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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi

The dark elf methodically strode forth through the crowd, brushing past one after the other as he saw the faun and the short individual stride into the infirmary. Clad in his white coat, he momentarily passed by a androgynous masked individual. The dark elf's facial expression was stern, his eyes however were on high alert as he eyed the two guards outside of the infirmary, guarding the wooden door.

The whitehooded dark elf gave each of them a glance, which they in turn replied with glances of their own, blinking slightly then widening on looking the dark elf over. The dark elf could see both of them swallowing and then looked away, allowing him passage inside. As he entered the courtyard, which held much colourful vegetation and flowing water, the dark elf couldn't help but give off a slight 'Hmph' as he looked around. He really disliked the places like this, not for the wounded who was cared for within, but for the artificial display of nature which he found to be quite perverse.

Then he came upon the finely decorated stained glass windows, which held so many various colours. The dark elf strode forth on firm steps, not overly hurried, nor too relaxed. The many colours the windows reflected cast upon his white garment until he finally came out of bounds from them and walked further into the place, as he could hear music being played by strings. A lyre? It certainly sounded too light to be a harp.

Then a voice could be heard, it sounded feminine to his ears. He proceeded nontheless forwards til he came into the very room from which the music and the voice came from, within the room he could see the faun and the short hooded individual, then on a sickbed were a man with rounded ears. The dark elf narrowed his eyes slightly before he moved up towards the bed, reaching out his left hand to the neck of the man on the bed. Checking it for any pulse. There were none. The hooded dark elf quickly glanced to the faun and the short girl, then grabbed a dagger inside of his coat and jammed it into the chest of the bedridden human with one swift stabbing motion, then pulling the dagger back out.

"Pick him up Faun. You two are coming with me." The hooded dark elf said in a firm tone of voice, there was no hint of malice or arrogance, but severity and seriousness. Blood from the dead human dripped from the dagger which he held firmly in his hand. "Who else knows of this man?" He asked in a dark tone of voice, looking to the faun and the short figure while he went over to pull the window covers before the nearby window.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Cave of wonders

"Neither should you. My judgement is swift, decisive and just." He raised an eyebrow, with quite the aloof look on his face, looking to Kenia. "Tainted? This vagrant? Inter-species?" Terneus wrinkled his nose in disgust as he bit unto his own lower lip softly, that there were an elf capable of mingling and attempting to breed with dirty beastfolk was beyond Terneus.

'How utterly revolting...' The elf thought to himself as he reached for his napkin, to place it before his own nose and mouth. This elf was more like a beast, so it had to now be refered to as such. To avoid any misunderstanding that they were related at all. The white clothed elf pondered on his next move and action, which made leaving such a more appealing option, but then he noticed how the odd elf looked around for something.

'What is it doing now?' He allowed to escape his mind, as his eyebrows swiftly began to twitch in unison on seeing the elf get down on all fours and chase one of the disgusting tree rats! Terneus widened his eyes in a mix of astonishment, disgust and being appalled.

'He's more beast than elf. This is just more than a mere physical affliction, this is a mental condition. No this isn't good, it might even be contagious. Wait contagious? Could I use this as a weapon? To turn the less supportive of the nobles into beasts to ridicule them? Then sell cures which will likely not do a thing about it. Watered herbal potions. I could earn much amas from this. Now if I could only get this beast along without becoming afflicted myself. Then again, my superior blood and mind will surely be too much for even such an affliction. It would surely know better than to try corrupt my body and amazing mind.'

The elf thought and chuckled softly, in a very smooth and satisfied way. Then set his eye on a nearby crystal, which reflected his own image in a manner which pleased him.

'I could kiss this reflection, but it would be like cheating on myself.' He thought and then turned to Kenia. "I will have to withdraw from here, the wonders here will have to wait for wonders I will spring into motion elsewhere. This vagrant may be of use to me, I shall leave him in your care for the time being. I desire to see him delivered to my estate in three days from now, for some... experiments." Terneus said in a fine tone of voice, slightly muffled by the napkin.

"Put him in a cage with some blankets over it, make sure he doesn't die. I may find uses for his afflictions. There will ofcourse be amas in it for you, Karia." He gave a courteus motion with his hand, briefly removing the napkin from his mouth. "Now you two, I desire to continue my journey. Don't just stand there, get moving." He ordered his two knights to travel down towards the carriage with him.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi City

On top of one of the many outlooks towering over the marketplace, a white clad dark elf had found his viewing point. There were no guards standing guard there as long as the markets were open, and it gave a fine view of the marketplace below. The dark elf's red eyes searched the various figures below, as if he was looking for something. Normally it was simple pickpockets and urchins taking food and amas from those unaware of their presence, that were the reason for most commotion in the market. Though sometimes there were others being hunted by the city guard, for various other crimes far more serious than theft.

