Balor blade: This is a magical dark-purple blade which manifests in his right hand, it assumes solid form and may be used as a viable melee weapon for stabbing and slicing attacks, it can also hurl wave-like projectiles towards opponents, in both vertical and horizontal manners. He uses this as one of his main weapons and usually in conjunction with his oversized left arm and claw.
3: Demonheart: Nidgardt can attune himself more to his demonic side, creating a massive explosion from himself, sending whomever standing near him back in a violent fashion. Unless ofcourse they are too heavy, or if warded by some form of shield or barrier and capable of keeping their footing. The knockback effect is however not the main part of this power, it is that it empowers his strength and overall energy output, making his balor blade bigger, aswell as the projectiles used by it. His energy absorbtion also instead envelops him in a bubble, but he needs to lower it before being able to use his own magic.
Kanzael has been an associate to Mephisto for at least 10 years, bringing in recruits for his school of the wickedly inclined, provided they have demonstrated interesting powers. Many have speculated where he comes from, but none has gotten a proper answer from him which they believe in to be the truth. As Kanzael is a man who puts on two different faces, depending on whom he is talking with and people generally have no clue which of the two is his real one.
The first impression people get from him is that he's generally a relaxed, cool and amusing person, which appears lighthearted and having a somewhat well-intent for people. Though after time or enough digging, some may find out that he has a darker side. Where he is manipulative, corrupting and prone to attempts to seduce others to commit evil or chaotic deeds. As if he finds enjoyment in making people fall deeper and deeper into the dark. He may appear as a friend to some and provide assistance, but usually hold back some information which he may possess. He holds no love for law and order, except following a tyrant if it will lead to more chaos.
A natural enemy of the law enforcement and those who fights to make Rhea and it's citizen's have upstanding citizens. Almost as if he gets a thrill by watching people fall from positions of grandeur, but he does step up to 'help' them at that point. Generally this means leading them towards a darker path where new ambitions would begin to form.
If engaged into a physical confrontation, Kanzael would try to talk things through before resorting to fighting. But if a fight is unavoidable then he is prepared to launch the first strike, generally from a very underhanded and dirty way. Such as using poisons, vision impairing or crippling things. He also has some sadistic tendencies, but generally stops before people are physically damaged for good. His relationships are best amongst the young, which he acts like a big brother type to. Providing those who want with illegal substances and weapons, and other things which aid in their fall into the dark.
Core:Alchemical tinkerer
He possesses a vast knowledge into making alchemical ordnances, aswell as pills which imbue the consumer with detrimental or boosting properties such as enhanced stamina, resilience, strength and more. But his pills tend to have heavy withdrawal symptoms.
These ordnances, bombs, vials, potions and pills all compliment his weaponries in which he either creates things which poisons or drugs enemies, or inflict other crippling effects. Though in most cases they inflict instant effects such as bombs which explode. Kanzael's abilities are non-magical, thus they may bypass certain things which normally magic would be stopped at. But that aside he is generally alot physically weaker as hes not empowered, unless he takes his pills which temporarily empowers him.
1: Bright glove: A lightly armored glove (left hand) which can create a very powerful light as long as the hand is open. This is mainly used as a distraction or made to blind an enemy or illuminate an area. Kanzael uses this weapon very deceptively.
2: Cartridge cannon: A wrist bound cannon (left arm) which shoots alchemical bombs of different kinds. It contains several different cartridge magazines of various effects.
3: Syringe blade: A generally hidden, but extendable and powerful rapier looking blade (right hand) which is hollow on the inside and has several holes in the sides to it's very tip which is very sharp. This blade is sturdy and makes for good piercing and slashing attacks. Piercing attacks are generally alot more effective. The true purpose of this blade is to inject a target with an alchemical mixture.
Galbrek pondered by himself for a moment on the latest happenings, how he had been forced to abandon one of his outposts and the fight with William and his brother, aswell as the arrival of Meredith. He had to make use of it, and what better way to do it than from this girl. The half-demon began to smirk.
"I would like you to do something for me.... human. A very simple thing really. You will read from a paper which contains words which I have written." He swiftly made his way over to the other end of the room picking up a camera. "Dear William and his brother is going to be quite occupied with matters concerning the law."He took a slight breath. "And you get a chance to get payback to all those who has left you. William. Wolfie. Meredith."
He quickly scribbled together something on a paper. I want you to read this while I film you reading it out loud.
Hello, I wish to inform the authorities of Rhea of the illegal and cruel manner in which the Ascot family has inflicted upon myself and the gracious young lord Galbrek Ravenovich. They in their unlawful manner of trying to play god have caused mayhem throughout the city, causing a large airship to crash in the middle of the city, ruining the street and buildings in it's path aswell as making several people lose their home.
Taking the resources of the Rhean government to help civilians, clear rubble and apprehend innocents in place of those whom are guilty for this catastrophy.
