Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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'Kiss with moderation?' Mandi blinked while thinking about that, but there had only been a single kiss on the cheek. That hardly counted as moderation. "I have noted the warning, miss Sophiel. But when you said it like that and with that red on your face it made me wonder~ Are you upset that I didn't greet you like that? Maybe you wanted me to..?" Mandi smiled in a friendly fashion towards Sophiel. Yvaine also did point out that the scream in the distance came from one of the classmates, Ty. Mandi gave a soft smile to Yvaine on hearing that and nodded softly, it did indeed seem like Ty had bested one of the seven in something. Though it was most certainly not a magic duel as that would have drawn more attention and cheers no doubt. The young mage had not spoken with Ty yet, come to think of it Mandi had not spoken to anyone aside from the two girls.

"Oh it does sound like he did. Maybe he used that fiery temper of his?" Mandi pondered aloud, before waving the thoughts away. The mage's ears soon perked up on hearing the voice of the professor, it seemed like he had cast some form of greater telepathy. Perhaps he did in secrecy while everyone were in the lecture hall. If that was the case, the feat of doing such a thing without anyone's notice was very admirable. "Oh but you are right, miss Sophiel. We should get back, I heard the professor too. Best not keep him waiting~" Mandi looked Sophiel over and then nodded to Yvaine, who was now taking hold of Mandi's hand again, this time asking if the seat next to the young mage was free. It certainly was!

"Ofcourse you can sit next to me~ I would love that~ I just hope theres enough chairs, if things come for worse, I suppose you can sit in my lap." Mandi snickered slightly, before softly pulling Yvaine along on their quest to get back to the professor. "Let's make sure we get there on time~"
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The short figure tilted his head on being refered to as 'Sakura's little brother'. He blew up his cheeks on hearing that, who was Sakura anyhow? The furry little thing blinked quickly a few times.

'Sakura... I feel like I've heard that name somewhere else...' The short fox looking boy scratched behind one of his ears, and then noticed that the woman was introducing herself as "I-eat-ya". It caused the small fox to don a grin on his lips when he heard it. Maybe there was still room for some dessert later, but odd... the air suddenly felt strange. Maybe it was one of them nobles passing by with too much perfume.

"Hey! I'm Zel! Good to eat'ya... meet ya I mean. Oh them nasty stuck up nobles, I met one recently. Though she had a pretty neat food storage." Zelginn said in a satisfied manner, and then proceeded to listen to Ayita. He snickered as she began to speak about balls but it came to a halt upon hearing that there was a possibility of his feet being stepped on.

"Don't step on me, I might bite you if you do. I promose! Oh and take the lead?" He stared at the hand offered and took it, maybe there was something exciting to see. Maybe lift the skirt of someone and caused a random brawl. It was always fun when people completely innocent of a scheme ended up in it. He concealed a snicker.

Baraian Paladice

"Myra?" Baraian said aloud, looking at whatever it was that stood before him. Was it the creature's name? Or a greeting to him? He had never laid eyes on such a thing, was it actually one of the noble's exotic pet? Or some experiment run loose? The dark elf gathered his thought and stepped forth. "I'm... Tan Goodman." The dark elf lied through his teeth, he couldn't allow others to hear his name in case there had been anyone tracking and watching him. The odd creature... Myra was now seemingly doing some pose, the dark elf recognized it. 'The creature knows about dancing? I guess it must be some trained pet then. Well it could have been worse. Could have been an elven noble.' The dark elf pondered, before walking up and taking hold of the hand... paw... appendage which he assumed was Myra's hand.

"Let us commence with the dance then." He felt a slight sweatdrop fall down the side of his head. "Miss Myra." The elf said in the most monotone voice yet, before he began to lead Myra into something similar to a waltz. But the dark elf ocassionally bumped into some people while doing it, spilling out a drink for one man who was dancing with a lady in one hand and drinking with the other out of a glass. Then Baraian twirled abit, stretching out and trying to spin Myra like a twister. Right in the direction of some tall elf in fine garments and- Oh no.

