The dance with the much larger woman had gone decently well, even though Zelginn really didn't know how to dance with someone. She had also been smirking at him, the sudden urge to do something else soon filled the small figure. He was ditching this dance thing and going back to that food table. While the woman seemed to share his dislike for nobles, there was no reason for him to linger further in her presence. Then had the signal come for the dance to be over and the next to begin.
'Finally! I am out of here! To the dark abyss with this woman and all other women!' The small figure thought and he smiled widely to Ayita trying to keep his mask before bowing and waving.
"Bye bye." He said in a cheery manner before scurrying off into the crowd of onlookers.
Baraian Paladice
Why had the creature smiled to him, it unsettled him more than anything else in the room. The creature had soon followed by nodding it's head, was it actually considering to eat him or somehow bond? The idea itself made the dark elf feel a stab in his gut. Despite it all the creature had done well on following his lead, despite he wasn't much of a dancer at all. His attempt to somehow show off had resulted in the creature tripping some man, not just any man either but that was Terneus.
'Curses...' Baraian had thought and quickly pulled Myra back in and relocating their dance in another direction and past another pair of dancers. That ought to have put some distance between them and the elf whose ego was too big for the entire hall. The dark elf finally gave a look at Myra again, what was this thing? She had a tail unlike any other. His red eyed gaze wandered over Myra a second time.
'A demon? A servant of Aklenroth? Maybe I should ask her who she is here with...' The elf finally thought before opening his mouth.
"So... who are you here with?" he had just managed to ask the question before the dance was over and the next one was commencing.
Terneus Andros
All of a sudden the noble elf's legs had been swiftly swept from under him, what in the heavens had happened? Had some lowlife managed to get the better of him? How could he not spot it? Had he slipped in a drink? No. This elf couldn't slip, for it was an act for the ungraceful. There was however only one thought going through the governor's mind as he fell, it was to attempt to gracefully stop the fall. He couldn't allow himself to be the wrong gossip for the evening. The elf latched unto the nearest thing within reach as he fell, some long and soft fabric which haltered his fall slightly before it too gave way with a ripping sound.
The lower part of a dress was being held in his hand as he had landed on his rear against the floor. How ungraceful a landing, there was no way to avoid the embarassment now- That's when he heard a slight gasp and shriek, it ringed in his keen and superior elven ears. What in the old elven graces was causing such a ruckus. Right next to him stood a birdwoman of some kind, with the face of a duck but the body more humanoid, and it was reaching down to cover it's undergarments as it had lost it's skirt to the gentle grasping hands of the light elven governor. It took a moment for the elven lord to gather what was going on.
'Ugh. What a disgusting creature, get dressed you unsavor- Oh so this is yours?' He threw a glance at the garment he held in his hands, he suddenly tossed it away as if it carried the plague. And according to the ever insightful elf, such could possibly be the case amongst such inferior and meager creatures. But not even his greatness could predict that the duck-woman's dancing partner, a man with a piglike face. Was it an orc? Well they were all ugly so it was hard to separate one thing from another, despite his grand eyesight. The pig-like creature had then the audacity to grab unto the elf's noble shirt and ruffles and punch the mask he wore on his face in what seemed to be some kind of bestial display of rage. The mask bounced against the elf's already aching face and he gritted his teeth, holding unto the nose of the mask.
"Not the face- you insolen-" The elf began to utter through curses as the dancing around was coming to a stop, the piglike man then beckoned to someone behind the elven lord.
The blue eyed gaze of the ever present, ever mindful and ever patient lord Terneus saw a tall creature. Green. In a dress. Oh no. It was the orc woman from earlier.
"Take this drunk away from the floor." The pigfaced man said while picking up the dress to cover his dancepartner, while the large orc leaned over slightly looking down at the elf who was looking slightly up at what was above him. He wanted to scream. But then he would draw more attention, negative attention. Before he came up with a cunning plan, the big brutish woman had grabbed the back of his collar and was lifting and dragging him from the dancefloor, then hurling him into an empty spot in the crowd of people who knew very well to move away when such a giant of a woman were approaching.
"Unghnn!" The elf grunted as he landed on his knees and caught himself with his hands against the floor.
'How dare you touch me you filthy lice-ridden inbred half-witted lout!' He felt as one of his stitches at his face broke as he grew angry, rising to his feet in the most graceful manner he could. But before he could act, the crowd of people was moving into his path, and the lumbering giant of a woman was walking away.
'Someone will hang for this.' He tightened his fists and looked around with intent eyes as some people eyed the man whom had been dragged.
"And what are you looking at? Do something useful and get out of my way." He cursed as he began to head up some stairs to a higher elevated position in the hall.