Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village
Interaction: @Inertia-Rei @Potter-Corvina @princess-Malachi @Dezuel-Terneus

Kenia kept a pleasant and apologetic look on her face as Terneus began speaking. It's Kenia, you asshole. She thought irritatedly as he got her name wrong, yet at the same time she wasn't entirely surprised that he didn't remember her name. He was probably too busy admiring himself when she introduced herself...every time she introduced herself…

"Thank you, my lord. You are so kind and generous, the Light Elves are lucky to have you ruling over them." She would shower him in compliments and flattery to keep on his good side even though she didn't mean a word of it. She could put on many masks, a skill she picked up many years ago and something she did well with. It helped get her out of many sticky situations. "If I come across any humans or any of those DROMs I will be sure to inform you, my lord." The lie came out smoothly, without any hint of nervousness.

Terneus then wanted to go into the cave due to the natural crystals that grew in there and Kenia almost sighed in frustration. She kept a neutral expression, however, as she nodded in compliance. "Of course, my lord, I'd be happy to lead you up there. Be wary, however, as there is some muddy, wet areas near the back of the cave and can be quite slick." She informed him and this wasn't a lie, though she wasn't informing him just to earn him. She secretly hoped in May deter him a bit from traveling too far into the cave. "Also there is another weary traveler with me at the moment up there, he was nervous to come out and meet you as he didn't feel worthy to be in your glorious presence. I'm honored that you've allowed me to be graced by your presence. She said as she began moving back towards the entrance of the cave, hoping that she'd been speaking loud enough this whole time for Malachi to hear. She prayed he'd gotten the humans hidden in that alcove.

She let Terneus continue talking as she entered back into the cave and made quick eye contact with Malachi. She quietly counted the different knives she had hidden on her at the moment as well as around the cave. She even had some coated in paralytic poison in case she needed to use it. She considered throwing up and illusion over the alcove for extra assurance that the humans were hidden, but she didn't as she worried Terneus would be able to quickly recognize the use of light magic. Better to not use any magic and not act any more suspicious.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago


Roshmi City
Interactions : @hide on mana - Kuroi / @Alivefalling - Guards


He looked at the tavern and nodded as he went that way, his horse slowly moving as he was expecting for the creature beside him to walk along side him. Maybe, but that is not what happened, instead his woman speaks like a man. It is a man, god damnit, now time to find one once he catches up. But I'm not sharing, he's gotta find his own, the polish man thought to himself.

"Once you are done with the guards, you can meet me at the tavern... I'll find a good stable for the horse..." he said as he looked back, "Unless if you know one yourself." he said as he stopped in front of the tavern waiting for the individual. He reached down and ran a hand over the unarmored sides of his horses neck, and he smiled a bit as he plopped his lance down in the holster of it. He wouldn't need it yet, maybe in a little while but not at this moment. He had plans set of this city, and bringing under his heel.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Xenelith's Tent
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner @Legion02-Xenelith

Azriel listened as Xenelith spoke, following back towards the tent as she wished to see the sketches. There was a part of her itching to fly after the rebels immediately, however at the mention of spies got her thinking. It was always better to know your enemy, to not underestimate. On the flip side it was also good to get your enemy to underestimate you. It had her mind reeling, a thought and beginnings of a plan forming.

They got to the tent and moved to the sketches, studying each face on them as Xenelith continued talking and explaining that he suspected the female fairies didn't really know what they'd gotten themselves into. Good, that meant at least some where underestimating them. This was perfect.

"Hold off the attack for a moment." She said as she set the sketches down and looked between her companions as she thought. "General Faister you asked about spies and it's actually got me thinking. Could we perhaps find a way to infiltrate this group?" The question was directed at all in the tent, however she looked at O'Ner. She knew little of the man, but she did know one of his specialties was magic. She didn't know what kind of magic, but perhaps he had something useful.

After a short moment she turned her attention to Xenelith. "I commend you Commander for thinking to take the families of the two females captive. It may be of benefit to us to see if your men are successful and if we can't find a way to infiltrate the group then we can fall back on using their loved ones as bait." She told him as she gave an approving grin. She hoped Umber would continue monitoring their emotions as well if that's truly what he was doing. She was fairly positive he was, though.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Xenelith's Tent River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'Ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith

Umber was in the presence of Aklenroth's elites, yet his attention was elsewhere. His focus was on his soon to be captives. They were far and he could pick up that there were more than just the two. His eyes scanned over the sketches of the rebels who Xenelith had encountered previously and could safely guess it was the same group. So far away. I just need a strong emotion. Something to... cling to.

”STOP GIVING ME COMANDS!” His eyes widened and his tail smacked the ground.

Elsea… So much anger… hatred. Look what they tried to do to you on your world. False accusations… shame… a flame… I will come for you soon… Elsea.

He let the name echo in his mind as he picked up more. These were not as strong, but were still all the more delicious. Elthrael's disappointment, Jean-Luc's tenacity, and he couldn't leave out Risa's doubt… Umber snickered inside, before he seemed to break back into reality. Azriel was trying to form a plan and strategize on how to go forward. It was the best thing to do with all of what the four of them had to offer in a hunt for their enemies.

"Impressive as always Azriel, but there's more to exploit. Hmm... They don't trust each other, so they won't easily trust this deception. We'll need our infiltration to be believable. General Faister's performance cannot afford to be flimsy." Umber circled around the group, his eyes on O'Ner. "Can you become a human, general? I can simulate their power with mine to make you believable prey…" Umber's eyes fell on Xenelith and then to Azriel. "And here are the believable hunters. I don't believe I need to explain much more." Umber provided his own insight before going back to putting an ear on the door to the hearts of the rebels.