It was crimes like those that intrigued the dark elf, as he stood and watched the busy marketplace swarming with people. There were plenty of people in Roshmi, and that also meant that there were more rebel activity. Ever since Aklenroth seized the throne, there had been rebels popping up here and there in various numbers, but all of them had been relentlessly smashed to pieces as the dark elven army had descended on them. The rebels were often too unorganized to deal with the power structure that Aklenroth had formed.

So they not only had a lich to deal with, but others aswell who in turn served Aklenroth as their master. The dark elf allowed himself to think back to the day when he was going to be drafted into the army, and what the result were at the end of that day. There were many dark elves who were thrilled in serving someone who had. Still have the ultimate power. For some it is the hatred for the rest of the world, of the other elves, of the fairies or the demi-humans. Which draws them in to forge them into terrible hounds of war, capable of unleashing dark magic on anyone daring to oppose the lich king.

This particular white-hooded dark elf was drawn out of his thoughts as some urgent plea was heard. The dark elf leaned forwards slightly to look down, where he saw a woman asking a demi-human with horns for assistance. It was not an overly uncommon sight, and the dark elf was about to lean back when he noticed the person next to the horned demi-human. Some short humanoid with strange looking clothing, of a kind he had never seen before. The dark elf concluded the humanoid was not from the city, and if it was not from the city? Then from where?

The hooded dark elf began to walk down from his vantage point, once he came to the ground he stopped, and began to watch where they were going and if anyone else had noticed the odd attire that short humanoid was wearing. Then he stepped forwards, his steps were calm and almost machinelike. A few demi-humans ended up in his path along the way, but he brushed past most of them. Some of them backed away slightly on their own on seeing the golden skull on his shoulder, their chatter going quiet until he had passed where they began to whisper among each other, throwing frightened looks in the path of the white clothed dark elf, as he was homing in on his target.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

"I know every language worth speaking, Kaneya. Especially body language, he gave his own face a glance in the mirror he always carried with him." The elf said softly, as he gently caressed the top of his shirt with one hand, his two knights walking up closer to Malachi.While Terneus himself listened to Malachi, while softly fondling his own attire.

"You have certainly a way with words despite your condition, and perception and abit of common sense. Now that is a rare find indeed. Ofcourse you must be quite shocked by being in such proximity to me, fret not. I have nothing but the best intention for my people, I can assure you." He said in a smug manner as if he was midway eating chicken or some other food that was drawing parts of his concentration.

'This vagrant might still be of some use to me. But he needs to be cleaned up. He reeks. What is that smell?' Terneus looked away from Malachi and that caused the both knights to venture further into the cave alittle bit, what was causing that peculiar smell? One of his knights noticed a package of some kind on the ground, and was just about to walk over to inspect it.

"Don't touch it, -I- might catch something." Terneus said in a slightly upset manner, then motioned his knights back to him and he set his eyes at Malachi again.

"Now that you do mention it, vagrant. I do think you can be of some use to me, well and our people who are in suffering. You see, I happen to have a spot open in my Androsian knights after a little mishap with one of the newer recruits. He couldn't keep his good head on his shoulders." The elf explained, placing a hand of his at his waist as he assumed a pose almost as if expected to be made a portrait of in this very moment.

"Though we would have to get you some more suitable attire, a bath and..." Terneus pondered for a moment, causing his both knights to turn to look at him.

"Weaponry? Training my lord?" The less careful of the knights asked, not knowing what he just uttered.

"Don't interupt me! It disturbs the flow of elegance..." He walked over and grabbed one of the knights by the throat, throwing him back slightly, before backhanding him across the face. Causing the elven man to get a slight breuise and bleed slightly from his lip. "Clean yourself up." Terneus added after having delivered the backhanded slap, the knight looked disgruntled for a moment but quickly thought of what further aggrevation could lead to so he instantly stopped. Terneus then took out a napkin, and reached it over... to wipe his own hand. "Respect is of outmost importance. Without it you will not make it far. You can have his work." Terneus threw a thumb over his shoulder to the knight which had upset the silverhaired elf, his eyes fixed on Malachi.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom

He waited for awhile, reading himself for any incoming enemy to enter the area which he was now manipulating. But what came into sight was a human woman, badly hurt and bruised. "Hoh?" He said aloud.