Terneus Andros

The fairy princess assumed that the ever so graceful and patient governor had buisness with them both. The mere idea of doing buisness with a faun was making the elf frown in sudden disgust.

"Oh trust me, your dance is quite-" The elf was brought out of his own thought process, and this was not only a crime in his book, but also hideously rude too. But the words uttered were pleasing to his ears, it was flattery. Honest and true flattery directed at him- what? Terneus eyes narrowed, the approaching voice belonged to some beast and it was flattering the sad excuse of a goat-man in front of him, and not acknowledging the grandest of the elven nobles. This was not only disasteful and inconsiderate, it was also wrong! Then the beastwoman addressed the fairy princess and calling him rude. The ever so mindful, Lord Terneus felt how the threads at his wound was beginning to stretch the more angry he became.

'Find someone else to bother?! How dare this creature defy me and ruin my plan of securing more fame?!' The elf gritted his teeth together, at this moment he realized that causing an outburst would draw negative attention to him and make HIM the bad-guy. And this he couldn't allow. This beastwoman was going to pay dearly later, now he just needed to find Commander Feldrin so he could 'misplace' her later. But for now he had to bite together. He turned to... himself. For whom better to give him advice on his next action than himself? The elf mused in his head and came up with a new plan. He was going to excuse himself.

"Oh look at the time, I have something far more important to attend to. Perhaps we shall speak later, fairy princess." Terneus said, lifting his mask momentarily to show his bandaged face but his cold blue eyes set on the fairy. Then to Sakura he gave a look of outright murderous intent before swiftly turning around. That was when the elf remembered his injuries and how it stung doing that. But looking flashy and good had it's price. He began to walk back and that's when he saw some creature being hurled in his direction, just to his right. He wouldn't make it out of the way. This disgusting thing was coming right for him!

Flashes came before the elf's mind. Of himself. His attire. His so far graceful and awe inspiring regal steps. Would it be ended by whatever that thing was?
Will make my post soon enough after that one I am ready to continue.
Misaiya should conveniently feel sick whenever sparring happens. It's the perfect strategy!

Is this a bad part to mention like half the cast has healing spells?
So Misaiya is bringing a five foot stick for that threeway. Whatever comes his way he be sure to take it like a champ.
While on the subject, I cannot unsee the last sentence...
I hope Mr Alstein has watched wrestling. Those chairs may come in handy.
Aww, poor Sophiel got all red... maybe she wanted a kiss too xD
The blue skinned man had awoken early, clad in red and black garments, his mantislike arms hidden under the black cape hanging over his attire, his face slightly concealed by the equally dark hood which was attached to said cape. Today was a special day. The day to find the key to open the door to the future. Kangxian, also known as Peacock Mantis by most was perceiving from afar how a young woman was exiting her home.

Possibly still unaware of the mantis that was lying in wait for her to step forth, which she did. And Kangxian followed the young woman, she seemed to be heading for the nearby grocery store. The man placed himself a distance behind her, scanning his surroundings for any government official or possible agent. Each car, mobile or stationary was observed for possible spies. Any security cameras would also find themselves being avoided by the hooded man which was slowly drawing closer to the young woman.

"Do you have the password for the Wifi? I require some online services you see. Though the connection here is bad. Not to mention there always being someone looking over your back hoping to see what you are doing. People are awfully curious and nosy about things not involving them." The man said upon reaching close enough to Angel, a slight upturn forming at the corner of his lips. His eyes momentarily revealing themselves from under his hood, trying to get eye-contact with Angel.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dian Kangxian, but you might know me by another name. Peacock Mantis." He said in a far softer tone of voice, his eyes darting about for a moment before setting back to Angel. "I hear you are an able person when it comes to computers, unless the rumors are exaggerated?"
I get a feeling that it's only a matter of time, before the class gets an unlawful party underway...
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