Terneus Andros
Time: Dawn
Location: Sun elf villageA man came running up towards the gates leading to the large official elven building, it's mighty tower reaching up far and giving an imposing impression to those beneath them. As to say that they were being watched and judged by some form of divinity. The elven man was panicked and carrying a sack with something round inside of it, he pleaded to the two guards by the gate to grant him access, to which they shortly obliged. Up in the tower, at the outmost top floor a window was being opened and the morning sun was shining into it's reflection.
A silvery haired elf gazed out of the window, his arms behind his back as he watched the many elven buildings that was surrounding the tower. A plateau for those which prefered extravagance view and a feeling of superiority. The doors to the top floor was hastily opened after awhile, two of the white and blue coloured guards stopped a panicky looking elven man with the same outfit as they wore.
"My lord Andros, I beseech you to please hear me out!" The elven man said in a loud tone of voice, desperation making itself visible but also heard.
The silvery haired elven man by the window turned around and raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner, his garment blowing slightly from the wind entering from the window. His red and white garments, being of the finest elven fabrics available, decorated with many fine patterns worthy of royals.
"Speak in a more soothing tone... allow him passage." The silvery haired elven man motioned with one of his hands that he took out from behind his back. Before he proceeded over towards a highly decorated chair, which was more like a throne than anything else. He sat down upon it and softly breathed out.
"You may speak. But be swift about it... my time is precious." He mused softly, looking at his fingernails to make sure each one of them were on par with each other. The panicked elf with the sack then threw himself to the floor, dropping the sack in front of himself.
"M-my lord Andros! One of the dark elves which were stationed outside of the Green Arrow Inn was slandering you and calling you untrue things. He even dared me to cut off his head! So I lopped his head off for his transgression!" The elf explained. The silvery haired elf on the throne stopped watching his fingers and narrowed his eyes, standing up swiftly, too swiftly to display any other emotion than raw anger.
"You did what?! These dark elves serve our king! What do you think his majesty will think of me if his troops are executed in a land where I govern?! He would deem me responsible, and -this- I will -not- allow!" Terneus Andros flipped a small nearby table with refreshments to the side, breaking glass and porcelain, but in a way it's contents wouldn't spill on him. He walked over towards the kneeling other elf, descending down three steps from his throne area.
"F-forgive m-me my lord! Please make use of my life in his stead! I can-" The panicked elf said in fear, raising his hands in some attempt to explain or defend his actions.
"Well said! Guards! Take him out and chop his head off at the town square! Forge a letter of appology to the dark elf he killed! Let it be known that I, Terneus Andros be a merciful governor and upholder of justice." The silvery haired elf yelled out loud to his guards.
"M-my lord! Please! I-I- My lord! I can still be of use to you! Noooooo!" The elf struggled as he was being dragged out of the room by the two guards holding unto both his arms, his feet hanging behind him sliding against the sleek floor.
Terneus sighed and adjusted his posture and ceased tightening his hands into fists, he walked over and took hold of his specially made mirror, which also was his weapon of choice. He looked into it, seeing something he truly appreciated. Himself. He had to make certain his minor outburst had not given his perfect face any bursted blood vessels.
'It isn't that I don't agree with you. In fact I agree that all of them should be wiped out, but when you dare to do things without my approval and threaten my plans, how could I possibly forgive you?' The elf thought as he began to walk over to his window, looking out of it and seeing the panicked elf being dragged to the town square to be beheaded.
"That will appease the bloodthirsty barbarians for the time being." He said softly, watching his guards execute their former fellow knight. Terneus allowed a soft sigh of relief out of his mouth, tossing a glance over to the dirty looking sack on his floor. It was then that his most favored advisor entered the chamber, accompanied by another knight.
"Lord Andros, I have a report for you." The knight said, offering a salute to Terneus.
"What is it now? Speak!" He demanded, rather than approved. His left hand placing itself at his waist, the morning light from the window illuminating the room and the white and red clad Terneus well.
"We have reports of his royal majesty's dragon being seen flying around the area." The elven knight said in a matter of fact tone of voice, keeping his stance firm and orderly.
"Soruklithbaal..." Terneus said out loud, his right hand reaching up to his chin in thought.
"Tell me, what could possibly bring the king's dragon to fly all the way down here? What could possibly be important enough to warrant such attention?" The elf asked in a manner which would imply that he already knew the answer, and wanted to take delight in enlightening the less thoughtful or so he may have believed.
"Uhm.." The knight was about to reply, before his reply was cut short.
"Because there has been either a DROM being found or even a human appearing. That's the only explanation. Am I wrong?" Terneus turned on his heel for a moment, looking over his shoulder to the knight.
"N-no.. no ofcourse not my lord." The knight replied, swallowing slightly his stance showing signs of weariness.
"No. I thought so. Since when have I ever been wrong? Haha... that would be the day." The silvery haired elf did a swift turn on his heel, waving with his hand in a nonchalant and dimissive manner.
"You are dismissed, inform commander Feldrin that I expect good results. You are to search the nearby regions for any anomalies and bring them directly to me!" The elf demanded, pointing his index finger straight at the knight.
"Succeed and you will be rewarded. Fail and I will be most displeased. Do you wish to see me displeased?" He added, not giving any further explanation than that.
"Ofcourse not my lord, I will inform him at once!" The knight bowed his head and began to walk towards the door with quick steps.
"Hold on. Pick that sack up and throw it in the trash where it belongs, I cannot tolerate it in here any longer." Terneus explained and waved his right hand in front of his nose. The knight complied and on hurried steps picked up the sack containing the head of a dark elf, before resuming his quick steps towards the door.
"My lord Andros, did knight Ashland have to die because of a dark elf? He did right in killing it." The blonde advisor, by the name of Halma said in a comfortable tone.
"Halma. Come here." The silvery haired elf beckoned for Halma to approach him, as he walked closer towards the window.
"Look down there. What do you see?" Terneus asked once the blonde elf had gotten close enough.
"Our town my lord. Is there something in particular you want me to look at?" The blonde asked in a assertive manner, before he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and slightly pressed out from the window.
"No. It's -my- town. -My- people. Everything here. This day. Tomorrow and forever. All of this exists solely because of my exploits. As long as I can keep the king pleased and not have his filthy minions slain. This place will see the dawn once again someday. Have you forgotten already? Tell me? Have I changed at all? Am I not as beautiful and determined as I were during the throne war?" The silverhaired elf asked, demanding an answer, shaking the collar of the much meeker blonde elf. Turning the blonde's face away from the city below, to Terneus own face.
"N-no.. my lord Andros, you haven't changed at all! You are still as graceful as you were during the throne wars. In fact your exploits from that time has been far greater than the books and tales have made justice of..." Halma added, breathing heavily but gradually calming down from his near death encounter. A fall from the tower would certainly kill him.
"Ahhh! They do me no justice at all, such ungratefulness are to be expected from those who are unable to comprehend the burden of ruling. You do understand me so well, Halma. Now I do think it is due time to visit the River Kingdom. I believe we should start our search there, have four of the knights go with us there. Tell Feldrin to take his men to Roshmi." Terneus carefully explained, his hand losening around Halma's collar and finally letting go. After which he took out a napkin to wipe his hand clean of any dirt that Halma may or may not have spilt on his attire. The silverhaired elf wouldn't take such a risk.
"As you wish my lord, I will gather the men and we shall set off once you are ready." Halma bowed deeply and excused himself.
"I am always ready... to do what is needed." Terneus looked out from his window, his mouth forming a wide smirk of satisfaction.