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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The kiss had been good, from what the dark winged fairy could judge. She seemed to be as bold as before, if not even more so. This young fairy kept surprising him, even though he would not show so openly. Most fairies were more traditional and reserved, but if you overdo it then there be usually a few who slip through the cracks. This one was such a fairy, of this Elthrael was convinced.

'To think the heiress of the kingdom would end up in this place, and be this kind of an individual. How very refreshing... I must not let this young woman slip through my fingers.' He thought to himself, as his eyes wandered over the young woman as she was picking up her dress.

"Yes, there are much danger in this world, but sometimes you just have to face them and not... run. I would have prefered it if your fox-eared friend would have showed more spine and had more faith in you young women to find your way down into that dark place. Seems to me he doesn't trust you, while I find that very troublesome... you are a trustworthy young woman are you not?" Elthrael smiled softly as he moved over to try help her on with her dress, by putting one hand at the dress and the other at her waist.

"Best not go too quickly, lest the fine moment this morning will be for naught." He said and glanced to the sun with a slight smile.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

The darkwinged fairy kept his smile, with a slight more upturn in one corner than the other. "Oh pleasure is all mine... it gladdens me to see that such a fine young fairy woman such as yourself survived. Afraid there was little else I could do but to occupy those who wanted to hunt you down." He said in a softer tone, as his smile faded away, his eyes darting over her and then to the fishes. He tilted his head to the side briefly, before setting his gaze on Risa again. He took a slight inhale then held out his hand to help her up on the rock.

"In time princess... first a proper greeting amongst my kind." He said softly, before he reached out with his other hand towards her. Trying to move some hair away from her face, then place it under her chin, to angle her face upwards while he would lean in to try kiss her, this time on her lips. His eyes were fixed at hers, as if trying to read her mind, his ears perked to his surroundings, the sweet scent of the hair cleanser still in the air about, as the gentle waves moved back and forth. Warm winds causing his cloak to flicker slightly in the wind.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

There had been no regrets nor doubt in Elthrael's mind as he had withdrawn from the mad human male, which had the audacity to try order him about. The fairy would have none of it, in this world all those which could have issued him an order to which he would follow did no longer exist. To offer aid was another thing however, would someone beg or plead for it, or otherwise seem to be in need of it. His mind had however wandered to what became of the rest of that group, alongside Elsea which had sided with them. If she survived then perhaps she would have gotten weary of her current company, or in the case of anyone of them dying, then know what her choice led to.

To the fairy it had been clear from the beginning, you withdraw to a more advantageous situation if possible, and if that is not possible then you'll leave behind an obstacle to keep whatever is giving chase some trouble. In the last case it was to create some difficult vegetation and to leave the male human to his chosen fate. The darkwinged fairy had originally planned to go for Roshmi and suggested it to the rest, would anyone of them make it they would likely make it there aswell. If you wanted to vanish, then it was one of the better places to do so, other than hiding in isolation in the forests. Roshmi had the most population out of all of Avalia, at least that was what Elthrael believed. Since he had never been to some of the places, like the orc settlements or further up north.

Right now however, he found himself in Roshmi, having relieved a traveller of their brown cloak and hood, made passing through the front gates without catching too much attention alot easier. Would the servants of the lich come looking for him, then the guards would not have been able to tell a thing. Would his presence later be found out, then it would mean a few less dark elves around, as they would no doubt serve harsh penalties for their lack of perception.

Though he was not worried, he had all he needed with him, as long as he held his magic he would never feel uneasy. It would provide him with food and drinks, but also shelter and be used for both offense and defense. To the fairy, chlorokinesis was indeed a very impressive form of magic. Far more useful than that of the rumored near extinct fairies of the north which used ice magic, or the vile rumor of dark fairies.

Did they exist? Elthrael was not overly certain, for it was creatures desires to always advance forwards, no matter the cost. It could indeed be very possible that there was such a thing as dark fairies. To many beholders, he might have been mistaken for one due to his strange appearance. His shook his head softly as he sat on top of a lighthouse, looking out over the water. Someplace out there was the flower kingdom, across the sea. He had only heard of it, but never sat foot there. How different from the River Kingdoms would it be?

