Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Aklentroth’s War Room/ Outside the Necropolis
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner

The dark angel watched Aklenroth’s general as he spoke and took the charm, a slightly amused smirk still on her face. She didn't know O'Ner hardly at all and found herself slightly curious about him, especially as she took notice of what was around his wrist. What was he like? Who had he been before? These were all questions running through her mind as she took a quick glance at Umber. She was sure he could hear the questions that we're there in her mind. Perhaps he knew more about the general than she did.

"Yes I think enough time has been wasted. We're supposed to find Xenelith as the King wishes to know what he's found out. Last I knew he was scouting near the River Kingdom and judging by the rumor of a human starting a fire there I'm willing to bet something happened and he's still near there." She informed them, though she was sure Umber was already aware of this as well. She wasn't sure how much O'Ner knew of that, though, so she figured it hadn't hurt to at least inform him.

She was preparing to take off in flight when a thought occurred to her. They had to get to the mainland, something easy for her to do as she could fly and Umber always found a quick way across as well. How was O'Ner getting across the water? That's when a Dark Elf soldier approached their group. He saluted them before speaking. "Sir, there is an Amora ready to leave whenever you and your group are ready." He was addressing O'Ner and Azriel whipped around to see an Amora in fact waiting for them.

"No." She began shaking her head as she looked at O'Ner first then to Umber. "Nope. No way. Nuh uh. I am not going to ride in that...that...thing where I have no control! I will fly myself there before I get into that." She said as she angrily pointed at the Amora before crossing her arms over her chest. Why did she have to cater to the unfortunate and ride in that machine?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: After Midnight --> Dawn
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

Once in the cave, the elf had whirled around and grabbed him by the shirt, pressing a dagger to his throat. It seemed she did not appreciate being called a girl. He found it foolish to dwindle on such insignificant details during a crisis. They had actual humans and his dragon had just probably died for all of their sakes. She certainly wasn't the grateful type. Once she finished his threat, which he had reacted quite neutrally to, she moved backward, proceeding to ask who he was. She regarded his aid, further proving his theory that she could possibly be an ungrateful bitch or maybe just some sort of uncivilized thug.

He scoffed finally when she was done speaking. The human boy started to speak so he stayed silent, letting him ramble before he'd put in his two cents.

"Hey, hey, you two look as old as I am." The dark-haired boy seemed to be in good shape, definitely at least in better shape than the fainting maiden. Malachi was concerned about their age. They were both definitely beginning their adulthoods at the least. "But surely you elves must be older and more mature than this." Malachi agreed that the silly female elf needed to mature. He decided that this human may be his favorite. He started to then doubt their intelligence as a species, irking him a bit until he urged the blonde female, Kenia, to ease off. Malachi had been trying to avoid his feelings but he supposed he truly could not hide his sadness. One never got used to loss truly.

The male finally let up his talking, asking about healing for the girl.

"That dagger better have been sanitized recently. I do not appreciate possible filth on me." Malachi decided to begin his reply with that. He had waited long enough to lay it down on her. He began to brush off his neck as well as the rest of his clothes. "Dear me, how foolish of me to regard you as so. Maybe I shall use more mature terms and call you an elf hag?" He rolled his eyes, the sarcasm evident in his voice. "A thank you would surely suffice for my service."

He took a bow, greeting them. "My name is Malachi. You may call me Kai. I have a lot of information at your disposal about what is happening that may sway your opinion, human, but we should save it for the morning. Talking at night will just get us all savagely torn apart by a plethora of fun, wild creatures. " He made his way over to the girl, digging through pockets on his belt. There was one large red potion and two small. They would need a lot more, judging by how they had only existed in this dimension for maybe an hour or two and ran into problems.

Malachi knelt by the girl and began to administer the large red potion. He was unsure of her specific ailment but he hoped it would do the trick. "This will help her. She'll feel better tomorrow. Get some rest. "

When the morning came, they would awake to Malachi's silhouette entering the cave toward them. He would be illuminated by the sunlight once in view, straight-faced, three dead squirrels with arrows through them in hand.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time : Dawn
Location : Near River Kingdom
Interactions : @Alivefalling@princess@MissCapnCrunch


"I highly doubt that I alone can defeat that." he said as he pointed at the sky, "I am no angel, I am no power worth anything. I am a scholar, a doctor and warrior who fights besides brothers. I am not David fighting Goliath, I am but a man. I will quest to fight that monster, but I have nothing to its power. I do not have an army, I do not have divine powers."

He stared at the girl, "Well you should have saved that poor soul of a girl, and that man from that demon that arranged himself as an angel..." he said his spite not ending, "I would have been fine, if you had saved her then... at least I would know she is in safe hands..." he muttered as he died and sunk to his knees. "I am a man of god, I am a protector of his people and of all those who require help... yet I couldn't help them, I couldn't save either of them. There is no telling what that demon has done to her."

Jean-Luc's head sank down, "This world rips at the strains of my beliefs, many of them have been shattered, to me you are all demons and devils. Abominations in the face of gods creations. Mockeries and mixes of them all... but you help me, you heal me. My shoulder has not felt good since I went to the holy land, and since I tried helping those who still lived there. My thoughts and words become reality of stone, a wall twenty feet high, a sword and shield made of what most would say was heavy stone, and acted like stone. But was light as a feather in my arms."

The man sat there broken, and he took a few deep breaths, "I will defeat that lord of darkness and his disciples. I will cast this shadow of destruction away... That man who attacked, what was he?" he asked, "Not the mockery, but the one who desired to kill me and reprimand you all for helping me?" he asked pained, his head turning up towards the two.

"Why, what is the point of bringing a few random humans in this world... that man looked like a fat landlord with cloths so exotic that I've not even seen a Turk with them, and that girl some poor slave... If I am the only warrior, then what point is it to bringing us here. There is no army, we are scattered among the land. I have no weapons... Unless if I raise a city by moving my hand then there is no point." he said slowly going into a whisper. "I cannot fight a war with some changeling hunter, and two little fairies. I cannot hold a kingdom without allies... I do not have what I need to do any of this."

The man stood and turned his body around back out to the world, "There would be none left from my line, the rest of man is scattered through these lands... From different places all of them, different times apparently. There is no one in the same. Most will be cut down, most are probably not warriors. Maybe a third... most likely less... these elves, they are not ones for choosing the correct figures to fight their wars."

"But those in the direction of these elves... they will live, and if I find one warrior among them then I will be one step close to an army, if I have weapons, then bandits or those who are currently hunting us will have to fight harder then anything..."

"Also... Eat... I will not it is already past dawn of the sixth day, we will leave when you three are finished."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

Time: Dawn -> Morning
Location: Sun elf village -> Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village
Interaction: @Potter@Tae@Inertia@princess

Terneus watched how Halma began running about to gather four of his knights, as he gazed downwards from his tower. It was at that time that the lich lord made his entrance in the sky, the elf widened his eyes in surprise, his mouth opening for a moment. Before he began to recomposing himself, reminding himself of just who he were. Aklenroth's visage in the sky began to mention what Terneus had expected when he first got word of the undead dragon being sighted. DROM's and humans.

