Time: After midnight
Location: In the woods of the peninsula west of Sun Elf Village.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina, @Tae - Kenia, @Alivefalling - Aklenroth's bony boi dragon.

A voice came resounded from the forestline behind Rei, he had not heard any footsteps. His head snapped over his shoulder, an unknown figure revealed themselves. The stranger came speaking of advice and luck. Lucky or not, Rei had little idea of gauging the situation- 'new' world, and now a random stranger approaching them with unknown intentions. "Who are you? Generally 'benefactors' introduce themselves before approaching, no?" His voice was more mistrusting as intended. Rei almost mistook her for a human, but the ears concluded otherwise. An elf, seriously?
Rei's attention went back to the woman from his world. His face remained neutral, despite being internally surprised at the off-handed indifference of her injury. "I am fine. Worry about your own injury." Rei said pushing through the headache. The woman spilled her lunch next to her. He fished around his clothes to find a handkerchief. She- the woman seemed fine, fine enough to crack a joke about her 'Supreme' shirt despite bleeding aswell. "I am Rei." He continued, placing the handkerchief in her hand, "Use that." He once again turned his attention to the elf, "Do you have anything that can help her with her injury?"
"If I may, I have some questions about well..." Rei gestured all around him, as if to represent the world he's in, "This place. It would be a stretch to say we're in 'Kansas', as I feared. Do you have any clue why am I- no, why we both are here?" He kept his gaze trained on her, she seemed human but had a distinct air that separated them from her- whether it be beauty, grace or just aura. Her reaction earlier indicated that his kind, assumingly humans, weren't exactly wanted. Were they not commonplace here? Rei eyebrow's furrowed slightly, hinting his displeasure. Having to rely on someone else, especially one he didn't know, didn't sit well with him but he had little choice.
Rei gripped his brother's ring, breathing a mental sigh of relief at it not being lost in transit. This information overload was too much for any person to handle. Suddenly his air stood on end as a roar shook the forest. A blot in the air becoming bigger and bigger in size, as if directed towards the trio. A hulking dragon, flesh dripping from it's rotting hide, descended upon them. Just when he had thought it was too much, this world just had to throw undead dragons at them. What was this, World of Warcraft? "You have got to be fucking kidding me." Rei spat out unintentionally, a mix of disbelief and genuine horror draped his expression. What in the hell are you supposed to do in this situation.