Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


Illuminata Kingdom
Territory containing many elf settlements, strictly light elves.
Creatures in this area: pixies, foxes, bears, wolves, reptiles, birds, many species of insects, rodents, unicorns, goblins, trolls,ogres


Moon Elf Village
It is more of a city, than a village, at this point. Houses are well made, food is plentiful and technological advancements are only increasing. It has a population of 900,000. Many elves here are battle-focused and like to master the arts of their magic.

A small elf village known for its wonderful crafts and goods. It is quite close to, and almost essentially apart of the great Moon Elf Village. Inventors and engineers often live here and are very wealthy if successful.

This is a village called Alenia. It has crops growing along Arrow River and this town is a great source of food and supplies. Many livestock animals are such as cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens. There are stables filled with horses for sale as well. It is a fairly wealthy district and people live well off here.

This village is named Rylen. It is within a wooded area. People come to this area to buy various goods, wood, furniture, berries, meat and archery equipment. The homes are small here and not as technologically advanced as others.

This area is called Starline. It is far off area where many warriors are housed and trained. There is a good source of iron and metals due to mountains nearby this area.

This area is called Chesm. It is not very populated and often has demi-humans from Lora come to trade and converse with the elves. It is mostly a trade area with shops and markets.

Demi-Human Cities
Creatures in this area: cats, dogs, foxes, rodents

27 - Roshmi City
Roshmi City is extravagant and beautiful. It is extremely large and has a population of 1 million. Most are demi-humans but other species are allowed to reside here. It is an overflowing pot of culture and events. It is booming with fortune and wealthy citizens.

This is a town called Lora that is very prosperous due to the wooded area around it and the nearby port. They are probably the second richest Demi-Human area.

This is a large, well established Demi-Human city called Domoros, with a port used often by traders and fishers. It is on Oak Island which is a prominently Demi-Human territory. Many demi-humans go fishing from this port. Architecture is stunning and the technology is better than on Earth here.

This is a fairly small Demi-Human town called Keronos it is loosely populated.

This is a port town called Pine. It is used by Demi-Humans from Lora and elves from Sun Elf Village for fishing and trade.

Creatures in this area: Mermaids, many fish species, dolphins

This is a port used by Orcs. It’s name is unknown and any non-orc creature stays far away.

8, 9, 10, 12, 15
These are unnamed port towns. They are infrequently used by boaters and fishers. They are not very populated areas.

Daka Island
Creatures in this area: Many Dragons, Hydras, Goblins, Trolls

This is called Morteum. Aklenroth's very large castle exists here. Around this castle is a massive necropolis and home to Aklenroth along with his army. There are huge statues of undead soldiers as well as walls around the area lined with bones.

16 Azmor Galus
This is the island Dark Elves had been banished to. They have made do with what they have and made their own city. It is colder up north so they often dress in heavy clothing. It is apart of Daka Island territory. They have high respect from Aklenroth. The Daka Black Market resides here in the open as a normal shop here.

17 Malthemoor
This is a large and heavily fortified dark elf base filled with dark elves who work exclusively for Aklenroth and are in return taught his ways of immense dark power.

Orc Landing
This is a very large orc establishment with decently made castles but not much technology. They have a great market of weapons if someone dares try to negotiate with them. They often boat across to Aklenroth's castle.

This is an area filled with mountains and the infamous Daka Volcano where demons thrive. They create nearby settlements and enjoy the cold air and proximity to Aklenroth and other negative-entities.

Fairy Kingdoms
Creatures in these areas: pixies, foxes, bears, wolves, reptiles, birds, many species of insects, rodents, unicorns, trolls, ogres

River Fairy Kingdom
This is a very large kingdom that stretches out to all the homes seen on the map with markets, high-end homes and a high population of 500,000. This is mostly a magic-focused community focused on traditional values.

There are woods with skyscraping trees and areas of mushrooms as large as the trees. The mushroom forest near River Kingdom is often lit up with pixies.

Flower Fairy Kingdom
This is a very large kingdom that stretches out to all the homes seen on the map with markets, high-end homes and a high population of 300,000. This community is very into culture, education and arts, focusing less on magical abilities and more on making money. They have a port for fishing and traders.


Sun Elf Village
This is a prosperous elf community that is very into trade and prospering careers in many sciences and engineering. They have amazing technological advancements such as the rift opener. It has a population of 600,000.

Dangerous Orc settlements similar to Orc Landing
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by princess
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If you want to be involved in the rift-opening, you may.
Otherwise, you may skip to the morning if you want to begin the next day and open however you want. If human, react to being brought into this world at midnight.

Time: Midnight
Location: In the woods of the peninsula east of Sun Elf Village.
Interactions: None

The night's warm embrace could not comfort Malachi as he moved through the unmarked path, shrubbery scratching him through the thin sleeves of his shirt with every step. The stars were the only thing to illuminate his path under the dark canopy of the sky. The trees were taller in this area with wide trunks, giving him ample area to conceal himself with his movements. There were no leaves to add crunch to his steps yet he took extra precaution to make himself as invisible as possible, tip-toeing his way to the shore.

No one traveled this far south of Sun Elf Village. There was normally nothing here but woods. Malachi found some assurance in that idea but what he, and others were doing tonight, was as dangerous and risky as it could get. Elves and others across the country who were apart of a un-named secret circle of rebels had all agreed to finally turn on the remaining DROMs at the stroke of midnight for five seconds. It was very underground and lowkey, mostly older creatures involved who had been in contact for years, far and short distances. It only took one spy or double-agent among them to have Aklenroth aware of their plan tonight. There were only six DROMs in existence and he couldn't believe he had possession of one of them. He had hidden the machine here days before this.

Dimensional-rift-opening-machines still had the same problem for the most part. If successful, the human could appear anywhere. Worse, animals or furniture from Earth could appear instead of humans. It was a huge gamble. The human once brought over could have disgust from being pulled from their dimension and spite them anyway. Everyone was desperate and grasping at straws here. There was only so long they could all pretend what was happening was okay. Aklenroth, for sure, had despicable plans for the future and they had not yet seen the worst of him.

The moonlight illuminated the blonde elf in a blueish overlay as he stepped out of the woods and onto the sand. The earthen tone of sand was muted under the night hue. His red cloak danced in the wind behind him as he looked out to the sparkling sea. The warm water lapped over his boots, fizzing and bubbling. Malachi's DROM had something others did not. It had taken him years but he managed to install an indicator into the machine that would pinpoint the location of whatever came through the rift that was created. Not only that, but he had a unique method of transportation very few elves got their hands on.