'What's this then? Another human girl? Wounded? Much like Elsea there's no longer any time to lead her away from here, what a pity. Talk about good and bad fortune at the same time. Her ill fortune paves way for my fortune. She'll be live bait and give me time enough to withdraw from here. A true warrior does not fight battles that cannot be won, he regroups and fights another day.' The darkwinged fairy thought to himself, as he manipulated the plantlife around to create pillars of plants and roots to make the area in front of him, surrounding Jean Luc and the wounded woman. Then he pressed his legs against the ground slightly before flinging himself into the air and quickly air-dashing backwards into the forested area behind him.

The arrival of the human girl, her life would not be wasted. It would serve as bait for the incoming enemy, possibly giving the rest more time to get away, but more importantly allow him to withdraw to someplace else. There were no reason to stick around and fight in a battle seemingly lost, not to mention that none of the group seemed the obedient type which could be of use to him. He opened the palm of his left hand as he flew, releasing various pollen to mask his scent, allowing them to spread through the wind.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

Terneus stretched his back abit, assuming a pose worthy of a rooster amongst the hens. Or a peacock displaying it's feathers in all their glory. He gave a soft laugh, which to him would have seemed to be showing his amusement, but to others would come across as fake, condescending and possibly annoying.

"I am generous and kind? Oh ofcourse, our people deserve the very best. So it is only natural that I govern and protect them. It is such a dangerous world after all..." He fanned his face with one of his hands as his usual servant carrying the fan did not accompany him on the journey. Much to the white clad elf's displeasure.

"Good. I.. I mean we do not want them to end up in the wrong hands after all. Someone with nefarious intentions may try to use them to cause mayhem, which would be terrible. Ofcourse if you do bring them to me, I shall make certain you'll reap the monetary reward." Terneus said in a soft manner, the corner of his mouth slightly in an upturn. Like he was pondering on the idea and almost seemed to taste it. Not only that but savoring it. Terneus took a few steps up following his two knights which were a few steps ahead. "Perfect." He said in a satisfied manner. 'Just like me...' He thought and then continued.

"Lead me? I'll be doing any leading, but you may take the forefront. Ah? Muddy wet areas?" The elf stopped in his tracks, he frowned and seemed to be about to reconsider. He couldn't allow himself to get dirtied, it would make him a laughing stock for the fairies and also make THEM look like HIS betters. The very thought hit Terneus and he felt sick for a moment, taking a few breaths before opening his mouth, but before he could speak Kenia mentioned that there was a weary traveller within.

"A traveler? And hes nervous and feeling that he isn't worthy to gaze at my radiance? Take me to him at once, someone who knows their place is hard to find nowadays." The elf chuckled softly to himself as he momentarily remembered the last knights which had dared to fail him.

"Ofcourse you should feel honored, but I did not come this way to reward you in such a manner, Kenara. I am here solely on buisness, very important buisness. This is just a little sightseeing along the way. And what are you standing around for? Move." He waved his hand in a shoo manner to his knights which had stopped to wait for him.

"This traveler might have seen something, he certainly must tell me." The governor beckoned Kenia to move along with them, and as he came upon Malachi, the white dressed elf let out a soft gasp.

"You there. Traveler. I desire for you to tell me a few things." He fake coughed into his hand.

"I, I am lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves, protector of the realm, loyal servant of the king, richest in wealth and beauty on this side of the kingdom and the leader of the Androsian knights, which happen to be named after my prestigious family." He took a pose that would imply that he expected praise or flattery for his many titles, his eyes searching over Malachi and then looking to the squirrel, his nose wrinkling as he did.

'How utterly revolting. Eating a tree rat. To think I am of the same blood as this pitiful creature? No. There must be something wrong, some error in his line which has afflicted it's mind in ways not even someone as vastly intelligent like myself could decipher. Oh but I shall show some pity for the unfortunate creatures which are not me.'

"Now... tell me.. hmm..." He said in a soft moaning manner until he found a fitting word for Malachi. "Vagrant, have you perhaps seen his majesty's dragon fly by or any anomalies such as humans?"

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location: The haven

Elthrael cringed at the loud yelling from Elsea, as her flames manifested shortly after, Elthrael grabbed unto his ears briefly, causing him to snarl in Elsea's direction. His teeth momentarily showing, as he set his eyes on Elsea. His face showing clear signs of displeasure, not only that but also disappointment. The darkwinged fairy gave out a soft snort, and gave a brief glance to the sky.