The elf swallowed and as soon as the face of the lich king faded from the sky, the elf rushed down the stairs of his tower in a hurry, how he hated to walk quickly. He accidentally mistepped on the stairs and was close to fall forwards, this cause him to slow down his pace. Eventually he reached the bottom floor and went out the main entrance of the building, the two men guarding the entrance would salute. Further ahead stood Halma, his advisor and two other knights. Halma came running towards Terneus, panting slightly as he did with a surprised expression on his face.

"My lord! My lord Andros! Just a moment ago-" The blonde elf began, as he felt a hand grab around his jaw and mouth. Terneus took a firm grip around his advisor's jaw, silencing him.

"Be quiet you fool, I am already aware!" He pushed his advisor back abit, letting go of his jaw, then slipping his hand into one of his pockets to take out a napkin to clean his hand.

"Change of plans, Halma. You will inform commander Feldrin, that he is to leave two knights here with you." The silver haired elf said, stroking the collar of his own shirt.

"How come my lord? I will not be going with you?" Halma asked, abit confused and possibly feeling slightly left-out.

"I will leave you in charge of matters here temporarily, if I find out that ANYTHING is in disorder upon my return, I will be very displeased. Have I made myself clear, Halma?" Terneus raised his head, giving the shorter elf a slightly condescending look, his left hand now neatly placed at his waist to give him a more imposing stance.

"Yes, yes ofcourse my lord. Whatever you wish for. I will keep things in order. I'll be sure to let the militia know that there will be a reward for anyone who brings a human or DROM to you my lord." The blonde elf bowed deeply, sweat dripping from the side of his head. It was both a relief to not be going with Terneus, but at the same time a big task to manage things in his absence in case something would go wrong.

"Good. Harleyn, Farkail, Varandrian and... what was your name again?" Terneus asked as he looked over the knights as they gathered up.

"It's Mirr, my lord." A brown haired elf replied, saluting with a hand on his chest.

"Yes... you four are to come with me now, fetch my carriage. We are going to the River Kingdom of the fairies. Load the carriage with food, drinks and clothes for a week. What are you standing around for? Move! Now!" The elf barked out his orders and looked at Halma, before completely turning around, walking towards where his carriage was located.

After awhile the carriage was prepared and it set out towards the River Kingdom. Terneus looked out of the windows of his highly decorated and fancy carriage, which he had aqquired by indebting a minor elf noble. To the point he had to give everything he owned to the silverhaired lord, before being sent to work at the mine. Looking out of the windows of the carriage, the elf could see the fields in which many of the more poor elves worked. He wrinkled his nose abit, disgusted slightly by seeing their dirty hands and faces, all muddy and bad skin.

"How revolting. Thank the elder elves that there are some who make up for these ill suited looks." He said softly, as he leaned his head into his hand as he watched the landscape.

'Perhaps another exile? Now that could remove some filth which would try drag down us down'

The elf pondered as the carriage travelled forth, and as it turned to proper morning, he travelled through the forest just outside of the elven village. Looking out of the window as he was sipping a drink, complaining occasionally over the bumps on the road. That's when he saw it, someone was out there by a cave.

"What?" He said to himself, his eyes narrowing as he looked on into the forest atrea. 'Did someone just?'

"Stop the damned carriage!" The elf barked and it came to a halt very quickly, causing the elf to almost lose his balance. "Not that rough you fools!" He added, opening the door out of the carriage, he kicked the movable stairs on it so they fell down. The elf shortly after began to walk down from it.

"What is it my lord? Do you require aid my lord?" One of the knights, with a fancy looking helmet asked as he got off the front seat of the carriage, looking to the silverhaired elf lord.

"There is someone over there. I do not recall giving anyone permit to camp out here. Time to make some more Amas, you two come with me. The rest stay here for my return." Terneus instructed and beckoned to the helmeted elf called Farkail and the newest recruit Mirr, whose name he had not yet memorized.

"Hm. There might even be someone harboring humans.. well don't just stand there, get moving. Up up." He motioned for the two elves to take the front with him right after them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Aklenroth's War Room
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, [Eviledd1984] - O'ner

Umber's attention was on O'Ner. He could feel Azriel's curiosity, but found it to be natural and uninteresting. O'Ner however, this dark being was full of conflict. Umber had heard tales of undead that were unpleasantly fought for Aklenroth, but he would have never guess General Faister to be one of these sad yet beautiful creatures. To be aware of going against your own nature for all of eternity and unwillingly undoing all your good deeds in your time living, all while being trapped in a grotesque husk of your former self.

Umber would remain close to O'Ner as his emotion was just delectable. Azriel info on Xenelith only confirmed what Umber had picked up on while in the war room with Aklenroth.

When it became apparent that the trio would need to travel by Amora due to O'Ner's inability, Umber snickered internally at Azriel's slight anguish. Her intrigue of the undead general had been replaced with revulsion.

"Azriel, fly on your own if you must, but…" Suddenly in Umber's lower left hand appeared a miniature black silhouette of an angel flying just over his palm. He then presented an image of the same silhouette tired and struggling to keep itself up. "You may end up trading away your strength for a sliver of freedom." Umber crushed the silhouettes with a crunch before they turned into black dust in his fists. These images were only visible to Aziriel as the choice was her own and her own alone.

Umber moved to enter the Amora with O'Ner, allowing Azriel to make her choice. He did not wish to influence her in one direction more than the other. He just presented the cons of her choice so she would make a decision she wouldn't regret. The days of treating her like a child were far gone. He didn't mold the woman to be his minion. Azriel was much greater.

"General… No one will be bothered if you decide not to participate in the bloodshed. However, if you choose to take action… be sure it is the correct one. I would hate to dismantle… No. I would hate to explain why I dismantled one of our lord's commanding officers. The dismantling itself would be enjoyable."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Kyran hugged Risa, friendly kissing her on the top of her head. He had no idea how she kept so positive when things got so dark. It was admirable. She would always put on a brave-face and try to guide others in order to make sure others were happy, but he wished she’d let up and let herself display negative emotions sometimes, for her own health’s sake. "I am sure you are right. We could go to Roshmi and get my mom to give us new clothes. She will give us some old ones or clothes that aren't selling. I agree on getting the human washed and disguised the best we can." He chimed in, still worried about her or Dionaea getting hurt and now even Jean

Her hand had been trembling when she had attempted to comfort and ease him. He decided to try to ease her fear as well. "I will protect you with my life, Risa." He told her while staring into her beautiful, violet eyes. Tears brimmed in his eyes at the thought of losing his friends. Kyran wanted to live through this to get to marry Risa, or at least finally confess his feelings to her. She had been his best friend for years and her kind soul had inspired him to be better every-day. He would give up the world for her. The two were suddenly interrupted by Jean coming out of the door of the house, who reacted rather negatively to Aklenroth’s words. Risa began to sum everything to him which was a very daunting task.