For a few moments, Malachi was not sure he would come. The beast eventually came into view as it seemed to appear out of the midnight sky, each flap of his great wings audible. He crash-landed on to the sand in front of Malachi, his silverly blue scales glistening in the light. Marion was not a very large dragon, nor a great lander either, but he meant a lot to Malachi. Dragons had mostly stuck to Daka Island. Much Avalia was wooded and did not have ample space enough for dragons. There were plains and fields scattered but dragons enjoyed the cold nonetheless and the company of demons and dark elves. Luckily, Marion was special. His egg had been for sale for consumption in the black market. Some peculiar folk delighted in dragon meat. Malachi had bought him and raised him, having been lonely but hesitant for deep relationships after the loss he endured. Due to his size, Malachi had to live out in a plain in the middle of nowhere, quite close to this area and even then, they traveled very often.

Malachi rested his hand on the snout of the dragon with the slightest smile curving his lips. "Are you ready, Marion?" The dragon answered with a nod of his head. Marion was quite understanding of Malachi but actual communication had not seemed possible for them.

Turning on his heels, he moved over to a bush and began to break branches to get a good view of his secret machine. It was a two-foot-tall metal box with an electronic display and several buttons. He began to work his magic, turning it on just as the clock struck twelve. The ground shook beneath him, an earthquake beginning. It was intense, perhaps the ground splitting beneath them in some areas. Maybe it had not been so wise for them all to start the DROMS at once. He clutched the machine to steady himself, fear and nausea gripping his body. This hadn't been done in so many years. This could all go wrong.

In each area that a rift was opened, a large crack in what seemed to be reality itself would open. The same would appear on Earth as whatever nearby would be sucked through like wormholes. He gave it five seconds. The others had all agreed to only keep it open for five seconds. Rather frantically, he started to slam the machine off with wide eyes. Luckily a map of Avalia appeared right away as well as a red circle indicating the area of the massive burst of energy. "Okay... Okay... That's right here actually." Malachi was not one to talk to himself often but the pressure was definitely on tonight. He may have had the location but there were five other potential openings in which they had no idea where they occurred.

He scrambled over to Marion and climbed on his back. Marion was luckily already saddled.

"Let's go find our human."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Midnight
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis.)
Interactions: @Shard

It was a cold night up in the mountains of Daka Island. Aklenroth was sitting on his throne as he did often reading many old texts and scrolls while waiting for his subjects to return. The skeletal remains of the light elf Aklenroth sat among a room filled with old books and writings of knowledge from around the world and tombs that held only his greatest undead guards. His black cloak laid upon his body like sticks under a sheet, black iron adorned his skull in the shape a crown, large spikes rose from around the iron circle. The rest of the throne room was cold with ice forming on the stone walls and the ceiling.

There were rumours around that the elves had plans to bring humans back into his Avalia. Many spies had told him this, but Aklenroth would not let this go on and if it did, his army was ready. He set his book down as he heard someone heading into the room. A fairy arrived, kneeling down before him. She was a spy getting paid to watch what went on in the southern parts of Avalia and gather information."I found some information you may not like to hear." The young fairy said to him in a shaky tone, the fear beginning to take over her emotions.

"Well, what is it?" Aklenroth replied as her words perked his interest. He put his hand on his staff, gripping it tightly as the girl spoke. "I saw two fairies by the names of Risa and Dionaea go with some elves into the woods. They were talking about bringing humans back. They must have rift openers."

The fairy lowered her head, fearing for the worst. Aklenroth rose from his throne, levitating over to the fairy, like fog over a lake. His hand reached down, caressing the young girl's cheek and lifting her head so she could gaze into his blank white eyes."Thank you, my dear, you have proved very useful."

The girl stared in terror as she began to feel her life drain from her body. The once beautiful fairy began to rapidly age into a lifeless husk as her soul was taken from her body. The ground shook beneath him as a massive wave of magical energy passed through his body. "It appears as if it has already begun." Aklenroth took his hand off the lifeless body letting it fall to the floor.

He headed to the center of the necropolis meeting up with Shilo along the way. The massive room was lined with thousands of resting undead soldiers. Aklenroth raised his staff into the air. "RISE! MY UNDEAD LEGION !THE TIME HAS COME AGAIN!" The armies began to awaken, knowing what they needed to do. Thousands of soldiers marched from the necropolis, heading out the gates into the mountains. There was one more thing he had to do before preparations were complete. The sound of a large black gate echoed through the walls as it opened. "Soruklithbaal, seek out these humans and kill the ones who opened the rifts!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time : Midnight
Location : Southern France - Some Magic Rift thingy
Interactions : Maybe?


Jean-Luc sighed deeply as he stared into the skies of southern France. He had been going to his monastery when the soldiers of France had attacked him. He had fought valiantly but still he had fallen to the skirmish. His horse on top of him, his eyes closed as he felt the metallic taste seep into his mouth. Blood coming from his nose and mouth as he laid in a small puddle of blood, most of it his horses, but a small pool was forming from his lips and nose. His right leg, he could not feel as it was under his horse, no doubt the bones were shattered from the impact and weight of the creature.

The moon, the moon was the only thing he saw as his eyes opened once more, "I'll see heaven... the white gates and meet the lord himself." he whispered to himself as he reached out towards the moon. It looked as if it was getting farther, and farther. He slowly closed and opened his eyes and the moon swirled and writhed about as it became tiny in his fingers.

"The moon is so small... tell me the dark lord of hell is not dragging me down." he whispered, as his vision became cloudy due to the blood and his eyes began to water as he shed tears for the last time in the land of France. His vision burred as he felt like he was dropped from a ledge onto the ground.

He awoke to darkness, only the creaking of night time as the forest animals howled and screamed their nightly voices, this was wild and chaotic, this must be hell, the man thought. "Satan I will strike you down as I have your minions during the crusade. I will not listen to your serpents tongue." he said as he laid broken and crippled in the forest as he stared at the portal he had come from.

To him, that portal was the one to the river Styx, to Hades's palace, and to his time in the hellscape of the dark lord Lucifer, the fallen angel, and the one to turn his back on the Lord himself. "For what ever, I may have done, I will repent by taking upon the inferno of hell and I will fight." he had passed out completely and succumbed to the pain of broken ribs and his leg, maybe a few cuts and gashes into his flesh and skin.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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A small, blue and clearly annoyed creature sat with crimson eyes fixed on a fellow bar patron. Wooden chairs carried their frames, where one was creaking due to the weight of an intruding orc, and another maintaining its shape beneath the nearly weightless body of a demonic entity. With a tail slowly swaying from one side to the other, a large mug of what could only have been ale was brought to a reptilian snout, before a long, blue tongue traced its way across the same mouth, with a huff. "I ain't lyin'!" Came a loud statement, an affirmation, from the orc who appeared to be sharing a moment's discussion with the creature in front of him. "I grabbed it by the neck, see?" A green, muscular, clenched fist simulated the event, "and I..," the orc tried before he was cut off.

"Tore its head off." The less than impressed expression retaining a lingering presence upon the demon's features made no effort in vacating his visage. Rather, two unnaturally large, red eyes were fixed on the orc, with another sip of the mug leaving a small trail on the creature's reptilian snout. Once again wiped off by that very same, pointy blue tongue.