The Ascots! William Ascot and those who support this terrorist must be brought before the Rhean court for murder, arson, terrorism, stalking, illegal use of government resources, theft, recklessness in public space, unlawful flight in a district where children play and they were above the speed limit and much more! Meanwhile the graceful and most kind young lord Galbrek has provided me, a mere human with a safe haven from those who want to ruin our great city!
"Wolf didn't leave me..." Vera narrowed her eyes, but had lost the will to raise her voice.
"Then where is he? Oh that's right he's screwing around with Meredith! Or soon is going to be! Don't you hate them? Don't you despise them? Take this chance to give what is due..." Galbrek replied to Vera.
Of course Vera would have loved for Wolf to just magically know she was in danger, but even she could only be so unreasonable. She knew, or at least had to believe, though, that it was just a matter of time before Wolf noticed she was in trouble.
"Save your manipulations for someone who's dumb enough to buy them," Vera muttered as she read over the paper. For a moment, she considered going along. A spiteful little part of her was all too happy to take the shot at William, and from what she knew, it wasn't all lies. William's crusade, well intentioned or not, had caused a lot of trouble. Just look at the position she'd ended up in. But then the last line struck a nerve. She'd been tied up, tortured, and stripped of her dignity and he had the gall to ask her to say he was providing a safe haven? The paper crinkled as her fingers dug into it before she suddenly crumpled it up and threw it back at him. "Safe haven?! You-" She bit her lip, not wanting to anger him, lest she set him off again.
"Why you insolent little-" Galbrek paused and tried to collect himself, pulling his hair back with one of his hands. "Now now, let's not be hasty! It isn't I whose betrayed you! I was never on your side, but at least I haven't deceived you..." The half-demon began walking throughout the room, as if inspecting her for any signs of giving in to his demands. "Why do you think all these idiots have banded up together? Because I am the only one whose not wearing a mask! I am as you see me. Unlike Meredith whose played you for a fool! Like William who doesn't care for you at all and has put you and all things dear to you into harms way! Why defend these people? And this Wolf whose selling his body and mind the moment you turn around! Deny it all you wish you know I'm right!" Galbrek spoke out and raised his both arms. That's when he felt a tingle in the back of his head, something horrible had happened of that he was sure. But what? He looked around the room briefly.
Vera just wrapped her arms back around her knees, curling back up, "You don't know him..." she said, repeating it over and over to herself until it was a barely audible whisper. How had it come to this, her clinging onto him as her only hope? It was beneath her.......
Galbrek snapped out of his odd state of feeling and looked to Vera. "And you do? He has likely not even noticed you are gone! Oh and whose going to help and comfort him? Oh that's right, Meredith! Well isn't that awfully convinient? Don't you understand that if you really want something in this world you take it by force. I very easily took away your freedom you might think. But no! I wasn't the one which took it from you, you were caged even before! By these people you call friends all with their smiling masks and ugly insides all wanting you to disappear forever. They hate you, they want you out of the way. Haven't you noticed the looks? The way they talk? William? Meredith? Andras? You are being screwed with by all of them and the only one whose been honest with you is I!"
". . . fine. Then wait. If by the end of the day no one's come for me I'll read your stupid script. . ." Vera finally spoke back to him.
"Fine, if that is going to make any difference. I need to wait for Meredith's delivery after all, but I cannot have her see you. Since that means she might reject the deal and kill you where you stand with her own hands. I wouldn't like that. Blood is hard to wipe out of rugs." The half-demon turned around to look away from Vera, he hid a slight grin as the cogwheels in his head was starting to spin faster.
"What, can't even keep one little love starved succubus under control?" Vera muttered dejectedly. So much for all his claims of being strong.
"Hmph. I am going to dispose of her after her usefulness is over. All she has to do is to bring me Andras. That's all. You were the price I had to pay in order for that. I have no other use for a fool like her, she would be better off gone. She would just upset my plans. Though you will be able to have your revenge. I can very much keep things under control without her."
Galbrek felt his face with one of his hands, searching for bruises or other unusualness. "Yes, let me show you just how control feels like... human." The half-demon walked over to his work-table in the room, he walked and hit his head on some doll pieces hanging from the ceiling. "Fucking shit.."
"So William thinks he can play god. Watch this is how you be a god..." The half-demon reached out with his hands at various tools by the work-table and then grabbing a plain looking doll head. "This'll do... now colour... hmm.. ahh yes... let's go with purple." Galbrek took out two globes resembling eyes with purple irises and shoved them into the sockets. Then he opened a lower compartment of the table, lifting up a female doll torso. Placing it on the table, before he manifested his marionette strings, reaching over in the room for two pair of arms and legs, before putting them together with the torso. Lastly he mounted the head on the torso, leaving the hairless and unclothed doll on the table. Sitting there with it's piercing purple eyes.
"Now every god have an eye for details..." He said out loud before assembling a pair of eyelashes and eyebrows on the doll, he picked a pair of white ones. Taking out a white long haired wig from a box, then using his marionette strings to sew it stuck to the doll's head. "Hmm... no... abit shorter." He took hold of the wig and did a slicing cut with a string which severed the hair leaving the doll with shoulderlong hair.