Kyran watched Jean fall to his knees with everything that he was told. All that he knew was being torn apart and reality itself was changing before him. Kyran felt terrible for him, his heart sinking for the human. Risa seemed pretty upset too. He couldn't understand truly what was happening with Jean as he had never had anything like that happen to him, but he decided then he would do whatever it takes for the poor human to understand and make the human as comfortable in Avalia as he could. Risa did a decent job of explaining everything to him but he still seemed overwhelmed. He knew he’d have to jump in and help.

"We could not save the girl, otherwise we would have. That being you saw take her was another fairy and we hoped he was taking her out of harm’s way since we had our hands full with the wolves and Risa was too weak." Kyran knew they had left the fire-wielding human behind. It would be in their best interest to locate her and make sure she was safe. "You will not be alone in your fight. There are many willing to fight for this cause." He was trying to address all of his concerns.

"As for your beliefs, we are not demons. I know we may seem so since you have never seen creatures such as us, but we are simply creatures of a different land that many humans have yet to discover or understand. Demons exist in this land and work under Aklenroth which is why we want to free ourselves from his evil rule." Making him understand that they were not from hellish origin was very important.

"You are gifted with divine power. From the way you created a shield and sword from the ground itself, it seems you can manipulate the materials of the planet." Jean’s words held many clues to who he was on Earth. Words such as "holy" clued Kyran into the idea that this human was quite religious and religious ideas would inspire him most. He may have not known the true origin of the powers but if he had to guess it was from a source outside of Avalia. "I am sure we will find that girl and we can save her just like we saved you." He got up, walking over to him and reaching his hand out. "Here, pick yourself up." he smiled looking down at Jean, hoping he assured some confidence and moral back into the upset human. "By the way my name is Kyran and her name is Risa. The sleeping girl is named Dionaea."

"We are your friends now and have your back, whatever your decision may be."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Heart of the forest

Elsea watched the male fairy as he answered her question as simply as possible. She couldn't help the small grin that crossed over her face at his dramatics and she continued to grin up at his as he placed his hand under her chin. So these would be that people that considered him different and didn't entirely like him.

His next words help much truth, this she knew all too well. She had been the different one in Inverness even though she tried to blend in. Men hadn't liked her because she refused their advances, she hadn't been interested in any of them and was more focused on helping her father with the apothecary. Women had disliked her because she, according to them, turned the heads of all the men. They acted as if she had been doing it on purpose. So the instant she was accused of witchcraft they found it easy to weave more stories about her. To peg their own sins on her.

His voice snapped her out of her thoughts once more and she found herself smiling at Elthrael. Perhaps she could help make a difference in this world, to help people be treated fairly as possible. Aye, then let us be off. She told him as she took his hand, mentally preparing herself to fly once more.

Her mind wandered once more, this time to the people from the night before. She specifically thought about the women and wondered if they had survived. Had she helped them with her unknown magic? She had started a fire in the forest and felt completely guilty for that. How much of the forest had she destroyed? Had anyone else been harmed because of it?

"Elthrael, do you think that group from last night made it out alright? She asked him after a little bit, concern evident in her voice. "I'm worried about them, especially those women as they didn't seem to have much of a way to defend themselves. Perhaps we should try and find them as well?" She continued, though she wasn't sure how easy of a task it would be to find them. Would they be in the River Kingdom or somewhere near it?

Time: After Midnight/Dawn
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village
Interaction: @Inertia-Rei @Potter-Corvina @Alivefalling-Dracolich @princess-Malachi @Dezuel-Terneus

The elven women listened to Rei talk, but kept her eyes trained on Malachi as she didn't trust him. She didn't trust anyone, especially Light Elves. Not after the information she uncovered not to long ago. For years she had believed Dark Elves were to blame for her mother's death, that's what she had always been told. That was until she learned that there was potential that she was killed by her own kind. She needed to find out if this was true and who had done it, but that would come at a later date. Unfortunately the information had her quite suspicious of all Light Elves now.

"Welcome to Avalia, Rei. It is the land that will always take your loved ones from you." She uttered harshly, but it seemed to be the truth. Deep down she did feel for the male elf, knowing loss was never easy for anyone, but right now she was more concerned about discovering who he was. Maybe once she wasn't as on edge from everything she could find it within her to apologize. Maybe.

Malachi's first words took Kenia aback just a bit. Sanitized? She kept her knives very clean, some she kept coated with different poisons, but sanitized? That was just ridiculous. He then called her a hag which, instead of offending her, had her grinning wickedly. "Ah yes, thank you. That is a term I much prefer!" There was no sarcasm to her voice, she seemed to be completely serious on that as if she truly took it as a compliment.

He finally introduced himself and informed Rei that he could answer more questions in the morning. It was the first thing Kenia truly agreed with as she let him use the healing potion on Corvina while Kenia went over to a corner of the cave. She moved a rock to reveal a crevice large enough to hold a few blankets and other items. She pulled out the two blankets before replacing the rock and heading back to the group. She noticed Rei had placed his jacket over Corvina, however she also placed one of the blankets over her just in case. She also placed the second over Rei as she figured she'd rather them be more comfortable. "Fortunately we made it to a cave I use often. Unfortunately I only have two blankets and I think these two need more comfort tonight than we do. So we'll have to make due without a blanket unless you have one of your own." She told Malachi before she went to find herself a warm place to sleep.

Sleep wasn't something that came easy to Kenia, it never was as her sleep was often plagued by nightmares. She only slept well when she'd become so exhausted she couldn't help it, otherwise she slept so light that she could hear what was happening around her. She had heard when Malachi had gotten up, but didn't stir until he had come back. She looked over at him with his squirrels as she sat up. She glanced over briefly at the still sleeping humans briefly before turning her attention back to Malachi. She sighed as she thought back to what Rei had said last night. "I suppose I should apologize and thank you for last night. I was incredibly on edge. I don't trust people easily and I won't lie, I still don't entirely trust you, however you did save use. Thank you for that and I'm sorry about your friend." She told him, trying to mend things at least a bit.

That's when Aklenroth's voice boomed through her mind and had her jumping to her feet. It took her a moment to realize he wasn't really there and just delivering a message to all of Avalia. Slowly she moved to the mouth of the cave and looked up to the sky. He wanted the humans delivered to him alive if possible? And he was willing to pay? That was a lot of money, like a LOT of money and she had so happen to come across two humans. She stood there at the mouth of the cave for a long while as she thought about all this. Would it be worth turning the humans in instead? Whatever she decided to do she couldn't let them or Malachi know.

Something finally pulled her out of her thoughts, the sound of horses and a carriage. She looked down to where the road was and immediately recognized who it was. They came to a stop and she could hear the voice of Lord Terneus off in the distance. "Shit… She muttered as she tried to think fast, spinning to Malachi. "Hide the humans quickly near the back of the cave, there should be a little alcove they can be decently hidden in. I'll go down at talk with Terneus. You're a hunter that came across me last night while you were trying to escape the fire that had come too close to your camp. I offered to let you camp with me. You're on your way to Roshmi City to trade or something." She told him as swiftly and quietly as she could, hoping he'd go along with her plan. She'd had plenty of dealings with Terneus in the past and she hoped that because of that it would gain her a small amount of trust with him.

