Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Early Morning
Location:Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: Ayita @13org

Cade took a second to reflect on Ayita’s words, he was surprised to find so much in common with a human from another world but it seemed that no matter where they came from creatures from all over shared similar struggles. She understood the power her being in Avalia brought, the hope that it could ignite in people and he respected the bravery it took to be willing to fight for a land that was not her own. He wondered if all humans were so noble, he hoped they were and that the many of them had been brought to Avalia because if so, he liked their chances against Aklenroth. Cade didn’t know what a ‘white man’ was but he could empathize with the experience of an outside enemy taking one’s family.

“It seems no matter the world there are always those who allow themselves to be corrupted by power and greed. This saddens me.” Cade shook his head,-while there were many vices he could understand falling to, power and greed had never appealed to him and the thought of destroying other’s lives for gain was something he’d never be able to understand. “After we make this place safe again we should ask the elves to bring your people here. With humans like you we cannot fail.” Cade said confidently. Although he could not defeat her enemies who lie a world away, he could offer the same hope her presence offered him.

Hunger, now that was a problem Cade could solve. As they headed deeper into the forest, he kept vigilant for tracks of something tasty to eat. “Nothing to hunt with? That is unfortunate, however shall we manage?” Cade teased as he tapped his claws against his cheekbone as if in deep thought. “Oh, would you look at that I have remembered to pack claws and big ol’ teeth.” He said flashing a toothy grin and holding out his fingers and wiggling them as if he was discovering his own claws for the first time. “I will hunt something for us to eat and you can get fruits. We should try and find some fresh water too, there will be fruit and animals near there. What sort of weapons do you normally hunt with? We can work on find you some as well.” Cade asked as they navigated through the forest.

It wasn’t too long before they came across a stream with cool, fresh, water. Cade pointed out some of the trees that bared edible fruits but a cat could not survive on fruits alone. He removed the halberd from his back and placed it near one of the trees, it was not for hunting and he would be faster unburdened. Cade took a moment to sniff the air, his mind sorted out the different scents he caught, and as he did his mind cleared of his troubles and focused only on its current task. He lowered down to all fours and began moving swiftly and silently as he searched for prey. He came across his prey, he dug his claws deep into the ground as a hare, significantly large than those on earth, nibbled at the greenery. Cade waited for his moment and when it was time, he launched himself forward towards the hare, closing much of the distance between them before the other animal had a chance to react. He chased after the hare and within seconds Cade’s longer legs won out as he tackled the animal and his teeth wrapped around the large hare’s neck. His teeth crushed the hare’s neck and after Cade was sure the animal was dead, he licked the blood from his mouth, so as not to alarm the human. He slung the large hare over his shoulder and carried it back to the stream where he’d left Ayita and his halberd.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location: The haven

The female fairy had kissed him back, to his surprise yet again. This woman was proving to be not the usual fairy, this was certainly one with a more freedom oriented mindset. Now that was certainly something Elthrael could respect.

'My my, bold beyond compare...' He thought, as Risa made her way away from him to calm down her companions which according to Elthrael seemed to be hot tempered indeed, being very quick to bite.

"Temper temper, you are frightening the young lady. You desire to kill me, beastfolk? How typical judging a tree by it's bark, as I was telling dear Elsea before, the world has so much evil in it..." Elthrael said in reply to Kyran, the darkwinged fairy believed indeed he had him where he wanted him. People who so openly displayed their emotions, were so much easier to manipulate according to himself. He could very much chose when and how the attack would come, and if you can tell that much then you are certainly well prepared and equipped to deal with it in the most swift way possible.

"Well little fox, your confidence may serve you well, best however to keep that leach around your neck lest someone snaps it." Elthrael said, not in a threatening manner but as a promise, would the younger man try something. While Elthrael did not desire a fight against him nor the male human, it was important for him to establish a pecking order as it was usually done in the wilderness or among canines. The pack always needed an alpha.

"The young lady is correct, there is no need to be so... hostile." Elthrael spread his arms offering a slight smile towards Kyran and Jean Luc, his golden eyes scanning them closely. Elsea had also gotten into an argument with the other group members, this the golden eyed fairy approved of. It proved that she indeed were a fierce and determined individual, while still not being completely beyond control. To Elthrael, the fox person. Kyran. Seemed to be more of a dead weight than useful, but even that was better than how the male human was presenting himself and his plan.

'To dig underground? What are we? Rodents? That will not do...' The darkwinged fairy shook his head softly in disagreement to Jean Luc, to him being underground was the worst possible thing to be. Where he could not fly, he could not properly dodge nor make use of that which made him a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the risk of the earth above falling in on them.