It was at that moment where he noticed something below him, which perked his interest, thus he descended down to inspect what it was.

Out in the water, partly hidden behind a slight stone formation was someone. The darkwinged fairy spread his wings and took flight towards it, until he had descended low enough to land on the lowest located smooth rock. Which held some garments nicely placed on it, but whilst they seemed to be indeed grand, it was nothing compared to the other fine sight before him. He stood and watched for a moment, allowing his wings to fold.

The unmistakenly sweet and cheery voice of the inheritor to the fairy throne could be heard, one of few melodies which the darkwinged fairy could appreciate, it complimented the scenery quite the bit. Elthrael allowed a smile to decorate his face as he formed the next few words as good as he could, in a very amused manner.

"...and then he found the princess, as she bathed in the morning sun. Such boldness..." He said, as the shadow of his form came closer so that Risa could see him standing on the rock, next to her clothes and hair cleanser bottle. "We meet again..." He said, extending his hand in a dramatic fashion, with the palm facing upwards to the sky.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

"A haven and it's people. But if you do not go and have a look, you would never know would you? It is not me who you should place your trust in, it is your own gut feeling. What is it telling you? I can tell you that there won't be any enemies of yours there, yet would you take my words for it? Your enemies are elsewhere and they are looking. Better find allies, before the enemy finds you." Baraian said in a stern and cold manner, his head turning to look over his shoulder towards Belladonna.

"It's more about what you can do and show others, than what I can show to you. Some would deem humans a mythical creature, and that there is no hope of being liberated. The spark to lighten the flame, that's what a human means to them. Hope." The dark elf turned his head and proceeded to walk along the corridor.

"Bring the fallen, his death should not be wasted... that or look the starving people in the eye knowing what you could have prevented." He said in a grim tone of voice, his steps was firm however and his walk attentive to the nearby surroundings, glancing to the nearby windows as he passed them by. Once by the door, Baraian would slip out and in a slight tone, which the guards would be able to hear utter.

"There were a human hiding in there. I've taken care of it. Make no mention of it if you value your lives. Forgiveness is not something we dark elves are prone to be giving. I'll be taking these citizens for questioning."

The white clad dark elf gave a look to the two guards with a stern gaze, before beckoning to the others who were willing to follow him.

He waited and then began to make his way towards the poorer parts of the city, some thugs and street urchins catching eyes of him, most of the thugs dispersed and the street urchins stopped playing with their toy swords. The dark elf kept his steps firm, his face stern and his eyes searching the nearby alleyways as he passed them by. Until finally he came to a wooden door to a small house, he unlocked it and motioned for the others to get inside, before he jammed the key into the keyhole of the door, and locked it from the inside.

"We are going there. But we will have to wait until nightfall, to avoid anyone noticing and following us." The dark elf said, moving over to sit down by a chair in the one-room house. It had a wooden couch with some pillows, two beds with blankets which seemed to have been unused if not abit dusty. There were five more chairs in the room along with a circular table, on the table were a bowl with apples and in the corner of the room stood a barrel with water, including a tap on the side. A few mugs could be found in a shelf located in the same room.

"Eat. Drink. Rest. We are setting out as soon as darkness falls." He said as he leaned back against the chair, sighing out slightly.

[Then as darkness came]

"We are going to set out now. Follow and be quiet. Don't let anyone see you. I intent to come back to here for your fallen friend soon." He said in a softer tone, still as firm and direct as before as he began to beckon them out of the house, using a backdoor. Then travelling down a few alleys leading towards the city walls, and that's where it were. The old graveyard, which had not been in use for many, many years ever since the city had gotten really big. Most people were nowadays buried outside of the city walls in distinct graveyards, and far more numerous. In the city mostly nobles were buried, or people who lived in it a long time ago.

There were several mausoleums clearly visible, most of them were grand and finely decorated bearing noble house insignias. But it was not in front one of those which Baraian stopped, but in front of a rather weathertorn and old looking one. It wasn't as well decorated as the rest, the name of the person who were buried there had been long since been partly erased.

