Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Ty: Wake the sleeping beauty? But I have no idea where Lanza is right now.

I am sure his whereabouts be the least shocking thing about him.

Looking forwards to... ahem... spice things up with Ty and Alberta. Sometimes you need just a little helpful push from a friendly interloper.
Someone needs to head back and wake sleeping beauty with a kiss...

Weed see...
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

It was with swift but somewhat smooth steps the dark elf made his way away from Myra after she had displayed her teeth and winked at him. But she also had pointed in a general direction. The entire sight of the creature and it's behaviour made the dark elf frown, there was no doubt something very wrong with her. More so than himself. 'What was up with that display of teeth and winking her eye? Were she trying to flirt with me?' The dark elf's expression grew into a mix of sour and grim. He had no intention of becoming romantically involved with such a monster. The more he thought about it, the more it sickened him. But then again he didn't want to be romantically involved with anyone.

There were no place for love in this world, and especially not for a dark elf. Baraian had considered to walk in the direction that the creature had pointed, but ultimately decided against it. It was a general direction and there were a ton of people gathered about, so many in fact that the elf felt like he needed some fresh air. Thus he began to head up some stairs, looking down at the people gathered below before ascending and spotting the overly familiar attire of a man he wanted nothing to do with. It was that bastard Terneus again, what were he doing up here? The dark elf pondered, but trying to spy on someone like Terneus wouldn't only be difficult in this well lit place, it would also be very dangerous as that elf was paranoid beyond salvation. The dark elf decided it was best to not follow and instead headed back downstairs, moving towards one of the tables which had food and drinks. It didn't take him long to pour up a glass with wine. After that encounter with that strange beastwoman who no doubt had the intent to mate with him, he really needed a drink to remove that thought from his mind. Not only that, but this was probably a good time to do a slight celebration. Things were after all getting closer to where Baraian desired things to be, would the rebels from Ra Monde be successful here then it would no doubt give rise to a major war against the throne.

The thought made the dark elf get a small tickle in the lip as he wanted to smile, looking down into the glass of red wine, it reminded him of blood. Blood which had always been spilt in the existance of Avalia. 'To destroy a king and to destroy the world. How closely entwined they are. I cannot thank you enough little miss for taking up the banner, kill the lich and then plunge the world into chaos. The victors shall fight amongst each other until nothing remains. To become nothing, nothing is more fitting for this epitaph. How could I depart before I can see this world gets what's due? Perhaps that demented governor, the orcs or the demons can be persuaded to take action. Put everything ablaze... and let it burn.' The dark elf's red eyes glimmered as he looked into a nearby lit brazier, the red wine in his glass twirling slightly.

"Hey! Move aside! Coming through here." A squeaky voice was heard near the elf as a small fur clad and vulpine looking boy was pressing his way up to the nearby table containing food.

The dark elf merely stood still and watched. 'A child here? How did it get in?' He thought to himself, looking at the short figure jump up on a chair and then the table, and began to stuff his face with sausages.

'Eat, drink and breathe while you can... for soon the tomorrow come and you will all be dead.' He sighed softly, taking a big sip from his wine. 'How long I have waited...' A small curl appeared on his lips, but it soon vanished as he noticed the short figure was stopping to eat to just stare oddly at him.

"Enjoy your food." The dark elf said in his usual monotone manner, whereof the boy tilted his head and raised an eyebrow before resuming his feasting.

Oh don't worry about that, I forget that every single time. Must be since I keep writing them in notepad.

The days had progressed faster than the young mage has predicted, there had been much fun though. Nice warm baths, a few small games and ofcourse trying out various food and sweets. The chocosticks which the sly hydromancer had bought also came useful when introducing a game to Sophiel and Yvaine. Sadly they had not had the time to play it, as there was always something interupting such plans. There was something highly appealing to the hydromancer in possibly seeing Sophiel trying to hold her stature while another would chomp down on a chocostick and gradually getting closer for what some might consider a kiss!

The mere thought had filled the yellowrobed mage with joy and amusement, coupled with the other things that floated about in the head of the mage when not studying matters of magic or doing endurance training. To Mandi the most important thing to possess when it came to magic was control and being able to fight in a sustained fight, by using as little strain on the self as possible. But there were ofcourse some spells which were more strainful than others, but this didn't just apply to Mandi's magic for certain. When it came to their professor, Mandi regarded him as being powerful, but his views was too much similar to that of Mandi's siblings which had all met unfortunate ends in their search for power. This in turn made Mandi to focus harder, trying to master the ability to channel mana. Like water flowing in a stream. But there was a fine balance to be kept, to not push too far ahead too quickly as that was an error which Mandi's siblings had done too. The easiest path is not always the best one to tread.