Elsea… I will have you soon. Keep that fire in your heart.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Many events had taken place between the fight and when the young fairy let her eyes flutter close into a deep slumber:


"Yes my love."

A four year old Dionaea stood next to her father by a dark foreboding pit, the blackest of black the young one had ever witnessed. It had no life to it, an abyss of complete and utter silence. Dia cocked her head slowly, peering over the pit a lump in her throat as she felt something was dreadfully wrong. Her stomach felt the urge to purge its contents, the burn of acid filling her throat as she looked to her father again.

"I don't like this place."

Her voice cracked as she spoke out loud, tears began to fall from her bright eyes as she backed up slowly from the edge of the pit. She watched in the corner of her eye as her father made a grimace in pain, his once joyful face now twisted beyond recognition as he began to let out guttural screams.

Blood curdling screams.

The young fairy could not move, she looked down to her feet which were now entrapped with vines and various bramble. They went through her skin like softened butter, wrapping around her muscles and bones, rooting her into the ground. Outstretching her arms she reached towards her father. He turned to her with a blank expression, the screaming had stopped abruptly as his eyes began to roll into the back of his head as he fell back into the hole.

"Enough!" Dia yelled, as she woke from the terrible nightmare. Her breathing was stressed, feeling soaked with her own sweat. She removed the blanket that adorned her as she looked down at her feet. They looked as normal as usual, besides the scabbing of the dog bite she received; she had remembered that clearly. Risa had tried to heal her completely but had overworked herself..Kyran.. the broken one! She could hear their voices outside, the smell of breakfast lingering in the air as the young fairy slowly started to drift off once more.

Suddenly she was being shaken awake. Kyran had grabbed her, his strong hand wrapped around hers as he spoke a warning. Her body ached from the night before, and her brain was still in the space between awake and asleep. "What is going on?" Dia stated as they reached to outside where they had been joined by the fairy and the fire spreading human from before. The sweet one, but perhaps spicy was a better adjective. She nodded a hello to both of them, but still questioned what was the meaning of taking her from bed.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

Malachi had the two settle in the very back of the alcove. He had put his finger to his lips and gave them both a stern look. He kept a grasp on his bow as he listened to Kenia kiss up to Terneus. The girl was an outstanding actress. Clearly, she had done this before. He made a mental note to possibly tease her about that later if this all went well.

If this all blew up, the guards would be no issue to him. He was unaware of Kenia's background so he wasn't so sure they could handle Terneus. From what he knew, the governor was very old and powerful. At most, they could probably distract him enough to get the run on him. Worst came to worst, he'd probably try to steal their carriage or horses.

He tilted his head as the conversation went rather south. Terneus wanted to come into the cave to look at crystals. He was either onto something being awry or just a pain in the ass. Kenia also went on to speak of him existing and being too nervous to come out. The current arrangement did not make sense for that. He'd have to come out into view and distract him from even looking in this area.

Malachi took Rei's shoulders gently, moving him down on his side on the ground, hoping he'd cooperate. He then took Corvina's head gently between his hands and laid it on Rei's arm, stacking them. Finally, he laid one of the blankets on them. In the dark, they did appear as a heap of belongings. Closer inspection may bring limbs into view, but it was as good as they were going to get. He hated to put them on the filthy ground but he planned on making them do a thorough hygenic cleansing later.

He put his arrow back in its place as well as his bow, then took a seat closer up in the cave so that he'd be in view once Terneus entered. Taking out a small hunting knife, he went to work skinning the squirrels and relaxed his position.

Hope Terneus isn't hungry...

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Roshmi City Dark Elf Guards

Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City
Interactions: @hide on mana

"If I may be excused for speaking up, if I were to be this man's bodyguard and guard, where could I acquire a translator so that he may understand me?"

The guard looked at the vulpine demi-human. "Yes, sir Kuroi right? You can take this one in my hand. Don't worry about paying me. I enjoy watching your fights in the arena. I have watched many of them." The dark elf smirked handing him the translator."I must leave now. I am being assigned to another post in ten minutes." He said quickly turning away and walking off into the distance.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Domoros
Interactions: none

Bowyn wandered through the streets in the marketplace of Doromos. Atop his left shoulder an alert Boreas, a merlin, was perched. He stuck to the crowded areas, although there were few people whose presence he cared to be in, it provided better cover for him as he worked. As he stopped to look at various jewelry his nimble fingers slipped several items into his pockets. Boreas, a loyal companion, would ruffle his feathers when anyone was looking. He moved unnoticed within groups of people visiting other stalls and managed to swipe a few other things he could sell in addition to his breakfast for the day. He ate a sweet pastry as he walked and offered a piece to Boreas as well but the merlin refused, as he preferred fresh meat. Bowyn was more than happy to have the all the stolen sweets to himself.

”How can you eat that? It smells disgusting.” Boreas said.

”If you were covered in honey I’d likely eat you.” Bowyn replied with a snide smirk. ”Honey roasted merlin, delicious.” Bowyn continued as he headed through the alleyways to the seedier part of Doromos.

”Hmmp then you’d have no friend.” The merlin quipped, unbothered. He knew the winter fae would never eat him, and he could out fly any hungry fairy that dared try.

”And I would have peace and quiet at last.” Bowyn answered. He noticed a wolf based demihuman giving him a strange look. Bowyn, having never properly learned his zoolinguism always spoke aloud when talking to the bird. This was not an issue when the two were alone in the forests but in a city he frequently looked like a crazy person talking to a bird. He didn’t mind the strange looks, and it helped keep the city dwellers from making casual conversation with him. They made their way to tavern and once inside he approached a large minotaur who stood in front of the door to the back room.