"Inori!" The orc raised his voice, "y'gotta' believe me! Shit got intense!" he tried.

"Then where's our money?" The demon, now revealed to be named Inori, returned with a sigh. It had been a rather rough week of monster hunting. Better explained as a week without monster hunting. Villagers would often pay a mere pittance for the removal of goblinoid creatures, and other pests from their lands, but when it involved bigger game, a hunter would need to seek the grand cityscape of Roshmi. "Because from where I'm sitting, dearest Korvash, you don't have.., our money." Inori finished, raising a brow. Despite his miniscule and adorable appearance, the demon was capable of quite unnerving expressions when he was less than satisfied.

"Another hunter stole it! I keeps' tellin' ya'!" Korvash pleaded, downing his drink, a large flagon of mead. "We should find'm, n'kill'm!"

After a short pause, Inori turned his attention to the bulletin board. There was one in most taverns, and upon it was at one point several contracts, most of which had been taken down. The worst thing a hunter could experience was someone else claiming their prize, which was exactly what Korvash was spouting. If this was true or not, Inori was unsure. "Look," the demon squinted, seeing how the barkeep was walking towards the board with parchment in hand. After a moment's exchange, Inori and Korvash dashed away from where they had been sitting and leaped at the opportunity, where the orc tore it from place.

"Yus'!" Korvash exclaimed, before eying the possibility of wealth. "Oy!" The orc stated, showing his smaller companion the contract. "Pack o'fuckin' gnolls! We can take'm!"

"I always did hate those hyenas." Inori offered, his small, clawed fingers gently holding onto the contract which he then folded, and slipped into the leather shoulder bag he wore across his slender chest. "Thanks." Turning his attention to the tavern over, Inori raised his hand in a soft farewell, as he started towards the front door.

Nighttime, it was the best possible moment a demon could possibly enjoy. Indeed, this was clearly visible upon Inori's skin where it glimmered like a diamond beneath the moon's pleasant embrace. His hair was like a sea of stars, with two crystal-like horns making themselves known between starlit strands. Within the tavern, Inori looked like any other reptilian creature, but beneath the moonshine, he appeared quite dazzling, and most certainly beautiful. "We're leaving now?" The demon crossed his arms, before turning to Korvash who patted the hilt of a large sword positioned at his waist.

"Ye', ain't no time like now, eh?" Came a tusky grin from the massive eight feet of muscle known as an orc. As one might have suspected, their first meeting was one of aggression, and Inori was prepared to turn the large brute into a puddle of magical chaos. However, forced to rely on each other against a far stronger foe, an uneasy companionship would eventually elevate itself to a partnership. It was.., unexpected, to say the least, but a development, nonetheless.

"It should be right next to the sun elf village..," Inori sighed. He despised the sun elves, and their light-based magic. They were his complete opposite, in every way. "hopefully we don't run into any of those knife-eared radiants."

"Oy!" Korvash laughed, "y'got knoiff' ears too, y'know!" The creature swept an arm down, and picked up Inori with no effort displayed, in the slightest, before setting the small demon on his shoulder.

Rolling his eyes, Inori once more unfolded the contract which he had kept in his bag, and took a better look at the contents. He did not seem to mind that Korvash had simply picked the demonic creature up, nor that he was now sitting on an orc's shoulder. Perhaps it was due to a laid back attitude, or due to an unexpected friendship, but a combination of both was likely a reasonable assumption. Korvash managed a few steps, before a sudden quake rummaged its way across the ground, nearly knocking the brute over, and caused Inori to fall towards the hard concrete below. Luckily, the beastly man was quick enough to catch his partner before the demon grew closely acquainted with the surface. "Wha'!?" The orc exclaimed, looking down at Inori who appeared confused, more so than angry.

"What just happened?" The demon asked, before he was put back down on the ground, his eyes widening softly.

"Sorreh', mate! Almost tripped n'squished ye'!" Korvash chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

After a lingering silence, the frown on Inori's face made itself know, his crimson eyes meeting the dark pits above Korvash nose. "You didn't trip..," he finished, cryptic in his approach. There was a magical surge, and he felt it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Midnight
Location:Near River Kingdom

The cool, wet grass felt so good between Risa's toes with each step her feet pecked the ground as she ran. Her long hair billowed out behind her as she moved through the trees. She was wearing a rather simple, thin and flowy white dress that reached the middle of her thighs. The warm air caressed her skin comfortably. Risa hated the humidity so she was grateful it was rather nice tonight. She did not want to sweat waterfalls in front of the elves. They were judgmental, to say the least.

It had taken a lot of barging into conversations and eavesdropping to get some knowledge on rebels. They were not usually very open with the information, especially with younger creatures. Only ones who had always known and trusted each other seemed to be involved but Dionaea and she managed. They were in and trusted within the underground. How they had got there was a story for another time.

Dionaea was right with her, running along to their destination. She had been hesitant to drag her into the mess with her but they were partners in crime, always sneaking off together. They drove their protective, demi-human friend Kyran crazy with their antics. She knew better than to let him on what they were doing tonight. This topped everything they had ever done. Her mother would have had a heart attack if she knew.

For some reason, that made it all the more exciting. She stole glances over at her dear friend with an excited grin, hoping she'd share her sentiment. They were almost there.

Finally, she came to a halt near a small spring. So little people came here that it was never named. There was a decent-sized waterfall there, a gentle cascade that had a mellow sound. "This way. " She said to Dionaea in a hushed voice, taking her hand. She moved through the spring, which came to about knee-length and through the waterfall, which hid a dark cave. The light of a fire could be seen from the end of the cave, flickering. The silhouettes of about three elves were visible.

"I can't believe you invited fairies." A voice echoed down the cave, "And female ones at that!"

Another elf retorted in their defense, "We can trust them. I've been talking to them a while and they're dedicated to the cause. Plus, they can cover ground faster with their wings." Risa recognized him and recalled his name being Polan.

"Well, they could have at-least come on time! We only have two minutes!"

"Fairies are late to everything!"The third one exclaimed, the eye-roll practically audible in her tone.

Risa made a face. Elves always came off condescending to her but she tried not to be as judgmental as they often were. "See the best in people, okay? They might like us once they get to know us."She advised Dionaea, slowly moving forward with her. "Hey, guys... Sorry, we're late. We really did come as fast as we could."

There were two males and a female. The fire seemed to be coming from the torch the female was holding. They glanced over at them, the un-named male whistling with delight at them. "Hubba, hubba."

"Oh no problem, ladies. You're right on time. We're about to do it... No one followed you, right?" Polan greeted them.

Risa shook her head in reply. She kept ahold of Dionaea's hand as she moved over to look at the machine. It was more technical-looking than Risa had ever seen. There were so many pretty buttons. "Oh wow... It's real..." Older fairies had often told Risa that humans were a myth and that there was never a way to change dimensions. Risa had never been sure, figuring they just wanted her to stop daydreaming. There was no way to deny it anymore. There was a real DROM in front of her.

