Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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I would have prefered to be in it from the start. But if thats not an option, I guess I will sit on the waitinglist. Thank you.
I would like to show my interest in this.
I do not know what has happened with Blu, but it could be related to Covid-19. There could ofcourse be all manner of reasons why he hasn't been online lately. Not much we can really do aside from waiting for him, or seizing control of the RP in his absence.

Train - 5th car

Mandi had tilted the head to the left and right as Misaya began to address the mage from out of nowhere, the words spoken were met with a blank facial expression before Mandi's hands began to clap. "Oh! That kind of rhymed, I think. What did you say again?" The hydromancer had tapped it's chin with a single finger, looking Misaya over momentarily as Alberta didn't seem willing to answer the questions posed.

"Oh nevermind~." The hydromancer waved one of it's hands in a dismissive manner before having gotten seated at one of the remaining spots, remaining quiet for the remainder of the train-trip.

Genelogia - Outskirts

Mandi had chosen to remain silent even as the class and the professor got off the train. But the young mage was making good use of it's eyes and ears, making sure to hear out what the professor was saying and secondly the other students. When it came to sights, there were the strange autumn coloured trees, a desolate looking village and lastly a villager which seemed to be afflicted by something. Mandi had some suspiciouns of what it possibly could be, but what use would there be in telling the others about it all? The trip through the forest had been just like any other stroll for Mandi who happened to do plenty of wandering about. Whereof it were indoors, in a forest or a road didn't matter much. There were after all plenty of things to think about while walking, while at the same time looking for things of interest. As it were now however, Mandi's classmates were delving into such matters.

'If they need something they will ask, though the likelihood of that is far lower now...' The mage thought, with a slight exhale, blowing some strands of hair away from it's face.

Will post tonight, just got home from 48 hour shift.

Sophiel's reaction to Ty's answer had been priceless, it had highly amused the hydromancer. There was something highly appealing in seeing a serious individual such as Sophiel lose her footing and get flustered and speechless. That is before shooting a barrage of verbal things in Ty's direction and telling Mandi to be quiet, before darting off into the train. To Mandi this was both very sincere, cute and troubling at the same time. To the young mage it seemed like Sophiel had some problems dealing with emotions and perhaps even upholding a fascade of some kind. Mandi was very familiar with that part, knowing fully well how people behaved in one manner whilst being truly something else.

Kiara had taken things alot better, whilst she had indeed wanted to hear Ty's answer, she had gotten likely the answer she didn't want. But at least Ty had explained to her that more guys might find her the cuter of the two. Mandi felt like there was a great need to speak to Kiara later to make sure she was allright. Alberta had quickly retaliated on the implied kissing with Kress, even going as far as to ask if Mandi had sewage in the ears. What did that even mean? But it didn't stop there, she also called Mandi deplorable and perverted. Then Kress also came to her defense, just as the young mage had foreseen he would.

'That I simply implied what may have occured caused you both to repel it fiercely and thus growing closer to each other against a common threat. Just as I predicted you would.' Mandi thought whilst getting aboard the train, and carefully made it towards the seating area, passing by Caelum and just seeing Alberta get to the seats. There was no need to put the small backpack the mage carried upon the back up on the luggage section of the train, so Mandi turned to look around and spotted Sophiel and Ty sitting next to each other.

"Oho~! Well aren't you getting close~." Mandi smiled broadly looking to Ty and then to Sophiel who seemed to be midway suffering in her flustered state.

"Oh my, Sophie-trophy looks abit red! Ty, best check so she doesn't have a fever... since when you are ill you cannot feel that yourself~." Mandi explained and looked to the seating next to Ty and Sophiel. "Oh Yvaine may want that seat, do excuse me for abit~ I am going to complete the part of the challenge you couldn't do Ty." The young mage said quietly to Ty, whilst sticking out the tongue slightly, the mage's eyes winking, before Mandi turned around and setting the gaze on Alberta on the other side of the wagon and walking over

"Hey Blummie~ I am sorry for thinking you were K-I-S-S-I-N-G with mister Alstein. But you thought of perverted things? How indecent~. Do you think of such often?~" Mandi placed one hand in front of the mouth in an embarassed manner, leaning slightly over the table which Alberta was using her arms to rest her head at. Before tilting the head to the side, with the black ponytail flapping from one side to the other, closing the eyes for just a brief moment before flashing them open again. Mandi proceeded to lean in closer with the face to say something in a hushed tone.