"Cowards? You just don't know when to pick battles. We don't even know if they will come, nor how many. Withdraw abit, see if the supposed predators gives chase, if they do you show them the natural order at your advantage. The forest is vast, we may travel through it, the Amoras cannot see too well from the sky if we keep ourselves under the trees. We may easily carry Elsea mid-flight under the trees, and this... beast can surely carry you, human." Elthrael added, looking the gathering over.

"If you intend to dig yourself to safety, it is more likely that you dig your own grave, and any other who would follow. No if they have indeed made notice of us and give chase, the swift beasts will come first. Meaning we can dispatch of them before the rest catch up, providing they can find their way past the entangling forest plants and our scents being... much harder to follow... ofcourse." The fairy continued, and then chuckled softly to Jean Luc holding unto a spear. The words the human have uttered to him had caused much amusement to him.

"I cannot stand beside a thing which will fail. You deem me a coward, yet you seem to forget I aided you against the dark elf. Not quite the action of a coward is it? Oh and my weapon is good and all, but I have other weapons far more sharp than this blade. I would suggest you to make use of yours too, unless it be more.. dull." The fairy began to point to his own head, offering a slight smirk and then finally added.

"I know only that you humans are not accustomed to our world. Thus it would suit you better to fall in line, than falling in time." He blew some air through his mouth, his wings extending slightly.

"Come Elsea, we are getting out of here. The River Kingdom is beyond our reach for the moment, to Roshmi we've ought to fly. If you seek to live, the rest of you ought to follow and soon. Care to join us Risa? It seems you are causing a distraction for Kyran, we need him to focus on taking our well armored human male here away. Roshmi offers the best shelter, as it is a big place to search for our foe. But also a place where we may find those willing to support our cause..." There was no certainty that the rest would heed his suggestion, but if that was the case he would have to do with what he had, and that would be taking Elsea out of there. If he could not control Jean Luc or Kyran, then they would be more hinderances than useful weapons to use. After all, what is power íf you cannot control it? The fairy knew this fully well, from those tempted for power at any cost, selling their body and soul to the tyrant king.

That was how much people craved power. As long as at least one of the humans would survive, then there would be a good chance to dethrone the king. Not only could Elsea be the one to deliver the final blow, she could also be the icon. The symbol of a rebellion. The symbol of freedom. In Roshmi they would be sought for, but they could find allies and amidst those allies seize control of the city and spark a more wide rebellion. But if the generals of the dark lord would come and try destroy it, then it would be more wise to leave. They cannot successfully suppress a city and chase the humans at the same time.

They could take an Amoras from Roshmi while causing a distraction, fly over the sea towards the Flower Fairy Kingdom. They could amass more allies there. Then ofcourse there was also the possiblity of coming across an orc sympathetic to the cause, perhaps someone who could urge the orcs to attack Aklenroth. Perhaps spread some false words of him being weak at the moment?

Elthtrael set his eyes on Jean Luc. "In the old tales, there is a human line I remember, told through generations amongst my kin. Sumus contra mundi. I think that line summerizes well what lies before us."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Near River Kingdom

Risa was reluctant as Jean spoke. She did not want to doubt his intelligence but he was new to the land. She had no idea what he knew from his old land and how it compared here. It could be foolish to just blindly trust him, especially if his plan could put him in danger. Keeping him safe was a priority. She was about to open her mouth and object, requesting more information, but then Kyran spoke. He explained that there were cave systems in aquifers and rushed off to get Dionaea. Risa tilted her head, recalling her knowledge. She supposed they both meant to unflood the underground system. That's why wells had to be dug deep enough to reach them. Then they could hide there, and Jean could do something to block the enemies from entering. The gamble became on if Jean could pull it off and if he and Elthrael could remain safe outside it while distracting or whatever he planned them to do. Risa was wary. She wished there was a less risky plan.

Kyran soon came out, beckoning both her and Elsea. She trusted Kyran and would eventually follow, but not until everyone here was on board. No plan would work unless they stuck together. There was no way she wanted to lose Elsea again. Elsea had some valid objections. If Elthrael was her savior, she'd trust him most and leaving him vulnerable to strangers would seem foolish no doubt. Elthrael expressed many doubts as well. They both did not seem to want to go along with the risk. However, Elthrael wanted to fly away again! She found this distasteful. He even invited her as if she didn't care about her friends.

She came over to stand in front of Elthrael, unpleased with his words. Her hands were back on her hips. "Deem you a coward?" Risa repeated with rising emotion, "If you were to take this girl and leave everyone else here, I just might! If we want to defeat Aklenroth, you should know we need all the humans together, live and well. Their powers together will be the unstoppable force! They are safer with each other and can learn from one another." Risa hoped at least Elsea would understand the value of not leaving people behind and convince him if she couldn't, "Friends do not leave each other behind! We all just found each other again. If you are unsure of Jean's plan, that's understandable. I am reluctant too, but running away and leaving comrades is not an option, especially since it will still pose a risk to you and Elsea. We are stronger together!" Risa felt very passionate about this. She had been raised on being honorable and never leaving anyone behind. That was her job as a healer. Her job as someone having leading in their blood was now to lead.

