Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Latest news: Professor at Avalice, violently knocked students uncouncious. Class performs at top grades after. Wild discussions about implementation in other classes or not. There are critics which state such teaching methods are old fashioned and not suitable as it might create evil suppressed mages with urge for revenge.
Professor Nyx is suffering.

"Of course, they were sad when you kinda got kicked out" - Verena

Salt has been added to wound.
Good thing the professor has that mute-button spell :P
I tried to resist posting and failed.

The young mage found itself sitting once again and listening to the others introducing themselves, there certainly were alot of students in this class. Mandi hoped not all of them would be like Alberta. Some girl had a very long name...

'Sanhan Kumranjahnman. Narcoleptic.' The mage thought, a sweatdrop forming at the side of the young mage's head, Mandi soon after turned to another girl in the room which began to speak in old sayings before introducing herself. 'Eris Reinhardt. A reader. Knowledge seeker... confrontational.' Mandi softly sighed as Eris began to address Alberta, surely nothing good would come of it. It didn't take long for Alberta to reply back to Eris neither, and in such a fashion it didn't show her in any better light than before, as far as Mandi was concerned.

'A fool calling others fools... such folly in itself. Good grief. A shallow philosophy, or a shallow persona... which is worse I wonder?' Mandi's ears perked up on hearing Ty raise his voice and slamming down on his desk, seemed Alberta had managed to bait not one but two into engaging her in verbal disorder. 'Ty. Additional traits: Hotheaded. Seeks to seemingly challenge and defeat the miracle seven. Noted for future interactions.' The hydromancer did however think that Alberta's actions were out of line and was disrupting the order which their professor no doubt desired. It would surely only be a matter of time before he would stop this discord.

Then into the room strode a very pretty looking girl, according to Mandi's own judgement, she seemed to carry herself with remarkable grace and walking inbetween the two currently engaged in a verbal war. 'B...beautiful.' Was the first thought that came into the young mage's mind, blinking slightly and looking at her then towards Professor Nyx. 'Yvaine? This is my roommate... she's... shining.' Mandi glanced about, knowing that Yvaine would likely look for a place to sit soon. There was a spot to the left of the young hydromancer. Mandi's eyes closed as the young mage began to focus. 'I need to get eyecontact with her.' Mandi's eyes flashed open and looked down towards Yvaine with a soft smile, patting the desk next to the young mage softly. Just when the verbal clash involving Alberta seemed to get to an end, Alberta added more fuel to the fire. Ty would surely rise to Alberta calling him a kid. Even an idiot kid. There was a very high risk of further trouble occuring, judging by how the young man reacted before.

Then another disaster struck as a young man came into the room like a whirlwind and had the audacity to crash into the beautiful young woman, Yvaine. 'What..?' Mandi thought, with a narrowed eyed look down at the newcomer. The newcomer introduced himself as Caelum Tempesta, but Mandi had another name in mind for him. 'Whirlwind idiot.' The hydromancer thought and looked troubled down towards Yvaine, thinking for a moment to get up from the seat but knowing fully well that would impede on the professor's domain of possibly giving near divine punishment.
Professor Nyx, now comes shipped with headache pills.
Oh snap...
Nah, I'll hold off for now, go ahead :)
I wanna reply to Yvaine and the ongoing verbal stuff, but theres people who haven't written anything yet so should I wait?
Get in there class representative! Break this up, before someone gets broken up!
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