The lecture hall incidents had just gotten worse and worse, first there was the bickering and then the guy rushing headfirst into Yvaine. Not to mention another young woman by the name of Verena, having the gall to steal the reserved seat for Yvaine which Mandi had aqquired.
'Verena Parieau. Talkative. Oblivious.' The hydromancer softly shook it's head and then the professor explained that indeed, the lecture hall was not the place for disruptions of this kind and that he expected better. His words were however cut short by an announcement which requested all classes to report to the academy plaza for a welcoming ceremony. Then they were all led outside, where the professor handed Kiara some form of token, appointing her as class representative.
'Until further notice...' Mandi thought as the group was moving forth, the young mage didn't disapprove of the decisions. It seemed that Kiara was orderly enough. And order was certainly in high demand at the moment.
Upon reaching the plaza, there was an old man doing some form of welcome speech. Mandi recognized this old man as Headmaster Augustine. The young mage had seen posters with the old man before, and it wasn't uncommon to hear others talk about him, including within Mandi's own family. The hydromancer had however never spoken with him personally, which surely wasn't uncommon. As the man was most surely quite busy and there were many students about. The old man's speech made Mandi go into deep thinking about the founding principals. Strength, honor, kindness and heroism. That's until the miracle sev- six put themselves on display.
'The miracle seven. I wonder how many has had it their dream to stand amongst them or defeat them. It doesn't lie in my interest to defeat them, neither to try become like them. My final opponent is of a different kind. Even if you cannot select all your battles, I am not afraid of losing a fight against these people. A victory or a loss against them wouldn't make me anything more nor less than what I were before. No matter what anyone says. I must remain myself, I cannot be anyone else. Only by doing that can I gather the strength needed to face the dark... and not lose. Like they did.' Mandi deeply pondered, while all around the young mage people would begin to move about now that the opening ceremony, well at least the speeches were overwith. The hydromancer glanced about to see if there was any classmate to actually approach to talk with, ultimately settling on Sophiel and approaching her.
"Pleased to meet you~ I'm Mandi El-Alzaru, one of the students of Class Camellia. I take it the ceremony were to your liking, miss Sargute? We are to be roommates by the way~ <3" The young mage smiled with eyes closed, tilting the head slightly to the side, causing the ponytail to slide to one side of the mage's face. Mandi opened the eyes shortly afterwards, spotting Yvaine in the vicinity aswell.
"Oh! Miss Yvaine, over here~! Do join us!" The hydromancer smiled and beckoned towards Yvaine to join them by extending one arm and hand out towards her.
'She's has such a pure look about her...' Mandi blinked quickly, looking towards Yvaine and then back to Sophiel.
"Let's get along shall we~? Okay?" Mandi gave a wide smile to Sophiel, offering a hand for shaking.