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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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Faerzen Rozenfeldt

The first part of the exam had gone as smoothly as the dark clad man had wanted of it. Without having to harm anyone to a greater effect in order to get where he needed to be. As soon as he entered the waiting area for the second part of the exam, a couple of individuals came forth to surround him aswell as another person whom Faerzen recognized from sightings in the corridors. He had never spoken with him however.

A brown haired young man had manifested clones of himself around them, he was obviously upset. That much could the dark clad young man tell. A cheap shot? His sister? Faerzen sighed softly. He knew fully well that his quirk could indeed be used in a highly unfair way to give himself an enourmous advantage against many others. Even so he didn't feel an ounce of regret, if they were not strong enough to stand against him. They needed to train better, sending the unprepared into the fray would end up with death. An idea which made the darker side of him grab him in the guts, or so he would feel.

One of the brown haired individuals, which had multiplied went up and grabbed him by the shirt. Had Faerzen been in a less focused and calm state, his other self would have immediately chosen to lunge forth and that would have spelled disaster.

"Let go." He just said calmly with a serious tone to it. Faerzen didn't raise his arms in defense as a punch was being prepared to be thrown at him, but it never landed. The dark clad young man sighed softly as the situation got abit cooler by some spikey haired boy showing up.

Kaito? Maro? I guess that is their names... this won't be the last time they would get in the way for certain. Faerzen threw a glance to Riku before proceeding to walk to get some distance from the troublemakers. The next part was to save civilians, for this Faerzen increased the sensitivity of his eyes and ears for abit. It would help him locate those needing help alot better. Since this was a test, he wouldn't surely need to manipulate the civilians of their sense of feeling pain.

The dark clad Libra stopped in his tracks. Two of the brown haired multimen were here, seeking to delay his efforts?

What a joke. He thought to himself before reaching his hands out of his pockets. "How generous of you to leave at least two of yourself here to greet me, felt too uncertain with just one? Too bad I am here to bid you farewell."

He began walking ahead trying to pass the two clones, he wanted to avoid fighting if possible. But if they would make a move to try restrain him he would wait for the sound of them springing into action and then watch them with his sharpened sight. If I can hear when they would leap or move, if I can see their moves as they are being used. I can counter them.
Faerzen Rozenfeldt

He found himself at the exam license test,though unlike many others he wasn't very thrilled about the idea of hitting others. Though in order to get things done later along the road he had to do it. Faerzen softly sighed and readied himself, then when the signal was given he drew the attention of a couple of others.

So I just need to hit six targets? They never said how hard I needed to hit them either. No matter…
Faerzen turned around to gaze into the direction of some others which were participating, activating his sight removal Power. With them meeting his gaze, their own vision would fade quickly, first into a blur and not stop until they were left in complete darkness.

It was a cheap way to do battle, he admitted but Everything was allowed in a war. And this was something he wanted won swifty so he could go unto other matters. He raised a single finger and then dashed forwards to the blinded competitors, poking them in the sides and chest area, upon coming into physical Contact with them, his mere fingerip just touching them felt like a fierce fist to the stomach to them, knocking the wind out of most of them. He didn't want to harm anyone here, it wasn't their fault for ending up in his way.

"I'm sorry, I cannot spend my time to toy around with you here…" Faerzen said to the ones he had managed to land hits upon, making his location known. Seeing their heads turn, he began to whistle, low at first until the whistle became a beeping sound in their ears. Unable to see him or hear him, they were now stumbling around in confusion.

"I guess I am through with you…" He shrugged slightly and blew some air out through his mouth, putting his hands into his pockets.
Sorry for the wait, done a few Changes and hopefully this 'll suffice.

Faerzen Rozenfeldt

The dark clad young man found himself standing in one of the corridors of the UA main building, glancing every now and then out through one of the open windows.

The new batch of aspiring students, and likely more than a couple were troublemakers. Eager to test out their might or magic, their skill and will. In whichever way their quirk allowed them to. Faerzen blew some air out of his mouth in a sighing manner. The past year had been what he had expected, dull and without much progress. He knew what he wanted, but the way to get there was not an easy one. Those which had shared the previous year with him knew not to mess with him, and whilst that had it's benefits it also separated him further and further from other people.

"Maybe I should welcome the newcomers..." He said aloud in a ponderous manner, his right hand reaching up to grab unto his chin in thought.