The dark elf pressed a stone at the side of the door of it, and it made a clicking sound as the door opened inwards. "Get in. Hurry." He said in a soft tone, waiting for all to get into the dark and quiet place before closing the door behind them, it was pitch black for a moment, then a light flickered as the sound of flint and steel could be heard, and a torch was lit. The dark elf had picked it from the nearby wall, the inside of the room now becoming more visible. He went over to the sarcophagus in the middle of the room, lifting off the old lock which was not made of stone, but rather of wood. Inside the sarcophagus were not a body at all, but a pair of stairs leading down towards the unknown.

"Take the torch. I will close this behind us." He said in a matter of fact manner of voice. The corridor leading down the stairs and further down was narrow, but you could slip by oneanother if one squeezed. Which the dark elf shortly after tried to do in order to take the torch himself and lead them down, further into that dark place.

Then finally upon reaching a turn they could see a faint dim light coming towards them, and then stepping into it a vast room greeted them, as large as the inside of a catherdral. Along the walls stood many tents and people were sleeping in bedrolls inside of them, or very close to them. Various cloth tapestries, barrels, chairs, tables and food were also present. And in the ceiling there were four distinct holes for air to travel through. Where those holes led, not even the dark elf knew. It did provide them with fresh air and that was the most important part.

"Welcome to Ra Monde, an old temple built by those who feared to hope, who desired change and died believing in it. The ones which build it is no longer here, but instead it now serves as the headquarters of Golden Death. We who will bring the lich his final end and set this world free once and for all. Make yourselves at home, but not too much. The arrival of humans will be the awakening we've all been waiting for. The time to take up the fight. But rest now, familiarize yourselves with the people in here. Know of their pain and suffering and what you can do to change that. In due time when you are ready, we will announce to them all that humans have indeed come to aid us. I will make arrangements so that you will have a tent, bedrolls, food and drink."

Baraian said in the same non-enthusiastic manner he had previously spoken with for the entire day and evening, his face and gaze still stern. He began to walk towards a larger tent in the distance of the huge room. Among the people at Ra Monde, some were old, some were young and others were middle-aged. A good mix of ages, but most whom were gathered were demi-humans, with the occasional elf.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Dawn of the First Day
Location: Roshmi City

The dark elf watched and listened to the masked individual with an analyzing kind of stare, as if searching for something. Baraian himself remained still, his hand still around the dagger, the blood dripping on the floor below. It was only when the vulpine decided to try and taunt him, in which the dark elf allowed a soft exhale to escape his lips, the nature of his seemingly opponent becoming abit more clear.

'Honorable. Unbiased. Perceptive. Arrogance. Judgemental. Confidence. Prepared. Cunning.' The dark elf thought, word after the other as each of those traits were revealing themselves in the masked fan-wielder, at least that was what he could tell for now, from what he'd knew.

"He was a threat, but no more..." Baraian said in a cold and unfeeling manner, his face stern, his dagger pointing to the dead human. "Your nature is showing me things, masked warrior. I lied. It was not by my hand he died, better not tell the city guards that though. Unless you want to be hunted."

The dark elf paused for a moment. "The golden death of a king and the haven of an opposing force. If these are things you seek, pick that human up and follow me." Baraian said, sheathing his bloodied dagger. "The monetary coin for his death may still help the oppressed ones which at this very moment be awaiting for your arrival, human. Their beacon of light and hope for a better future. Bring him won't you? Let his death not be wasted."

There was no overbearing sense of joy from the dark elf, who kept a straight face, he turned fully towards the masked individual and began to slowly step forwards towards the doorway. "Strike me down and you'll never be free, not of that memory or the lich, neither will you know of what I am about to show you." The dark elf breathed out softly, as if struck by sudden boredom or a headache. The three individuals seemed to indeed be people who were opposing Aklenroth, if not directly then indirectly. That was all he needed to know right now, it had been fortunate indeed that he had been able to locate them, but even more so the human who was still alive under that hood.

"To an old forgotten temple, built by those whose prayers were long unheard, kept by those with the dream." He eyed Kuroi as he tried to pass him by, breathing out softly through his nose, his white coat spreading slightly as he did.

