Illuminata Kingdom
Territory containing many elf settlements, strictly light elves.
Creatures in this area: pixies, foxes, bears, wolves, reptiles, birds, many species of insects, rodents, unicorns, goblins, trolls,ogres
Moon Elf Village
It is more of a city, than a village, at this point. Houses are well made, food is plentiful and technological advancements are only increasing. It has a population of 900,000. Many elves here are battle-focused and like to master the arts of their magic.
A small elf village known for its wonderful crafts and goods. It is quite close to, and almost essentially apart of the great Moon Elf Village. Inventors and engineers often live here and are very wealthy if successful.
This is a village called Alenia. It has crops growing along Arrow River and this town is a great source of food and supplies. Many livestock animals are such as cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens. There are stables filled with horses for sale as well. It is a fairly wealthy district and people live well off here.
This village is named Rylen. It is within a wooded area. People come to this area to buy various goods, wood, furniture, berries, meat and archery equipment. The homes are small here and not as technologically advanced as others.
This area is called Starline. It is far off area where many warriors are housed and trained. There is a good source of iron and metals due to mountains nearby this area.
This area is called Chesm. It is not very populated and often has demi-humans from Lora come to trade and converse with the elves. It is mostly a trade area with shops and markets.
Demi-Human Cities
Creatures in this area: cats, dogs, foxes, rodents
27 - Roshmi City
Roshmi City is extravagant and beautiful. It is extremely large and has a population of 1 million. Most are demi-humans but other species are allowed to reside here. It is an overflowing pot of culture and events. It is booming with fortune and wealthy citizens.
This is a town called Lora that is very prosperous due to the wooded area around it and the nearby port. They are probably the second richest Demi-Human area.
This is a large, well established Demi-Human city called Domoros, with a port used often by traders and fishers. It is on Oak Island which is a prominently Demi-Human territory. Many demi-humans go fishing from this port. Architecture is stunning and the technology is better than on Earth here.
This is a fairly small Demi-Human town called Keronos it is loosely populated.
This is a port town called Pine. It is used by Demi-Humans from Lora and elves from Sun Elf Village for fishing and trade.
Creatures in this area: Mermaids, many fish species, dolphins
This is a port used by Orcs. Itβs name is unknown and any non-orc creature stays far away.
8, 9, 10, 12, 15
These are unnamed port towns. They are infrequently used by boaters and fishers. They are not very populated areas.
Daka Island
Creatures in this area: Many Dragons, Hydras, Goblins, Trolls
This is called Morteum. Aklenroth's very large castle exists here. Around this castle is a massive necropolis and home to Aklenroth along with his army. There are huge statues of undead soldiers as well as walls around the area lined with bones.
16 Azmor Galus
This is the island Dark Elves had been banished to. They have made do with what they have and made their own city. It is colder up north so they often dress in heavy clothing. It is apart of Daka Island territory. They have high respect from Aklenroth. The Daka Black Market resides here in the open as a normal shop here.
17 Malthemoor
This is a large and heavily fortified dark elf base filled with dark elves who work exclusively for Aklenroth and are in return taught his ways of immense dark power.
Orc Landing
This is a very large orc establishment with decently made castles but not much technology. They have a great market of weapons if someone dares try to negotiate with them. They often boat across to Aklenroth's castle.
This is an area filled with mountains and the infamous Daka Volcano where demons thrive. They create nearby settlements and enjoy the cold air and proximity to Aklenroth and other negative-entities.
Fairy Kingdoms
Creatures in these areas: pixies, foxes, bears, wolves, reptiles, birds, many species of insects, rodents, unicorns, trolls, ogres
River Fairy Kingdom
This is a very large kingdom that stretches out to all the homes seen on the map with markets, high-end homes and a high population of 500,000. This is mostly a magic-focused community focused on traditional values.
There are woods with skyscraping trees and areas of mushrooms as large as the trees. The mushroom forest near River Kingdom is often lit up with pixies.
There are woods with skyscraping trees and areas of mushrooms as large as the trees. The mushroom forest near River Kingdom is often lit up with pixies.
Flower Fairy Kingdom
This is a very large kingdom that stretches out to all the homes seen on the map with markets, high-end homes and a high population of 300,000. This community is very into culture, education and arts, focusing less on magical abilities and more on making money. They have a port for fishing and traders.
Sun Elf Village
This is a prosperous elf community that is very into trade and prospering careers in many sciences and engineering. They have amazing technological advancements such as the rift opener. It has a population of 600,000.
Dangerous Orc settlements similar to Orc Landing