"Do as you please then. I will buy you some time. Let's see what future you chose." Elthrael turned his attention away from Elsea, aswell as Kyran who was very upset to say the least. He instead turned to Jean Luc.

'Useless. They are useless to me. Powers which cannot be controlled are not powers at all but liabilities. I must find find another. There must be more than just these two. Someone with the ability to keep their cool and master that power of theirs. Such a pity. It would seem like you are just going to be decoys after all. How disappointing indeed, well if you can buy abit of time by being a hinderance to the lich's minions. I suppose it will pay off in the long run. Gives me abit more time to find a suitable replacement.'

Elthrael then reached out with his chlorokinesis and began to manipulate the roots under the ground, losening them from their normal resting place, making alot more lose earth for Jean Luc to manipulate if he so wished. Small tips of the roots ends would peek out of the ground all around them, like hidden spears ready to be shot out of the ground at any approaching enemy, flying or otherwise. The darkwinged fairy focused on each root and began to manipulate them to grow poisonous smaller plants on them and adding thorns for added effect.

"The Earth is screaming for revolution, I shall root out those who dare stand in natures path... " He gave an amused chuckle, raising his hands slightly.

'Fight me in a forest, you might aswell try to wade across the seas or fight the undead dragon with your bare hands... you arrogant mindless fools. My mind is a fortress, my heart is diamond. Clear and unbreakable. Unlike those who kneel for living. Or is it bend? Heh.'
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location: The haven

The female fairy had kissed him back, to his surprise yet again. This woman was proving to be not the usual fairy, this was certainly one with a more freedom oriented mindset. Now that was certainly something Elthrael could respect.

'My my, bold beyond compare...' He thought, as Risa made her way away from him to calm down her companions which according to Elthrael seemed to be hot tempered indeed, being very quick to bite.

"Temper temper, you are frightening the young lady. You desire to kill me, beastfolk? How typical judging a tree by it's bark, as I was telling dear Elsea before, the world has so much evil in it..." Elthrael said in reply to Kyran, the darkwinged fairy believed indeed he had him where he wanted him. People who so openly displayed their emotions, were so much easier to manipulate according to himself. He could very much chose when and how the attack would come, and if you can tell that much then you are certainly well prepared and equipped to deal with it in the most swift way possible.

"Well little fox, your confidence may serve you well, best however to keep that leach around your neck lest someone snaps it." Elthrael said, not in a threatening manner but as a promise, would the younger man try something. While Elthrael did not desire a fight against him nor the male human, it was important for him to establish a pecking order as it was usually done in the wilderness or among canines. The pack always needed an alpha.

"The young lady is correct, there is no need to be so... hostile." Elthrael spread his arms offering a slight smile towards Kyran and Jean Luc, his golden eyes scanning them closely. Elsea had also gotten into an argument with the other group members, this the golden eyed fairy approved of. It proved that she indeed were a fierce and determined individual, while still not being completely beyond control. To Elthrael, the fox person. Kyran. Seemed to be more of a dead weight than useful, but even that was better than how the male human was presenting himself and his plan.

'To dig underground? What are we? Rodents? That will not do...' The darkwinged fairy shook his head softly in disagreement to Jean Luc, to him being underground was the worst possible thing to be. Where he could not fly, he could not properly dodge nor make use of that which made him a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the risk of the earth above falling in on them.

"Cowards? You just don't know when to pick battles. We don't even know if they will come, nor how many. Withdraw abit, see if the supposed predators gives chase, if they do you show them the natural order at your advantage. The forest is vast, we may travel through it, the Amoras cannot see too well from the sky if we keep ourselves under the trees. We may easily carry Elsea mid-flight under the trees, and this... beast can surely carry you, human." Elthrael added, looking the gathering over.

"If you intend to dig yourself to safety, it is more likely that you dig your own grave, and any other who would follow. No if they have indeed made notice of us and give chase, the swift beasts will come first. Meaning we can dispatch of them before the rest catch up, providing they can find their way past the entangling forest plants and our scents being... much harder to follow... ofcourse." The fairy continued, and then chuckled softly to Jean Luc holding unto a spear. The words the human have uttered to him had caused much amusement to him.

"I cannot stand beside a thing which will fail. You deem me a coward, yet you seem to forget I aided you against the dark elf. Not quite the action of a coward is it? Oh and my weapon is good and all, but I have other weapons far more sharp than this blade. I would suggest you to make use of yours too, unless it be more.. dull." The fairy began to point to his own head, offering a slight smirk and then finally added.