She walked out of the cave, heading down towards Terneus. As she approached she bowed to him, showing him as much respect as she could. "My lord Terneus, it is always a pleasure to see you. Please accept my apology for not informing you of my camping out here as I was not expecting I'd have to. You see I had heard rumor that some were trying to summon humans once more and I took it upon myself to see if the rumors were true so I came out to the forest at night. I was greeted, however, with a fire and had to flee before I could find anything out. I decided to camp up in the cave I often use, as you know, and see if any humans fled from the fire as well. Alas I had no such luck. I do hope you can accept my deepest apology." She bowed again deeply, her voice seemingly full of sincerity.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location:Near River Kingdom

When Kyran told her he'd protect her with his life, Risa blushed. She was so lucky to have him in her life. "Just don't you go getting hurt on me!"Risa giggled. She had been about to say more before Jean had emerged. She had immediately jumped into explaining, distracted by his sad demeanor. Jean-Luc was addressing further concerns now but seemed to be willing to go along with things.

Risa could recall the girl Jean mentioned if she juggled her memory. The kind creature had set flame to the wolves to help save her and Dionaea. She hoped Jean-Luc was not on to something there and that the red-haired girl was in good care. Risa wanted to thank her and return the favor someday. That moth-like fairy had seemed familiar. He was no demon, but since she had often seen him in the forest and never in the River Kingdom villages, she wasn't so sure how much he could be trusted. They'd have to find her. The poor thing was owed at least that.

Normally, Risa would have been insulted if someone called her a demon. No one wanted to be compared to creatures so often vile and cruel. However, she could not blame him for his confusion. From what she had read, Earth was a very different world with humans being the sole intelligent species able to create civilization. She hoped they could change his mind and make him understand that they were pure creatures.

Jean-Luc looked so given up as he told them he would defeat Aklenroth. He additionally asked who their attacker had been the previous night. She felt a tinge of guilt. Though she had not been the one to bring him here, she had let it happen. They hadn't been thinking enough about whether the humans would want to be forced to leave their land and fight for another. It was truly a terrible act and unfair to them. In Jean-Luc's case, he would have died if not brought to Avalia.

"The man was an elf aligned with Aklenroth, seeking to destroy or capture humans that could stop him." Risa explained to him. She sighed, knowing her next part might irritate many for her to offer after what they had been through, but she did not believe in force. "You do not have to anything you do not want to. If you want simply to go home, I will help you." Risa told him, "That's a promise. Though if you stay and help, we will be forever grateful and in your debt. "

She let Kyran speak to him and answer his concerns. When Kyran got up to help Jean-Luc up, she smiled. Risa loved what a good friend Kyran could be, to even strangers. "Yes. We are friends and will fight at your side!"She exclaimed with a wide-smile, "We will retrieve other warriors. Humans have divine powers in this land. If we bring all of them together, we can finally beat Aklenroth. There will be many light elves who will support this as well but we must lay low for now. We cannot go into populated areas. "

Risa pointed to the home, "Around the back of this tree is a lake through the bushes. You can wash up and please wash very well as to rid of your scent. We will give you privacy but stay nearby to protect you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 42 min ago


O'Ner Faister

"Then we will check the River Kingdom and interrogate anyone that may have the whereabouts of the humans" O'Ner looked down at Umber with his black hollowed eye sockets. He looked down to Tu who was looking back at him with a angry look on her face, Even though she was a undead hell horse. She was quite expressive or able to let him know how she was feeling, "I am sorry but we have to get inside the amora, Don't worry i brought carrots and water for you" He had said this as he rode Tu into the air ship. And in a hush whisper so only she would hear him, The demonic horse nodded her head understanding his words.

O'Ner stopped Tu and got off his horse,Producing a bundle of carrots and materializing a pale of water. Placing the water on the seat beside him and the carrots in his lap. Once in a while feeding Tu a carrot while she would drink from the pale of water. "The only thing you will need to worry about is your your competence in the battlefield. I would hate to tell Aklenroth to dismantle your position in his army" O'Ner shot back at him not even looking him in the eyes.

O'Ner was not one to converse with the other's in Aklenroth's army, He would say the only friend he had was Fillip and Tulip. He greatly disliked everyone but he tolerated them for the most part. He liked to think he was quite competence in fighting and serving Aklenroth, And he was not going to be undermined by Aklenroth's underlings. He had served the army for many years he would think more so then the other two, Although he was not proud what he horrible things he had done in the past. But he could say he has earned his place being a general in Aklenroth's army.

His eyes then looking out the window and his thoughts moving to when he was alive, When he would come home form his job. His former job being a mage that would heal or help the villagers, He thought that he was damn good at his job and was considered one of the most well known mages in the land. He would be travel everywhere from the Orcs, Fairy and Demi-Humans like himself, Helping them with any magical issue or medical issue they may have.He was sure that is why Aklenroth resurrected him, Because he was a well known and well versed mage. But when he got home he would play with his daughter and help his wife cook dinner, They would talk about their day or mostly he would tell his daughter all the fun events during his travel.

He missed her deeply along with his wife, He wished he could turn back time and back to the happier days. But he couldn't do that so he would have to live with his tainted soul, The thought of not being able to join his wife and family in the afterlife. He had a feeling if he ever died again, He would wake up to a very dark place.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Time: Dawn
Location: The road Northwest to Moonelf village
Interactions: @Jamesyco
Ambience: Song of dandelions

Someone jumped out of the metal contraption, making even Fintan jump in surprise. Ilan was already halfway back at the cart and wagon before turning around to see it wasn´t a monster but a....an elf, without the....pointed ears?
Fintan the farmer was smarter than he appeared to be, and lowered his weapon at the sight of the scrawny human. In his time he'd never seen one before. So this was what they looked like? They didn't look much different to demi humans, save for the animal parts. Out of all the species in Avalia, demi humans were most closely related to humans. He listened to his nonsense ramblings, but soon found himself thinking of a lot of other things, mainly the benefit of finding a human alive.

Humans were the key to survive the coming war, he could continue to plow his fields and wait to be attacked. Or he could take matters into his own hands, making sure he would survive the reign of the Lich King. Ilan had returned at his side, the young faun watching the human with wide eyes. The moment Ilan had spotted the large metal construction he knew something like this would probably happen. It was a foreign object in Avalia, it just also happened to contain a human. Ilan studied the young man from a safe distance. He looked worse for wear. He seemed to be some kind of soldier, wearing protective clothing of the most odd making. Ilan didn't understand what he was talking about. To his surprise however they did seem to speak the same language, he could comprehend the words.

Fintan motioned for Ilan to lean in so they could speak without the human overhearing. Ilan perked up his large ears to listen in.
"You heard what the Lich King said right?" Fintan started to explain. There was something in the tone of the farmers voice that did not sit right with Ilann. It had changed to something he could not quite describe, like he was about to say bad things. He looked up at the farmer, the man was not making eye contact as he spoke. All he was looking at was the human who had appeared from the metal tube. Ilan nodded and he continued.