"Jean needs you for this part of the plan. He does not like you so maybe you are to inspire his power usage. Emotion drives the abilities of all. I am sure once he does what he does, you will join us in hiding. I will even stay above ground to come help you if need be. I am a very accomplished healer and I will not let anyone die. I plead of you to please help us."Risa explained to Elthrael, stooping to a plea. Sometimes it was the only thing that made people understand.

Risa now turned to Elsea."I understand your doubts but what is coming could be a worse risk. Staying in plain sight will be dangerous. Staying together as a group is important in this world. We must have some faith in each other. Kyran is no fool and I don't think Jean-Luc is one either. Plans only work if everyone sticks to them. If you continue to protest or flee, I feel in my heart someone may get hurt. Time is of essence."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time : Dawn
Location : Near River Kingdom
Interactions : @Alivefalling@princess@MissCapnCrunch@Dezuel@Tae


Jean-Luc looked at the group, "The hounds of that man are wolves, you can use your height to escape them, but I would rather learn of my enemy then anything... I was tasked to defeat this Aklenroth, and my quest requires that I take him and his empire apart piece by piece. If know of those who follow us, the better... as well as I need some practice in this power. Danger and life is the best teachers for when you need it quickly, the power flows through me as I can feel the ground and it is like a second set of eyes... I do not know how the lady of red hair feels with her new power, if she can feel it through her vains, burning... but she knows the destruction she can reign in."

"I have idea's for what I will do once I learn these abilities given to my by this realms winds and stars, but for now... there are three priorities, surviving in a logical manner, your wings aren't that of the trees... you would be spotted easily from an elevation even. Second, learning of those who will be changing us, exploiting their personalities, and see what they will do when given something on a platter. Then lastly, to gain a tail."

Jean looked at the group, and he turned towards he house, "Get that other girl, and make sure she is safe... I will save this coward as well, though I do not like him I need him for several things. Then lastly, Elsea, burn the hole once the water begins to recede, it will hopefully break the earth some so I can have an easier time bending it to my will... also it will show the faults in the earth, and show me where I need to be when they arrive." He moved towards the house as the earth shook some more, "Go quickly... I have disturbed the Earth... as fire may not affect you, I do not know how your sorcery works, but you would be the only one to do this... so stay safe, and keep as far away from being a top the hole's entrance... that is currently it's only way for the flames to escape, so it will be a two edged sword, it makes the underground safe for you and easier to bend, but it will show anyone flying in that abomination where we would be most likely."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'Ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith

Sorrow… Fear… Animosity… Ugh, happiness. Disgusting… But oh, there's hate mmmm… and more fear. Umber had taken Azriel's mental tip on something suspicious she spotted before landing. Umber took interest almost immediately, but the presence of the sun bothered him enough that he wasn't in the mood to investigate much further. He'd simply remain tuned in.

As Xenelith approached, Umber picked up three words that floated in with emotions he picked up. Plan… Coward… Human… Umber's head turned in the direction of where the humans were but did not speak immediately. After Xenelith's formal greeting, Umber followed behind the Dark Elf commander while remaining close to Azriel.

"Azriel, give Xenelith his charm and ready yourself… Xenelith, do your rebels include a red-headed woman and a dark winged fairy? We may have found your… expressive prey." Umber was proud of Azriel. Proud to show why she and Umber held the title of Wraith.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis.)
Interactions: Soruklithbaal

Aklenroth got up from the ground using his staff as something to lift himself, feeling well attuned to his new body. He left Shilo's room, taking a final glance at the bed before closing the door. Aklenroth then descended further down the halls to Soruklithbaal's landing pad and watched the dragon as he had landed. "Welcome back my friend, let me see what information you have retrieved." He said, reaching his hand out to the dragon touching its nose. Aklenroth began to see visions of his mission: he saw a fight with some humans, an elf and finally a dragon. The elf was a blonde-haired female, the humans were a young girl with almost reddish-brown hair and the other a young boy with black hair. The final vision was of a dragon which had ended up dying in its attempt to attack Soruk. "Hmm, thank you." Aklenroth said, petting the skull of the dragon. He now knew of a few who would eventually try to come after him and once Xenelith contacted him, he would hopefully learn even more. Aklenroth was pleased with what he had learned so far. "I want you to go out again but search closer to the Sun Elf Kingdom." He said, backing up to let the dragon lift off and head in the new direction. "This is proving very helpful in learning my enemies." he said to himself with a malicious grin.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Dawn of the first day.
Location: In the woods of the peninsula west of Sun Elf Village.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina, @Tae - Kenia, @princess - Malachi.

