In the great city-state of Genelogia, there exists an academy with the goal of fostering the talents of those gifted with extraordinary power. Enter: Avalice, the Academy of Might & Magics. A name known to all throughout the world, the fortunate youths who come here and survive the grueling years of academia exit its hallowed halls with the purpose of becoming the world's next legendary heroes! Yes, the ones that common folk will sing songs and write stories about for ages to come. But not every starry-eyed, would-be hero will graduate to the greatest of honors. The courses are tough and the competition tougher still! The graduate rate of Avalice is a dismal 5% of the enormous student population. After all, only the best of the best are fit to be called "Legends".
At the top of the student body hierarchy reigns the Miracle Seven: seven students considered the most powerful in the entire school and the most likely to achieve "Legend" status after graduating. Their powers are so great that they even eclipse most of the professors who teach there. But this is not the story of the Miracle Seven. Quite the opposite in fact. Meet Class Camellia, or Class-C for short. One of the subdivisions in which a student is assigned to, Class-C is consistently ranked as the worst performing class of the academy for nearly a decade now. In those 10 years, not a single student from Class-C has managed to graduate from Avalice.
It’s not necessarily that the students of Class-C are individually the weakest bunch, but they’ve never had a Professor capable of nurturing their true potential. Chalk it up to misfortune or what have you, but it seems the Curse of Class-C is every Professor’s worst nightmare. A new semester dawns on Avalice and, fearing that another year of failure awaits the students of Class-C, Headmaster Alphonse Augustine has hired a recent academy graduate, genius of the magical arts, and former second seat of the Miracle Seven—one Nyx Yuria—to be Class-C’s new Head Professor.
Surely, a former member of the Miracle Seven will finally break this abysmal curse? Unbeknownst to everyone, Nyx is a disgraced graduate. He’s someone who never made it as a hero or adventurer in the real world and constantly lives in the shadow of his self-proclaimed rival: the former first seat of the Miracle Seven during their years at the academy together. Jaded and envious of his vastly more successful peer, Nyx only took the job as an excuse to avoid facing his own failures. All in all, this is starting to smell like a recipe for disaster. Or can Nyx and the students of Class-C band together to finally show the world that they, too, can be legends?

Link to additional Out-of-Character Information from the Interest Check

*** Format this CS to your preference ***
[b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b]
Titles: (Any titles/nicknames your character goes by)
Age: (15-17)
Date of Birth: (No year)
Height / Weight:
Appearance: (Anime pictures only; text description acceptable but not preferred)
[b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b]
Classification: (Might or Magic? What classification does your character lean more to? This doesn't exclude you out of using one or the other.)
Mana Color:
Mana Characteristic: (What does your mana feel like to others when it's being channeled?)
Equipment: (Any combat-related equipment. Mages who cast spells need a grimoire/spellbook.)
Magic: (The name of the magic unique to you. Put 'None' if your character doesn't use magic.)
Spells: (List notable or frequently used spells. You will gain more spells later on so don't worry about feeling stuck. Remove if you don't use magic.)
Techniques: (Combat techniques/abilities relating to a physical fighting style. Remove if you don't use physical techniques.)
[b][u]Parameters[/u][/b] (This is character flavor and doesn't indicate if another player is stronger than you. This is also not related to any dice mechanics.)
Mana: ? / 5 (The relative size of your mana pool.)
Channeling: ? / 5 (How well you can channel mana.)
Magic: ? / 5 (Magical prowess.)
Technique: ? / 5 (Capabilities regarding physical-style fighting.)
Strength: ? / 5 (Your physical strength.)
Speed: ? / 5 (Your physical speed/agility.)
Body: ? / 5 (Your physical defenses and endurance.)
Intellect: ? / 5 (Your mental ability and knowledge.)