"You bet your little wings it's real." Polan told her with a grin, "This baby is gonna hopefully bring us some real, live humans. You remember the plan?"

"Yes! Dionaea and I are going to go look for humans straight away, flying above the trees to get a better look. We should feel a sense of where the magical energy is." Risa recited excitedly. She wanted so badly to make a difference and do something against Aklenroth and now this was her chance.

"Thatta girl. Ready, everyone? It's midnight."He pressed a button and the ground immediately began to tumultuously shake, sending Polan forward onto the machine. The rocks around them seemed to have gain minds of their own as they bounced.

Risa clumsily fell over on her behind with a yelp while the other two elves fell forward. The noise of cracking made her gaze fixate on the ground a few feet in front of her. It began to crack open, the machine, rocks, and the elves falling through into a dark abyss. She jumped to her feet and began to hover, knowing Dionaea would most likely do the same. She flew downward after the elves with panic, managing to grab the hand of Polan. It had all happened so fast that she couldn't have grabbed the other ones.

"Polan! I got you! Don't worry!" Risa cried. She struggled to fly upward with him. Instead, she was slowly moving downward with his weight.

Polan looked up at her with fear, watching his hand slowly slip from Risa's grasp. He was only going to drag the fairy with him and he knew she'd be too stubborn to let him die. "Risa! You have to let me go. " She shook her head wildly, trying to fly upward with him. Her wings were fluttering as fast as a hummingbird digging into a tree. It was starting to become painful and her heart was hammering. "You and Dionaea must go find the humans! GO! NOW! Or it'll all be for nothing!" He purposely let go of her hand, falling into the blackness.

"No!"Risa tried her best to try to grab him again but he had fallen so quickly. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she wheezed, winded from all the effort, "Oh no, no... I'm so sorry..." She reluctantly flew up higher to Dionaea's side, resting her face in her hands. "I let him die. I'm so sorry." She clearly was a bit distracted from the mission and needed to get some sense knocked into her.

Risa, Dionaea. You have put yourselves in so much danger tonight. I am disappointed.

She raised her head from her hands to see the brown wolf seated by the edge. She should have figured Hades snuck after them. "Oh great. Hades, please don't tell on us."

Hades got up on all fours, telling them simply in reply, I have located an injured human. Follow me.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Midnight
Location: ???
Interactions: None

Ayita felt the force of the strange rift dragging her, the entire experience was far from enjoyable due to the sheer pressure and the forces that felt like they could tear her very limbs off her body and the panic Ayita was feeling. After what appeared to be minutes, she fell on the ground with an audible impact. Despite her dizziness and the blurry vision, she immediately knew there was something wrong. The air was different... Where was the fire, the other Cherokee and the white men who cowardly invaded their lands? Not only that but when her vision finally got clearer she realized that she wasn't on the great plains she and the other Cherokee called home... The air had a different smell and she was in the middle of a dense forest...

Agitated and confused, Ayita got up with a jump, looking around as she tried to situate herself. Where was her mother, the other Cherokee, the white invaders? No... No, no, no! She had to go back! Her father was still fighting, she was one of the best fighters who stayed behind to protect the village! Without her the chances her mother and the rest of the tribe survived was... honestly, small... But no matter what she did, there was just no sign of whatever it was the strange rift who dragged her there. It was gone as suddenly as it appeared.

After a few minutes confused and in shock, she finally realized that whatever it had happened that brought her to that strange place, wouldn't happen again. With nothing left to do but to wait for the morning, Ayita climbed on the branch of a tree, using a few leaves to protect her from the cold of the night. Sleep didn't come easily for the Cherokee girl that night... Away from home, with no hope to return and unable to protect those whom she held dear, the only thing Ayita could do was to softly sing the name of those whom she left behind and were presumed to be dead. According to her people's traditions, she continued singing, a soft, sad lament, her voice carried in the cold, night breeze, around the trees and forest as nothing more than a faint whisper in the wind.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: Midnight
Location: Near the River Kingdom
Interaction with: Nobody

It was a night like any other for Xenelith. The moonlit up the darkened forest while the stars wove a tapestry in the sky. Faint embers had served their purpose. Two rabbits had served as dinner for the Dark Elf. Now the fire only had to fade. For weeks now he had heard rumors of a resistance here. One with a most dangerous weapon: a DROM. Something that could summon a human. Those disgusting creatures. Xenelith had studied the books about such machines. Now he only had to wait. His own pack sat around him. Their eyes closed as if they were sleeping but with their ears perched. The would know when something happened.

In his hand, the Dark Elf held a piece of parchment. He was promoted to Commander. His own legion was waiting for him at Daka. There were no orders to return so he stayed to finish the job. Sooner or later, the rebels would be stupid enough to use the device. Still, he couldn’t quite believe that he made it as Commander. It was a sign of fate, he decided. From the embers, long shadows streaked across the grassy forest floor. From those shadows, he drew the darkened energy. It crawled over his arm in a familiar feeling. Small tendrils reached out from it. Softly moving in the night's breeze like grass. His powers were growing by the day. He would begin his daily practice, yet something told him to hold off on that for now. He just kept rereading the letter.

Until he could feel the ground quake underneath him. The heap of embers collapsed. Extinguishing the flame completely. His entire pack rose up and looked around. Confused as of why the whole world was suddenly shaking. Xenelith knew though. β€œIdiots.” He said to himself. They had actually used it. He rose from his feet and turned to his wolves. With an outstretched arm, he sent them out. Their keen senses would smell the human that came through in an instant. Between the four of them, they would cover a vast area.

Xenelith was preparing Ferra when he could hear the first howl already. Daka wolf howls were something unique. There was a hateful malevolence in them. Some would call it unnatural. Never the less, locals would know that it wasn't a normal wolf's howl. Mourn took flight and Ferra became restless. The wolves caught a trail of something. Perhaps it was human but it could be fairy as well. Never the less, Xenelith quickly crawled into the saddle. The large, black cat moved through the midnight forest with deadly grace. They jumped over a fallen tree. The howls became more frequent now. They echoed across the forest’s canopy. A hungry Relivan and Herivan came running aside Ferra now. Below, Xenelith could see a stream for a moment as they crossed it. The wolves kept pace with the agile cat as they rushed towards their prey. Howls were replaced with wet growls now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch PᴏʟΙͺᴛᴇ & Pα΄‡α΄„α΄œΚŸΙͺα΄€Κ€ / PΙͺʀᴀᴛᴇ PΚ€Ιͺɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had taken every ounce of restraint for Dionaea to cheer loud in excitement as Risa explained the plan of their rendezvous with the elves that night. The two had been dangling on the edge of dangerous territory for months now, but it was finally coming together. Humans were something Dia and Risa would gossip about for days on end despite their elders warnings and lectures alike- the two had always been a little on the rebellious side. The beginning of the day had gone as normal as Dia could muster, acting as if something wasn't going on behind the curtain. She left her window open that night so Risa's could sneak in without issue, sauntering over she effortlessly left her home, the sounds of her father's snores trailing behind them.