"What if we take him to the Lich King? We would have enough amas to make sure we'll live through the coming war." He pointed at Ilan and himself.
"You and I, we are no warriors, you even less so than I." He was explaining the situation with a rational mindset, solid, some would say cold even. It was a survival of the fittest, just like in nature where only the strong survived. The weak were trampled. Ilan had a soft spot for the weak, as he himself wasn't the most formidable fighter, he liked to believe himself a champion of gentleness. Taking this weakened human to the Lich King, where he would undoubtedly reach a gruesome end was not what he wanted at all. Somewhere he still believed in the stories of the saviors of Avalia, the humans with the powers of nature.

Fintan did not wait for any sort of consent or like mindedness of Ilan, he simply made his way closer to the human. Albeit unarmed he was still a good two heads taller, muscled and perfectly capable of grabbing the scrawny young man. He made it appear like he wanted to help him, kneeling beside the injured man. He offered him a hand and when he took it the farmer forcefully grabbed his arm and started to pull him towards the cart and wagon.

"Let's just move over here for a second." Fintan said gruffly, not waiting for a yes or no.

Ilan watched in horror and besides his better judgment he went over to Fintan pulling on his other arm.

"No...Fintan, you can't!"
Ilan sounded panicked as he tried to reason with the farmer. Though he seemed to be beyond reasoning, the prospect of a large sum of amas had robbed the farmer of any sort of decency or common sense. He pushed Ilan aside with such force it sent the faun tumbling down the dirt road, making a summer sault. The shove knocked the air out of Ilan's body, and the lyre on his back dug painfully into his skin. When he was upright again he struggled to stand, breathing painfully. He had no breath to talk anymore. What was he going to do now...?

Fintan was getting out of control. The human was hurt, he couldn't roughhouse him like that, it would make things worse. Ilan walked quietly towards the pair, trying to make eye contact with the human. When their eyes met Ilan gestured for him to cover his ears, covering his own large ears with his hands, pointing at the human fighter to do the same. Hopefully he would understand. With a nervous breath Ilan took off the strap which held the lyre against his back. I am sorry I have to do this...

He took the instrument in his hands, his fingers brushing past the magical engravings on its spine, and he started to play. A lullaby, sweet and soft like dandelions floating in the air. The sound carried through the wind reaching a surprised Fintan who turned around just in time to see Ilan playing the lyre with regretful eyes. The tall farmer slowly collapsed onto the dirt road, sound asleep. Ilan had to act quickly. He rushed over to the human.

"Are you okay?"
There was no time to explain what was going on. The magic of his lyre was only temporary and they needed to get away from here. Ilan sprinted to the cart, looking over his shoulder to make sure the human fighter was following him. When he reached the cart he started to push off some of the hay bundles, which were incredibly heavy. They needed to lose some weight so the horse would last longer.

"Come on! You have to help me move these"
Ilan called out. Fear was giving him an andrenaline rush, and he found strength he didn't know he had. He saved some of the bundles, so the horse could eat along the way. The basket of peaches he also kept, in case the human needed to eat. He threw a single peach around the spot where Fintan was laying on the ground. He jumped skillfully onto the front of the cart and took the reins, waiting for the human to catch up.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time : Dawn
Location : Near River Kingdom
Interactions : @Alivefalling@princess@MissCapnCrunch


"Then you both eat... your friend still seems worn, I'll make sure if her wounds are not already healed that they will at least be treated until you are able to go back to it..." he said going to the young female on the bed, she was mainly healed. He was useless.

"Kyran... it is witchcraft, not a gift of god, this place is unholy. But I will resist its temptations, I will not learn this mancy of the Earth..." he lied as he gripped his hands together, "It flows through me and I've felt it with everything I've touched here, I feel it... and know that the power is there in me, but I refuse to use it. I will win this war without it."

"But bathing will only clean me, my scent will continue to last... a creature can follow scents through baths, and a scent is hard to hide without hurting the creature which is hunting."

He moved back out to the door, "I'll be back, thank you for the privacy it is rare where I come from." he said before leaving to take a bath alone. He would be in there for maybe twenty minutes. Enough time to take his armor off, bath for maybe five minutes max, and redress.


TIME : Dawn
Location : Road North of the Moon Elf Forest
Interactions : Ilan @dreamingflowers


"I wont take your hand slav..." Hans muttered before he was grabbed.

The human screamed as he was grabbed, his helmet and radio headset shaking some and moving off of his ears. The farmer had broken the young mans weak arm. He slung the briefcase at the man and it didn't do much, it just fell to the ground as he was pulled and dragged.
"Damn you!" he yelled out as his eyes squeezed shut, "Damn your family!" tears would have welled in the corners of his eyes if he had the ability too, he was dehydrated beyond anything.

He noticed the younger creature move something to his ears, he shifted his helmet back to where it was supposed to go, the headset underneath fitting to his head snugly. Then he watched the other creature, begin a song. Mein Gott, what is singing going to do, stupid slav. He felt his hand being released as the other man fell. Mein Gott, smart slav did something that worked.

"You are a white slav aren't you?" he asked as he took his knife and pushed into his pocket and he pushed his brief case into the wagon before Ilan even tried pushing the hay off.

He looked up at the man and he moved the headset down to his neck, "Don't... the beasts will need to eat. If we wish to get away then we will regardless of how long they work.. My only problem is that." he said pointing at the turret in front of him, "We have about two minutes before the field around us is filled with the pieces of that. My possessions are in this, and if you want to save this man then you best find him somewhere to make sure he survives. "But I would suggest we just tie him to the cart and go back the way we came." he said as he looked at younger man and he climbed up.

"So go! GO! Before the blast kills us too!" he yelled, he was expecting to suicide kill whom ever was trying to take him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Wilderness Between Orc Landing and Illuminata Kingdom
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy

Despite still being a bit wary of Skar, as Darius called the green giantess, she was a little bit less wary than before, after Darius' attempt to explain to Myra that Skar wasn't really that bad. Other than that, Myra did look with a curious expression towards Darius when he mentioned 'going' somewhere. While she was perfectly fine with being in the forest, Darius wasn't like her. Being in the middle of the forest probably wasn't exactly the place where he preferred to be, due to his own body, lack of claws, fangs & etc. Maybe he wanted to see some of the other forest people? While the green giants were violent and mean, most of the other forest people were, most of the times, more peaceful than them. If that was the case, Myra knew a place where many forest people used to gather... Even though she had never entered it or gotten that close, she knew where it was and could guide him there...

Before anything more could be said or decided though, Myra would witness a really worrying scene, but this time it was much, much more dangerous than just Skar... A thunderous voice echoed from above as a huge image from a lich appeared on the sky. The second Myra looked at it, she felt a mix of emotions. Fear, repulse, anger... It wasn't just the repulse she felt for undead and skeletons, but it was something more... Immediately starting to hiss, showing her claws and even her teeth this time, she kept looking at the image in the sky, unable to control her reactions. Even though she knew it was only an illusion, somehow she also knew that the lich responsible for it wasn't just a common undead... He was incredibly powerful and dangerous.