”I’m here to see Kala.” He said to the large minotaur. The man stepped aside and allowed Bowyn to enter the backroom. He approached a desk and behind the desk sat Kala, a demihuman female with features much like a Vervet Monkey. She flashed a toothy grin as Bowyn approached and began emptying his pockets onto her desk.

“What have you brought me?” She asked, half amused as she used her hands and tail to sift through the collection of jewelry, perfumes, herbs, and handful of knick knacks that were essentially junk. Kala picked up a wooden carving of an amoras with her tail and waved it at him. “Children’s toys, Bowyn, what am I supposed to do with this, eh?” She asked before tossing it aside.

“I think you just kinda zoom it around and pretend like it’s flying.” Bowyn said as he picked up the toy she had tossed a side and facetiously waved it around making zooming sounds. He stopped when Kala shot him a look that clearly showed she was not amused and he put toy back in his pocket. ”So, some of it's junk, folks with too much money, love junk, someone will buy it. The rest of it’s solid. What’ll you give me?”

“Trade or amas?” She asked.

”Four grams and the rest in amas.” Bowyn said, and Kala began measuring out skaula on the scales she kept on her desk. He accepted the hallucinogens and the handful of amas she offered him. ”Pleasure as always.” He said bowing slightly as he turned to leave.

“Send Knox in on you way out.” Kala said as he left the room.

As Bowyn exited the room he tapped the minotaur on the chest as he walked by. “Boss lady wants to see you.” The minotaur grunted in annoyance at the fairy but walked into the room closing the door behind him, likely to clear off Kala’s desk.

“Jaroth would’ve given you more amas.” Boreas said as they left the tavern.

“True but he doesn’t sell.” Bowyn said tapping the pocket where he’d put the skaula.

“Does this mean I get to look forward to two hours of you talking to ice in the forest? I simply cannot wait.” Boreas said. Before Bowyn had a chance to respond a disturbing sight filled the sky above. A giant image of Aklenroth rambling on about humans. Bowyn snorted and shook his head, the foolish elves had really done it now, summoning humans back to Avalia as if that would be enough to do anything about Aklenroth’s rule. “Sounds like a lot of people are gonna die, huh?” Boreas said with genuine concern. They both knew that searches conducted by Aklenroth’s forces were rarely peaceful.

“Indeed, that’s what happens when you meddle.” Bowyn said shaking his head. Seems that elves were too old to learn that things weren’t going to go back to the old ways. Now that Aklenroth had control of Avalia he was never going to giving that up, and standing between the lich, and what he wanted was a guaranteed way to get yourself, or those you love, killed. Luckily for Bowyn he planned to stay out of his whole mess by doing drugs in the forest and minding his own business.

“I bet, those humans are going to be awfully scared and confused, roaming around so far from home, kind of like a certain fairy was when I found him.” Boreas continued, somehow managing to sound condescending with a voice Bowyn could hear only in his mind.

“I am not helping the humans. I like being alive.” Bowyn answered.

“Since you don’t seem to like your own kind or anyone else from around here, maybe you’ll like creatures from another place. Could be fun to try.” Boreas said, he always thought it would be better for Bowyn to have friends other than him.

“Doubtful. And you what I won’t like, having my head removed from the rest of my body or dying in some other terrible way those who serve Aklenroth would dream up once these morons are caught.” Bowyn said as they made their way towards the gates of the city and drew closer to the forests that bordered it. Boreas eventually gave up on trying to get the fairy to find a human. Bowyn was right after all it did sound rather dangerous so Boreas figured he’d try again next time they were near civilization to get the fairy to make friends.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Midnight/Morning
Location: Forest outside of Domoros
Interactions: N/A

Sounds of battle raged around the pale haired woman as she loosed an arrow, finding her target right through the neck. This was what Torvi had been doing for the past ten minutes, following the same pattern. Nock an arrow. Pull the bowstring back. Take aim. Breathe. Release. Over and over again she kept this up as she tried to stay far enough back from the fighting for the bow to be useful. Not far from her she caught sight of her sister, Siiri, let out a battle cry as she flung herself at another enemy.

The men of the village hadn’t planned for the attack and so they left on a raid, leaving the women to defend their little village. Thankfully Torvi had the smarts to realize that if they were starving then there was a chance that other villages were as well. She hadn’t planned for them to be attacked, of course, but she made sure the people were ready in case there was a raid on their village. The women were the prominent fighters at the moment, however young boys joined in along with the elderly men. They all were willing to fight and die for their village.

Her plan to keep far enough away from the fighting had been going well up until this point. The raid group was breaking through their lines and getting closer and closer to her. She released another arrow as something began to pull her attention. Near her a large portal began opening up and she stared at it in awe and horror. She dropped her guard and someone took advantage of this, rushing at her with an axe. “Torvi!” She heard her sister cry and she whipped her head back around just in time to see Siiri jump in front of her. The axe came down hard and everything seemed to happen in slow motion at that point. She watched as the axe embedded itself into her sister’s chest while her sister ran the man through with her sword. Torvi let out a scream before she was sucked through the portal.

When she opened her eyes she was in a forest and it was dark. It wasn’t dark just moments ago, was it? That’s when the scene came rushing back to her once more and she shoved herself upwards as she looked around frantically. ”Siiri!” She screamed as her eyes scanned the area. Where are you dammit… She thought to herself as she began to move. She had to find her, she had to be okay.

