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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Midnight
Location: Near the River Kingdom
Ambiance: youtube.com/watch?v=jCDU8SbOBV0

The loud noise from the side made Elthrael's entire body twitch, if there was something he really disliked it was loud noises. Loud high pitched noises. He grit his teeth as he tried to keep his focus from being disrupted by the screaming woman, his efforts were paid off well as one of the many roots flung the dark elf into a nearby tree.

This is the natural order of things, dark elf. Hm? Oh? Still alive?

Elthrael thought and raised an eyebrow as he removed his hand from the tree, the dark elf had endured the slam surprisingly well, not only that but countering with dark magic, causing the plants and roots near him to wither and become distorted. Elthrael decided to cease manipulating the nearby plantlife, as it would mean unecessary loss of plants for just a single dark elf life.

The dark elf had also issued a challenge to him, calling him out to fight in the open. A honorable one. How intriguing. I must find him later. Seems you are indeed stronger than the common rabble, but you are still a thousand years to early to best me. The dark winged fairy then set his eyes on the woman whose voice had caught his attention, accompanied by the scent of blood and... A human? A female human. Such sweet fortune.

Elthrael quickly made up his mind, he was going to seize the moment to grab the human woman. Believing that the large fox and the human with the earth powers should be capable enough to provide the two fairy women with aid against the dark elf and his beasts. The dark elf had used his magics but also taken a slam into a tree, it would surely only be a matter of time before his resources and allies would run out. The fox was likely able to dispatch one of the beasts easily, the human if he truly were a threat to Aklenroth should be able to fend off his attackers aswell, if he would die in the progress it was fine. As he would still have a human in his grasp. The two fairies were what concerned him the most, whilst they could certainly fly and possibly assist with magic of their own. The idea of leaving them behind was a difficult one.

But the chance of having a human captive of his own was priceless, since they were so rare. Even more so if he was able to find out how their powers worked, he could possibly use said power to overthrow even the lich king himself. At least in the worst case, he could assist the human in becoming stronger. While he had briefly considered to stay and fight with the others, the idea of the others meddling in his human forming plans would be a nuisance. He could potentially forge her into a better weapon. With the right guidance. Thus the others interference could become a hinderance and make her rely on them rather than herself.

With that in mind, he wished his kin the best of luck. Hoping they would indeed claim victory, the two fairies had certainly caught his eye with their beauty. Elthrael jumped down from the tree, falling smoothly through the air and landing softly as his wings, even when folded were lessening the fall quite the bit. He landed right next to Elsea, and set his golden eyed gaze on her.

"Come with me, fair flower. On swift wings to safety. Don't despair, hold on tight." He said in a soft tone of voice, leaning gradually closer to her ear, a slight smile on his lips as he formed the words, and then tried to wrap his free arm around her waist. Planning to lift her up with him into the air, so he could take her elsewhere. His wings would spread out, revealing it's dark interior, two large red orbs with yellow cores in them. Making his presence known fully to the others nearby, had they not heard his words.

"You're far from home, dark elf! Serving a king whose only true companion is his folly, a trait you seem to share, how about you save your sorry hide and step down before you get put down?!"

He smirked mockingly after attempting to temporary draw the attention of the dark elf, before trying to fly off at high speed with Elsea, deeper into the forest. Into what he considered to be his domain. The most tree populated part, being an ideal defensive forest... no a fortress against any attacker willing to give chase or wander into the deep forest unwaringly.

In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time : Past Midnight
Location : Near River Kingdom

Elthrael stood silent for a moment on his branch as he surveyed the gathering ahead. His eyes instictively searched for any visible weapons before he took a leap towards another branch to place himself slightly downwind of the gathering. Once in place, the darkwinged fairy inspected the gathering further. Two of them were young female fairies. One bore more traditional attire of an elaborate design the other one clad in more revealing attire. The dark winged fairy began to smile, as he sniffed the air.

He could now properly scent them, their smell were more pleasant for his senses than the creature whose company they seemed to share. There was also a more familiar scent of canines. A wolf? A fox? Elthrael did not linger on that thought or scent, as they were in a place where such animals were quite common. Finally he set his sights on the armored being on the ground. What is that?

Hm? He turned his attention away from the human and to the foilage. Into the scene came a panther and a rider upon it, a dark elf by the looks of it. It's roar drawing the attention of those present. Elthrael had some encounters with their ilk in the past, yet this one carried himself in a more confident manner. The dark elf began to loudly call out to the fairies and the prone creature, as he did the scent and noises of the uncommon beasts became more potent. They had surrounded the trio.