The excitement grew as the two dashed away from the village, they were going to be a little late but time wasn't ever a priority for a fairy. Exchanging wide smile grins, the two shared a raised heartbeat, fluttering and jumping from throat to stomach. This was bigger than anything they had ever done, and probably would ever do Dia thought to herself. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity

"This is crazy!" Dia said in a hushed whisper back to Risa, as their hands clasped together. Dia rubbed her thumb softly against the back of her companion's hand to let her know that whatever this turned out to be was going to be okay and that she had her back no matter what happened in there.

Voices soon could be heard; familiar and unfamiliar as the two approached closer. It was clear that the elves had some distasteful things to say, which wasn't too uncommon. Side-eyeing Risa she couldn't help but give a little smirk. "They started it! We wouldn't have been late if they didn't have to make such a big production out of every thing. I'm surprised they didn't ask us to bring our family fortunes just to adorn on our bodies." Dia teased, a slight annoyance in her voice. She knew that not every one was the same though, the two of them a prime example.

As everyone exchanged a few more words, it quickly became time to start up the machine in front of them. The day had come! This was really happening. Dia's heart sank as what happened before their very eyes. The two both fell to the ground out of the sheer force that the machine gave out. An expression of pain and surprise slipped from the young fairies lips as the land was soon opening up before them, crumbling beneath them. Darting upwards to save herself momentarily, Dia watched as the other two elves fell into the abyss and as Risa grabbed haphazardly at the elf they knew as Polan. "Risa!" Dionaea exclaimed lowering herself down from the sky to help out, but just as she feared her friend could not bear the weight and had to let go. Dionaea felt suddenly sick to her stomach as she brought her hand up to her mouth, to cover her expression. Was this their fault?

Risa flew up to her side, and Dia hurriedly wrapped her arms around her in comfort and support. "Oh Risa..." she exhaled, holding her friend who's face was buried into her hands. "We can't let their deaths be in vain- we knew that their may have been risks- nothing like this.. but we kn-"

A familiar voice was heard as the two looked off to where it came from. Hades. Risa spoke for the two of them, knowing that Hades could make matters worse for them if they were tell their parents or other elders in the villages of just what had happened tonight. Instead he brought other news, he had found the human.

Eyes widening, "Come on Risa!" Dia exclaimed as she hurried after the four legged friend. This night had not been what was expected, but if what Hades said was true, and a real human had came through the portal- it may just be worth it after all. The sounds of howls in the distance could be heard, faint but there. "We have to get there before they do." the determined fairy stated as the search for the human began.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Midnight
Location: a couple miles from the Moon Elf Village
Interactions: Mentioned @Jamesyco

Kyran snuck through the forest lightly illuminated by the moons. Risa and Dionaea were always up late up to no good, flirting with boys or scheming. He himself enjoyed a good scheme but he often worried over his friends. He was very protective of the two fairies. They were his only friends. He was bringing them some desserts he had bought in Roshmi city.

He halted a few seconds from a sudden earthquake, his sense picking up on it before it happened. His ears went upright as he listened. He suddenly grabbed on to a tree as the earthquake began. Immediately, he worried for his friends. Earthquakes were not a normal occurrence. Something was happening.

Once the earthquake came to an end, he relaxed, letting go of the tree trunk. His blue eyes searched his surroundings as he began to continue on his way. That was when the rustic smell of blood reached his nostrils. The blood had a slightly unfamiliar tinge to it. Carefully, he maneuvered his way through the trees, keeping silent precautiously. In the grass, laid what at first he thought was an elf. Elves often wore armor similar to what he was wearing but it was not like anything he had ever encountered. He seemed to be passed out. Moving closer with slow steps, it started to become clear this was no elf. This was a human.

Sudden footsteps made him retreat into the shadows. He knew the scent anywhere. Dionaea and Risa were coming over here as well as the wolf that often followed them around. Kyran decided to wait and see what they were doing. He knew if he had asked questions, they'd try to hide whatever they were doing. It was better to observe and gather information himself first.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Past Midnight
Location:Near River Kingdom

Risa was so grateful for Dionaea's comfort. She hugged her and smiled at her, sighing as well. "You have a habit of being right all the time. I love you." She wiped her tears and hurried after her and Hades as they made their way to the human. It was hard to push the elves' deaths out of her mind but she knew she had to manage it. This was the biggest adventure they had ever been on. She knew as long as she had her friend by her side, they'd be okay.

Howls filled the night, prompting Dionaea to state that they had to get there first. The hairs on Risa's neck stood up. The sound of wolves hunting someone or something down was all too familiar. What they had done was clearly no secret. She wondered if someone had ratted them out or if Aklenroth's followers had known all along. It began to sink in at that moment that they may have put themselves in real danger, more than they had ever been in before. She glanced forward at her canine companion, who glanced over his shoulder back at her, sensing her unease. He did not give her any words, seeming on edge himself. She had never seen him look at her the way he had. He was very afraid.

Hades came to a stop in a small patch of grass where a figure lay. Risa slowed, tilting her head. She had never seen a metal suit like that before. As her vision adjusted to the sight before her, the wounds and blood became visible. A gasp escaped her lips. Her instinct kicked in and she hurried to his side, kneeling in the grass which tickled her bare legs. She took the man's hand. The poor thing was badly hurt. Healing was her specialty but she had never healed someone this injured before. Dionaea was not the best healer and could not aid her, better suited to stand guard and protect them until they could get moving again."It's okay, sweetie. I am here now and I will heal your ailments. " She comfortingly caressed the man's cheek with her other hand softly to comfort him. She took a deep breath.

I can do this. She assured herself.

Sparkles of energy moved over his wounds and breaks as she squeezed his hand. A faint, golden aura was surrounding her hand. The skin began to regenerate and his broken bones began to align. It was probably a discomforting process so she squeezed his hand a bit tighter to let him know she was there. Her gaze traveled across his features curiously. Humans looked so much similar to creatures in their world. She had always assumed they would be very different looking. He was just like them. "Dionaea, if we change his clothes and hide his ears behind his hair, we can blend him in." His human smell would be a problem still. They would have to find a way to mask it. The more she concentrated on healing, the drowsier she felt. The human was indeed healing but it was not a quick process.

Risa. This may be too dangerous. If we leave the human now, we might be able to escape. You are paling already and we are being pursued. There is not enough time. Hades' voice filled her head. She shook her head immediately, "No way! I'm not leaving him to die."

A soft whimper came from Hades and he moved over to Kyran, biting his pant-leg gently to pull him out as if to beg him to reason with the girls. Risa did not yet notice him, fixated on the human. He would be completely healed soon.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time : Past-Midnight
Location : Near River Kingdom
Interactions : @@princess@Alivefalling@MissCapnCrunch


His eyes opened up slowly under his coif as a hand touched his cheek, he felt pain everywhere in his body, and that his body was shifting tightly as his legs shifted under some unknown force. He gripped his hands on the dirt as he screamed out bloody murder, some of the ground rumbling around him and rising to the uncontrolled emotion coming from the man. He felt his body stop in that moment as a face appeared above him, one that was tailored to the hand on cheek.