All he had to do now was to wait to see what they would chose to do.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Andreim Volkazar

Some time had passed since he were at the graveyard, and his encounter with the spectral mephisto student had taken place. His clothing were now dry and he was standing outside one of the local clothing stores, one which he had visited on some rare occasions due to their sortiment of military like clothing. Andreim opened the door to the store, stepping inside and taking a look around, there were a few customers about and a woman with eyeglasses behind the counter.

He politely nodded to her in greeting as she said welcome to her store. The young man walked over towards the clothing racks and after some searching he found a fitting green shirt with pockets on it and fitting green pants. He looked them over to check the quality, and then after accepting that they would indeed do, the young man walked over to the cashier.

"Excuse me, how many of these do you have?" Andreim asked as he put the shirt and pants at the counter.

"Hey sweetie, these would look great on you. How many do you need?" The woman smiled with her eyes closed to Andreim, who seemed bothered by being called sweetie.

"All of them." He said in a firm tone, setting his eyes right into the womans as her eyes opened abit surprised.

"All of them? Oh.. dear.. that's alot of shirts and pants, I-I could take a look at the storage, I think we have something around a hundred. But how are you going to pay for all of this? Do your parents know about this?" The cashier asked, lifting her eyebrows as she adjusted her eyeglasses.

"My parents are not around. I have a card with the money necessary, don't worry." Andreim said in a reassuring manner, if not abit cold as he waited for the woman to go into the storage to gather all the things he needed.

"Oh, allrighty then." The woman said biting her lower lip, as she opened the door to the storage, confirming after awhile they had plenty in storage.

"We have currently ninety seven pairs of shirts and pants, how are you going to do with transport?" The woman asked as she returned to the counter.

"Please put them in plastic bags and close them up. I have a means of transportation. Besides I don't have far to go." Andreim said with a smirk on his lips, while he waited for the woman to count just how much he would have to pay.

Half an hour later, after much packaging and payment having been done, the young man asked the woman to help him carry the bags out into the street, and when all of them had been gathered, the young man began to form a large water vortex in his right hand. Then he tossed bag after bag into the vortex with his left hand, having them swirl around within it. The weight of the bags would not go down against Andreim, but rather be spent twirling around and around, and around. Like clothing in a washing machine.

The cashier blinked and had a shocked look on her face. "Oh! Be careful to not drop any of them!" She yelled as she moved inside of her store again. The young man waited until all the bags were in the vortex and he began to form a smaller vortex under his feet, using it to carry himself over the ground, spinning away along the street. The odd sight catching alot of glances by passerbys. It took him awhile, but soon he reached his destination, St.Laurel's school. He gently manipulated his large vortex to slowly reduce the speed of the whirling water, to make sure the plastic bags and the clothes within wouldn't be ruined.

He had to make sure none would steal his things, thus he used his water manipulation along the school corridor then attuning to cold, creating a slippery cold floor. Just like an iceskating arena. Then he arranged all the bags in a row and once they had been arranged, he rushed against them and slid all the way towards his dorm door.

"That was easy." He smirked and patted one of the bags with his right hand, before attuning to heat, causing the ice nearby to melt, albeit leaving ice along the rest of the corridor. He inserted the key, and twisted it inside of the door, opening the room, then tossing bag after bag into the room. The young man gave a satisfied smirk as the last of the bags were thrown into the room, then he locked the door and looked down the corridor. He had to clean up the ice before someone would slip. He held out his right hand and attuned to heat to melt the ice, causing it to turn into steam.

'That will do' He thought and then headed outdoors, breathing out abit. Seeing a helicopter fly by over him.

"Guess theres alot of clean-up to do. What a mess..." He said to himself, as the soothing and unmistakenly beautiful voice of his dear lady Liselotte caught his attention. She was speaking through the speakers of the school.

There were going to be a masquerade ball, such lovely timing, she was truly his destined twin star. It would prove to be the perfect recruitment ground for the youth movement which would be born. It was as if the gods themselves were on his side, to bring all this chaos under control with supreme order. A youth movement to fight against the evil, which the city officials and others cannot do a thing about. To raise an armed militia may be seen as a threat to the leadership of rhea, but an unarmed force of youth doing good for the city would be the perfect base for what would eventually become the forefront of the new Rhea.