Rei's back was slumped against a wall, he wiped his bloodied lips with the sleeve of his shirt. A figure stood towered him, with Rei's laptop in their grip.

"Do you think just because you 'paid' for this laptop means you can use it for whatever the hell you want?!" the figure screamed at him, "You're in MY house, under MY household, NOTHING belongs to you, got it?"

Rei stared blankly at his mother's enraged face, his expression not shifting an inch. His non-reaction just proved to incense her more than normal, not that it mattered. No matter what Rei did in that situation, his mother would just get angrier.

"Do you think you would disgrace me and your father by becoming a programmer!?" His mother pressed him further, "NO, you WILL follow the path we've given you. Do I make myself CLEAR?"

A few moments passed before Rei nodded. He figured to just get it over with, since there was little point to escalate it further. His mother flung his laptop to the wall beside Rei's face, breaking into two pieces.

"回答!" His mother screamed, her voice even higher than before.

"Yes... Mother." Rei said, already beginning to clean what was left of his laptop.

"Good." His mother had calmed down, seeming satisfied with Rei's subservience. "Clean all this shit up."

She turned to leave, "We have to make sure you don't have to end up like your disgrace of a brother."

Rei's hands balled into a fist but he did nothing...




Rei's eyes opened to the walls of the cave, he was momentarily lost before remembering all that occurred yesterday From one nightmare to another, huh. he thought, I haven't had that dream in awhile. The dream left a sour taste in his mouth. Rei folded the blanket he found on top of him, folded it and placed it on the cave floor. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes before a loud, booming voice echoed pierced his skull, he snapped around the cave to look for the source of the sound but found no one but a still asleep Corvina. What the hell is this, telepathy or something?

Rei caught sight of Kenia and Malachi at the mouth of the cave, looking up the at sky. He figured doing the same was prudent. There was a large, skeletal figure draped in robes with an ominous aura about him. "Skeletor, really? Rei spat out unconsciously. The skeletal mage? Rei was unsure what exactly 'he' was, began talking about compensation and a chance of 'returning home'. He had little idea for the currency, but with the number being that high it was a no-brainer that it was alot. A seed of mistrust now implanted within him regarding the two elves, who's to say they wouldn't be enticed by something like that.

Rei was wary of the skeleton's words, it reminded him starkly of how his parents spoke when in other's company. Enticingly smarmy and silver-tongued. Rei scrunched his eyebrows at the resemblance. Whoever this was, he knew his way around words, but luckil, Rei had lived most of his life around two starkly similar individuals. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, Kenia swore and told Malachi to usher the humans to the cave behind then. Rei had little idea what was happening, but the two must've seen or heard something, so he just quietly followed Malachi to the back of the cave.

A few muffled voices began speaking at the mouth of the cave. It was probably best to not ask Malachi what in the hell was going on at this moment so he waited.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@FunnyGuy @Tae @Legion02

O'Ner Faister

O'Ner was followed his comrades to meet with Xenelith, Nodding towards him and listening to what he had to say. He was not expecting his chest to be hit by the Commander, Looking at him with a annoyed look on his face. "A pleasure to meet you as wel" His voice filled with sarcasm relaxing his body form the hard force against his boney body. "Do you know where they were seen last? Or where they could be heading?" He asked Xenelith.

He was sure they could help each other with their mission, "How many scouts do you have that are searching for them? Do you have any spies that could give us information on their whereabout?" He then asked him wondering what kind of information he has so far. If anything he could help by disguising himself to stalk them and give the other's information about them, Or to use some of his own spies to follow them. But he was sure that his comrades would not find that "Fun" which didn't matter to him as long as they do not let the others know they are on their tail.

His method was more methodical and stabbing others in the back, However he knew his allies did not like this particular method. O'Ner didn't mind going all out war and commanding massive armies against his enemies. But he was more of a clock and dagger kind of skeleton.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: The haven
Interaction:@Dezuel-Elthrael @Alivefalling-Kyran @princess-Risa @Jamesyco-Jean-Luc @MissCapnCrunch-Dionaea

Elsea stood there listening to the people around her, or bickering in some cases and she could feel the heat running through her veins. All the noise, all the talking was just causing her temper to flare more even though some were trying to help. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears and her fists were clenching and unclenching as she felt like her blood was boiling.

"Come Elsea, we are getting out of here.”

That’s when she snapped. ”STOP GIVING ME COMANDS!” She screamed as flames erupted and engulfed her hands. Thankfully nothing else caught on fire and the flames remained contained to her hands. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, focused on ways to cool the heat in her veins. She thought of the cool, snowy winters in the highlands. Slowly the fire began to extinguish and she peaked her eyes open to look at her hands. It worked? Well isn’t that intriguing… She thought to herself as she turned to look at everyone, finally landing on Elthrael.

