Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Yeah a fight to change the world for certain. Would have liked a english cover for ir.
@Dezuel If the 5th seat manages to beat the 4th seat, then yes they do swap. If let's say the 7th seat beats the 1st seat, the 7th seat becomes 1st, the previous 1st takes the next seat below and everyone else moves down by 1. Also, any seat can be challenged by anyone. You don't have to beat them in sequential order.

Allrighty, so technically Lanza could get knocked out without being challenged in person by challenging seat 6 xD Go for it Ty! Add insult to injury and give Lanza the indirect kick by beating 6th seat!

Also I guess if anyone beats the professor the only thing they will get is detention.
<Snipped quote by metanoia>

I'm living for when Mandi and Yvaine team up against the Big Guy and beat him with the power of love. Haha.

Let see how well he swims with that suit of armor! Though It would probably look more epic with them sword users taking that one on. Speaking of things in regards to the miracle seven... what happens if the let say 4th seat loses to a 5th seat? They swap positions? I take it you kinda must be on the seat below in order to challenge the one over it right? The difference is with 7th seat that can be challenged by non miracle 7. If I understood that right,

All set for later shenanigans.

The hydromancer quickly blinked on hearing Sophiel raising her voice, drawing attention away from Yvaine's pristine smile. "Oh! You look abit red! I was just greeting our fellow classmate in an equally warm manner as she did to us, it is custom among the Shalash Indria nobles to greet dear friends in such a fashion, according to historian Volkam Joul which included it into his record of the life of Lord Isaraman of Dessha's biography, which was written some fifty years ago. Though maybe it was on both cheeks now when I think about it... I cannot quite recall it all." The young mage began to mumble the last part, tilting it's head to the side abit with an appologetic look to Sophiel.

"Oh but it's fine, it's fine. See? Don't worry about it okay?~" The mage waved to Sophiel in a reassuring manner and then looked Yvaine over, which seemingly had expected the same greeting from Sophiel by the looks of it. Mandi begun to beam on seeing that, it meant that not only did Yvaine accept the greeting but was fond of it. "I am certain this year will be a great one, let's do our best~" The mage cheered softly and began to approach the baking club's section. There seemed to be a big variety of sweets and pastries about, the young mage however kept looking over Yvaine and Sophiel more than the pastries. Then to the baker which seemed to stare right at the hydromancer, Mandi gave him a soft smirk as the pastries were handed out. "Thank you very much~ I would like six of those too. Here you can have these." The young mage rummaged through a small pouch fetching some coins, the young mage had spotted something on the baking stands which was too good to pass on. Six sticks covered partly in chocolate. Choco-sticks? Whatever they were, it gave the crafty hydromancer an idea of a fun game they could play later. The baking boy passed them all over in a nice paper bag.

"Oh they do look really amazing, I would love to have a bite~ Down the hatch you go. Mhm." Mandi said whilst taking a bite into the pastry. It truly was very sweet and rich in taste, Mandi would agree that this was well made. "Mhmm~ They are good." Mandi smiled to both Yvaine and Sophiel, the former had spotted a classmate beyond. The boy who was arguing with Alberta on Eris behalf. The hydromancer was certain that boy would be trouble no matter where or who he went with, but as long as he didn't cause trouble for them he wasn't going to find himself on the receiving end of divine judgement. Then came a question from Yvaine, and it was a question which Mandi also wondered about. If the class would be like this every day, but surely it couldn't be as chaotic as this day every day? Could it?

"I'm not sure, but if it is, I'm sure we'll manage~ Right? Having fun is important too... takes time away from all the serious things for abit." Mandi smiled to the both girls. "Oh and don't worry so much, miss Sophiel~! Relax~ It's fine!" Mandi smiled with eyes closed towards Sophiel, the black hair sliding from one side of the young mage's face to the other.

Gonna reply to Sophiel and Yvaine in a little moment.
Nice compilation in character tab, Blu.

Mandi have kept smiling as Sophiel introduced herself again, albeit this time it was on a more personal level.

"Looking forwards to working with you too~ My friend~ Oh if you didn't pay too much attention, then I'm certain you have your reasons. You look like a deep thinker, and you know what they say about deep thinkers? They are really clever." The young mage said in a reassuring manner to Sophiel, while waiting for Yvaine to get close enough, but not only did Yvaine get close enough she reached out to snatch one of Mandi's hands. The young hydromancer was caught abit offguard by this, but allowed Yvaine to lead on. Mandi's hand was then placed on the girl's chest, feeling the heartbeat within but also Mandi's own heartbeat answering it. Mandi's face grew slightly red around the cheeks, looking down at where the hand now where and how Yvaine's chest was way more impressive than Mandi's. At least to the young mage's opinion. The mage's eyes would slowly move up to look at Yvaine's eyes as the girl spoke.

'What a direct and honest girl... her heart… no her entire body is radiating with warmth... my heart is beating similar to yours.' Mandi thought quickly before replying back to Yvaine. "I would love to be friends with you, miss Yvaine~" Mandi said with a smile, but then came the thought that it was now Mandi's turn to properly do an introduction on a personal level. The young mage had shook hands with Sophiel, but now Yvaine had done an unusual but warm greeting of her own. The hydromancer knew that just doing the same kind of introduction to Yvaine could show a potential lack of imagination, thus Mandi decided to do something else. As Yvaine still held the hand, Mandi leaned in and attempted to plant a soft kiss on Yvaine's cheek. "I'm Mandi El-Alzaru, let's become really close friends okay?~" The young mage stared deeply into Yvaine's eyes unless there would be a brake in contact, it almost seemed like there was thousand stars within Yvaine's eyes the way they seemed to glimmer upon mentioning that there was in fact some pastries nearby that required to be liberated. Mandi gave her a wink before speaking again.

"Oh pastries? They do smell kind of sweet, almost as sweet as you two~" Mandi gave a cheeky smile, gently trying to take hold under one of Yvaine's arms.

"Let's go, miss Sophiel, miss Yvaine~ Let's confiscate the pastries for examination! Okay?~" Mandi threw a sideway wink to Sophiel soon after, followed by a friendly snicker, beckoning to Sophiel to get closer. Their first quest and the reward could possibly be a sweet one too.
The only thing Berta needs is her favorite person turning up for her party. That person is none other than herself no doubt. đŸ˜…
Use your signature move Caelum, knock her off her feet with your Senpuu no baka attack! Embrace your destiny, or possibly a long nice time in the healing room. He's adventurous, what could possibly go wrong with some impulsive acts :p
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