While Myra didn't make any effort to understand the lich's words, when the illusion disappeared and everything went back to normal (although Myra was still wary and in a state of alert), she did notice that Darius was unexpectedly happy upon hearing the lich as he talked with the green giantess. The second Darius mentioned 'going' somewhere after hearing the lich's words, Myra knew what he was trying to do.

Grabbing Darius' wrist when he offered it to her and started pulling it to the opposite side where they were trying to go. As she looked both to Skar and to Darius, it was clear she was incredibly agitated after seeing the lich's illusion on the sky and it didn't took much to understand that she didn't want to get anywhere near the one who was responsible for the illusion on the sky.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Early Morning
Location:Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: @13org

As they headed back towards the forest Cade considered the situation that they were now in, sure it would be harder to find allies with such a bounty out for humans but he did not believe it impossible. There were still Avalians out there who had the strength to stand against the lich and his forces and they would just have to find them. The thought of abandoning Ayita to whatever fate would find her was not one he was willing to consider.

“If you wish for me to leave, I will, but helping you is not a burden. Many things I do are likely to get me killed, that doesn’t bother me, seeing Avalia descend further into darkness scares me more. The Lich’s power is…” Cade paused as he tried to think of a word that could encapsulate the unnatural and abhorrent evil that was necromancy but failed to really think of one. “more than just evil. He not only cheats his own natural death but he rips creatures away from their final rest, forcing the dead to serve him and to fight his battles. It goes against nature and the longer it goes on, the deeper it wounds Avalia. This is my home and I can’t help but think that although it may have been the Elves who did the magic, it was Avalia herself that called you here. Avalia needs to regain balance and rid herself of the lich. And I feel called to help with that. So, whether I’m helping you, or someone else, I’m going to be spending my remaining time looking for danger. My family is gone, I am the last of my clan, all I have left to live for is Avalia, my home.”

While Cade was more than willing to die for his home, he realized that this was not Ayita’s home. He had been more focused on what Avalia needed that he had neglected to even ask if she wanted to be a part of this. He wasn’t even sure if the elves would be able to send a human back even if they could ask them. If they could send her back he doubted further that it could be done now that Aklenroth was aware of the DROM’s being used. “As much as I want to help Avalia, this is not your home. I will also do what I can to help you get home, if you wish, but I think that will not be possible right now, we can always try though, seek out some elves in the forests.” Cade suggested. He tried to sound like he knew what to do next, but with the Sun Elf Village off the table he wasn’t very sure what would be the right next move. Cade wasn’t used to thinking ahead and it was truly exhausting. He was thankful to be back in the forest both for cover and because when it came to a hunt he could rely on his instincts. No strategizing just him doing what came natural to a cat, searching for prey and listening to his instinct and muscle memory to then take his prey down. He knew they both needed to eat and solving that problem was much easier to tackle than the rest of their troubles. “For now, at least, we should find food. What do humans normally eat?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Time: Dawn
Location: Wilderness Between Orc Landing and Illuminata Kingdom
Interaction with: Myra @13org

”Huh? Myra what are you doing? Skar wants us to go this way.” Darius tried to pull his arm back, but stopped as he noticed Myra’s facial expression. He was worried now. He noticed she didn’t take seeing the Dark Lord in the sky very well. Maybe she doesn’t like the idea of us going. How much does she really understand? Darius looked to Skar and then quickly turned back to Myra. Skar didn’t smile much, but Darius could tell she was pissed that they were being delayed.

”Darius…” Skar didn’t have to say much more. Darius could only give Myra a troubled look. He didn't like the idea of going to face the Dark Lord either, but if he could go home, then he had to try.

”Myra, I don’t know if you understand. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, but just listen anyway… I have to try to go home and that skeleton guy is the only way for me to do that.” Darius then made a fist with the hand that belonged to the wrist Myra held. ”If it’s a trick, I know I can count on you to help me beat the guy.” Darius then undid his fist. ”I’ll also understand if you really don’t want to go. I won’t force you and you don’t have to feel like you have to either. I have Skar, who is okay I guess and I have my cool magic.”

”Water magic is weak.” Skar commented after Darius’ mild jab at her being “okay.”

”Fuck off, it’s like my first spell… And it can’t be too weak if it knocked you on your ass.” Darius shot back with a smirk. Skar almost did the same, but forced a gruff instead. ”My next one is gonna be like a fireball or a lightning bolt. Fuck yeah!”

”No… Just water.” Skar commented again. This time Darius looked confused.

”Just water?” Darius smiled in disbelief, but it faded as he started to look a bit disappointed.

”Just water.” Skar repeated plainly. She almost laughed at how bothered he looked. It actually made her forget about Myra stalling them. ”Humans have one power. Water, fire, earth, air. Darius has water.

”You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! Can I get a reroll or something? You mean I got stuck with the side-character slash love-interest element?” Darius sighed and gave Myra a smile to show that he wasn’t upset with the situation dealing with her. ”Fuck it, it’s not like I’m staying. I could have a little fun with it though.” Darius shrugged. Even here of all places... Why can’t I ever be the main character of my own life?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Dawn -> Morning
Location: Heart of the forest -> River Kingdoms

As Elsea had accepted his proposal of flying to their destination, they've took off up into the air, the rise was always the trickiest part when you were carrying an extra weight. While Elsea was surely not the heaviest, Elthrael decided it was best not to make any mention on her weight while mid-flight. Such could have very negative consequences for both. Instead he focused on the questions she had asked him, regarding the two female fairies, the large fox and the other human. There was no absolute certainty that all four of them had made it, their adversary was not just your average dark elf soldier or scout. Not to mention all the beasts he had in his company. Despite this, Elthrael had acted on taking Elsea away from that scene. Believing they would have been able to handle it.

He still stood by his decision, he still believed that they indeed were able to make it out of that alive. So once himself and Elsea were decently high up into the air, where flying would take less strain and focus he decided to answer her.

"I do think they did indeed make it out of there alive. Not that I would have considered it an easy battle, the two girls did not make use of their biggest advantage. Their ability to fly. How can one get bitten by sword or beast while one be in the air? There are only a few dangerous kind of beasts which can take flight after all..." Elthrael said calmly, looking ahead to their destination, and occasionally to the trees, small streams of water and fields under them.

"The River Kingdom is most surely their home, and when one encounters threats like that it is not uncommon to retreat to ones home. Providing you'd have one to return to ofcourse. I too wish to find them, the other human is with them no doubt." He said in a serious tone, before his mouth turned into a slight smile as he seemed to think of something.

"The place we are heading to is a place where I too once lived, before I was exiled due to my appearance and my parents lacking the intention of simply... throwing me away." The dark winged fairy threw a glace to Elsea and then set his eyes ahead to what would eventually show up in the distance, past the forests and rivers.