"Heh.. how about you instead give them a beating? Show them their place in the pecking order!" The voice was fierce and with obvious malevolent intent. Faerzen reached his hand up from his chin, moving all the way up to his forehead where he focused.

"I am not going to let you have your way... not this time." He said quietly as he adjusted his shirt by the collar, before begining to walk down the corridor.

"Keeping ourselves in check are we? How dull! I know you want to show them whose the alpha of the pack! Why not use the power if you have it? It is so easy..." The young man heard as an echo in his head. The dark clad young man stopped walking and looked over his shoulder, at seemingly none at all. "I am going to handle things the right way this time. Be quiet..." He thought to himself.

Name: Faerzen von Rozenfeldt
Age: 16
Superhero Alias: Libra
Superhero status: Student
Quirk Name: Five senses manipulation
Quirk Ability: Five senses manipulation

Sight manipulation: Using the first sense he may decrease or increase a person's eyesight, ranging from complete blindness to enhanced perception and then to extreme perception that the slighest light hurts the eyes. Another form of blindness.

Hearing manipulation: Those within hearing distance he may either empower the hearing senses of or reduce them, either to the extremes or a enhanced state.

Touch manipulation: Upon physically coming into contact with someone he may increase or decrease the sensitivety to feeling things such as pain.

Taste manipulation: Upon coming into physical touch in the form of a kiss, he may render a person unable to feel taste at all or empower it to make things taste better or worse.

Smell manipulation: Those near may upon breathing become unable to scent anything at all, or the air around them become overpowering in either a smelly or too strong scent way. He can however chose a more moderate option to allow people to get sensitive noses like dogs for example.

All the senses he may affect on others but also upon himself if he deems it fit. He also needs to meet special conditions for them to work, he also cannot activate all of them at once.


Brief Bio: Faerzen grew up in an orphanage after his mother died in childbirth and his father being unknown. While he came to appreciate them looking after him he never truly felt at home there, nor with any of the other children. He prefered to keep to himself, and those at the orphanage knew well enough to stay away from him because of his powers being a painful and frightening experience for sure. After a few had tried to bully him the rest soon got to know fully well that none gets away with trying that on him. Sending the bullies running around being blinded, unable to feel their own legs or being unable to hear anything or too much.

As he was given much time in solitude, he began however to feel lonely and that's when the voice came to him. Telling him to do all manner of evil things with his powers, it was at this point he developed multiple personalities, the workers at the orphanage were however unaware of his unfortunate development.
When not his other self is in control, Faerzen is kind, calm, calculating and quite relaxed and doesn't pick unnecessary fights.

His ultimate goal in life seems to be to rid the world of evils. Often this feeling is strong enough that it suppresses his other self from emerging to take advantage of his emotions.
But not always, when his plans backfire or encountering someone he truly dislikes or whom has done something really bad his other self quickly seizes the chance to emerge.
The other self within him is impulsive, confident, fierce and leecherous to some degree where he would attempt to seduce young women. His fightingstyle also becomes more instictive, brutal and forceful. Whereof his normal type of fighting would be quite defensive and gradually trying to wear his opponent out with clever moves and plans.

Libra, the name he chose as his was a perfect name. As his very self is on the line, a thin line to thread and a difficult thing to keep in balance. Even so Faerzen is determined to make the very best he can to change the world for the better.
He also refuses to call himself or others as heroes, since to him the real heroes are those who die fighting for what they believe in. To try carry that title when others paid the ultimate sacrifice does not sit well with him at all.

While he may on the other hand respect people who has done alot of good for the world, he finds little use for titles and the like apart from names or nicknames.

@Endrance Sounds fair.

"Huh... what are you?" They almost said in unison before they began to blink their eyes, the leader spoke up in a monotone manner. "Yes, as you wish Youth Officer Ascot. We will leave her in your hands."

A guardsman with a mustache finished cuffing Vera before pushing her over towards the nearby street. "One moment. Do you happen to have something to gag her with? She seems to be a biter." Galbrek said and waited a little longer before a younger guardsman approached with a piece of cloth he tied around Vera's mouth.

"Also I'll be borrowing your car and a spare couple of cuffs..." Galbrek finalized in a now satisfied tone with still some irritation in his eyes. The young guardsman blinked. "Okay. Here." The guardsman threw over his carkeys and an extra set of cuffs to Galbrek and the half-demon smirked.