Moments later she saw a body on the forest floor and she rushed over to it. As she got closer she saw the familiar form of her sister and she ran full speed to her side. She dropped down and looked Siiri over, seeing the gruesome gash in her chest. She also watched as her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths. “Torvi…” Siiri spoke her name in a weak, gurgling noise. The sound tore at Torvi’s heart and she looked to her sister’s face. “Where are we Torvi?...This isn’t home…” Siiri asked, a hint of fear in her voice and it caused tears to come to Torvi’s eyes. She moved to place her sister’s head in her lap as she began to gently stroke her hair.

”It’s okay Siiri, everything is going to be okay. Freyja must have chosen you.” Torvi manage to say, giving her sister a soft smile as tears fell down her cheeks. ”You’re in Fólkvangr now, you’re going to dine with Freyja and her court after you get some rest.” She told her sister, trying to fill her last thoughts with happy ones as Torvi felt herself crumbling.

“It hurts, Torvi. It hurts so bad.” Siiri began to complain and move around restlessly. Torvi just hushed her and bid her to lie still as she continued to stroke her face and hair. She did quiet after a few moments and Torvi knew it wouldn’t be long now. “I’m so tired Torvi...sing me a song please...like when we were kids...sing me a song so I can sleep…” She asked and a sob broke from Torvi as she nodded.

”My heart shall see light...our hearts shall be forever...go forth, rest in dreamland...I'll soon be there...wait for me my love...you know I'm here...to join you in dreams...you have nothing to fear…” She softly sang a lullaby to Siiri, watching as her breathing slowly ceased. She continued to sit there for a long time after still singing softly and sobbing.

Hours later the cold had seeped deep into Torvi’s bones and her sister was freezing to the touch. She knew she couldn’t stay there for much longer yet she struggled with just leaving her sister without a proper burial. She finally came to the conclusion that if she wanted to live and not die from freezing to death she would have to leave her. So with a tear stained face she pulled off her sister’s necklace, placed it around her own neck, kissed her brow, and then left her there. She needed to find someplace to either stop and make a fire or find civilization. At least getting moving would help her stay a bit warmer.

Dawn finally broke and she had found a small alcove and some materials to start a very small fire. She sat as close to it as she could, trying her best to keep warm when the strangest vision appeared in the sky. A skeletal being, something similar to Hela, appeared in the sky professing a message. She was shocked to find out that her kind were being hunted...who lived in this land other than humans? Just where was she? She made a quick decision and put out the fire, deciding it best to not draw as much attention to herself as possible. I need to find out more information on where I’m at and why I’m here, but I also need to be cautious of everyone… She thought to herself as she began to quietly make her way through the forest, hoping to come across someone and maybe get the jump on them. She could take on one person at very least.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Close to The Sun Elf Kingdom.
Interactions: Cadence @Helo

Judging by Cade's expression and reactions to Ayita's own words, it became clear to her that unfortunately, there were some aspects were her world and his were very similar. Despite the whole situation and the unfortunate similarity between their worlds, Cade's words when he said that they could try to ask the Elves for them to bring the rest of Ayita's people there was comforting. If they were alive... It was, nonetheless, a good thought. That said, Ayita knew it wasn't time for her to think about that yet.

Returning to the matter regarding food and hunting, Cade teased after Ayita mentioned she didn't have weapons to hunt, showing her his claws. As a beastman, Ayita figured out it wouldn't be hard for him to hunt something for them. Still, she felt a bit bad relying that much on him. She was a warrior, a huntress yet, she was being taken care of without being able to do anything in return. Still, there wasn't much Ayita could do at the moment so she simply smiled at Cade's teasing.

"It is a bit embarrassing, but I'll be counting on you then." Ayita said with a smile.

"I do know how to use a bow, but I always preferred to use tomahawk both for combat and hunting." Ayita said as they walked through the forest.

Arriving on a fresh water stream, they started unpacking their things, or better... Cade did, resting his halberd in one of the trees before he went hunting for something. After he went, Ayita focused on the task she was given. Quickly spotting the fruits that Cade had pointed previously, Ayita climbed the tree with an agile and fluid motion, without any difficulty as she started grabbing the fruits and putting them on the ground before she went up to grab some more. The moment Cade came back, he would find Ayita simply sitting on one of the tree's branches, taking small bites on one of the fruits as she waited for Cade to return. Just below her, nearby the tree, there were a few fruits she got. Apparently, she was waiting for Cade to return before eating.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi city infirmary
Ambience: Infirmary

Ilan was laying out some medicine and supplies for both Fintan and the human fighter. He gathered up Fintans medicine and placed them in a bag. He hopped of the cart, keeping an eye on the human and proceeded to kneel down next to the unconscious farmer. By some sort of miracle none of them got injured during the explosion. His sensitive ears however did feel like they were bleeding on the inside. He looked at the demi humans face and his eyes scanned over the rest of his body, there weren´t any great injuries. Just some scrapes from being dragged over the dirt road. He´d packed some cooling salves and wrappings for that. The wrists which the human suspected may have been broken looked and felt fine. Ilan didn´t feel any strange dislocated bones or dents around the wrists of Fintan. It filled him with guilt to leave him like this. The human needed his help more. It wasn´t safe for him here, especially not after what the Lich King had offered to the people of Avalia.

When the human returned Ilan convinced him to lay down on the straw, which he had spread evenly into a makeshift mattress of sorts. He wordlessly tied a piece of cloth around the mans arm, so he could cradle it against his chest. He wore the sling like a hero out of war, which he may have well been. Ilan didn´t want to strain him any further by making him talk.

"We'll go back to my city, there are infirmaries there, we'll be better off there."

