Terneus Andros
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall'That's right... look upon my elegance, you inferior creatures...' He thought and allowed a soft grin under his mask, feeling the various people turning to look at his approach. a man came up to him with a bowl cut-up pieces of paper.
"What's this? Do you want something signed?" Terneus raised a noble brow under his mask, his hand went for a gold decorated feather pen before realizing to his horror this wasn't an adoring fan at all, but a lowlife seeking to have HIM dance with who knows what. The very idea was appalling to him, yet with so many eyes on him, he could feel the pressure. Damn it, how could he end up in this position?
"Don't you 'Hey' me... An icebreaker? Fine..." He said in a swift manner, reaching to take a paper. The elf could after all feign being too busy to dance and make someone else look bad. Commander Feldrin also took a piece of paper, before going close enough to his lord to say in a hushed manner.
"My lord, you may be able to find someone able to track those down those who caused your injury..." Feldrin adviced, nodding his head to the piece of paper in Terneus hand. Terneus looked over the paper, and whilst the elf's face was obscured by a full mask, Feldrin knew that the ever so graceful governor was not pleased. The governor threw a glance to an elf leaning against a nearby pillar momentarily, before proceeding deeper into the hall. In the near distance he could spot what looked like a feline-demi-human and a centaur. He briefly took his mask away, bringing up a napkin to his nose and mouth.
"Commander, when did this place turn into a barn?" He furrowed his eyebrows, his scar clearly visible for a moment, the thread still attached to it. Then he put on the mask quickly again as he noticed, Commander Dreadclaw in the distance. He would -not- allow that man to gloat on his misfortune, the very idea made him almost want to throw up. It made him ill within. The elf strode past the various others chit chatting in the middle of -his- path. Two elves by the looks of it. The governor merely softly pushed them aside.
It was then that the governor heard and saw someone. An elven man was grabbing his spotlight! The nerve. The elf introduced himself as Vaeril, and that he was the host of the grand ball. The governor couldn't pinpoint who this elf was, he knew not this elven man. He wasn't part of the sun elven people he governed over, was he a moon elf?
'How dare he take advantage of my radiance to make it reflect unto him....' The elf gritted his teeth under his mask. Could this elven man before him be new nobility? New nobility having risen during Aklenroth's rule? Impossible.. the dark elves would never allow a non-dark elf to host this big of an event. It would reduce them as figures of power. The governor grew quiet and pondersome, before he realized that he needed to find himself a good seat where he could be admired from. While looking around it, hushed voices drew his attention as a large section of the ballroom grew quiet.
Terneus felt fear, like a chill up his spine. What in the world was going on. He heard an elderly fairy say a name in a hushed manner. Queen Camellia. The light elven governor raised an eyebrow.
'Queen Camellia? I remember this name... but she is..?' The elf turned fully to look upon who it was that was treading into the large room. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, there was someone here on an equal footing like himself in jewelry and regality.
'Impossible... this is... a statment... a coup?' The elf's eyes grew wide, he could feel sweat falling down the side of his face, his blue eyes focusing on the feminine figure he saw before him. It took all of the elf's will reach for his mirror, to look at himself. He allowed as soft sigh to escape from his lips, he was still the most prefered choice according to him. But Terneus seemed to recall in the back of his mind that Queen Camellia of the fairies died years ago, it couldn't be her. The person also seemed far too young, in both movement and form.
Now came the question, what should he do? This was an opportunity to grab admiration from people, if he could dance with her then he would be the talk for months to come. The very idea made the elf feel like he had miniature fairies in his belly. But he also became worried, what if this indeed were a coup of some kind? He could be implicated and they could possibly even hold him responsible... he'd rather see the entire ballroom hang than giving that Commander Dreadclaw the pleasure of putting him to death. The governor decided to play it safe for now and watch. If the crowd and host were fine with her presence he would make sure he would be the one to dance with her. Despite her obvious inferiority to his magnificent race, she was still royalty no doubt and thus glorious gossip material.
Baraian Paladice
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi HallBaraian quietly took the cut-up pieces of paper from the bowl provided, that which would determine dancing partners. He didn't like dancing at all, normally most dark elves highly disliked it as far as he knew. His gaze fell down on the pieces of paper.
'Eight and seven...' So whomever he was going to end up dancing with would also have drawn these numbers.
That's when an announcement caught his attention, it wasn't Aklenroth, it was far worse. It was that arrogant light elven governor. Baraian gritted his teeth and slid to the side, the least he needed was to be in that elven man's presence. To him, that elf represented everything wrong with the world, he wasn't any better than the dark elves he knew from young age or those who had sold their souls to the lich king. This elf had to not only be destroyed later, he would have to be destroyed in a poetic manner. Cast down into the darkness and then ended.
But even so. Surely Terneus Andros also despised Aklenroth deep inside, but the spineless elf as he was would likely never dare take up arms against him until he would be weakened or even removed. That elf was a opportunistic sloth, an ambitious bigot and a parasitic plague on the world alltogether. The dark elf shook his head softly, there was no use thinking ill of the elf, that wouldn't harm him. Despite how powerful the governor may have been in magical power, Kuroi had managed to wound him to such a degree the elf was no doubt more borderline insane now than ever. But it had come at a cost, both himself and Kuroi had gotten wounded and that demented elf had heard the name 'Ra Monde'. The dark elf came to worry if he would have told the authorities about this find, if he had then it would surely be only a matter of time before their sanctuary would be found.
'The little miss has to be here somewhere... that centaur over there could be Regulus. I really have to talk with him later about his part in the attack on that governor...' Baraian thought and looked around, sneaking around the walls of the ballroom, making sure to not be located close to the middle. As that's where the generally more famous and wealthy would likely be found.