"If you let me give you a kiss as an appology, like a common servant would to a superior and refined mistress in the faraway lands of Shalash Indria. I will be able to get Ty to dress in girl's clothing for the day, complete with a short skirt, and you could make fun of him. How about it, miss Blumenthal~? Wanna get some justice and teach him a lesson~?." Mandi began to smile in a highly teasing manner, the mage's red eyes set at Alberta's, eagerly awaiting the queen of thorns answer.

I am sure he is just waiting for all to post before making the next. Will make my post in just a few hours from now. Having all characters in the same scene can slow things down abit, but now as when each student will get to different tables i think it will speed up again.
Okay :)
Will post after Alberta's post :)
Galbrek Ravenovich

Current day:

"Watch it with the fucking stairs you idiot!" The half-demon yelled over at the jester-looking doll which were pushing his wheelchair forwards, shortly behind him also walked the female doll, Giselle. "Galbrek, if you are going to keep making noise there is a chance the law enforcement is going to find us..." The stonefaced Giselle said in a calm tone, with a slight hint of irritation.

"Don't you think I know that, dimwit. And it's Lord Galbrek for you." He crossed his arms over his chest, but not for long as he felt stinging pain. "Ahh shit! I told you to be careful Fegin, do you want me to reforge your body into a toaster?" The half-demon said in a spitting and annoyed manner, whereof the jesterlike doll merely shrugged.

"Master Galbrek, I cannot do much about this. The stairs are just bumpy. The closest healer is just down there and around the corner, soon you will be able to walk again." The doll said reassuringly, but he didn't know if that was even possible considering the bad state his 'benefactor' were in. It took much effort and cussing, but eventually the half-demon and his two lackeys got down the stone stairs and were now looking into the healer's home.

"Now Giselle would you so kindly breach that door for me?" The half-demon looked over his shoulder to the female doll, his eyes weary and his temper... the usual.

"If you say please." The doll replied, putting both it's hands at it's waist.

"Will you please open the fucking door?" The half-demon said through gritted teeth, whereof the doll behind him sighed softly and shrugged. She possibly saw there was little use to argue over mere words. She opened the door to the healer's home.

"Excuse us. Coming in." Giselle said in a monotone voice, as a older woman peeked out from behind some cloth covers leading into another room.

"Yes? How may I help you?" The elderly woman asked, looking over the trio.

"Our master requires healing, his body is severely wounded." Fegin explained and drove the wheelchair inside, removing the cloth blanket which was covering up the extent of his bandaged injuries.

"Oh my goodness, take him into this room here right away." The woman said in a hurried tone, before washing her hands. "About fucking time..." Galbrek grunted and looked at his two dolls. Soon enough the woman returned and motioned for the two dolls to sit in the next room.

"Sending my serv- I mean.. my friends.." He said with a fake smile, how he wanted to berate this old crone for ordering his loyal servants about as if she owned the place. Then again she did. It took Galbrek much effort to sit up on the sickbed and the woman began to undo his bandages. "By the grace of Rhea, you are seriously wounded. Why haven't you come sooner?"

"Because those fu- friends of mine had a few errands to do..." He grinded his teeth together as the bandages were taken off.

"Right, I will begin to apply the healing right away, this is going to hurt so I am going to add some pain relief to you." The old woman walked over and fetched hold of a small bottle, at then extracted some of it's contents into a syringe before walking towards Galbrek. The half-demon was prepared for the worst, but the stinging pain of his injuries had been so bad that the needle going into him was hardly felt. "Better? Now we just have to wait for it to take effect, and I would like you to think of someplace nice and peaceful while I work and not look. I need you to hold still, which is also why that pain relief had a second thing added to it to make you limp temporary." The old woman winked.

Words couldn't describe the sudden hate that the young man felt, he wanted to string this old crone up with his strings, but right now the underhanded witch had gotten the better of him. Good thing his minions were in the other room or he would be embarassed. "How long is this going to take?" The half-demon said in a muttering manner.