On the way back to Roshmi a million thoughts ran through the mind of the young faun. The most pressing one what he was going to do next. If he stayed with this man he would be drawn into this war, but if he didn't.....
The war was coming and no matter how hard everyone tried to avoid it, soon it would be on the doorstep. Ilan just hoped the humans were like the ones in the stories. A group of heroes who would band together and defeat the evil king. He could help them by saving the human he found.

The roads began to look familiar, they were leading back to the city. Ilan realized he hadn't been all that far from it. Traveling on foot was awfully slow. He felt hopeful, there would be demi humans in Roshmi willing to help. He knew a few people at a particular infirmary. One where he used to drop off medicine he prepared together with his grandmother. They would be safe there, for the time being. Once the city borders were in view Ilan urged the horse to go faster. The quietness of the human worried him. He was already in bad shape when they met and he was only getting worse.

Flash forward

Ilan was pacing back and forth at the entrance of the infirmary, not knowing what to do with himself. He'd stayed by the bedside of the human until he fell into a deep sleep. The healers said he needed rest and Ilan agreed wholeheartedly. He wasn't as an accomplished healer as the ones at the infirmary, but even he knew what their grim faces meant. The scent of cleansing herbs wafted out of the windows. It was a painfully familiar scent. A kind of herb they only used when someone was clinging onto life. He hated himself for thinking it, but he hoped it was not the human. It would be useless to stand here and wait around, worrying himself. He was in the best hands. Ilan adjusted his bag and straightened his clothes. A stroll through the market would do him well. A worried frown refused to leave his features as he walked past several stands. It would be a while before they could leave. Ilan made some mental notes on the things he would need for the journey, hopefully he could afford all of it.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: A quiet stream, South of Orc Landing
Interaction with: Darius, Skar, and Myra @13org

Darius sighed before letting loose a chuckle when he could tell Myra wasn't going to look the other way.

"Please don't let there be some kind of hashtag me too movement in this place." He said softly to himself with a shrug before turning around and pulling off his shirt, revealing athletic physique. He turned slightly to toss his shirt away from the stream and noticed Myra was still just watching. He almost thought nothing of it, but he couldn't ignore the fact that she had basically groped him in his sleep. He knew she was just curious if anything, but it was funny to think that she could be some serial pervert in the form of an adorable demon girl.

Next came the sneakers, then the socks followed by his gym shorts. He kept his back to Myra as he removed his last piece of clothing, his snug black boxer briefs. With this toss, he tried not to look behind him. When his feet touched the stream, he winced at the coldness.

"Shit that's cold! He dipped his feet in again and shivered for a moment before he walked in deeper where it was deep enough to submerge his knees He shivered the whole time, but managed to prop himself against one of the large stones that limited the flow of the stream. Then he crouched down so he could get a proper wash. "Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. The thought repeated as he tried his best to wash himself.

Myra didn't really know why exactly Darius didn't want her to keep watching him as Skar told her to. She knew he was going to clean himself in the river, but for her, that wasn't really that strange, the strange thing to her was how Darius was taking off the things he used above his skin, almost as if he was shedding a second skin, like reptiles and snakes. As he started to undress himself, Myra couldn't help but hide her curious, intense stare, which would certainly be misunderstood by Darius...

The second he started throwing his second skin things away from the river, Myra's eyes went to where they fell on the ground. First, it was the thing he used on his chest and then the weird things he used on his feet. The second they fell on the ground though, Myra immediately dashed to where he threw them, making it clear that her intense stare and curiosity were directed, in fact, to his clothes.

While Myra did notice Darius complaining about the cold water, she was too distracted investigating his clothes, most particularly his sneakers. Holding the strange thing, she looked inside, only to see it was hollow. It was the first time Myra was seeing such a strange thing. It was made from a really strange material, Myra had never seen or felt that texture before. Not only that, but it was much lighter than it appeared to be. Since Darius used those on his feet, Myra tried to copy him, only to notice that it was much larger and had a completely different shape than her feet.
The second she held it closer to her nose though, the sharp, pungent smell made her almost immediately jump back and let it fall on the ground as she stuck her tongue out of her mouth, shaking her head due to the strong smell.

Directing her attention to the piece of cloth he wore over his chest, Myra grabbed it with a curious stare. Much like the things he used on his feet, it was also made from a strange material. That material though, felt really nice as she touched though. It was hard to describe but it was almost as it was really, really smooth, rubbing it against itself felt really good. It was just a matter of time until she put her head inside one of the openings, wondering how it was inside...

The next thing Darius would see when he looked at Myra was her fighting against his shirt, with both her arms stuck in a single-arm opening while her head was poking through the head opening and her tail was going through the other arm opening, as she tried, without much success to free herself from that strange trap.

"What in the…" Darius said to himself as he noticed Myra had entangled herself in his shirt. And he was just getting used to the water too. At any rate she would win the battle against the shirt and tear through it. Seeing as Darius didn't have any other wardrobe, he'd have to act. "Myra! Hold on, I'm coming to help you!" Darius said hurredly as he stood up out of the water and tried to run across the stream. This proved to be difficult due to its depth. It felt a bit awkward to be running around naked, but he needed to save his shirt.

Darius was about a few feet away when he realized what he would need to do to free Myra from his shirt. No hashtags for this guy.

"Fuck! I mean...Myra just stay calm. I'm going to help you, okay?" Darius assured as he went to grab his underwear. He slipped them on quickly before walking over to Myra. "OH FUCK!" Darius had stepped on a stone with his bare right foot. He fell to the ground and held the bottom of his hurt foot, groaning in pain. When he looked up at Myra, he watched in horror as Skar who had just walked up and approached Myra and gripped the shirt. "SKAR NO!!!!!"