Elthrael placed his right hand at the pommel of his sword, as it rested in it's sheath. The dark elf and his beasts had come to claim the creature the fairies shared company with. A human.

A human? This.. thing is a human? This dark elf has been sent by the undead king to kill it... this soon? Now why's that I wonder? He began to grin as he made up his mind.

Elthrael had never seen a human before, it seemed to be like a more robust elf and with a strong unusual scent, which had now strangely been replaced with the scent of jasmine. Those two things aside, he couldn't make out what made it so special that it warranted the undead king's attention. He would have prefered to watch a fight between the two, but with the presence of the young fairies that was not going to happen. The dark winged fairy knew he had to get in there, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Two young female fairies and a human as a bonus, now that was a good catch. He wasn't going to allow some dirty dark elf to steal his prize.

He drew his blade quietly whilst the dark elf attacked the human, gripping the sword into his right hand, Elthrael then reached out with his left hand towards the bark of the tree, which branch he stood upon. That's when a fox came rushing into the scene, taking hold of the human and getting him out of harms way. Oh? A companion to these girls? How very timely indeed.

One of the fairies, the one with the more revealing clothes then tried to reason with the dark elf.

Such fierce defiance. Such bold courage. Such relentless beauty. Elthrael thought to himself and then pressed his hand harder against the bark of the tree. He was just about to begin channeling his magic, when he saw something so bizarre and so strange that he froze. The human can call upon the very earth itself to form weaponry?! What manner of power is this?! I must obtain it... The human kept talking and yelling, as it revealed more of it's powers. It was a noisy human, loud and aggressive. Elthrael looked on with much interest, but then finally collected himself and focused deeply on the task at hand.

Spirits of the forest, I'll offer you this dark elf fool and his beasts as a sacrifice... You may do with them as you please! The fairy thought as he channeled his magic through his left hand still placed upon the tree.

The branches, excluding the one which he stood upon, of nearby trees began to twist and turn as if animated into arms and hands. Hollow spaces in the trees would glow slightly, giving many of the trees the visuals of them having distorted faces, with glowing eyes and grinning mouths. The roots of the trees popping out of the ground and the hanging vines would slither forth to attack the dark elf and his beastly allies. The vines would lash and twirl, like spasmic whips, with intent to lash and entangle their targets. The branches would slam into the ground, like rakes they would slash and pull through the nearby foilage, albeit out of the dark elf's reach. The mighty roots would rise up fully and then either be fully held up or slam down, aiming towards the dark elf. Carefully avoiding to slam the spot where the two fairies stood.
In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time : Past-Midnight
Location : Near River Kingdom

"Hm?" The dark clothed fairy turned around slowly and gazed up at the sky, visible from the thick tree branch he stood upon.

The sky seems abit different tonight, this scent in the air is most peculiar. He took a deep inhale as he closed his eyes, before flashing them open again.

A flight through the night then. The fairy thought to himself before his dark wings spread wide and he flew away from his tree, towards the anomaly. Towards the scent of something he had never scent before.

What manner of creature bears this scent? It reeks. Then came a howl, one which he knew wasn't part of the regular inhabitants of the forest. This creature came from a different direction than the strange scent. He sniffed the air yet again. There's... more? He pursed his lips, before allowing them to form a grin. Tonight's entertainment... I better not miss out. His wings carried him swiftly forwards, inbetween the various trees and branches, dodging them along the path. Closer. It is getting closer. Where are you? The scent of blood... There! You are over there... The dark clothed fairy finally landed on a large branch, highly elevated from a tree which gave him sight ahead of a small gathering of individuals.

Oh? What have we here then...
In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I am also reading on the lore and considering on posting a character.
Andreim and Liselotte

The night after the cultist attack.

The attack on the tournament grounds had been swift and relentless, many people have gotten hurt, taken or killed. Andreim's first priority had been to protect Lise from harm, while he knew she could fight he wouldn't allow any harm to come to her. Second priority had been to rescue Katherine, which had been attacked by one of Clara's disciples. The ninja. Not only that but she had acted strangely and alot of focus ended on her. Ultimately Andreim and Lise were unable to reach Katherine, thanks to the interuption of some cultists ending up in their path. Once they saw an opening out of there they took it and at that point they had lost trace of Katherine and the battle.
The arena grounds were too dangerous to return to, doing so would have put Lise at the center of attention. Due to her beauty and regality. Andreim felt that he could not return to the school grounds with Lise, some of those evil men might have gone there.