"It's been many years however, my appearance has since then changed quite the bit. Whereof I simply looked demonic as a child, now I look like neither demon nor fairy. Within that River Kingdom, they would certainly be uncertain of what to make of me. While not completely oblivious to how my appearance may now be a beneficial matter, rather than a detrimental one. They've still would regard me as an anomaly, rather than just an outcast among their kind." Elthrael seemed to almost bit his teeth together for a moment, then giving off a slight snort.

"My parents deaths are on their hands, them and the orcs are equally to blame. Should I wish vengeance upon their entire kind? No. That would not be just and fair now would it? I however do think I have some... matter to pick with their leaders, would I happen to have the fortune of encountering them. Even so, they are very little compared to the evil which the tyrant king represents." The fairy took a few moments to be silent, before he resumed talking.

"The tyrant. Aklenroth. He desires to rule and has been, but he lacks any form of emotion any form of passion. He's just a shell, an evil shell whose sole reason for existance is to urge someone who has the ambition, the vision and the support to dethrone him. Avalia deserves a ruler who will not allow the chaos to continue, where the evil ones inflict endless torture and pain to others with no other reason than finding enjoyment in doing so. Sadistic urges ought to be controlled or they must be put down. For they not only destroy the target but yourself too. Those whom seek to wield the dark power to battle the dark power, is doomed to be consumed by the dark power. You always should make certain to wield the power, not let it wield you. No matter what kind of power it may be." He spoke, taking further consideration before speaking again.

"You humans possess power over the elements unlike any other in this world, apart from certain demons. Such as having the ability to create and manipulate water. But water does not only serve to bear a ship, it can also sink it. The same goes for magical powers. People often forgets the most powerful weapon is neither might nor magic, it is ones own mind. It is ones own wit. If you can master it, you will someday rule above all. Take my word for that, Elsea. When it comes to the more martial matters, when words will no longer do. It is not the strongest or toughest which wins, it is the most crafty and the one whose the quickest. It is the perfect defense and offense. No matter how strong your physical might may be, it won't mean a thing if you cannot land a hit." The fairy explained, in an almost preachy manner. His views formed from a combination of his parents and his mentor, but also from his own experience by himself. Leaving much time to ponder in the silent nights in the heart of a forest.

"There will come a day when the tyrant is no more, it is then where the true choices will be done. For what kind of world that Avalia truly desire. What it's options would be, theres never only one path to go but several. If we both are alive at that point, let us make certain that past mistakes are not repeated anew?" The fairy offered a soft smile, his sharp corner-teeth revealing, then he set his sight ahead to the River Kingdom coming in sight gradually.

'Soon the day of reckoning will be here...'
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Close to The Sun Elf Kingdom.
Interactions: Cadence @Helo

In the beginning, Ayita didn't knew why Cade was helping her despite being a stranger, going as far as to even put his own life in danger. But as Cade began talking, she realized the reason. For him and possibly others in Avalia, her existence, meant hope. A possibility for taking Aklenroth down and ending his tyranical rule over Avalia. Even though Ayita was nothing but a human, a single woman, she was still something that could threaten Aklenroth's power.

As Cade continued, telling Ayita a little about his story, she couldn't help but find it strangely familiar. Much like herself, who had most part of her tribe killed, he also lost his family and his clan. She knew his battle very well, the feeling of having one's land, one's very home, where his parents, grandparents and even his long dead ancestors lived taken and defiled by invaders. The feeling of having lost one's family, tribe... Cade had much more in common to Ayita than she had previously thought.

"I understand." Ayita said, with a firm expression, looking to Cade with a determined stare.

"Your fight is the same as mine. You lost your tribe, your family and your home. I know what you are feeling. Previously I didn't knew why you were helping me, a complete stranger, but now I know. Me being here is more than just coincidence or just a random event. My presence here is like a glimmer of hope for those who have suffered under Aklenroth's rule." Ayita continued.

"I don't know what I'll be able to do against such a threat... But I just want you to know that I know your pain. Your fight is my fight, Cade." She finished, putting her closed first over her heart.

When Cade began talking about her home, Ayita started thinking... Even if she came back... Was there a 'home' for her to come back to? Her mother was dead... Her father was still fighting against the white invaders...

"My home I... I don't know if there is a 'home' for me to return... My mother... just like the rest of my tribe were burned by the white men... Our lands, defiled and destroyed... My father was still fighting against them when I left but... I don't know for how long he will be able to..." Ayita said, lowering her head with a sad and distant expression. Doubt was clear on Ayita's expression. She had seen how cruel the invaders were and she knew what they were capable of.
That said... If it was possible to open a rift to drag her here... The maybe...

"No... This can wait. We have other things to worry about. He is fighting there, just as I am here." Ayita said, shaking her head and trying to clear her mind.

"Food... I used to hunt back in my home. But I do not have anything to hunt... We can try to find some fruits or something. I'm not a picky eater." Ayita said, looking to Cade.

Time: Morning
Location: Wilderness Between Orc Landing and Illuminata Kingdom
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy

Even though Darius tried to pull his hand back, Myra continued insisting. Something told her that they should avoid meeting that lich at any costs... Much to her dismay, both Darius and Skar didn't seem to be convinced that it was a bad idea to go where the lich was and instead continued trying to go. Myra did understand that Darius said that he was indeed going and Myra could either follow or not, but... Even though she didn't want to go, she didn't want to leave Darius alone as well...

It didn't take long for her to realize that no matter what she did, both Darius and Skar wouldn't go back on their idea. Before she gave up though, she kneeled down on the ground and used her claws to draw a curved stick with a string and an arrow in the middle, which would be easily identified by Darius and Skar as a bow, surrounded by leaves and a few lines coming out of them, almost as if they were glowing. Besides that drawing, she did her best to try and draw the lich's face, using as reference the illusion that appeared on the sky. Even though she ended up only being able to draw his spiky crown and a very, very crude depiction of his face, it was still enough for Darius and Skar to understand what she meant with a little bit of effort. After finishing, she pointed to both pictures and the respective positions where they should go and then looked at Darius and Skar, almost as if saying for them to choose one of them. While she had never gotten that close to where the forest people lived, she liked the idea of going there much better than going where the lich was...

Looking to Darius and Skar, she nodded towards the drawings and looked at them, almost as if telling them to choose where to go. It was clear that she didn't like the idea to meet the lich, but if they went despite her efforts to tell them otherwise, her having drawn the lich's crown in the ground was enough to indicate that even if reluctantly, she was willing to go together with them... Until a certain point, that is...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Time: Dawn
Location: Wilderness Between Orc Landing and Illuminata Kingdom
Interaction with: Myra @13org

Skar and Darius were just about ready to go before Darius noticed Myra sketching something into the ground using her claws. He was immediately reminded of when Myra had shared her name with him and decided to give her his full attention. Myra couldn't speak, so this was her chance to communicate to him.

"A bow and arrow? Shining?" Darius guessed.