”Let me make something very clear… Elsea began, her voice had a dangerous edge to it. ”You saved me, yes, and I will be eternally grateful for that. You do not, however, own me because of it. You do not get to tell me what I get to do. I am going to stick with this group and if that means hiding underground then so be it. It would be idiotic to split up as there are strength in numbers, like Risa said. As you said, we have no clue what that Amora brought, but I’m willing to bet it’s either enough to outnumber us or its a group that is going to be as strong, if not stronger than that Dark Elf.” She truly did have her father’s temper and with it came a headstrong attitude. She was also sick and tired of men telling her what she could do and what she couldn’t do. She was making her own decisions now.

She then whirled around on Jean-Luc and pointed at him. ”The same goes for you. Ah dinnae ken why you seem to think you command all of us, but you don’t. You haven’t earned any of my respect and so you don’t get to tell be what I do either. If you wish to ask me to do something then by all means do so, but do not command me to do anything. Also learn how to better explain your gods damned plans if you wish for people to listen to you.” She told him with an aggravated sigh before turning her attention to everyone else again.

”Now that I fully understand what the plan is I am more than happy to find these caves. I don’t give a rats arse if you men decide to stay here or what have you at this point, but I am going.” She told them all as she began stalking off down towards the lake like Jean-Luc has suggested to find the hole in the ground. She didn’t even care if anyone followed, though she did hope the two fairy women followed as they were the ones she didn’t mind at the moment.

Time: Morning
Location: Near River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner @Legion02-Xenelith

Azriel watched as the dark elf and his beasts emerged from a tent. She gave him a nod in greeting in return to his welcome. She remained quiet at first, allowing the others to speak before she did. Umber’s words confirmed that he picked up on her thoughts and was most likely monitoring the emotions of the two she had seen. Perhaps there were even more? That would be quite the delightful treat.

She pulled out the charm from her pocket and held it out to Xenelith. ”Compliments of Lord Aklenroth. He has commanded us to keep these on ourselves at all times. It will allow him to find us when he needs. He also wishes you to send what information you have on any of the humans and their accomplices.” She told him, passing on the information Aklenroth had told them to. She figured he could easily give the info to the dark elf in the Amora to send swiftly back to the lich.

”As for the sketches, I would like to see them. However, Umber is correct. As the Amora was landing I did spot a dark winged, white haired fairy carrying a red haired woman. If those fit any of the descriptions of your prey then we know the direction they are at. If we move swiftly we may be able to get the drop on them.” She said with a gleeful smirk as she readied herself to lead them in the direction she’d seen the two. She was ready to hunt, almost eager in a way.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Kyran watched as the group argued over the situation but stood in silence. He was quite annoyed but as long as they would get to the point and hurry up he had nothing else to add. He watched as Elthrael said he wanted to fly off with Elsea and Risa but was quickly shut down by Risa and then by Elsea as her small fit of rage ignited her hands with flames before she cooled them down and stormed off toward the lake. "Risa, Dionaea, let's go. Excuse my language but we are going to get fucking killed if we stand here any longer, and you, Elthreal, you can run like a little fucking bitch or stay with Jean and provide some actual use to the group." He finally got tired of it when they had a plan laid out in front of them. Kyran then began walking towards the lake after Elsea.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location: The haven

Elthrael cringed at the loud yelling from Elsea, as her flames manifested shortly after, Elthrael grabbed unto his ears briefly, causing him to snarl in Elsea's direction. His teeth momentarily showing, as he set his eyes on Elsea. His face showing clear signs of displeasure, not only that but also disappointment. The darkwinged fairy gave out a soft snort, and gave a brief glance to the sky.

"Do as you please then. I will buy you some time. Let's see what future you chose." Elthrael turned his attention away from Elsea, aswell as Kyran who was very upset to say the least. He instead turned to Jean Luc.

'Useless. They are useless to me. Powers which cannot be controlled are not powers at all but liabilities. I must find find another. There must be more than just these two. Someone with the ability to keep their cool and master that power of theirs. Such a pity. It would seem like you are just going to be decoys after all. How disappointing indeed, well if you can buy abit of time by being a hinderance to the lich's minions. I suppose it will pay off in the long run. Gives me abit more time to find a suitable replacement.'

Elthrael then reached out with his chlorokinesis and began to manipulate the roots under the ground, losening them from their normal resting place, making alot more lose earth for Jean Luc to manipulate if he so wished. Small tips of the roots ends would peek out of the ground all around them, like hidden spears ready to be shot out of the ground at any approaching enemy, flying or otherwise. The darkwinged fairy focused on each root and began to manipulate them to grow poisonous smaller plants on them and adding thorns for added effect.