Then he heard the voice of an elf, which seemed to be the host of the ball himself, introduce himself and welcome all to the event. Baraian didn't recognize him as a local elf, but then again... it wouldn't be too strange if he came from any of the area around Roshmi. Elves tended to stick to their own ilk, or that's the impression he had gotten himself. A small figure scurried past him with a fox mask and a fluffy looking attire in the direction of the tables holding all the fine food and drinks.
'A child?' His red cold eyes followed the figure until he vanished behind some others.
'Eat, drink and get married for tomorrow you'll... Ah no matter...' He softly sighed, turning to look behind him as some people began to speak in a hushed tone. Into the room came a finely dressed fairy woman, accompanied by two others. The dark elf stood still, as if trying to pinpoint what were so special about her, aside from her elengant dress ofcourse. The hushed whispers began to speak of a queen. How odd. He didn't recall anything about a queen, a queen of what? The fairies? This might be a possible ally, this fairy woman. Providing she isn't taken by the guards later. He would have to seek her out. There was also possible that this was a trap set by the royalists to capture rebels. He weighed the options and decided it would be worth the risk. His allies might also be able to recognize him with his golden skull mask on.
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi HallZelginn approached the table on light feet, sneaking under them and then popping up on one side of a table, grabbing unto the table with one clawed hand and pocketing various sausages, chicken legs, dried fish and various other kinds of delecacies. It was times like this he wished he could have tranformed and just gulped down the entire table, especially the meaty parts. That or have a few extra hands for pocketing things with. He swiftly raised his mask so that it attached itself at his head and began stuffing his mouth full of all manner of meat, even mistaking a piece of carrot for a sausage, causing the small figure to cough and spit it out under the table.
This was almost as good as causing chaos, at least it felt tasty in his mouth. Raw food, roasted, cooked... it didn't really matter! But the small figure soon found out more had seen the goodies which he were in the middle of stuffing his mouth full with. Some woman with a long fine dress approached, she were covered in flowery details on both her dress and mask. But Zelginn knew this type. It was a food rival. He wrinkled his nose, which was now partly covered in jell-o.
'Aww not now, go away you dumb vegetable head.' He thought before greeting the approaching woman (Sakura).
"Here for the food mm?" He swallowed down another piece of chicken, licking the bne clean soon after before sticking it into a nearby potted plant. As a half-effort way of hiding the evidence.
"Didn't your father ever tell ya, a lady needs to think of her weight? But here you could still drink." The small figure reached over to pour up a highly alcoholic drink to the approaching woman in one of the nearby, presumedly clean glasses.
Then he made note of a odd looking fairy at an adjacent table, filling up some glasses with drinks, he was being flanked from all sides now. Even if he wasn't interested in the drinks, this meant he had to eat alot quicker or there wouldn't be anything left for him!
Elthrael Vol'Kerno
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi->Roshmi Hall (Outside on balcony)The moth fairy leaned his head and chin into one of his hands, looking at all the various beings ascending the stairs leading into the grand hall. Some in particular stood out, one was a clearly elven man accompanied by what seemed to be a servant and holding unto some weird device. There was also a very impressively shapened elven woman in a very elegant dress which also caught his attention, he had to find that one later for a closer look. Then he saw something which he could only describe as a flashback, to a drawing his mother had made years ago of the old fairy queen. A fairy woman was ascending the stairs clad in such a dress, and flanked by two others who were slightly behind her. This had to be Risa. As the old queen had died, this was known even to he whom dwelled in the forest.
'Oh? What in the world are you doing, Risa? Are you trying to get yourself captured? My my... and I suppose you are bringing that witless vulpine and the fieryheaded disappointment with you...' He softly sighed and leaned back abit from where he sat.
'I guess I have no choice now but to make sure you'll get out of there alive. This is a trap and you are walking right into it, my mentor always warned me not to walk into others area of control... rather lead them to yours. What to do now though... is the question...' He threw a glance up to the highest located balcony of the building, which was lit by a few colourful braziers of fire.
'If the stakes are high, so must you also be... to keep up.' He thought to himself, standing up from his location at a nearby roof, looking up towards the balcony far above, before darting off into flight up towards it. Standing guard at the balcony was a finely dressed dark elven man, with a halberd and helmet. His facial expression laid back, if not even abit bored. A soft breeze in the wind caused the elf to turn to look away from the inside of the building to the outer, close to the railing.
Then he looked slightly upwards, hovering upside down was a dark winged fairy with golden eyes and a slight smile on his lips, the light from the brazier reflecting in his eyes and his white teeth. The dark elf twitched as if he had been close on falling asleep, blinking once to make certain he was seeing this right. That's when he opened his mouth to speak, and found himself having a red apple shoved into his mouth forcefully and the dark winged fairy grabbed him by the tabard he wore.
"An apple a day, by your favorite fey." He said calmly, pulling the dark elf violently against the railing, causing the heavier upper part of the dark elf's body to topple over and fall towards the grass and bushery far below, landing with a minor crushing sound. The apple prevented any scream or sound, being a perfect tool for muffling it seems.
"Flying and being grounded... who'd knew you could do both?" Elthrael mused softly, looking down to the fallen dark elf who had landed in the middle of some thick bushes.
The fairy realized that the balcony offered a slight glimse of the grand ball itself and those attending to it, though he had to lean abit in order to properly see. He however had no intention to enter the place unless he truly had to, for now he found it far better to sit or stand close to the side of the balcony, using his wings as a temporary cover to camoflague himself against the outer wall.