'Our dream is soon about to be realized, one step at a time. I will realize this dream and also have you along with me Lise, I have all I need in order to set forth. My focus and my heart are in unity. The indecisiveness of the current leadership is making the guilty go free and the innocent suffer. What Rhea needs is an all powerful leader to guide the rest away from all this chaos, an emperor and his empire.' The young man thought, as he smiled in a satisfied manner to the nearby speaker system of the school.

"Let's wear some masks for now milady, til the moment comes for the coup de grace." The young man began to softly chuckle.
Galbrek Ravenovich

It was slowly in which the eyes were opened and the half-demon adjusted his sight to the bright light.

"Shut that fucking light off..." He muttered, squinting and trying to lean back up and feeling overall groggy. Where was he, and why did his legs feel so.The half-demon set his eyes down to his bandaged legs, he tried to move his legs but couldn't feel his feet. He looked to the individual who was next to him, the face slightly obscured by the light.

"Ahh! Master Galbrek, It would seem like the drugs you had in the bedroom came to use." The overly familiar sound of his doll came into memory. Fegin.

"Fegin! Don't tell me you wasted my expensive shit? Ahh fuck! Help me stand." He commanded as he slammed away the lamp which was hovered over him as he was lying down.

"Master, It is not a good idea. We have just managed to stop the bleeding, your legs are too weak, you cannot-" Fegin began to explain to his half-demon master.

"Did you just call me weak, Fegin?" His attention flipped to his doll, as he tried to move his legs to the side. "I-I... my legs.. I can't feel them." He said to himself aloud, his face growing white and his eyes looking unfocused as if staring out into nothingness.The half-demon let out a slight sniff, and then attempted to lift his both legs to the side in order to properly sit up. The half-demon quickly became aware how painful that was and he threw his upper body against the pillow again. "Fuck! Shit! Look what that bastard has done to me!" He yelled out in utter disbelief, mixed with anger and the realization that he had indeed gotten crippled.

"Fegin..." Galbrek said, his hair falling down over his eyes as he sat back up, his head turning to the nearby window.

"Yes master?" The doll replied, tilting his head as he did.

"Carry me. Carry me over there." He said in a solemn tone of voice, his right hand pointing to the chair next to the window.

"As you wish..." Fegin replied, throwing a look towards Giselle which stood in the doorway to the room their master were located, before picking up the short half-demon.

"Careful.. you lout..." The half-demon said through gritted teeth, as he was carried over to the chair, giving him a slight view of the street outside.Taking a look outside of the window, the half-demon began to watch various people pass by, some drove past with various vehicles. A truck passed by. A mailboy on a bike soon after. It was then that he saw it. His path forwards.

Just outside of his window, across the street were an elderly woman in a wheelchair, waiting to cross the road.

"Fegin... Destroy the video recordings. I have a new task for you." The half-demon said, as he allowed a minor smile to decorate his bruised and badly beaten face.

'If they think they have me beaten, they are dead wrong! I'll get it back! I'll get everything back!'
Duel of fates

The one whom craves the past, and the one which desire the future.

It was with determined steps that the young man strode down the streets of Rhea, his intended goal being one of the local tailors. His hair blowing slightly in the wind, his hands in the pockets of his green jacket. He had parted from his maiden at the nearby church, thinking that it was time to do some work on his own. There was also faith in that his other half would be capable of handling herself well, like she had done prior to their relationship.

Andreim allowed a small upturn form at the corner of his mouth as he gazed ahead to the rising sun, despite not having gotten many hours of sleep he felt it had been sufficient. He breathed out through his nose softly, as he passed by a graveyard. It caused him to stop after awhile, glancing in on the silent walled area filled with stones and names of those no longer alive. He decided to take a small detour, thus reached for the gate handle, turning it and going inside of the place.