The half-demon rubbed his hands together and blew some dust and fake hair away, then reached for a painting kit, beginning to swiftly paint the lips of the doll black and adding some makeup to it aswell as two black lines under her eyes and painting a vertically inversed cross at her forehead , then proceeded by painting the fingernails black. Galbrek pondered for a moment, then made a snapping noise with one of his fingers. Shooting a couple of his strings over to a nearby dresser, tearing the door off it and snatching a red gothic lolita dress from it, after which he lifted the doll up with his other hand's marionette strings and sliding the outfit on it, before setting it back down. "What do you think... human?"
"Yeah yeah, you're real talented. I already know you can make doll people. I also know how quickly they fall apart the second the wind blows in their direction," Vera rolled her eyes. It seemed that since they now had a sort of deal, her confidence was slowly returning.
"Ofcourse I am talented. A god should be. Hmph. Don't presume all my creations are weak spirited like Darla or Bertrand. After all that's the most important ingridient ever..." Galbrek said, turning his head to look to Vera, his face looking like a mix of someone truly insane and someone in sorrow. "Ones soul. Every body needs it's soul! Now let see... we are on the letter G. My favorite letter..." Galbrek reached over to look into a demonic looking book. "G...G...G... let see whom be the lucky winner... Ahh there we have the one..." Galbrek seemed to memorize the name before standing up in front of the motionless doll. He began to make some precise teatrical movement with both his arms and began to speak in a different tongue. "Zenth Las vi darian, el marsadia von evight! Frihei tu ras lan kaan! The girl Giselle van Dern! Bind her soul to this form, this vessel that I have assembled! Bara nu shakara! Invadiria lasvendariel soulendria!" Whilst the half-demon was chanting his body was eveloped by dark purple energy and some eerie feeling of something cold entering the room, before all the energy began to gather around the motionless doll, "Neo Genesia! Wardath eth ternal!" The purple energy began to move into the doll and soon enough a glow would emit from the doll for a moment, before fading away. Whereof the half-demon took a step back. "Wake up to your new chance at life. Giselle. I, Galbrek has bestowed this gift upon you as the true god that I am."Slowly the doll like figure began to twitch, its fingers moving and it's eyes opening, slowly the hands would move towards the doll's lap then the doll would raise it's head. "Where am I?" A low and slightly monotone voice asked.
Vera's jaw dropped. At first she'd thought Galbrek had the ability to somehow create life in some form, but apparently these dolls were just containers for reanimated souls. That made him somehow both less impressive and twice as sinister all at the same time.
Vera knew there had to be a limit to the accord she'd reached with Galbrek, but this was just too much, "You're in the house of a delusional fool who's planning to make you his slave. If you have any sense of self worth you'll kill yourself and go back to sleep," she said. A god? Really? Did a god fear pepper spray? She was pretty sure they didn't.
The doll turned it's head over at Vera first, her eyes being almost looking like they were closed, or akin to how someone would look staring into too much light. Her head then jerked back to look at Galbrek. "I... died.. but now I am here? Are you really a god?" The girl asked as if she didn't want to believe it, but also took in the words Vera said. "I am a slave?" The doll asked.
Galbrek swiftly replied. "Yes, yes, I am your liberator and benefactor. I have saved you from the clutches of death. As a thank you for doing so, I expect some form of gratitude in form of servitude." The half-demon grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped some sweat away, before carelessly throwing the napkin somewhere in the room. He couldn't waste time caring about such things. "Not to mention you are made of a sturdier kind than some of my earlier creations, increased durability and strength. Quite gracious of me don't you think?" Galbrek asked. The doll kept a very cool posture as if in thought, throwing another glance to Vera. "Who are you?"
"He kidnapped me... and he's going to use me as payment so he can kidnap someone else... so that he can kill a lot of people last I knew," Vera scowled. "Unless he gracious, godliness has changed his mind? But then again, what kind of god needs to kidnap girls just to enforce his will?"
"Tch! Not alot of people. Just enough so that there cannot be anymore showing up. Don't listen to my prisoner, she is just being shown how kind and generous I'd be. You could almost say she is your mother now, being here at your second birth! Hah!" The half-demon jested before he realized what he just said, just as the doll replied. "Mother?" The white haired doll said out loud. "No no, forget what I just said. I shall inform you of all the things you need to know in time my little puppet." Galbrek tried to reassure Giselle. "No..." She answered. "Nooo!" She raised her right arm and threw a punch directly into Galbrek's chest sending him flying into a nearby porcelain mask shelf.
Vera's eyes went wide. This was an unexpected turn of events. Did this girl really think of her as a mother in any way now? Or was she mad that he would suggest that Vera was her mother? Because one definitely required a different take than the other.
"H-hey kid," she certainly was acting like one right now. "Calm down. T-tell me what's going through your head right now."