"The Earth is screaming for revolution, I shall root out those who dare stand in natures path... " He gave an amused chuckle, raising his hands slightly.

'Fight me in a forest, you might aswell try to wade across the seas or fight the undead dragon with your bare hands... you arrogant mindless fools. My mind is a fortress, my heart is diamond. Clear and unbreakable. Unlike those who kneel for living. Or is it bend? Heh.'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time : Dawn
Location : Near River Kingdom
Interactions : @Alivefalling@princess@MissCapnCrunch@Dezuel@Tae


"No, but I am someone who deals with strategy and warfare... which is what we are leading into. Statecraft may come later." he said looking at Elsae, "I am going to keep us alive and ahead of those we call enemies. This will only work if you know every little, and continue to release you anger, control will come later. Now go, all of you, flee."

He would feel the ground beneath him become weaker, and the ground rumbled some as the water would receed back into the cave and aquifer, letting a small gap to breath once they found the hole. But he knew the ground beneath him was weak, and there was only one of two sources it could come from, he didn't know all of the magics, but he would assume either the fox, or the moth.

"Undo what you have done below both of us, and only us... And roll around in the mud, make sure your legs, specially your calves, and pack as much earth around your feet as possible." he said as he began to do what he had asked the other man of doing, "If they can fly you can, they can pick us from the earth and drop us like birds of prey. So, we must trick them into thinking we are just dirty, so when they come to pluck us from the ground. We can learn from them, and them from us, they will not fall for the same trick twice, but this is only the beginning idea I have for something far larger in the future against those who wish for me to fly.."

He looked at the man, as he soon packed dirt around his feet, and he forced it clamped with his magic, it hurt around the back of his calf where the joint between his armor was, "The most they will be able to do is break our legs, but since we have two healers, myself being included... This is not a fight, not a battle or skirmish, this is for information... So, when the earth rumbles beneath us... if you were he one who released much of the earth for me... make sure what is under us and around the hole behind the house is as tough as steel... else it can end badly for all of us, specially us as that is how we are going to escape beneath the soil. ."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: Dawn
Location: River Fairy Kingdom - Dark Elf camp
Interaction with: O'Ner@Eviledd1984, Azriel@Tae and Umber@FunnyGuy

Xenelith took the charm offered by the angel of death and bowed in acknowledgement. “I will send a message by solar box as soon as I can.” He said to Lady Azriel about the command to send out all the information he had about the humans. Which was, sadly, not much. “Yes, there was a moth fairy taking a woman with him. It’s good to know that they are still in the vicinity.” He answered Umber. Though he had to stop his subconsciousness from clutching the pendant he already wore. The moth fairy could lead him to the fox. Or at least his name. Scores were to be settles.

Then the skeleton spoke. “No scouts or spies are out. There was not enough time to infiltrate the rebels. Besides, even between all of us we definitely lack anyone who could convincingly become part of the resistance.” He said as he motioned to himself, the raven-winged demi-human, the demon, and the skeleton. It was times like these that he would’ve liked a defector though. A fairy could feed them an endless amount of information. “As for scouts, there is no need. My wolves tasted their blood. They’ve been itching for it the entire dawn. When I give them the signal, they will find our prey soon enough.” He said, quite proudly of his dogs. Though this time he wouldn’t risk them in a battle. “The only troops I have out right now are retrieving the families of two of the rebels: Dionaea Sycamore and Risa Millina. Worst case scenario we can use them as bait.” Leandron could not return fast enough.

They arrived in the tent in time for Azriel to inquire about the sketches. “They are on my desk. Look them over. I’ve written the known names upon the paper. That is Risa and that is Dionaea.” He said, pointing towards both portraits. “Pink seems to be their dominant color. In all honesty I do not believe that they full understand what they've done. They certaintly don't understand the consequences. The armored human is a real threat and the moth fairy, well so far he has proven to be little more than an annoyance. The fox...should die last.” He added, as the sketches were in black and white. “And I agree, my Lady. Time is of the essence.” He let out a sharp whistle and instantly Ferra and the three wolves arrived in front of the tent. “Give the signal and the hunt begins. My wolves will lead us to the enemy.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Time: Dawn
Location: The road Northwest to Moonelf village
Interactions: @Jamesyco

If Ilan trusted the words of the human fighter, the contraption from which he appeared would soon explode into countless pieces. An event neither the human, Ilan and....by the Gods! Fintan was unable to move himself! If the explosion was as great as the human claimed even a man as sturdy as Fintan would not survive. Alas Ilan did not have the muscle to move the sleeping bull of a man. Before he could despair however, there was a solution. Tying him to the cart. There was no more time to think things through. Ilan retrieved a length of rope from his bag and hopped of the cart. He fastened the rope around the wrists of Fintan, making a knot at a remarkable pace. If he wasn't in mortal danger he may have been proud. Tying knots was never his forte.