His black boots didn't make his steps on the gravel soft, some small stones flew here and there until he reached a grassy area, wandering further ahead, passing by many gravestones as he did. Until he finally stopped at a somewhat large gravestone, a family grave by the looks of it, for a man and woman.

"Father. Mother. You forged me into a tool of destruction, while you may have had your own plans for me, it was your own destruction you should have worked to prevent. I guess I should thank you for aiding me to harness this power, for it is with this power that I will change this world. I'll make certain it will never, ever fall into the hands of people like you. Because you are wrong. The world doesn't desire a tyrant, it desires a god. I will become that god and make Rhea into what it needs to be... what it should be... what it must be."He stretched his back abit, looking at the gravestone and the names written on them.

"Hmph. There will always be those who would try to stop you, those who cannot and will not understand or appreciate what the world could be. Utopia. You too were unable to find it, you were too busy looking for ways to bring the world to ruin. I desire to change it. Today I will gather the first of the chosen. Those who will do what the current protectors have failed to do."

Andreim allowed a satisfied smirk to decorate his face as he arrogantly stared down at the gravestone. "Watch if you can, from wherever you are. Father. Mother. Watch and despair as I will bring ruin to all that you desired. Hnn..hnn.. hahahaha!" The young man began to laugh out loud, his head leaning backwards slightly as his face looked up to the sky above.

A cracking sound in the background however caught his attention, someone or something was approaching. Andreim narrowed his eyes and adjusted his stance, making sure his footing was good and he tightened his hands into fists.

"Who goes there?" He asked as he activated his thermal vision, and it picked up a humanoid form behind a tree a distance away from him, abit out of proper hearing distance.A figure began to slide out from behind the tree, and Andreim deactivated his thermal vision to see who it was. The person in question wore a dirtied sun bleached white hoodie and had long hair, it was a young man like himself, abit taller though. He also were more pale and thin looking. Wait... this young man seemed familiar.He thought back to the apartment incident and the tournament fights, this young man was that ghostlike boy. But he seemed different, not only that he wasn't translucent looking, he looked as if older.

The young man, Vittorio approached slowly, almost dragging his feet behind him. As if every step was a deep task for him.

"...you must be quite grim to laugh in a place of peace like this..." Vittorio said as he came closer, his voice slightly raspy but also strangely soft in a sense. His eyes inspecting the slightly shorter boy before him.

'This is... Katherine's friend...' He thought to himself, recognizing him.

"You are... that spiritual pretender.. Vittorio, am I right? I saw what you did on the tournament grounds... what the hell is Clara up to?! And where is Katherine?! Answer me!" Andreim yelled out, angered as he remembered the day before and how things had literally gone to hell. How everyone had gotten separated and how he had lost contact with everyone. Had he and Lise been the only survivors? Impossible.

"Clara...? I don't know where she nor Katherine is... Clara is an abomination. Evil. Despicable. She uses people to harm the innocent and is the source of this conflict. A trait she shared with Alto. Before I killed him... with these hands..." Vittorio replied in a calm tone yet cold mannerism, his hands shaking slightly as he turned to look down on them.

"What? You've done what?!" Andreim raised his voice again, blinking and gritting his teeth. 'It had to be a lie. He couldn't have killed Alto... this guy? There's no way.. without Alto the school would be in disorder, someone will have to- I will have to...'

"...theres no way he could have survived, for the crimes he's committed. They gave me the strength to see it to the end..." Vittorio said his teeth slightly gritting together, as he began to manifest spectral images of his dead friends and parents at their graves, which was all around the duo. Having been buried during the same year as Andreim's own parents.Andreim's eyes quickly darted to the sides as spectral images of people began to appear, three boys, a girl and two adults.

'These people... what is he on about? Who are these people?' Andreim narrowed his eyes, knowing fully well that just any moment their meeting could turn into a fight to the death. Vittorio soon allowed the imagery of his fallen friends and parents to fade away.

"You don't believe me? The light can be blinding... much like the darkness... Alto and Clara..." Vittorio added, raising his right hand to the sides. Creating spectral images of Clara and Alto both. The one with Alto bearing something stabbed into it and with a shocked expression on his face.