"This place is all wrong. I must go to my mother and father..." The doll said in a monotone manner, turning her head to look over to Vera. Galbrek in the meantime was getting up from the floor. "Fucking.. shit... shit... heh...heheh... this time I got a fierce one! Yes! Just what I need, just some slight adjustments to that temper right about fucking now!" The half-demon shot out strings towards the doll, attaching around her left arm, the doll turned it's head to Galbrek again, grabbing hold of the strings with it's free hand and jerked it forcefully. "Let go." She said with a serious voice. "If you behave. I don't want to waste the time it took to assemble your body just to tear it to shreds moments later to show the difference in power. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!" Galbrek retracted his strings and brushed off his arm. "Fucking hell my porcelain mask collection is ruined. Now my father has to buy me a new one."
No, this girl was just mad. Rightfully so, in Vera's mind. Maybe she could use this, maybe not. Either way, she felt a shred of respect for her, not just caving into Galbrek's commands.
"New deal, Galbrek," Vera spoke up. "You leave this kid alone if you want your script read." She had no idea if this would work. "I'm not a liar, like you. If I say I'll do something I'll do it. I'll make one exception and read your little sheet of lies to the letter. So if you're right about Wolf, and this girl is still intact when he doesn't show up, I'll do it. But only if." She glared at him, every ounce of fire that had previously been extinguished suddenly back in full blaze.
"What? What? You are breaking our deal for a new one? Hnghnnn..." The half-demon was boiling inside as he tightened his fists, he began to reply through his teeth. "Fine, but you'll stay put in this room until my package arrives..." The half-demon kicked a nearby ground vase so it broke. The doll stared in silence between Vera and Galbrek. "I am not a kid." She said as if it was a matter of fact, staring Vera straight into her eyes with those piercing purple orbs slightly visible through the slits that were her eyes.. "I will wait for now... I have to get used to this." The doll began to move her artifical hands and legs, she had still no shoes or boots, but her dress reached down to her knees. She began to walk unsteadily on the ground, akin somewhat to a drunk person walking home after too many drinks at a party.
"Sorry..." She mumbled to the doll. It wasn't quite the gratitude she'd hoped for, but at least the doll wasn't really on Galbrek's side either... yet. For now, she knew she was mostly out of cards to play. If she tried too hard to win over the doll, who so far was nearly impossible to read anyway, Galbrek might decide Vera reading his sheet wasn't all that important after all... For now all she could do was wait. Wait for Wolf. Wait for the doll to decide who she liked more. Wait and hope the world leaned in her direction from here on out.
"Stand still damn you! Why the shit are you so damn persistant?!" Galbrek yelled out and grabbed hold of a nearby vase with a motif of a demon, he was about to throw it but reconsidered and picked a pitcher instead, throwing it at a painting which hung up just above the fireplace located in the room.
"Why can't I break her?! No matter! I shall find some other use for you. I shall have one of the others do my bidding in order to save you... now hows that for a guilt trip? Ah yes, I should have Wolfie kill someone... someone like... ahh yes... William. It will solve so much for me..."
The half-demon walked back and forth and then looked at the large wall clock, before dragging his hand over his face until realizing he had recently touched a human which disgusted him slightly that he felt a strong urge for more wine. He walked over to Vera and snapped all the strings keeping her attached, leaving her only wearing the cuffs. "Hmph... however I cannot let you leave here, not until I have my brand new toy."
The half-demon went over to a nearby chair, taking a blanket that rested on it and a pillow, throwing it to Vera. "Take that and you will stay in this room over here..." Galbrek snarled abit as he said that, it irked him that she had proved so much a challenge. He picked up her phone along the way, looking it over before pocketing it, before he opened the door to an adjacent room, this room was decorated with many mannequinns and doll masks, including a couch aswell as a fruit basket over by a work table,. Most of the fruit was actually grapes and oranges.
Galbrek took out the key for the cuffs he had gotten from the guardsman which provided the cuffs for the feet, he tried them at the ones around Vera's wrists and uncuffed her. "Now behave in here... don't try to run away or I'll be very very angry."The half-demon reached up to touch his nose and cursed under his breath on his way out of the window lacking room with the doll masks decorating it. He began to check the contacts in Vera's phone if there was no password on it.
Vera wrapped herself in the blanket, sniffling and shivering after the ordeal. So close. If she'd been just a little weaker... she didn't want to think about that. Meanwhile, the phone would have just as strongly rejected Galbrek's advances. After all, what self-respecting teenage girl didn't lock their phone?
"Fucking hell shit!" Galbrek loudly yelled at trying password after password without success. "Adam, you bastard where are you? He could test all the combinations with his fucking sparetime. Screw it all!" Galbrek began to light the fireplace. "If you won't be mine, then you shall burn fucking technology shit."He breathed out deeply and then allowed himself to sink into a soft chair by the fireplace, while he waited for it to begin to burn. He threw a glance to the left and right.