The cart was close by and Ilan tied the other ends to the wooden frame at the back. This would probably hurt, but at least Fintan would be alive to feel his raw back. Ilan hadn't figured out any plan, aside from getting away from the metal contraption as fast as he could. So he urged the horse to speed away from the scene.

"Come one let's go!!"

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Near River Kingdom

Risa was surprised at Elsea's words but she was glad the girl had respect for herself. She felt her anger was completely reasonable with the situation. Not understanding where you were or who to trust were both big burdens just on their own and Elsea had both on her shoulders. In those situations, it was always best to trust one's own gut. She followed after, taking Dionaea's hand to lead her after Elsea and Kyran "Dionaea, they may have found our location so we have to hide. Sorry for such a rude awakening." She came to a halt when they had all came to a hole. The water was receding out of it, revealing space for them to go inside. "Alright everyone, in you go."

Risa squeezed Elsea's hand before she went in and whispered to her, "Elsea, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know it must be hard but you're doing great." She had faith Elsea would be a quick-learner and even adapt well to the land. She and Jean could end up being a great team as long as they didn't make a habit of making each other angry too much.

It felt like she was swallowed by impenetrable darkness inside. The aroma of moist soil and grass was a bit overwhelming. Cool water reached up to past her waist, making her shudder. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling not being able to see what her body was submerged in. She could feel her cape and dress sticking to her body.

She didn't like this idea so much. Risa wanted to be able to see what was happening. If she was needed to go heal Jean or Elthrael, she'd be willing to risk her life and do so. If only she could stay above ground without being seen, she would. The wolves would no doubt sniff her out if she did. Risa had to once again be a bystander. She had sworn to herself she would never let the fear of death turn her into a coward. The whole situation gave her déjà-vu.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: Dawn of the First Day
Location: In the woods of the peninsula west of Sun Elf Village.
Interaction: @Tae- Kenia, @princess - Malachi - @Dezuel - Terneus

As Corvina slept, her mind was filled with repulsive images, both past and present. Familiar voices and scenery drifted through her consciousness. Cold, snowy weather mixed with rainy drafts; a pair of skates laced up with bows; a handsome boy and then a shrill scream. Her mind raced with these images repeatedly, not allowing her to tune them out. She was twitching in her sleep, tossing and turning ever frequently. She muttered under her breath as well, though not in English. Her mind flashed forwarded to now: a dark-haired boy, a pair of Elves and then a skeletal dragon. Fire flashed through her mind and her hands being on fire. The fire wasn't burning her though. Was that real? It wasn't normal.

Cora woke up with a gasp and wide-eyes as she looked around with panic. She stared at the cave, willing herself to be at him and in bed. Perhaps she had smoked too much. God, she wished it to be true; but as her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the cavern, she found she was not at home and her reality was true. She stared as the latest dream replayed in her mind and she wiped tears from it. She sucked in deep breaths and looked over as she felt a sweater slip off of her. What, she thought, where did that come from? A moment later and Rei came into her vision. She found her had taken his sweater off of her and she couldn't help but blush. She picked it up before it hit the floor and stood up quickly. She went to present it back to Rei, to thank him for his kindness and generosity, but a loud, booming voice interrupted her thoughts. She jumped and looked to the front of the cave.

As if their life couldn't become anymore stranger, a giant skeleton filled the sky. His voice was drawling; it reminded her of an old villain. She tried to put a finger on who he reminded her of but her mind was racing. She listened carefully and dissected his words as he spoke. She couldn't help but let out another snort of laughter. The humans were dangerous? What was he talking about? They had nearly died a few times already and they seemed to be more in danger than the others. Clearly something was terribly wrong with this strange world. They handed out powers like candy to babies here as well. She was trying to piece it together in her mind. There were dots; she decided she'd interrogate them with Rei's help she hoped in order to connect them. He was the only one she felt comfortable with right now.

Despite the threat, her laughter filled the air as she gathered herself to address the others. Her snark matched Rei's as she glanced at him:
"He looks like Voldemort gone moldy," She turned to see the Elves by the front of the cave; Kenia was near the man named Malachi, right? She wasn't certain. Before she could ask or spit out more ruthless sarcasm, however, Kenia let out a curse and ushered them to the back with male Elf.