The orc tore the shirt apart like a sheet of paper. Defeated, Darius remained on the ground groaning in pain.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: After Midnight
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Dark Elf Guards @Alivefalling

Kuroi was surprised at the guard's random act of generosity, only able to nod his head and give his thanks to the guard before he walked off. The martial artist turned to look back towards the direction of the tavern where he had shown Grzegorz where to go. With a shrug of his shoulders, Kuroi figured it'd be best to check up on the man in the morning. Slightly raising one of his legs off the ground and pivoting along the ball of his foot to turn, he made his way back home to rest before his big day tomorrow.

Time: Dawn
Interactions: Dark Elf Guards @Alivefalling
BGM: Encounter

Kuroi woke early, a couple of hours short from one's required eight hours of sleep. His self-inflicted restlessness wouldn't let him fall back asleep, he was too intrigued by the human whom he had met and agreed to help. Not to mention that today was the day that he would begin his worldly ventures. After a series of long goodbyes with his family and neighbors, Kuroi set off towards the tavern where he had originally sent Grzegorz to. Only a block away from the establishment, Kuroi stopped dead in his tracks and deeply inhaled. His ears shot upwards and his hand rested on the metal fan that hung from his belt. A small exhale left his mouth and a look of grimace was painted across his face as he suddenly turned to his right and stared down the alleyway.

Inside, an armored corpse could be made out leaned against the wall. Were it not for the armor and the glint of the dagger next to the neck of the cadaver, it certainly would have been a lot hard to make out who lurked within the alley.


Kuroi quickly slipped to the side, feeling a throwing knife miss his head narrowly. The martial artist's chest grew hot in morbid anticipation as he drew both his metal fans, moving into a cat stance* in the nigh-empty. He gently glanced to his side, making out the figures of a couple of street merchants beginning to set up for the day. It was already clear that this battle would have witnesses, something that Kuroi was more than grateful for in these circumstances. With a flick of his wrists, Kuroi unfolded both his fans and ran into the narrow alleyway.

Almost immediately, he felt a weighted object narrowly miss his left arm as he entered the alleyway. His eyes quickly analyzed the attacker and the corpse that had slumped down onto the ground; respectively, he came face-to-face with an Elven assailant and the body of the Lancer-class human he had met the night prior. Instinctively, Kuroi threw a fan directly at the assailant to disorient him and end the fight the moment it began. Unfortunately, he found his fan slammed aside with the blade of the same dagger that was about to decapitate his deceased companion. The martial artist suddenly lunged forward with the center of his bladed fan, aiming at the assailant's hand in order to disarm him. Instead, he found the flat of the dagger slammed down again the fan before being sent towards his neck. With his opposite, empty hand, he riskily caught the attacker's hand and twisted it unnaturally.

Kuroi's vulpine eyes immediately shot downwards as he found a knee coming up towards his chest. Still holding onto his opponent's hand as he squirmed about, he suddenly twisted his torso to generate power and forced the dagger down into the assailant's leg, making him stab himself. In quick succession, Kuroi suddenly launched himself into the air with his knee before using the opposite leg to send a powerful teep into the opponent's chest. The assailant immediately clung to the slick walls around him as best as possible, trying his best to stand up and get away from the man whom he had hoped to take down alongside his bounty. The martial artist quickly jumped onto the wall, doing so to close the distance between his attacker and build up momentum in the leg that launched him off the ground.

Within only a second, Kuroi sent a powerful kick into the elf's head, timing it perfectly with the elf's attempts to get up off the wall. His foot met perfectly with the side of the assailant's face, slamming the side of his head into the wall he was up against. Landing almost flawlessly, Kuroi rose his foot up once more before sending a powerful ax kick down onto the opponent's head, making sure he'd stay down. Blood faintly painted the wall where the assailant's head had been slammed into, and the same shade of scarlet gently dripped from the sole of Kuroi's foot.

Two dead corpses now laid on the ground. More than enough blood had been spilled this day.

The sun continued to rise over the horizon, not as red as one would expect from the blood that had been shed only minutes prior. Although Kuroi was aware of how questionable, and perhaps even how hypocritical his actions were, he carried the body towards the nearest post of guards, hoping that at least Aklenroth and his army had enough honor to properly bury the man whom he could have found a great companion in.

Or perhaps that was just Kuroi attempting to justify his intentions. He hadn't killed Grzegorz nor did he ever plan to unless he would be forced to defend himself. Him taking advantage of such a situation wasn't exactly the worst thing he could do. If anything, he would definitely preserve the human in memory and in spirit. Kuroi was sure the man would understand him. After all, he did the same with his deceased companions, no?

Upon arriving at the nearest guard post, Kuroi set the body down and began to quickly rummage through the man's belongings, taking anything that might be of use to him (that would be his wallet, of course). He rose and hailed the guards, ready to collect his bounty.

In his left hand, he held Grzegorz's pouch of Amas. In his right, the feather that adorned the man's casque.

"I have brought the body of a man who was to be my companion!" Kuroi shouted out, making sure the guards had noticed him and the body.

"Not too far from here, I was forced to stain my foot with the blood of an attacker who took the life of this man before me! Now I am merely following suit and turning in the body for him. Can I trust that our Lord Aklenroth will treat this cadaver with respect?"

Although Kuroi was indeed intent on collecting his blood money, the least he could do is hope that Grzegorz's body would be properly treated. It wasn't hard to note the scorn and mild pain in his voice. The man knew that what he was doing was morally questionable at best. All he could do now was treasure the feather that was once apart of the man's helmet. Although Kuroi never even learned of the man's name, he wished his soul well.