Thus the pair decided to go into hiding among the commoners, much to Lise's displeasure no doubt. But in order to safeguard her and also make certain some of the common people unable to defend themselves were not taken captive. They've sought refuge at the vigilantes hideout, a church by the looks of it. Andreim and Lise had both grabbed blankets in which they wrapped around to be makeshift hoods and cloaks. The duo slipped inside without anyone recognizing them, first staying with the rest of the commoners, before darting off to a more private section of the place. The old tower.

Andreim began to climb the ladder up to the hatch, which would lead up to the room which held the mechanisms for the bell. It was a nice and tidy room, it had a seating area in the form of a sofa and a table aswell as a few lights, the outmost top of the tower held a second hatch leading out to the actual bell, which was out in the free, kept under a neat roof to protect it against rain and strong wind.
In order to prevent Lise from the strain of climbing and the potential risk of someone noticing them and Lise wearing a skirt while ascending the ladder, Andreim would have been forced to inflict mind loss to that person to protect her ladyship.

To prevent all of that he climbed down to princess lift her, and then use his water manipulation to create enough pressure to get them up into the room. After which he set her down and began to manipulate up all the water and then opening a window to gradually send it flying out of there at the yard below. Making sure it was a fine distance away to not hit anyone.

"Ahh.. that was alot of work for one evening... don't you agree my lady?" He sat down in the sofa and breathed out. "We couldn't get to Katherine. William got taken out. Cassius is missing. Samoth vanished in the crowd of people. We might be the only ones left... but don't worry, I will not let anything happen to you. Not as long as I draw breath. I'll protect you and the future which is waiting for us." He said in a reassuring tone, as he looked over to his goddess, the fair lady Liselotte.

Lise looked out of the window quietly, the light from the streetlights reflecting in her eyes. "To think that these festivals become this rowdy... Truly this city has a lack of restraint." Though it was nothing compared to her castle of which she was titled, it reminded Lise at least a little of her nights spent in a true castle tower.

Of course, she had never been with a boy in the tower, which was something Lise was slowly becoming aware of. She took a few deep breaths. Not that there was anything strange going on between the two! It was an emergency circumstance. They may even have to... spend the night together...

Lise cast off her commoner's disguise of a blanket and faced away from Andreim. She had to reassure herself, 'No one will know about this! And if they do, then it's a manner of safety that he's here! That's it!' She sat on the sofa, sighing.

The exertion of the tournament was now very clear to Lise as she laid back on the couch. "Ah. We might have to stay her tonight, won't we...?" Lise muttered, nodding off before opening her eyes back up.

Andreim turned to look over to Lise as she peeked out of the window. 'Amidst all this chaos, she still stands with her head tall, refined and more beautiful than anything else this world has to offer.'

He allowed a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth, before opening it to speak. "Yes, sometimes things do not go as planned. It is in those moments it is good to remain calm and remember what caused things to go wrong. What you say is true my lady, this city lacks restraint. But also control."

Andreim allowed his gaze to wander over Lise's form, taking another glance to make certain she was physically fine. When he was trying to find the right words to tell Lise they would likely be best off sleeping in this tower for the night, with the city being in the state it was. The church tower was however surely a big change for Lise, who no doubt were accustomed to the comforts of a big and soft bed and the security of large mansion defenses. That's when he heard Lise breathing deeply, she had cast away her blanket. The act had caused Andreim to raise an eyebrow and his jaw drop abit. 'At this rate we are going to have to share that couch.' He swallowed as the thought struck him. 'I have to...' He snapped out of his thoughts as Lise spoke again, words which caused Andreim to blink and then offer a comforting smile.

She actually had pondered on the idea of staying here for the night. Andreim walked over towards the couch. after taking a sip of water by making a water orb in his hand. He had done this previously to also give Lise water to make certain she didn't faint. "That's right, my lady. I know it isn't near what you are used to, but we'll have to make the best out of the situ... Lise?" He blinked as he saw she seemed to be on the verge of nodding off.

He went up to the couch and smiled on seeing that. It had indeed been a long day and anyone in their right mind would be tired, himself included ofcourse. He knelt down in front of the couch, looking to Lise's face. He leaned down carefully with his face close to hers, she had closed her eyes. Andreim's heart began to beat faster, as if it was about to tear itself out of his chest. Then Lise's eyes flashed open. Which caused Andreim to heavily blink, before he instinctively leaned down abit further to kiss her lips, his left gloved hand moved to softly caress the side of her face and hair as he did. His right hand tried to interlock with hers, as he softly squeezed his fingers against hers.

"A-Andreim?" Lise said, freezing in place. Her entire body felt rooted in place, and all she could feel was her face flushing red. "Um... W-While I understand this place is comparatively private..." She managed lean a little away from the boy. "I-Isn't it hasty to do t-t-that here?"