Cora quickly followed suit, now only noting how well her mind and vision felt. She stared with shock as she followed them and hid. How was it that she felt so clear? Where was all the light-headed and dizziness? Cora wanted to ask, but decided now was not the best time. Some new threat was coming there because why the hell not? She glanced at Rei with concern and then looked up at the Elf. She smiled faintly and nodded her appreciation to him though her heart and mind felt mixed. Should they trust these Elves? Who was that Skeleton and why were they dangerous? What had spooked Kenia and forced them to hide? It must have had to do with the Skeleton Voldemort. Or, perhaps, that dragon was coming back. She shuddered. She may have loved dragons but she wasn't fond of that one.

Cora sat down and hugged her knees, uncertain of what to do. There was nothing more she hated than feeling uncertain and powerless. She glanced at Rei and nodded gratefully to the sweater and mouthed: 'Thank you,' She swallowed and strained her ears to hear what was happening outside.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago


TIME : Dawn
Location : Road North of the Moon Elf Forest
Interactions : Ilan @dreamingflowers


The German watched as the other boy tied the man to the back of the wagon, he was already inside and he was hiding where one would usually put their feet, "Go, faster faster!" he yelled out as he covered his head with his non broken arm and closed his eyes as the ground would shake and rumble under them. There was a loud crack, then a small shock wave would push them forward more.

Small fragments would land all around them, hundreds if not thousands of tiny fragments, and some large plates of steel would crash down near them.

"Take cover!" he yelled, as he moved his arm to make sure that he would not budge, even if it hurt his bad arm even more, most of the explosion was done, the loud crack would have been ear shattering to them, and extremely dangerous. He looked up at the boy from where he was hiding and sighed softly, "If you feel anything tell me... stop the cart, and untie your friend, bind his wrist because I am sure it is broken if not more... I wish to see if I can find anything of significance... a larger piece of it for memory.." he said softly as he looked around the area.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


O'Ner Faister

O'Ner listened to what Xenelith was saying, "I see then the more direct approach will be used" He touched his boney chin hoping for more for gaining information but they could gain the information he needed if he could torture them. "Then with your forces and your wolves this will be a relative ease, Well we should not waste anytime and let them escape" Again he wanted to get this whole ordeal over with so he could go back to his garden.

"And i can assist you and use my magic to follow them disguised as a villager or one of your wolves?" He suggested wanting to at least follow them and find out what they know or where they are going" O'Ner gave some suggestions of what they could be planning. Alternatively he and Tulip could go either with or ahead of the wolves to help tract the humans.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Roshmi City Dark Elf Guards

Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City
Interactions: @Jamesyco

One of the guards pulled a slip of paper from his bag. "There is no need for us to take you anywhere. We have a few them on hand. Now just letting you know, we can only protect you in the cities. When you make it to one of the cities, show them this paper and you will be a protected citizen until the time you leave. You will be watched carefully in the cities by guards since you are human, but may hire guides or one of us bodyguards if you so choose for protection when out travelling the wilds." The guard explained handing the paper to Grzegorz. "You are free to stay at one of the inns or if you are ready to depart now, that is your choice."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: After Midnight
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Grzegorz @Jamesyco & Dark Elf Guards @Alivefalling

Upon hearing the clopping of horse hooves on the pavement, Kuroi stopped and turned his head to look up at the Polish man through the slits of his mask. He stayed silent and let the man speak, merely looking up at him until the man dismounted and met him face-to-mask. It would have been a lie for Kuroi to say that he wasn't interested, especially if monetary compensation was offered. He looked up at the night sky, pondering and weighing the possible consequences for each decision. On one hand, Kuroi would be able to help out the human who had recently landed in Avalia, just much more than he originally intended to. On the other hand, although the man seemed rather amiable and honorable to some degree, he was a soldier. Kuroi's mother had experience training many of Grzegorz's kind and he himself taught a few people of similar background in his short lifetime.

They weren't all bad people but many soldiers partook in a-many things that went against his morals. Kuroi may have been a fight, a rogue even, but he could not see himself leading the pillaging of a town or village. After a few minutes of silence, the duelist brought up his index finger and motioned Grzegorz to follow him. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to help the Polish soldier out for some time, especially if this meant traveling across the land and being paid to lead the way throughout it. If things got too hairy, Kuroi would merely discharge himself in an honorable manner (lest he finds a polearm pointed at his neck and an innocent's head in a bag).

Kuroi drew his metal fan and flicked his wrist outwards, letting it spread outwards and show off its beautiful (albeit simple) design. He pointed the way to the nearest tavern and merely awaited for Grzegorz to finish speaking to the guards, doing his best to communicate with such a massive language barrier. A shame that Kuroi could understand the man but he could probably not understand Kuroi. He stayed silent, merely watching the exchange between the guards and the human immigrant before speaking up, "If I may be excused for speaking up, if I were to be this man's bodyguard and guard, where could I acquire a translator so that he may understand me?"
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