His voice died down after a second as he saw the golden aura that came from her, and seeing blurred sheets behind the girl, "angel." he whispered softly, his hands out on either side retracting to try and touch the face of his savior. "Deliver me to Saint Peter my kind angel. Lead me to the Pearly gates so I can see my bastion of my salvation for my dreams allude to the hell which I thought I was in."

Jean-Luc, took deep breaths as his pain was being balanced out by the amount of adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Salvation from the darkness... my words are the proverbs of this holy light, may I know your name Angel and then send me back to earth and I will build cathedrals with your form and face carved into the stone and lit by the windows of the golden face which baths me in its beauty."

The man was completely out of his mind at that moment, or was he. The only thing to strike his vision was the golden embrace of a young winged maiden to face him in his time of peril. "Bring me to my feet and give me the weapons our lord has provided my fraternity of holy warriors. For I will stand in honor and vigilance to the one and true god. To protect and serve."

He coughed up blood, which more or less shut him up when he saw it plume from his mouth like a volcano, and the foam that stopped breathing from his lips. Most of the bleeding inside had mostly been healed, but due to his monologue which would be hard to stop, but he would not, and would probably regret that later. As well as his lack of listening skills.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a thickening forest stretching its way across the distance, Inori managed a small huff. He was not one for long hikes, and tended towards a more lazy approach. However, he had avoided flashy presentations in a most dangerous surrounding. There was, after all, a risk of ambush, especially considering Inori, himself. He glowed in the light, like a beacon of attention. Where some would consider the sight an intimidating display, bombastic and colorful, others could very well register a snack. Whether to their demise or Inori's own, was an outcome he would rather avoid calculating. "Korvash, we'll get ambushed in this darkness." Inori offered. With a dainty motion of his hands, glimmering blue light, like a starlit sky surrounded the demon's clawed fingers. It was matched by a shimmering mist which appeared behind Inori's slender frame. A long, blue spear clearly magical in nature, ethereal and ghostly, carried the demon's weight as he softly dropped onto it where the conjured weapon floated.

"Y'lazy, Inori!" Korvash laughed, grinning at the small demon, his tusks barely visible in the night. "Let'm ambush! S'how orcs says ay'!"

Raising a brow at the brute, Inori appeared unable to hide his growing grin, those shark-like teeth, as if razors within the demon's maw, were like diamonds in the moonlight. "An entertaining development, but..," Inori spoke, his short, slender legs lazily swaying where he sat, "that magical surge shouldn't go ignored."

"Was just a rumble!" Korvash stated with a snark. "Little demon boy scared, eh?"

Though a short pause lingered between Inori and Korvash, the Demonic creature eventually tilted his head. "You should be," came a response. "What I felt was.., odd."

"Blagh, magic's fucked up, demon boy." Korvash returned, sitting down on the ground with a heavy thud. He rummaged through his traveler's bag, and produced a gathering of jerky, one of which he tossed to the demon. "Less'ope we get ambushed. Tis' fuckin' borin', sittin' here like this."

Biting into his jerky, those sharp teeth easily tearing into dried meat, Inori chuckled, his melodic voice a soft, lingering tune. "Well, then. Scream very loudly, and draw your sword. I hear gnolls tend to come rushing after mad orcs."

Loud laughter echoed through the beast, and he proceeded to lean against a tree. "Lemme' finish m'jerky, and we'll fucking go!"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time : Past-Midnight
Location : Near River Kingdom

"Hm?" The dark clothed fairy turned around slowly and gazed up at the sky, visible from the thick tree branch he stood upon.

The sky seems abit different tonight, this scent in the air is most peculiar. He took a deep inhale as he closed his eyes, before flashing them open again.

A flight through the night then. The fairy thought to himself before his dark wings spread wide and he flew away from his tree, towards the anomaly. Towards the scent of something he had never scent before.

What manner of creature bears this scent? It reeks. Then came a howl, one which he knew wasn't part of the regular inhabitants of the forest. This creature came from a different direction than the strange scent. He sniffed the air yet again. There's... more? He pursed his lips, before allowing them to form a grin. Tonight's entertainment... I better not miss out. His wings carried him swiftly forwards, inbetween the various trees and branches, dodging them along the path. Closer. It is getting closer. Where are you? The scent of blood... There! You are over there... The dark clothed fairy finally landed on a large branch, highly elevated from a tree which gave him sight ahead of a small gathering of individuals.

Oh? What have we here then...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Midnight
Location: In the woods of the peninsula west of Sun Elf Village.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina.

A long, drawn out sigh escaped Rei's lips. He'd been staring at this cursed screen for a god-forsaken amount of time. The lines of black and white code seared into his brain. It seemed like nothing was working and the logs had been no help. I need a break. he thought, saving his work and leaving his room. It was already dark out- only a few stragglers littered the dimmed streets. Rei cut through the pavement into a path with even fewer people.

An odd woman stood out and caught his eye, he peeked at his watch- 11:52pm. Definitely not a time girls should walk around by themselves, eyeing the girl again, he thought to say something but stopped himself, she seems like she can take care of herself.

The air began to thin and vibrate around him with Rei finding himself short of breath, Huh, am I really that out of shap- his thoughts were cut short as the rift slowly tore itself open. Rei rubbed his eyes to make sure he'd not gone insane. Ah, that's it, that accursed project finally made me lose my marbles. Rei nervously joked, the reality of the situation slowly dawning on him.

The woman from earlier also gawked at the portal, giving him confirmation that he wasn't the only one seeing it. Debris seemed to be vacuum in to the rift, it's power beginning to increase as bigger and bigger debris were swallowed. "Hey you, girl- get the hell outta her-" Rei warned her but the force of the pulling made him land jaw-first into the dirt causing him to black out.

Rei was awoken by the queer chirping of the forest, the leaves and forestry tickling his nose. He got up, nursing a headache and rubbing his sore jaw. He gaze swam through the forestry, absorbing his surroundings. It slowly came back to him, memories of the pulsating rift dragging him in. "What. The. Fuck." Rei tried to gather his bearings to assess where the hell he was. The plant-life and forestry looked off, he was no dendrologist but he had never seen these types of trees before. "The moonlight... it feels off, why is it penetrating the foliage from two sides?" Rei pondered aloud, finding an opening in the clearing- two moons stared idly back at him.

Rei's anxiety bubbled inside him. He tried to calm himself, forcing his hyperventilation to long and drawn deep breaths. He made his mind focus on the situation at hand, laying down the facts internally; he was definitely not in his city anymore, this forest felt off, and the most difficult and insane to admit- he may not be on earth anymore. The mere thought of it sent his mind into a spiraling panic.