"Oh it won't take too long." The old woman said in a soft tone as she began to channel what could only be described as pale yellowish lights to envelop the half-demon's body. 'This better not be fucking holy magic or this bitc-' He paused as he noticed wounds on him would begin to slowly heal, not only that but his bones were going back into place. He quickly turned his head to look elsewhere. To see it was making him sick. Not because he was afraid to see gore, but that it was his body which had been defiled by that damn kid and were now being experimented on by some old crazy woman. Before the half-demon knew it, the woman was leaning back and taking off her glasses. "There we go. You did well, that should be alot better." She smiled with her eyes closed. Galbrek raised an eyebrow and then looked at his own arms and hands, then down his chest and legs. It had all been mended. His body had been restored.

"Haha! Yes! This is just what I needed." The half-demon had a smirk form on his lips and an actual genuine pleased smile. "Oh good to hear it, now I just need to take your personal information." The old woman sat down with a blank notepad with a pen in hand.

"Galbrek Ravenovich. As for my other information is none of your buisness." The half-demon said and set his eyes on the healer.

"Galbrek... Ravenovich? Oh dear, are you the one being chased all over the city by the law enforcement?" The woman looked frightened for a second before mustering a brave face. "You got to turn yourself in son." The old woman said softly.

"Fat chance, old woman! I am not going to turn myself in to some purebred asses. No, I have some work that needs to be done." The half-demon looked smug for a moment then looked to the woman. "Also I shall spare you for aiding me in restoring my body, consider this the highest honor someone of your kind could get." Galbrek explained as the woman settled down on her chair in a more relaxed manner.

"I cannot stop you I guess, but I will report to the law that you have been here. Please try to reconsider, no matter what has happened you still have a long life ahead of you." The old woman said in a motherly tone, which almost made the half-demon feel bad but at the same time want to throw up.

"M-master... Galbrek..." A female voice could be heard, not from the other room however. As some scathing sound could be heard across the floor, and appearing from behind the cloth covers leading to another room was a blonde girl. Not only that but a doll. It was Eve. She had survived? The half-demon widened his eyes abit at this surprise, his mouth momentarily open and at a loss of word before he collected himself. "Eve... you are alive...ish... but you are broken..." The half-demon looked over the broken doll, which had been patched up by some plastic bandages by the legs which had been cut off completely.

"Master... I have travelled so long... Celine is alive... she isn't coming back... Fegin left me with her.. he was in on it." The blonde doll explained with widened eyes. "Celine is still around and Fegin has gone behind my back? For telling me this... you will get a new body. Just like I just did." He gave a smile that was showing his sharp teeth, before he pushed himself off the bed, the healer woman still watching with a worried expression.

"I found her out in an alley, what is she? She isn't human that's for sure. A golem?" The old woman asked with curiousity.

"She's my servant... and a good one. I shall take care of her now. You are... dismissed." Galbrek said as he stood upon his legs, testing them to make sure he was indeed restored, his arms reached out and his hands turned into fists. He was truly restored. Thus he went right ahead to try pick up his broken doll personally. 'Fuck she's heavy. Should have used a lighter material...' He thought as he gave a look to the doll girl which was having almost glimmering eyes now that she were in the embrace of her saviour. It didn't take the half-demon a long time to kick open the door leading out of the operation room and went into the waiting room, within it he spotted Fegin and Giselle standing, as they were dolls there was little use to sit down as they had endless stamina as long as their bodies could hold.

"Fegin... surprised to... see me?" The blonde doll gave a sadistic looking smile at the jesterlike doll, and it didn't take Galbrek long to set his gaze at Fegin.

"I know what you did Fegin, but I am a merciful master. I shall let you off this time, due to your service so far. But If you fail me or go behind my back again, I will string you up and I will take back what I gave you." The half-demon warned and the jesterlike doll nodded, whilst surprised to see the more 'evil' doll having somehow survived.

"Now we will return to base and I shall begin to work on restoring my precious doll here... and you two are going to support her in bringing back Celine...'s head. Or I will have yours." He explained as he motioned for Giselle to open the door, which she did after some breathless sighs.

"After I have given dear Eve here a new body, we shall also have to do plenty of payback. I heard about this ball, it might be the right place to find a way." The half-demon's eyes glimmered as he devised his future plans.
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