Fegin had prepared food earlier that day before he set off, now was as good a time as any to get it, he went to the kitchen after locking the door out to the hallway that led to the entrance. He couldn't afford to lose Vera now when he was so close to getting Andras. He washed his face in the kitchen while he was at it, aswell as his hands. With the occassional curse at his clothes being ruined, he returned to the dining hall with drinks and food. He set it down on the table and sat down. The silence. He looked around and began humming. Before he grabbed his head and yelled out in rage. "Shit! Why is it so damn quiet… "
He swiftly rose up and took the tray with the food into the room Vera was in, walking in as if he owned the place. And well he did. He put the tray down on the work desk. "Food and drink. I don't like my prisoner to starve to death."
Vera didn't even look up, only shrinking away from him. "I won't... be here... that long..." she mumbled to herself. She had to believe that or she'd lose it.
"Who knows. Depends on Meredith and how quickly she can get Andras to me. I have need of her powers. Nothing else." Galbrek replied as he reached up to inspect a doll head he had worked on some year ago, he took it down, looking it over before seeing the imperfection and thus he threw it away in a corner of the room.
"If it is of any comfort to you, I too know how it feels like to be betrayed by your friends. Mine burned my brother alive, he whom was their very champion... and that's what he got in return for his kindness. This world is not kind at all, the only way to make it in this world is to be merciless or perish. Do you think I made it this far just be sheer luck alone? Oh no no, I've fought for all this. And once Andras is in my grasp, I shall bring back what was taken from me and I shall drown this world and all humans along with it."
"For it's what they deserve. But you couldn't understand that because you are one of them... Pink. You said it yourself, you call us all monsters."
"You're acting like one..." Vera said quietly. The million, angry quips still swam through her mind, but were currently drowned. It was all she could muster. "So why shouldn't I?"
"Hmph. We are all shaped by our surroundings, human. Do you think I wanted to live like this?" He took hold of another doll face that hung from the ceiling., this one was only half-done and was more like a face mask. "Perhaps that's what I have been doing all along." He moved the doll face to his own face. "How could you tell an act from the real thing? How could you separate what is a lie? How far do you think some are willing to go in order to get what they want?" Galbrek laughed and spun around, throwing the doll-faced mask to a nearby wall. "Sometimes the best way to avoid being consumed is by denying you have been. Living in a lie, in play or story. Trying to avoid that hot little needle which will make the very real world so fucking plain and... painful to bear."
"You have seen it haven't you? How some turn to all manner of poisons... why? Hah! Because they know it's very much hopeless to do anything about this wretched world and the misery and despair is devouring them. If you truly want worth in your life, you should consider joining forces with me, Pink."
"All you're telling me is that you let the world turn you into the very thing you hate. Why would I ever join someone that weak?" She narrowed her eyes. "I already have someone. You're not the only one who has suffered. We'll see who came out stronger."
"Tch.. " Galbrek gritted his teeth and gave a somewhat disapproving look to Vera. "Shut up! I am not weak at all, I managed to pull down that damn airship the Ascot idiots were flying about with. I singlehandedly- No, I don't have to explain my superiority to you... it's already plain. Defined at birth. Just like everything else. " Galbrek adjusted his shirt, unbuttoning the top button so he could breathe more freely. "What makes you strong, human? Why do you not submit yourself to me?" He asked this time with a serious tone in his voice. "You don't have any power at all and still you defy me?" It baffled him to say the least, someone whom did not have any power was resisting his hypnotic gaze, not only that but managing to spray him, hit him, kick him and bite him. And despite all the things she has been put through she still refuses to give in. "Who are you, human?"
She scoffed, "Defined at birth? I could have said that... I could have just let everything be handed to me." She shook her head. "If you must know, it's because when life told me who I should be... I said 'No.'" And then, for just a moment, she found the strength to again look him in the eye. "Throw all the ships you want, Glabrek," but it was just a moment, and she looked back down at the floor. "It doesn't make you strong."
He tried to wrinkle his nose as best as he could in his injured state, he clearly didn't like what was said but he didn't instantly rebuke her for it either and instead walked out of the room to throw her phone into the fire. He couldn't allow her to call her allies, the risk was too high for him. Andras was so close he could almost taste the power, but the hours had passed and he was weary, aswell as injured. He wanted to sleep but he couldn't have Vera run away. None of his dolls were home so he decided to put out the fireplace and then made it into the room Vera was in, barricading the door with his strings in a large web like pattern to hinder her to leave. That's when he realized he made one big wrong calculation, he forgot to remove himself from the room to begin with. On realizing this he grinded his teeth together, but he couldn't let that high and mighty human know he did something uncharacteristic of himself. A thing some would make him a laughing stock of. No, that was not going to happen. He devised a simple plan.