"Where is your proof? You are just judging people right and left, what gives you that right? You who supported Clara in her goals, you should just be silent..." Andreim said in a displeased tone of voice, showing his obvious dislike of the boy ahead of him and Clara.

"I have lost everything. My past. Present and future. I have all the right in the world to judge the unfair world which allowed the guilty to slip away and my dear ones paid the ultimate price..." The pale boy explained, a look of hatred glowing in his eyes.

"Justice.. then? So that's what you want? In that case.. I will give you justice. This is for Alto and everyone else who ended up hurt because of you and Clara..." Andreim began to manifest a vortex of water under his feet, and two smaller ones in his both hands, as the one under his feet began to lift him up abit.Vittorio narrowed his eyes, troubled by the response of Katherine's friend, whom Vittorio had no intention to fight.

"Don't do this.. not in this place. Respect the dead unless you wish to join them. Please don't make me fight you.." The pale boy implored the other as he began to gradually walk closer towards a tree.

"The dead are just dead. From what you be telling me, both Katherine and Alto may be dead. You are too much of a threat in itself... It's time you left." Andreim then flung pressurized water projectiles towards Vittorio, like spinning sawblades midair, they turned into ice mid-air and sliced into the tree which Vittorio flung himself behind. The pale boy landed on his chest against the ground, he had to live.Vittorio narrowed his eyes as he had landed in some thorny rosebush and cut himself. He closed his eyes and knew what he had to do. He thought of Bak who had risked harm by saving him, the least thing he could do to pay that back would be to defeat Clara. So he had to live.

'I will... LIVE!' He allowed his astral form to take shape, his spectral shape pouring out of his body and his tentacle-like wings spreading wide, lifting up his physical body and shielding it from the incoming ice projectiles.

"Fight as much as you wish! It will not matter I'll be taking you down right here and now! How ironic that this will be the place. Where your life ended, and mine began!" Andreim spun forwards with his vortex of water, to get around the tree. He held out his both hands, shooting jets of water towards Vittorio's astral form, as it used it's wings to shield him, causing the water to spray against it.His astral form began to rise and then threw his physical form to the side, out of harms way, landing on the nearby grass as the astral form became incorporeal to slide through the jets of water. Vittorio's astral tentacles assumed an attack pattern before coming back out from it once he had gotten close enough to be within striking distance to Andreim.

The mercury blooded boy sped backwards on his watery vortex, Vittorio's tentacle wings lashed through the jets of water and a small section of the vortex Andreim stood in. This angered the young man, who instantly began to hurl sawblade like projectiles towards the astral form of Vittorio, two of the tentacles were severed as a resykt. Two others reached out to attempt to grab Andreim by the legs, but the young man began to freeze the water around his feet, trapping the appendages in it, then pressing a superheated hand against the ice, creating a jagged icy shotgun effect, demolishing the tentacles and creating holes in the astral form.

At this rate Vittorio would end up dying, he knew this. He had to fight on, not only to defeat Clara but also to free Bak. He must win. Thus he gathered his focus and the holes in his form began to close, and his tentacle like wings began to reform, one of them reached out and took hold of the other boy's wrist and flung him through the air.Andreim was surprised by the ghostly boys persistance, he however didn't let this get the better of him, he dampened his fall by shooting powered jets of water against the ground, as he was flung across the pebble ridden road.

"Why you!" Andreim grit his teeth together forming two orbs of water in both his hands, then attuning to cold, turning them into a blade of ice and a shield to go with it. He then dashed forwards towards the astral form of Vittorio.

Vittorio gathered his tentacles into attack formation, four of them shooting beams of energy towards the incoming boy, two others reaching out to lash at him, the remaining two were kept back as defense.As the beams of energy came forth, Andreim under two of them, another he defected by throwing his shield, causing it to cut into a nearby tree instead. The third cut past his face, scorching away the tip of his hair. Vittorio lashed out with the two other tentacles, one was cut off by Andreim's icy blade, the other made a sweeping slash at the boy's legs, causing him to slip and fall prone.