May you rest in peace, Grzegorz...'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@FunnyGuy @Tae @Legion02

O'Ner Faister

"I could shape shift into many different animals or objects, And with the information i will send the information back to you via carrier bird" O'Ner turned to speak with Umber. He was confident in his shape shifting skills and had used this magic before and to alot of success. "Only if the commander is fine with my shape shifting and following them?" He asked turning to their commander. If he could not get his spies to infiltrate he will have to change his appearance to spy on others.

"I can change my appearance to look human, Although i do not know if they could smell my scent it would be a good idea to try and mask it" O'Ner answered Azriel thinking just for safety sake that he would not be found out by the humans. It would be quite awkward for him to transform into his true form while surrounded by his enemies.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

Terneus stretched his back abit, assuming a pose worthy of a rooster amongst the hens. Or a peacock displaying it's feathers in all their glory. He gave a soft laugh, which to him would have seemed to be showing his amusement, but to others would come across as fake, condescending and possibly annoying.

"I am generous and kind? Oh ofcourse, our people deserve the very best. So it is only natural that I govern and protect them. It is such a dangerous world after all..." He fanned his face with one of his hands as his usual servant carrying the fan did not accompany him on the journey. Much to the white clad elf's displeasure.

"Good. I.. I mean we do not want them to end up in the wrong hands after all. Someone with nefarious intentions may try to use them to cause mayhem, which would be terrible. Ofcourse if you do bring them to me, I shall make certain you'll reap the monetary reward." Terneus said in a soft manner, the corner of his mouth slightly in an upturn. Like he was pondering on the idea and almost seemed to taste it. Not only that but savoring it. Terneus took a few steps up following his two knights which were a few steps ahead. "Perfect." He said in a satisfied manner. 'Just like me...' He thought and then continued.

"Lead me? I'll be doing any leading, but you may take the forefront. Ah? Muddy wet areas?" The elf stopped in his tracks, he frowned and seemed to be about to reconsider. He couldn't allow himself to get dirtied, it would make him a laughing stock for the fairies and also make THEM look like HIS betters. The very thought hit Terneus and he felt sick for a moment, taking a few breaths before opening his mouth, but before he could speak Kenia mentioned that there was a weary traveller within.

"A traveler? And hes nervous and feeling that he isn't worthy to gaze at my radiance? Take me to him at once, someone who knows their place is hard to find nowadays." The elf chuckled softly to himself as he momentarily remembered the last knights which had dared to fail him.

"Ofcourse you should feel honored, but I did not come this way to reward you in such a manner, Kenara. I am here solely on buisness, very important buisness. This is just a little sightseeing along the way. And what are you standing around for? Move." He waved his hand in a shoo manner to his knights which had stopped to wait for him.

"This traveler might have seen something, he certainly must tell me." The governor beckoned Kenia to move along with them, and as he came upon Malachi, the white dressed elf let out a soft gasp.

"You there. Traveler. I desire for you to tell me a few things." He fake coughed into his hand.

"I, I am lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves, protector of the realm, loyal servant of the king, richest in wealth and beauty on this side of the kingdom and the leader of the Androsian knights, which happen to be named after my prestigious family." He took a pose that would imply that he expected praise or flattery for his many titles, his eyes searching over Malachi and then looking to the squirrel, his nose wrinkling as he did.

'How utterly revolting. Eating a tree rat. To think I am of the same blood as this pitiful creature? No. There must be something wrong, some error in his line which has afflicted it's mind in ways not even someone as vastly intelligent like myself could decipher. Oh but I shall show some pity for the unfortunate creatures which are not me.'

"Now... tell me.. hmm..." He said in a soft moaning manner until he found a fitting word for Malachi. "Vagrant, have you perhaps seen his majesty's dragon fly by or any anomalies such as humans?"

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Dawn of the first day.
Location: In the woods of the peninsula west of Sun Elf Village.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina, @Tae - Kenia, @princess - Malachi, @Dezuel - Terneus.

Rei received his sweater, simply nodding in acknowledgement at her thanks. He took one whiff at the sweater and found it smellier than he liked. Before he could apologize, Malachi manhandled him and pinned his side to the floor. What the fu- Rei thought, stopping himself from speaking. Before he knew it Corvina's head was lying on his free arm, facing towards him then a blanket was sprawled across both of them. It was very close, so much so that he could practically hear her breathing. What a crude plan. Better than nothing... probably.

Rei pursed his lips and pressed a finger against them, signalling that they stay quiet. He had hoped this wouldn't take long but with the way the Elf- Terneus, was speaking, they might be here for days. He had never seen- well, heard such a clear-cut case of narcissism. It reminded Rei of traditional elves he would read about in mythology. Seems like there's some truth to those crazy books. Well, stereotypes do have some truth to them. Guy even speaks all old-timey.

The elves were still relatively far but he could catch bits and pieces here and there. Governor... Protractor... Rich... Andrews Nights... does he manage a bar? Whatever. This Terneus has a longer title than the queen of dragons. Rei sighed in his mind. He continued straining to hear the rest of what they spoke about.

He soon began feeling cramped, and he probably didn't smell that great either so Rei felt that Corvina was likely suffering. Please get him out of here Kenia, Malachi, freaking anyone! Rei let his head lay on the dirty floor, he couldn't crane his neck up any longer. "Sorry about this Corvina." He whispered very lightly, since they were physically close she would hear it despite the volume.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Roshmi City Dark Elf Guards

Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City
Interactions: @hide on mana

The guards looked towards the vulpine demi-human, quickly walking over to him "What a sad sight to have died so fast after getting paid." One of the guards said.

"Yes. We will take the body and give it a proper burial." Another guard added in, before taking the body and hauling it off to a hidden area within the guard post.