Galbrek walked over to the bed located in the room. "If you as much as flinch and try to wound me or escape I will have no choice however but to kill you. So don't try it... we demonkin are alot tougher than you humans anyway." He said in a warning manner before he began to take off his shirt. His back revealing two large scars at the upper part of his back. He took off his boots aswell as socks. But he left his pants on after throwing a glance to Vera, not appearantly feeling like showing her every square inch of himself. He allowed himself to fall on the bed with his back facing it, the necklace around his neck slamming down against his chest, he grabbed hold of it and opened the locket it held. Looking at the contents before closing it, putting his hands at the back of his head, before twisting and turning on the bed, as if having trouble deciding which direction to sleep in. He couldn't help but throw a glance to Vera for a moment, in which he stopped moving and assumed a more proud look on his face, lying down with a serious facial expression.
In a snarling manner, Galbrek spoke out to Vera. "Don't you worry your little head, you'll get revenge on that idiotic Meredith later. I don't care about her, she's as much an irritant as William. Both are reasons for you really being here at all." Galbrek smirked and sat up in the bed, before gritting his teeth, grabbing a nearby cloth napkin and poured water at it, wiping his face and eyes as it was still stinging. "Ahh... damnation and hellfire.." He muttered throwing glances to Vera every now and then to make sure she wasn't up to anything. "I did consider you an option for a spawn creation matter, but it would make for bad offspring. More human than demon. Which is not good at all. Someone else shall have to do for heirs to the brand new kingdom of demonkin which shall be founded right here. A little taste of what is to come, don't worry, you will not die right away. You will be enslaved so we can use your inferior bodies and minds as labor, in a sense you would help in building a better world too. Doesn't that make you glad human?" Galbrek chuckled with a hint of sadistic joy. "Ofcourse you will be able to take your little revenge on the thickheaded thickthighed half-crapped snugglebitch excuse for a demon, Meredith. You can even hear it in her name... 'Mere'. "
The car finally came to a stop, after having received a couple of bumps here and there from speedbumps, pedastrians with shopping carts and the ocassional children's football which happened to roll out into the road and gotten flattened.
"Ahh.. here we are... oh too bad you are too entangled to see where exactly this is, but this is one of my little nest. Don't worry, I'll take good care of my guests." He said with a smirk followed by a 'Hmph!'.
Galbrek parked the car quite a distance from his outpost, but he could clearly see it. Later he would order that damn Fegin to drive the car elsewhere, but for now he had a more important task finding Adam and Galbrek himself having a prisoner to take care of. After surveying his surroundings he dragged Vera out of the car, trying to make it seem somewhat normal.
Fucking shit. I need to make this seem less suspicious.
The half-demon loathed the idea, but he had to make sure none suspected anything. So he leaned down and picked up Vera in a princess carry. Followed by a soft 'Humph' sound as he felt just how heavy she was. "What have you eaten human? You weight as much as... something fucking heavy. Don't think I'm doing this to save you from walking. If Adam were here he would be the one to do this. This is all his fucking fault if my back gets broken it's his damn buisness..."
The half-demon angrily walked over with his catch in a carry neither he nor she likely liked the slightest.
"Don't get too comfortable..." He muttered in a irritated way as he spotted the stairs leading up to the door.
Why must my life be so fucking hard? Really gods? Really why must these fucking stairs always be in my way?
After alot of a struggle he managed to get up the stairs and unlock the door before leading Vera inside.
The building was outside wise looking very slum like but inside it was nearly royally decorated, Vera was ultimately placed on a nearby couch that was actually comfy. Not because Galbrek ever considered her wellbeing that much, but rather his own back he wouldn't want to bend down to place her on the floor. He was not a laborer or a filthy human peasant after all.
"Frr jfft ffkng wfkk!" (You're just fucking weak!) Vera growled through the cloth gag in her mouth as he complained about her weight. She swung her feet so she was in a sitting position once she'd been dropped on the couch. She was gagged and cuffed, and she'd gotten a taste of his strings earlier, so she knew there was no point in making a break for it. She was fairly confident she could outrun him if the opportunity ever arose, but right now it had not. He obviously had shit cardio, but she wasn't going to complain. Now it was just a matter of waiting. Wolf would save her. Once he realized she was missing, he'd find her and kick this bastard's ass... she just hoped she didn't have to wait too long. What was this guy planning to do with her in the meantime?
The half-demon panted abit but shortly after coughed into his hand and adjusting his hair. He began to laugh shortly after.
"Ah yes! Finally things are going my way! Hah! Take that William! You hear me?! Hahahaha!" He stopped mid laughter to turn to Vera before assuming a more formal stance and serious look on himself.
"Now then... let's take that gag off, but do behave will you?" Galbrek moved in to take the cloth away from Vera's mouth. "After all.. what fun would it be not hearing your thoughts. Besides no matter how hard you scream in here, no one can hear you. I've had Adam reinforce the walls to make them soundproof. You never know when you have guests that needs to be taught a lesson." The half-demon began to walk back and forth before removing his coat to hang it on a chair.