Such was the case in warding Yvaine from bad influence people, as Mandi regarded them anyways. She was way too nice for her own good, and people would take advantage of that kindness for their own designs. The yellowrobed mage would have none of it, as long as something could be done about it. Both Yvaine and Sophiel had been fun roommates and classmates to Mandi however, it was both curious and amusing to try to put Sophiel in embarassing situations by posing odd questions or taking odd approaches. She could be so stiff at times.

Then there was Yvaine which was the complete opposite, but despite that she was quite different from Mandi aswell. The trio was certainly a curious one. Though there were plenty of other classmates about aswell, such as Ankaa which Mandi had fought during the trials which saw most of the others expelled. Mandi did regard Ankaa as a very potent mage, she was both fast and strong, and had shown a good thinker when Mandi had been putting out humble words. These things had told the young mage plenty about that particular classmate. Mandi still felt abit bad for pushing a fellow classmate like that, but when put it that situation as it was there was little that could had been done. Nyx really had expelled the rest from the class. His way of teaching was merciless, it made the mage think about it's father and how he had fallen in his quest for revenge.

The thought of family occasionally came to the young mage's mind, but there was little use to dwell overly long on it. Three of Mandi's siblings were dead and the father had been sealed away in some magical crystal years past when Mandi was still a child. There was however still one sibling alive, but he was locked up in a maximum security mage's asylum where dangerous mage's were kept from causing harm to the populace. The powerful magics in that place was enough to subdue even the most powerful of mages, he wouldn't be going anywhere. Then again Mandi didn't think he could even if he tried to, he was after all the least promising of the siblings. But then again one shouldn't underestimate peoples potential later in life.

Some people after all would learn very quickly and very well at the start, but then gradually come to a halt, while others were able to take a slower approach but grow more over a longer period of time. There were times where Mandi wanted to speak up against what Nyx was teaching, but doing so would not only had been improper it could had meant being expelled. Also there were always the thoughts about that Lexicon of his. A Lexicon. A book which held the language of mana, where you could create wonderous spells only limited by your own mind and physical body. Different spells were taxing on the mind, others targetted the body, some even went at both. The thought had entered the young mage's mind early on, what would have happened if Mandi had gotten hands on a Lexicon. What would the young mage had done then?

What the mage's siblings and father would have done would had literally 'spelled' disaster for many. A lexicon was dangerous, a boon but also a curse. It could make others long for it, to the point it would likely drive them mad. Corruptive no doubt about it. While some would surely wish to use such a thing to do good or evil, Mandi couldn't help pushing away the thought of what it would do with such a thing... would it ever end up in the young mage's hands.

There had been time for abit of socializing and pondering, but also training. But now had the day come for them to be dispatched for what seemed like a task, no it was rather a mission, set forth by their professor. Nyx. They were supposed to meet at the Genelogia station, Mandi had heard about it but had never used it in person, so this would be the first time. How bad could it be? Mandi had furst been bothered by the fact there wasn't enough space in the travelling bag for chocosticks nor swimwear. So the mage had to do without it, then again bathing without swimwear wasn't such a big hinderance, unless the professor would be about. The mage did pack down some loafs of bread and apples in a small box and a pair of extra clothes, skin oils, a hooded lantern with oil and a blanket. What else could one need?

After having gone through the packing carefully the young mage had set off to the station, and when arriving there the mage saw some familiar faces. Sophiel. Who was always in time for everything. 'Such a good girl~' Mandi smiled with closed eyes, before looking at whom else was about, spotting Ty and Kiara. Taking a few moments to collect the entire scene, Mandi strode forth with both hands behind the neck.

"Greetings my dear classmates~ Sophiel~ You are looking pretty in that~. Oh not saying you look bad without it though!" Mandi winked to Sophiel nodding towards her clothes, then soon after turning to smile to Ty and Kiara. "We'll be great with you three with us~." The mage proclaimed removing the hands from the neck to point at each one of them, one at a time. "Sophiel the crimekicker! Ty the tiger chef and Kiara the... uhm... class representative! Allright!" Mandi did an armpump motion and gave a wide grin, then took a few jumpy steps forwards on light feet trying to almost snuggle up to Sophiel.

"Oh hey! Ty, you are brave, how would you like a challenge? If you complete the task, I'll tell Lanza you are far more brave than him. All you need to do is..." Mandi began to grin, taking a slight breath and then exhaling. "...to give Alberta a kiss on the cheek~. Or would you rather say whose the cutest girl here?" Mandi snickered softly with a hand before the mouth.

I'll try make mine today!
Stealing it is one thing, imagine if you steal it and break it...
1. Get Nyx drunk
2. Have Nyx give away Lexicon.
3. Profit!
That looks both Nifty… and Shifty.
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