"Now please all of you head over to the portable bathroom area. A woman there may give you further information on how highly improper this girl has been. Take notes won't you?" He smirked most wickedly as he dragged Vera towards the car he had gotten the keys for, he attempted to force her into the backseat, making sure to watch himself from being kicked by her before he carefully put cuffs around her ankles aswell.

Then he shut the backseat door and jumped into the driver seat. "I've never had to drive this fucking thing before, but how fucking hard can it be. If you human idiots can do it, how could not someone like me?" Galbrek said in a confident manner and twisted the key as he locked all the doors, then pressing down the gas pedal on the vehicle to drive away at a questionable speed towards his nearest outpost.

Fucking yes! Now I got this bitch. That snugglebitch better hold up her part of the deal or someone is going to fucking pay!

Galbrek adjusted the mirror in the front of the car, taking a moment to eye his catch in the backseat but also see how his face looked, he adjusted a strand of hair that was being misplaced. His sight then returned to the road and a slam was heard. The mailboy on his bike had not seen it coming, the back part of his bike got slammed by the approaching car driven by the half-demon, sending half of the bike flying into an empty valley and spreading newspapers all over the street, the boy himself landing in a bush after a small bit of flight.

"Idiot! Learn to watch where you are fucking going!" He said out loud before resuming control of the car.

"Now... now... when we get to someplace more quiet I shall part with you a little secret, after all it wouldn't be as fun without seeing the look on your face to not know the whole story of betrayal most foul and how greedy and evil some can really be! Oh don't look at me like that... I am not the evil here... human."

Name: Faerzen von Rozenfeldt
Age: 16
Superhero Alias: Libra
Superhero status: Student
Quirk Name: Five senses manipulation
Quirk Ability: Five senses manipulation

Sight manipulation: Using the first sense he may decrease or increase a person's eyesight, ranging from complete blindness to enhanced perception and then to extreme perception that the slighest light hurts the eyes. Another form of blindness.

Hearing manipulation: Those within hearing distance he may either empower the hearing senses of or reduce them, either to the extremes or a enhanced state.

Touch manipulation: Upon physically coming into contact with someone he may increase or decrease the sensitivety to feeling things such as pain.

Taste manipulation: Upon coming into physical touch in the form of a kiss, he may render a person unable to feel taste at all or empower it to make things taste better or worse.

Smell manipulation: Those near may upon breathing become unable to scent anything at all, or the air around them become overpowering in either a smelly or too strong scent way. He can however chose a more moderate option to allow people to get sensitive noses like dogs for example.

All the senses he may affect on others but also upon himself if he deems it fit. He also needs to meet special conditions for them to work, he also cannot activate all of them at once.


Brief Bio: Faerzen grew up in an orphanage after his mother died in childbirth and his father being unknown. While he came to appreciate them looking after him he never truly felt at home there, nor with any of the other children. He prefered to keep to himself, and those at the orphanage knew well enough to stay away from him because of his powers being a painful and frightening experience for sure. After a few had tried to bully him the rest soon got to know fully well that none gets away with trying that on him. Sending the bullies running around being blinded, unable to feel their own legs or being unable to hear anything or too much.

As he was given much time in solitude, he began however to feel lonely and that's when the voice came to him. Telling him to do all manner of evil things with his powers, it was at this point he developed multiple personalities, the workers at the orphanage were however unaware of his unfortunate development.
When not his other self is in control, Faerzen is kind, calm, calculating and quite relaxed and doesn't pick unnecessary fights.

His ultimate goal in life seems to be to rid the world of evils. Often this feeling is strong enough that it suppresses his other self from emerging to take advantage of his emotions.
But not always, when his plans backfire or encountering someone he truly dislikes or whom has done something really bad his other self quickly seizes the chance to emerge.
The other self within him is impulsive, confident, fierce and leecherous to some degree where he would attempt to seduce young women. His fightingstyle also becomes more instictive, brutal and forceful. Whereof his normal type of fighting would be quite defensive and gradually trying to wear his opponent out with clever moves and plans.

Libra, the name he chose as his was a perfect name. As his very self is on the line, a thin line to thread and a difficult thing to keep in balance. Even so Faerzen is determined to make the very best he can to change the world for the better.
He also refuses to call himself or others as heroes, since to him the real heroes are those who die fighting for what they believe in. To try carry that title when others paid the ultimate sacrifice does not sit well with him at all.

While he may on the other hand respect people who has done alot of good for the world, he finds little use for titles and the like apart from names or nicknames.

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