"Elf symbol." Skar answered unpleasantly. She was tired of waiting on Myra. "Knew this demon was weak. She wants to go to elves. Elves hate orcs. Elves kill demons. And elves will claim Darius for themselves." Skar had not been fond of Myra from the start, and her opinion of the demon was only faltering. Darius glanced up at Skar before continuing to look at what else Myra was drawing. He chose to ignore the aggravated orc for the moment. She was judging Myra's sketch before it had even been finished.

The second sketch looked like a rough depiction of the Dark Lord. Myra's follow on actions then showed that she wanted them to make a choice between going to the elves or going to Aklenroth. Skar was visibly pissed, especially with the fact that Darius gave Myra the time of day for a decision that was already made in her opinion. Darius sucked his teeth after a glance at Skar again.

"Calm the fuck down. She's just giving us options." Darius shook his head before crouching down beside Myra to get on her level for a moment. His attention was on her sketches again. "Honestly, I don't know either of them... Elves are usually the good guys and the undead dude is always the bad guy. But… what if Skar is right? I mean I'm being accompanied by an orc and a demon right now. In most genres, I would be your slave or captive or just dead." Darius pointed at the sketch of Aklenroth. "This guy says he can take me back home." Darius then pointed to the other sketch. "These people apparently aren't cool with you or Skar. With a bounty on my head, it might be better to turn myself in and get the reward." Darius stood up and pointed at the sketch of Aklenroth. "We'll go to him. And if he doesn't send me home, I'm beating his boney ass for lying. Simple as that. Easy?" Darius didn't even wait for a reply and playfully poked Myra's side as he walked towards the scowling Skar. Unlike her, he seemed to be overflowing with positivity. "Good to go." Darius gave a thumbs up.

"Don't let demon eat Peacemaker. She has taste for boars." Skar said this before sounding off a high pitch whistle to call the boar to her. It only took several seconds for Peacemaker to break through the treeline and walked beside Skar. It was time to get moving.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Aklentroth’s War Room/ Outside the Necropolis
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner

Azriel watched and listened as Umber explained to her that it was her choice. She knew it was and she knew Umber wouldn’t force her to do anything anymore. She was no longer a child that needed to be told what to do, however she still found herself on occasions looking to Umber for guidance. Perhaps that was something she would always do for the rest of her life.

As he crushed the figures he’d conjured in his hand she flinched ever so slightly. He was right, it most likely would sap a vast majority of her strength to fly all the way there. Normally an angel could probably make the flight with no issue, however, she had to work almost twice as hard due to her injury from childhood. This thought alone just fueled Azriel’s irritation and she felt quite a bit more murderous than before.

”Fine…” She huffed more to herself as she begrudgingly entered the Amora. She had noticed the unease of the horse, who also seemed unhappy to fly in the Amora. She couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of something for the horse as she understood the dislike of the machine. Sympathy perhaps? Was sympathy an emotion she was truly capable of? This was the thought she pondered as she found a place near a window, but didn’t sit. She would rather be on her feet, prepared for anything that could happen. Despite knowing that it was rare, she had a small fear that something would happen to the Amora and they would go down. She hated not being in control of flying.

At O’Ner’s words back to Umber, Azriel couldn’t contain the scoff from escaping her lips. ”Perhaps you are unaware as to what we Wraiths do, but competence on the battlefield is something we excel at. Defeating a foe, spilling blood, tourture, all these things are a beautiful art and we are artists. We are experts.” She said as she now looked to O’Ner, a chillingly sadistic grin gracing her lips. It was clear that she found quite a bit of joy in the work she did.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Amora Heading to Fairy River Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith EVIL!!!!

Umber's feet met with the ground as he boarded the amora with O'Ner and Tulip to his front and Azriel right behind him.

Umber did not choose to seat himself as his tail and size weren't suited to the amora's seats. It wasn't like the demihumans to design seats for demons when thinking up their machinations. Umber levitated his body while crossing his legs and crossing both pairs of his arms over his chest. He kept afloat and about a meter from the floor. O'Ner had shot words back at Umber from his earlier comments. The demon didn't speak, but if he could smile, he would. He didn't dislike O'Ner for his comments. In fact, he welcomed them. The general's words actually made Umber satisfied with O'Ner accompanying he and Azriel. This undead was conflicted, but he wasn't dull or weak willed.

When Azriel piped up at O'Ner for his words there was yet another smile that could have existed on Umber's face. The woman was correct in her statement and O'Ner could not take that fact away from her. As Wraiths, Azriel and Umber fit this kind of mission. They may have tone things down, but maybe that's why they would have company this time around.

"We are all hoping to perform well on this task and hold each other to any... mistakes. Good." Umber said simply. The amora didn't take long to lift off. For a second, there was a weightless feeling before a low hum was heard. The ride was so smooth there were moments where it felt that they may not have been moving. With 45 minutes, the amora floated above the Fairy River Kingdom. "Stop! Land this contraption now!" Umber ordered the dark elf soldier operating the amora. The hovering vehicle halted to a stop. It was the only time the ride felt uneasy. Umber landed his feet swiftlt to the floor. "He is close. His emotion is... delectable. Mmmmm! So appetizing Azriel. You will find enjoyment in his pain. And perhaps you as well O'Ner… if also consider yourself a cruel creature."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Wilderness Between Orc Landing and Illuminata Kingdom
Interactions: Darius and Skar @FunnyGuy

Myra watched and waited, still a bit agitated as Darius and Skar talked with each other after she drew the things on the ground. Skar was visibly upset when she drew the curved stick and the leaves to represent the forest people. Judging by her expression, she didn't like that Darius was giving Myra all that time but despite that, Darius seemed to want to give Myra enough time for her to try and say what she wanted.

She silently heard, looking to Darius and then to Skar as they discussed regarding the drawings. Darius was the one who spoke more, since Skar seemed to have already decided where they were going. After talking a bit, Darius turned to Myra again and began explaining. Judging by his tone of voice and the few words Myra understood, he still had a few doubts regarding which place to go, but he did point towards each drawing and said what he thought of them. According to what she understood, he thought that the forest people didn't really like neither Skar nor Myra herself (even though Myra didn't know really why they would dislike her. She had never even interacted with them despite having seen them a few times in the forest...). As he pointed towards the lich drawing, Myra understood, when he said the word 'home' that somehow, he thought that the skeleton guy could take him home. Myra didn't really understand the rest of what he said about the lich drawing but he had apparently decided where he wanted to go.

Even though Myra wasn't really comfortable with that choice, she still followed them as they began walking. When they were about to go, Skar made a high pitched noise using a strange object in her hands. A few moments later, a boar, much like the one Myra had killed and eaten part of earlier, appeared, going to where Skar was. While Myra understood that the boar was her companion, after seeing him, Myra remembered about the boar carcass they would leave behind. Since they would be probably walking for a while, Myra went to where the boar carcass was and tore a few, sizeable chunks of meat with her hands before going back to the group, still holding them in her hands. Even though she did think it was a waste to leave such a big carcass lying around to rot (even though she had eaten quite a bit, there was still much meat on it), she knew it would be inconvenient to drag it around, so she simply got a few big pieces of meat to bring with her in case she got hungry later.
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