"You see... I never kind of were after you at all, but your friend William had to meddle in my affairs and thus he pulled you right into this. So if you want the name of your malefactor, there you have it! Had he not hindered my capture of that girl Andras you wouldn't have been here. Ahh, also if you had not known Andras or William you wouldn't be in this situation at all."
Galbrek turned to his table to pour a glass of wine to himself, he threw a glance over his shoulder. He found her overall look quite pitiful. Enought to make him ask her. "Do you want a drink? This is fully illegal mind you for people of our age. But as you can see, I don't care very much about the human laws." The half-demon took a sip from his wine and then looked closer at Vera.
"You see... I want Andras. She's the key to all manner of things I want, but people like William or Wolfie gets in my way. Or that idiotic ice user friend of his. I think he might even be from Mephisto's. Oh who would care. I don't concern myself with petty school fights when theres more grand things to gain. Oh and I feel really sorry for you. Those you call friends don't really help you at all."
He walked around the couch to speak lower to her. "William and Andras put you in harms way. Wolfie was unable to protect you. Oh but the greatest betrayal of all is from dear Meredith whose going to bring me Andras. For the little price of... you being gone."
Galbrek allowed a soft smile to form on his lips as if he had waited for that one. "Oh she wants that Wolfie as her own. Oh the dumb bitch can have him, gets another fool out of my buisness. Not to mention I can send dear William after Meredith later for her friendly sacrifices. Wonderful plan isn't it?"
"You know... I'd say you should let me go for your own sake, but honestly, at this point... I kinda wanna see this play out. I mean, the more you talk, the more I want to see the look on your face when you realize how badly you've fucked up," Vera said. The first few words out of her mouth were shaky. The revelation of Meredith's betrayal was rather surprising. Not that she liked Wolf, no, Vera had known that pretty much from day one. Some people might have called it misguided jealousy, her being an unreasonable woman, but no... Meredith's feelings had always been obvious. This just confirmed it beyond any doubt. She'd just never thought she'd go this far. "All these grand plans, Galbrek. You really think you can bull your way through all on your own? You're not that smart, and you're definitely not that strong." If only looks could kill... he'd be dead already.
The half-demon cackled shortly. "Hah! I should let you go? Why would I do such a thing when I stand so much to gain?" Galbrek reached out his hand to try grab Vera under her chin to forcefully lift it up abit to stare at her face.
"You say that but your voice betrays you, Pink. I have all the cards in my hand now. And you are afraid and hurt no doubt, wanting revenge on the person who has wounded you so deeply no?" He gave a slight grin as he stared right into Vera's face. "Oh and I am very certain I can pull my way through this plan just fine enough once I have Andras in my hands. As for you questioning my grand wit and brawn is quite appalling."
Pondering for a moment the leecherous half-demon hatched a simple plan. "How about we see how long you can keep that false mask up?" The half-demon walked over to a nearby dresser located in the room. "Ahh, scissors. Much things you can do with these. A new haircut perhaps?" This was his time of payback for the spray she had shot in his face earlier, not to mention he wanted to see her break.
"I don't need to do a damn thing. I can just sit here and wait while your time slowly ticks away, because it's not about what you stand to gain, but what you're about to lose. How much do you really know about the people you're pissing off, hm?" Vera asked him. "Actually, forget it, I'm curious, Galbrek. Where does all this confidence come from? You're just so full of yourself, but it took everything you had just to kidnap little old me. I don't even have powers. You act like you're all that, but your just barely floundering your way to the smallest victories..." She did her best to swallow her concerns as he pulled out the scissors. Hopefully he really did just mean a haircut. Hair grew back...
"That's right. Even if you wanted to do a damn thing you really can't now. I know enough of what I need to know, I mean... do you concern yourself in naming each individual ant you happen to step on? Giving them all names and all that? Hmph!" He scoffed and walked closer with the scissors.
"Tch. Shut that mouth of yours, you are a human. A human we hate very much. If it were not for your kinds bloodthirsty nature I wouldn't have to do all this. But because someone had to exploit my brother's good will-" Galbrek gritted his teeth and snapped back to the task at hand. "Enough of that. Now it's time for you to feel some defeat."
He reached for the top of Vera's shirt and began to cut off the top part around her shoulder to reveal her shoulder and collarbone. "Ten little cuts were out on a trip, one happened to slip and then it was only nine..." The half-demon paused to watch Vera's reaction before grabbing the bottom of her shirt before using the scissor to cut halfway up the shirt away from her, before letting it go to reveal her belly.
"Nine little cuts pissed off the wrong half-demon and one got split up from the rest and then it was only eight..."
"Oh no, you cut my shirt. Please, now I'm just ready to go out clubbing. Can we fast forward through the last eight cuts? I'd like to see where this is going before I fall asleep," Vera stared at him, totally deadpan. "And here I thought I might at least get a new hairstyle out of this," she scoffed. "So what, you're a scary half-demon with a dead brother? Boo hoo, poor baby. But hey, if you really miss him that much, keep going and you'll be joining him in no time." She wondered if going so far was really a good idea, but she'd bottomed out on sympathy. "My boyfriend kills real demons, a half-ass like you will be light exercise at most."