At the same time, she didn't let go of his hands. It felt reassuring to her. But she couldn't consider anything further than that. She gently indicated that Andreim should sit next to her, keeping her hand intertwined with his. 'Maybe... this is fine.' She thought, her heart fluttering somewhat.

Andreim smiled softly and made his way to sit next to Lise, still keeping a hold on her hand, offering his lap as a makeshift pillow for his goddess. "You go ahead and sleep.. I'll wait til you do. There's things to do tommorrow." He reached out to pat Lise on the head, caressing her hair with his free hand, making sure her fine blonde strands of hair would not obscure her face. The young man leaned back abit against the couch, still looking over Lise however.

'Rhea needs a revival. I thought it would have to wait til after our third year of St.Laurels, but at this rate everything will be lost. I will not allow these evil beings to make things worse. I'll cleanse the city. I'll cleanse it all, for my lady Lise's sake! No. Not only for her, but for everyones sake!' The noise from the surrounding area was getting more and more quiet, rest was no doubt in order and well earnt. The pair found themselves at the church tower, their refuge for the night.

As the dawn of a new day was about to greet them head-on.
Dead? No, he doesn't want the bird dead. He could be a valuable hard worker.
Sorry for the wait, back from my trip finally.
Galdin Frayheart

Galdin wore a friendly face as he shook Spencer's hand as it was offered, the young marquis still kept his gloves on. "Pleasure is all mine." He softly said, and allowed the handshake to meet it's end.

"The right side? Ofcourse. The righteous always do win out in the end." Galdin added, his eyes closing into a slit, barely showing his pupils and irises as a faint smile crawled up on his lips. The boy, Spencer, seemed to be of common birth, the overall appearance of the boy seemed to be that of a troublemaker as far as Galdin could make out. That look on his face, the smokestick and it's smoke which he blew in the young marquis direction. Such a lack of refinement. Yet where there be smoke, there be fire. Prod the coal enough and it may spark up. Galdin thought to himself, as he took a few steps forwards holding his breath still as he walked out of the smoke and set his gaze on the friend of that Spencer boy, at least he thought he was a friend of his.

"...and good to meet one such as yourself, Momotaro." Tamako hm? The blonde pondered as Momotaro was being led off by Spencer. Then there was this other young man, better dressed than the two former. At least that is what the marquis thought. The young man in question had introduced himself as Jeralt Seymour, the adopted son of a duke. This very thing appealed to Galdin greatly, to which he had smoothly greeted the fellow noble, by shaking his hand.

"Fair day, Earl Seymour." Galdin said in a smooth manner, soft and elegant. He wasn't exactly certain if this young man was the heir or not, he figured he would play it safe by assuming he was a secondary son. Adopted son. Thus an earl. In the worst case he would have to bear with the young man being of the same standing as himself, until the passing of Jeralt's foster father. The marquis took a moment to look around, spotting Meer as he did, but before he could act on his sight. The bells rang for all to gather to the entry-speech.

The young man excused himself from those in his vicinity and with firm, yet graceful steps made his way forwards, not to push his way into the forefront of the gathering, but to find a slightly higher elevated position which would give him a better overall view. As the speech began, Galdin kept his thoughts to himself.

Minister Othello, what a person to represent humankind as a whole. Though I wonder if those which praise you know about all your deeds.

The ending pact. It has a pleasant ring to it.

Then came the moment to present first year representatives for each domicile. The one doing it, Lucian Dragonlance did have quite the way to make an entrance. A thing which royalty tended to do. Not that Galdin minded it at all. It was just not the kind of royal he would prefer to see sitting on the human kingdom's throne.

The young marquis softly bit his lower lip. People. Not all people are behaving like people. People are not equal. People are not meant to be equal. There are those who rule, and it is those who serve. It is how it has always been. There are those who are born with illnesses, and there are those without. Some are born rich, and others are born poor. In material matter or skills. Trying to even things out is just going to make everything average, and who would settle for that when it is their destiny to claim the stars? He allowed his gloved fingers to trail over his hair and he adjusted it slightly to make himself look more presentable. That's when the decision for the leaders came to be. Jeralt Seymour for the Princeps and Garuth Stone-Singer for Divinos. Galdin's eyebrows twitched slightly, his teeth grinding against oneanother, a vein clearly visible on his head, before he deeply sighed and readjusted his stance. Chuckling slightly as he did.

Leader of Princeps? Fair enough. I can go along with that. In fact I couldn't have chosen better myself. But to put this... gar... gargo.. garbage.. garbutt thing in charge of Divinos is a mistake, a mistake which needs to be corrected soon. All it takes is a big failure of unforgivable magnitude.
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