Andreim grit his teeth yet again, this time reaching both his hands in front of himself, forming an inversed cone of water putting a focus point at the astral forms mid-point before shooting it forwards and turning it into ice. Two of Vittorio's tentacles which were on the defensive placed themselves before him, but they too were cut through. Vittorio's physical eyes snapped open, his astral form had fallen into pieces. He felt his head ache, but this was a fight he had to win or get away from. He began to crawl along the grass, then leaned up with his back against a tree and closed his eyes.

The other boy had watched the astral form fall in on itself, he then looked around for the physical body, switching on his thermal vision and it didn't take him long to find it. It was close. Andreim switched out of the thermal vision and that's when he saw a new astral form come at him, he had not been able to detect it as it did not give off any heat. Vittorio had already sent forth a new one.

Andreim knew he had to sever the head of the snake by attacking Vittorio's physical body, thus he gathered two new vortexes of water in his hands then attuned to cold, flinging a dozen jagged shards towards the astral body, but also towards the tree behind it. Vittorio became quickly aware of the other boy's intentions and moved his astral form to pick his physical body up. Then he focused.

His astral form began to lift from the ground, the colours which were spectral silver in colour began to fluctuate and then turn into golden colour. Andreim's eyes widened. He hadn't seen him do this at the tournament, something had changed with him. But even so, Katherine and Alto may have been slain by him. Killing his comerades was a sin. Andreim then formed a large watery vortex around himself, sending forth a swarm of sawblade like watery projectiles towards the now levitating form of Vittorio.The golden spectral form lashed with six of it's now golden appendages and sliced the icy projectiles to pieces like as if it was meat going into the grinder.

"I cannot afford to die just yet! Not in this place! Not like this!" Vittorio's ghostly echoing voice uttered as he flew higher up into the air away from the boy on the ground.

"Coward!" Andreim yelled out in an angry tone, as he shot himself up into the air using his jets of water, and then forming a spear of ice in his hand, tossing it towards the flying Vittorio as he was leaving the area. The spear was on route, but was grabbed by one of the many tentacles.Andreim shot out some jets of water to lessen his fall as he landed on the grass below, his hair and clothing wet. His eyes narrowed as he looked up to the sky and the glowing golden figure slowly disappearing in the distance.

'Tch. Could he really have killed them? This pathetic guy?' The hydromancer thought to himself, as he looked at his surroundings.

"A monster who claims to be rightious and killing monsters. Such hypocracy... don't think for a moment that you will find a haven in this world. If you killed my comerades, you will be destroyed until theres not a trace left. For certain." He furrowed his eyebrows, then put his hands into his jacket pockets as he began to leave the graveyard.Meanwhile Vittorio's astral form watched from the sky. He had to find King.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Dawn of the First Day
Location: Roshimi City

As the dead human had been stabbed, things had gone precisely to the plan.

"There is no time for questions, they are coming." The dark elf said, in a slight rushed tone, as rushed as his calm and serious tone could do, as his attention went to the doorway where a masked indivdual now had appeared. This was not according to his plan. But then again, being able to stay dynamic was crucial so it had to be expected that unknown elements would get involved. The masked individual offered a bowing motion and posed a question of his own, asking the dark elf why he drew blood in the place they now found themselves in. The masked individual was armed, armed with an unusual choice of weaponry, but sharp and no doubt deadly in itself.

Things had taken an unfortunate turn of events, where the dark elf had hoped for a swift retrieval it was now becoming more of a bothersome task, with the risk of obstacles getting in the way. The masked individual and the short figure asked questions which could both be answered in one answer.

"This human was a threat, It is now dead. The faun and the short one alerted me to his presence. Are you saying you are here to stop the law from being enforced? Surely there must be some reason you display your metal feathers in such a manner." The dark elf asked, his dagger still in his hand.

"Do not lie short one, he was very much alive and you are not an off-worlder. That is a dangerous claim in the presence of dark elves and those which serve the king." Baraian said in a serious tone of voice, his fingers keeping a firm grip around his dagger, his attention was however not on the faun nor the short figure, but on the masked individual with the metal fan.

"So an enemy of the crown are you?" Baraian asked, his body language telling that he was prepared to do something depending on what the answer of the masked vulpine would be.
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