"Was this caused by that 'thing' that engulfed me- well, everything?" Rei said, "... There's no other explanation." Rei paced aimlessly through the forest, his fretful musings interrupted by a cry that pierced through the forest. He instinctively ran towards the noise, finding a girl sprawled unconscious to the floor. That girl from earlier. Rei thought, running to her side he knelt down, with a quick glance-over she didn't seem to have any noticeable injuries. Rei shook her lightly, "Hey! Are you alright?!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: After midnight
Location:Forest near Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions:none, yet

In a small settlement on the southern edge of the River Fairy’s territory a hearty fire burned bright. A drunken Cade danced, poorly, and without inhibition as rather talented fairy sang and strummed a lute. His movements, while graceful when hunting, were enough to make several of the fae company giggle. This did not bother him now; for he had shed blood with some of them, and shared a feast with all of them. Earlier that day he had helped a group of fae warriors in a battle against a river troll who had been encroaching on their land. As a reward for his help they had invited him to feast and, after several bowls of a fine fish stew and many glasses of ale, they celebrate long into the night. Cade found the majority of fairies delightfully full of life and if anyone knew how to celebrate victor and another day of breath; it was the fae folk. So, for tonight, in the presence of those he now considered friends, his pride relaxed and he delighted in being a source of laughter.

”Is my dance amusing?” He teased as he awkwardly twirled a nearby giggling female fairy. ”True we catfolk lack the grace and skill for the arts your people possess but in battle no one out maneuvers a cat!” He boasted before leaping over the small fire and landing with a showy flourish. He bowed as several fae clapped in approval.

Then, suddenly, the festivities halted as something in the air changed, and even a being unburdened with magic like himself could feel it. The ground shook with a force unlike anything he had ever felt knocking him too all fours and causing all the fur on his tail to stand on end. His claws dug into the soft earth as he held back a hiss deep in his throat. Something strange and powerful had changed in their world and it had even silenced every fairy around him. He rose back to his hind legs as the earth stilled once more.

β€œPowerful magic.” One of other warriors whispered. Many more nodded in solemn agreement. An unspoken acknowledgment that the celebration had ended drove him to gather his cloak and halberd from the ground where they had been lain.

β€œI thank you for your fine hospitality but adventure calls me now. Until we meet again, friends, may life shine favors upon you.” He said bowing to his hosts. His curiosity needed to know what had change in this world. Something drew him in the direction of Sun Elf territory and so that was the direction he went, the effects of the ale easily leaving his body as he ran swiftly on all fours with his halberd strapped across his back. His path was easily illuminated by the light of the twin moons and, as a cat, he had little trouble seeing at night. Cade ran until he was nearly exhausted, then he traveled briskly and with purpose upright. He felt a sense of urgency deep in his gut that whatever was going on he needed to be at the heart of it. A shift in the wind deep within the forest caught his attention, a scent unlike those he recognized, strange and foreign. He followed the scent as it strengthened and permeated through the air.

”Hello?” He called out every now and again, somewhat cautious but not reaching for his weapon, a cats true weapon were the claws it was born with after all. The halberd, although a useful tool, was just an added bonus in less than evenly matched fight. Although he couldn’t tell whether the source of the strange scent was a friend or foe his first instinct was approach as a friend, his size and race could easily intimidate the smaller and more peaceful beings of his world and being so far from Daka and Aklenroth’s lands he found that the more common threats of this area where ones he felt he could handle.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: Midnight
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village
Interaction: @Inertia @Potter

It sometimes amazed Kenia how easy it was to gain someone's trust and get them talking. A few nights ago she'd found herself in a tavern in the Sun Elf Village, deciding that would be a good place to gather information. She'd heard a while ago whisperings of a rebellion and just recently heard of some plan they had. So that's how she found herself in the tavern, befriending a nervous looking elf in the corner. A few drinks, kind words, and a sad story soon had the elf talking. She discovered they were planning on bringing a group of humans to their world.

That's how she found herself where she was now, scouting the forest outside of the Sun Elf Village. The darkness of the night served her well is she was silently slinking through the trees. She glanced up at the stars through the canopy of trees when the ground began to shake violently. She gasped as she almost lost her footing, but managed to steady herself on a tree. What the hell was that? She thought to herself as she listened for any other danger. For a long moment she didn't hear anything. Just the sound of the trees swaying in the gentle breeze. Then she heard far off in the distance they faint howl of a creature. It wasn't quite near her, however she knew how quickly that could change.

Silently, Kenia started moving through the forest as she kept alert. A voice drew her attention and she altered her course to move in the direction of it. She remained hidden as she took in the scene before her. She saw a man, dressed in rather different clothing, talking to himself as he gazed around in what she assumed was confusion. He looked very similar to her kind, but one major difference stood out to her. His ears were rounded and she used this along with his demeanor to determine that this was one of the humans.

Another cry caught both of their attentions and the man took off running. Kenia followed, using the shadowing if the forest to keep her presence hidden. She came upon the man now nealt by what appeared to be a woman. Another human? How intriguing… She thought to herself as she soundlessly stepped out of the trees. "Really you mustn't be so loud. These woods can be quite dangerous, especially for your kind." She spoke as she pulled her hood off, revealing moon colored locks and delicately pointed ears. She held up her hands in a nonthreatening way, trying to insinuate that she meant them no harm. "It's lucky that I found you first." Kenia stated as she gave them both a friendly smile.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ask, and you shall receive. It was a saying Inori had come across, before. Where silence had previously lingered across a still, barely moving forest, a piercing 'Hello' cut both Inori and Korvash out of their relaxed state. With a large, brutish hand falling to the hilt of an adequately sized sword, Korvash jolted to his feet with the grace of a bull. Inori, in contrast, gently floated to his feet, the comfortable and refined shoes he wore quietly padding onto branches and leaves beneath. Where a spear had previously acted as little more than a chair, in the pursuit of comfort, the manifestation soon vanished. Rather, another collection of magical creations formed themselves into existence. Three spears glimmered beyond Inori's shape, each one gently floating in place, awaiting the order for an aggressive launch, as if arrows knocked onto a bow. With starlit energy snaking its way across the demon's slender, clawed fingers, Inori squinted into the forest. Indeed, he was a creature of darkness, but his ability to see through such blackness was lacking. He was, after all, neither a cat, nor a vampire.

"Oy'!" Korvash shouted, swinging his large blade in an arc, the edge cutting through air with heavy motions. "Getchurself' out ere'!" Came another exclamation from the beast.

"Now, now, Korvash," Inori spoke, his melodic, dainty tone a perfect contrast. "It's just a cat," the demon continued. He lowered his hand, where magically manifested weapons hovering at his side vanished in turn, as if azure sand in the wind. "Not a gnoll," he finished, a row of sharp teeth making themselves known through the demon boy's grin.