"If you are looking for pay, I will go grab your money the bank is just across the street." The third guard had said. He then walked into the bank and returned shortly after with a pouch of twenty platinum Amas. "Here you go sir, I am sorry for your loss. We will take care of the body don't worry." He said, handing him the pouch.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Dark Elf Guards @Alivefalling

Kuroi nodded his head and took the pouch of Amas for his prize. He had decided to take the guard's word without any hesitation, regardless of whether or not it was true. All the vulpine needed now was consolation. After thanking the guards, Kuroi turned around and walked to the bank across the street. His first priority was to deposit the majority of his money into the bank, not wanting to carry around so much money on him at once. It was better to travel humbly and not flash around wealth. That was a good way to become a bandit's target, no?

After depositing the majority of his windfall at the bank, Kuroi was unsure of what to do. He was already packed up and ready to leave the city but something kept him lingering. Perhaps it was the recent unfortunate events that befell him and the corpse of his companion. Or perhaps it was how uneasy Kuroi felt about taking advantage of a corpse in more ways than one. The vulpine reached inside his satchel and took out the red feather that adorned Grzegorz and stared at it for a few seconds before he began to walk down the street he was on.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: Dawn
Location: River Fairy Kingdom - Dark Elf camp
Interaction with: O'Ner@Eviledd1984, Azriel@Tae and Umber@FunnyGuy

Xenelith did not know how the demon knew the group didn’t trust each other. His kin’s varying power was the subject of much debate amongst scholars and philosophers. Never the less he made a fair point: why trust a sudden new addition to the group. Even if the infiltrator was well disguised, why would they trust them? Umber’s suggestion to turn him human was a good start though. Make him appear to be hunted by Azriel and Xenelith was even better. His mind pulled him back to last midnight at the clearing. In his thoughts, he observed every member of the rebel band as deeply as he could. He thought about their actions and their words. Risa, the healer. Howling, anywhere, meant trouble. Yet she was healing the human with Dionaea at her side. The Fox chastised the girls yet came to their rescue. The moth fairy remained hidden longer, the fight had already begun when he introduced himself. More importantly, he saved the woman and vanished.

“A woman.” He said amid the meeting, out loud. “Turn into a woman.” He said again, now more specified towards O’Ner. “Risa was healing a human even though she heard the howls. She was in danger yet pushed herself to mend the armored man. The moth fairy saved the woman and only a woman. Before that he just waited in the trees, even as my wolves and I were fighting. But when the woman appeared, a damsel in distress, he swooped down and saved her in a heartbeat.” He once again turned to address O’Ner specifically. “General, I would advise you to turn into a woman. A wounded one, specifically. It’s the juiciest lure for the whole group. An unarmed, injured woman.” He then turned towards Azriel. “We need to see where they went. My Lady, you told us you saw the moth fairy from a distance. Could you show us on the map where they were heading for?”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Cave of wonders
Interaction: @Inertia-Rei @Potter-Corvina @princess-Malachi @Dezuel-Terneus

Kenia continued with Terneus towards the cave entrance of the cave as he reassured her that she would be paid if she brought any humans to him. ”You know how to speak my language, my lord.” She told him with a grin, albeit a fake one. But can you pay as much as Aklentroth is offering?... She silently wondered for a brief moment. The prospect of money was very tempting to her, however, so was the prospect of using these humans to get to her ultimate goal. For now she would stick to her previous plan until she was sure of whether or not they could help her.

When the pompous elf stopped, Kenia sent up a silent prayer that he would decide to just leave. Her hope was crushed, however, when he became interested in Malachi. She could have kicked herself for making mention of him now, but at the time she was concerned that the mention of the mud wouldn’t quite be enough. She was trying to ensure that they didn’t look any more suspicious than they already potentially did.

She kept her mouth shut as she didn’t want to say much more that may cause Terneus to stick around longer. Instead she continued on into the cave. She quickly made eye contact with Malachi, as if to apologize for him now having to speak with Terneus. She also hoped that he would be able to act out the role she had just put him in. She did not want to have to fight if she absolutely didn’t have to.

Terneus went about introducing himself in his overly lavosh way and it took everything in Kenia not to roll her eyes. He was certainly something else and she hated how he thought he was better than them. She stole another quick glance to Malachi as she reconsidered everything. Perhaps it would be beneficial to rid this world of this pompous ass right now? She then started thinking about all the repercussions and settled on it not being worth it. For now they just needed to get him on his merry way.

Time: Morning
Location: Xenelith's Tent
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner @Legion02-Xenelith

Azriel listened to the others speak, taking in each bit of information as a plan seemed to begin to form between all of them. Xenelith had a great idea on having O’Ner turn into a woman based off of what he had already observed of them. Especially an injured woman, that could definitely help them sell this plan. She moved over to the map in order to show everyone where she had seen their prey. ”They were heading this direction from here.” She stated as she pointed to the section she had seen the male fairy and human woman in. ”If I had to guess I would say they are somewhere in this vicinity. I could easily lead us in the direction.” She finished as she circled a small area.

Something O’Ner said had definitely concerned her, however. ”O’Ner makes a very valid point, though, on something so simple that may give us away. He does not smell like a human, he does have a clear scent of death on him. So unless we can find a way to mask that, then this plan may not work out for long term.” She exclaimed as she looked between the three men. She also was unsure of what humans actually smelt like as she had yet to come across one. ”However the longer we sit here discussing this the more likely our prey is to get away now. Perhaps we risk it and hope that they don’t recognize O’Ner’s scent right away and are more distracted by the commander and I?” She suggested, knowing they needed to get a move on quickly. She even began to move towards the tent flap to emphasize the urgency of the situation.
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