Galbrek gritted his teeth and grabbed Vera by her shirt in obvious irritation, his eye twitching abit as he took a couple of breaths. Trying to calm down but hearing Vera talk about his dead brother and calling him a half-ass of all things.
"That fucking does it..." The half-demon replied before he cut off the last part of her shirt to cause it to fall off. "The only clubbing you get is clubbing in the head you dolt!" Galbrek hissed before slamming a nearby vase over, sending pieces flying.
"Maybe I should remove it all indeed." Galbrek continued and this time cutting off the strings of her bra. "Let see how long you can keep that prideful nature up!" He snarled and kept cutting off parts of her garments.
While at it he looked at her belly. "Well that's fucking odd. You are heavy but not fat. Is it the thickheadedness or your... yes.. probably those things." The half-demon grunted and then smirked. "Imagine if someone would take pictures of you in this current situation? Ahh yes! I should arrange that and send one to dear Wolfie as a little farewell gift... from one enemy to another."
"Why thank you. I really try," she smirked as Galbrek was perplexed by her waistline. She felt an uncomfortable burning in her face, but fortunately her bra was still barely clinging on, though it wouldn't take much for it to slip now that the straps had been cut. He didn't deserve to ogle her like that... "So, was your plan to sexually harass me? Because that's a pretty shitty plan." She was glad she'd gone through her rebellious phase, though. Or rather, she'd never come out of it. Point being, she'd worn all manner of questionable outfits and was rather comfortable showing off. It helped her keep her cool. It wasn't as easy as she'd have liked, though.
She was realizing quickly that this was different. The more he chopped away at her clothes, the more she hated it. It was being force on her, or rather off of her. She fought off the urge to bite her lip or otherwise show that it was starting to eat at her. She clung onto the thought that he'd come save her. That everything that was done to her would be paid back ten times over.
She grit her teeth. Somehow that one little piece of fabric had seemed to be what was holding her together. Everything else was out of control, but it was like that little strap had been the last thing she'd had. She wasn't one to break easily, but suddenly she went from cocky to wanting to cry in the span of moments. But she was stubborn. Even that stubbornness cracked a little at a clattering sound. He must have been caught up in his ranting, but when the bra fell away, her cellphone fell from where it had just barely been staying in place. It hit the couch, wobbled, and then slid to the floor.
"Feeling awfully high and mighty? How typically human... makes me despise the fact I am partly human myself. To my great shame." Galbrek snorted abit and got kicked away by Vera as he stood too close. "Oof..." He allowed to escape his lips.
"You fierce little thing.. I shall make you submit.. one way or the other."
Vera squirmed and fought a bit, but finally went limp, biting her lip until it hurt, trying to focus on the pain instead. And after far longer than she'd have liked it gave her an idea. Her legs shot out and wrapped around his waist. "Fine... you wanna go?" her words were husky and sensual, but even so she glared into his eyes, her ferocity finally coming back. She leaned in... and then bit down on his nose as hard as she could.
"Hnff! Argh.. let's go.. I still have much to- Arghhh!" He screamed out as his nose was bit, he replied by using his strings to grab her arm and twist it so she would have to let go. "Let go! Damn you!" He pulled and tried to get loose from her bite. She did bite, he was right before. She was now going to pay when he got lose, no more holding back.
Vera cried out through her teeth as her arm was twisted, but she gave one, final, vicious jerk of her head, aiming to break his nose before she was forced to let go. Once she'd let go she began kicking and flailing as hard as she could, trying to keep him away from her as long as possible. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU SICK FUCK!"
"Tcch... fucking shit... shit... arghhh... my nose you... I didn't want to do this but now you've really done it!" His nose had taken a big damage and he had a nosebleed which he wiped using some papers by a nearby table. "Shit- fuck... my shirt is completely ruined..."
"You really are all monsters!" she choked out. "They should have kill you too! He'll do it! He'll kill all of you!" She continued to struggled, trying to twist and pull away from him. "You're all rotten!" He was a maniac and a pervert, and Meredith had turned against them. In the end, they were all just monsters. It was only a matter of time... eventually they'd just snap and show their true colors. All their trust had been thrown in their face and now she was paying for it.
"All those you called friends have betrayed you, sold you out or not taken you into consideration. But to be fair... are we really the monsters in a world where you humans dictate the laws and look down on outcasts... why do you think theres more than one school of superpower wielding people? Because they are all bloodthirsty and craving death. " Do not worry however, Pink. I shall give you an offer to serve me, but first I have to pay you back for spraying my face... biting me and so forth. Not to mention your friends being the reason for you being here... don't you want revenge? I can help you get it later... sweet revenge with Meredith's head on a plate... how about it?
"Wolfie kill me? Don't be conceited... and even if he does... do you really think I am the last one of the chain on hatred?"