"Ugh," Korvash groaned, hulking closer to his partner, before sheathing his sword. For him, as well, the cat was now visible through shrubbery and tree shafts. "Why!?" The orc asked, louder than he first intended. "Could be a spy for em' hyenuss'!"

Raising a brow at the brute, Inori managed a soft sigh, before his attention shifted towards their newly approaching guest. "Oh, yes," the demon chuckled, "gnolls leaning towards the eyes of a cat. How the world has changed..," Inori smirked, a joke escaping his snout, accompanied by a quiet chuckle. "What will come next? Elves of the sun, serving golden wine to orcs?"

"Y'joke, Inori! But I'dun' trust'm!" Korvash barked, pointing into the forest where he saw the intruder. A cat, indeed, or rather, a demi-human. Someone combined with the grace of a feline, with fur stretching along a toned body. Upon his back, he wore a halberd, undoubtedly heavy and unwieldy for someone like Inori. However, even Korvash the orc would have to concede to a simple fact. This creature did not appear to mean them harm. "Whut's yr'name!?" Korvash continued, his dark eyes fixed on the new arrival.

"Come, sit, have some jerky," Inori pitched in, once more conjuring forth his chair in the shape of a floating spear. "Rest your weary paws, eh?" Shark-like teeth presented themselves in the demonic boy's lingering grin.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: After midnight
Location:Forest near Sun Elf Kingdom

Cade had been more so distracted by the strange scent that he hadn’t noticed the fowl odor in woods, dank and familiar. Cade’s mouth opened slightly in disgust at smell of an orc. A gruff voice shouted for him to get out as he approached further. His eyes focused in on a large brutish figure and then another smaller creature he did not immediately recognize. They were easy to spot as the smaller one glowed a brilliant blue and looked like some sort of adorable imp. He scanned around for other orcs but saw none, which was strange as he knew the beasts to travel in hordes. Also, strange that this orc had not eaten the smaller creature, and that he did not appear to be the orcs captive either, as both men were conversing with one another. The orc asked his name while the smaller fella offered him jerky. He figured the smaller man to be magical, due to the glowing, and wondered if he had done something to cause the earth to tremble as it had earlier.

β€œI am Cadence of a Thunderstorm, last of The High Wilds clan of Lora.” He announced proudly, before he paused and thought about the jerky. Had he not already feasted with fairies earlier that night the offer might be more tempting but the thought of sharing a meal with an orc was discomfiting. β€œI do not eat with, creatures I do not trust.” He said eyeing the orc waiting for signs of aggression. Tales the elders had told him of orcs skinning cats for their pelts flashed back to him, and while the smaller creature was intriguing, the company he kept made Cade apprehensive of him as well. β€œMost simply call me Cade. And you are?” He asked.

He wondered about asking them of the unusual earth tremors from earlier, of the strange new scent in the forest here, and of the powerful magics that had sent a strange charge in the air. He held his other questions back as trusting orcs would never be in his nature. Cade, also, wanted to be the first to figure out what was going on tonight, to be the first to find the source of this magic and to claim the bragging rights of having solved a mystery. Having to share credit, with an orc of all things, would certainly make the ordeal less impressive.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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O'Ner Faister

O'Ner was tending to his garden, He noticed today that his roses were starting to bloom which he was quite pleased with. Carrying with him a watering can with him as he walked around his garden which had many variety of flowers and other flora, For the time being he was content with his current activity as he did not have to deal with Aklenroth and the others. But the small window of tranquility was disrupted by his servant Fillip.

"Boss boss i got some news for ya" A short lanky skeleton busted into the room making the undead general drop the watering can, "And what kind of news is so important that you have to interrupt me?" O'Ner turned around to face his servant. "It's very important boss, Lord Aklenroth is summoning the warriors, He's gonna kill some humans" The skeleton spoke with excitement in his voice. O'Ner was rubbing the hole where his nose would be.

"I do not think that would be so important, Even though i am the general to his army. I am sure he can manage" The tall skeletal figure picked up his watering can placing it on the table beside him. "But he may need me to help him be on the front lines of his assault" O'Ner started walking pasted Fillip picking up his staff that was resting beside the doorway of the garden.

Making his way out of the room and to where Aklenroth was, "Master Aklenroth, Will you need my help with your assault?" He asked standing behind his master. "And if i may ask why have you summoned your warrior's to attack the humans? Is their something i need to know?" He held his staff tightly in his boney grip.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Midnight
Location: Forest near Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: Cadence @Helo and Inori @Shard.

While the situation for Ayita was... difficult, she was a Cherokee. She had old blood running through her veins and her people were known for their adaptability and how fierce and resistant they were, despite the situation. She wouldn't forget what happened to her mother and her tribe and wouldn't deny the fact that whatever she was, there was probably no way for her to return. She wouldn't simply cry and lament uselessly, curl herself into a ball and give up. She would adapt, she would live. Her mother taught her to be a strong woman and her father taught her to be a warrior and a huntress. To give up was to fail to honor their memory, to throw away not only everything they taught and did to her, but her entire culture and her race's history.

Ayita only had one hour or so of rest until something disturbed her sleep. First it was a strange voice, calling to anyone who could possibly hear with a 'hello' and shortly after that, a loud, angry shout. Coming undoubtedly from someone big, judging by it's tone and volume. Since it was highly unlikely they were aware of Ayita's presence, she assumed that the second voice had heard the first one, demanding it to show itself.

Quickly sweeping the area below and around the tree she was, Ayita tried to see from where those voices where coming. She didn't know if they were friendly or not (at least the loud voice didn't seem to inspire any safety or calmness), but Ayita could probably know where she was if she tried to either follow them or if she judged them to be friendly, ask for help and information. It didn't take long until Ayita saw a strange blue light, glowing in the middle of the forest and illuminating the darkness around it. Moving herself on top of the branches with silent and methodical steps, Ayita moved a bit closer in order to inspect what was happening. Much to her surprise, the three creatures she saw were far from humans. While one appeared to be some kind of hybrid between cat and human, the other two had fantastical features that she had never seen before. A hulking green giant and a small creature with sharp teeth, which was also the source of the glow.

Despite the fact that all three of them were armed, their encounter didn't end up in violence, instead they seemed to invite the cat person to sit with them. Maybe they were simply travelers of some sorts, despite their strange appearance? As the cat man presented himself, she could feel the tension between him and the green giant, but despite that, things continued relatively calm. While the three creatures were being watched by Ayita, her presence was still unknown to them since they didn't call out to her like the green giant did to the cat man.

Even though she was being incredibly silent and careful as she slowly moved herself, her curiosity ended up making her overestimate how strong that particular branch was. As she moved further away from the trunk, she finally made a mistake, making the branch creak and move due to her weight and causing the leaves to rustle and move in a rather unnatural manner. Immediately stopping moving, Ayita crouched and tried to hide herself amongst the leaves, unfortunately, it was highly likely that they had already noticed that there was something nearby due to both the rustling of the leaves and the creaking sound the branch made.
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