"I know only that you humans are not accustomed to our world. Thus it would suit you better to fall in line, than falling in time." He blew some air through his mouth, his wings extending slightly.

"Come Elsea, we are getting out of here. The River Kingdom is beyond our reach for the moment, to Roshmi we've ought to fly. If you seek to live, the rest of you ought to follow and soon. Care to join us Risa? It seems you are causing a distraction for Kyran, we need him to focus on taking our well armored human male here away. Roshmi offers the best shelter, as it is a big place to search for our foe. But also a place where we may find those willing to support our cause..." There was no certainty that the rest would heed his suggestion, but if that was the case he would have to do with what he had, and that would be taking Elsea out of there. If he could not control Jean Luc or Kyran, then they would be more hinderances than useful weapons to use. After all, what is power íf you cannot control it? The fairy knew this fully well, from those tempted for power at any cost, selling their body and soul to the tyrant king.

That was how much people craved power. As long as at least one of the humans would survive, then there would be a good chance to dethrone the king. Not only could Elsea be the one to deliver the final blow, she could also be the icon. The symbol of a rebellion. The symbol of freedom. In Roshmi they would be sought for, but they could find allies and amidst those allies seize control of the city and spark a more wide rebellion. But if the generals of the dark lord would come and try destroy it, then it would be more wise to leave. They cannot successfully suppress a city and chase the humans at the same time.

They could take an Amoras from Roshmi while causing a distraction, fly over the sea towards the Flower Fairy Kingdom. They could amass more allies there. Then ofcourse there was also the possiblity of coming across an orc sympathetic to the cause, perhaps someone who could urge the orcs to attack Aklenroth. Perhaps spread some false words of him being weak at the moment?

Elthtrael set his eyes on Jean Luc. "In the old tales, there is a human line I remember, told through generations amongst my kin. Sumus contra mundi. I think that line summerizes well what lies before us."

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

His two knights stopped and were about to draw their weapons when Kenia appeared out of the cave, as she seemingly went down to greet them. She offered courtesy appropriate to someone of his standing, at least that was what he thought.

"Sheathe your weapons." He quickly ordered his two knights and then listened to Kenia, his eyebrows high above his eyes as he assumed a pose, almost as if he would model for a statue. Though he had commissioned those in the past, and often the grew unpleased by their size not being sufficient.

The white clothed elf began to stroke his own shirt softly. "Ahh it is you..." He said in a exhaled manner, as he was searching his memory for her name. "Keniaya? Oh ofcourse it is, it is not often I happen to grace others with my presence. I have an image to uphold after all, I cannot myself with the commoners. Not that you are a common commoner ofcourse. Your appology has been delicately noted and pardoned." Terneus said in a calm, arrogant tone.

"That is quite not what I wanted to hear. His majesty's dragon should refrain from burning his majesty's land. It leaves behind ugliness which is going to take much slave labour to remove. Oh it is quite the strain to guide the thickheaded at times. But that is the nature of the weak to listen to the more enlightened and wise. If you do happen to come across a human or a DROM, you will bring it to me at once. It would certainly look bad if someone else would get it in -my- lands before -I- do." He raised his hand to his chin, looking to the cave behind Kenia.

"Ahh the cave of wonders, it has been a long time since I was here. I do recall the most extravagant reflections in those crystals in there. Since I am here, I might aswell spoil myself a little bit, to set aside the usual burden of governing the people who are in grave need of proper guidance." Terneus beckoned his knights forwards towards the cave, looking to Kenia. "Well then, I'll give you the task of being my guide. Not that I don't know the way, I know -all- the ways. Always. It is just so that I have a very soft spot in my back, which is telling me it would be a shame if you passed up this opportunity to scout ahead or whatever it is you do, it is ofcourse not negligable in skill, but rather a little bit above mediocre, I would hate if someone would sell your skills short. Oh did I say there will be much coin if you do happen to find a human. I have some arrangements made for any human which his majesty is going to receive." He chuckled in a hohoho manner, fanning his face with his left hand.

"Anything for our glorious race' achievements. There might even be a statue of you, albeit smaller than mine, if you do bring one or two my way. I am on route to the fairy kingdom, a dreadful place with all those buzzing sounds and people with no sense for buisness, holding on to some naive and misguided beliefs of good. When all the goodness they need to acknowledge is me. But I may be expecting too much out of those without manners and good sight. Unlike our elven keen senses." He said in a condescending way towards the fairies, not doubting for a moment of his elven superiority which Kenia shared. To a less degree in his eyes, but still.
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