Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Wheres the professor shipping? Also this armada of shipping could use some more...spicing. Mandi will expand where required!

Daww, poor Sanhan. She needs a buddy.

*Ears perk up*
But can he score the sisters.

I wanna charm the very best
Like Lanza never could
To snatch them girls my real quest
To lewd them is Mandi's cause

I will roam across the academy
Searching high and low
Each girl's skirt to lift with my hand
The slap will come in time

(Magic girls, gotta snatch 'em all)
Its Mandi and me
It could be my final symphony
(Magic girls!)
Oh, Kress you're my friend
With Berta we must pretend
(Magic girls, gotta snatch 'em all)
A mind with no clue!
My honesty will push me through!

You challenge me and I'll accept
Oh crap it's Nyx!
(gotta snatch 'em all)
Gotta snatch 'em all
@AThousandCurses And Soph just goes and proves her cuteness. Lol. Now that she's good and flustered, Ty can sit with her and talk about his village.

Its good to see you are along with me for this. Put the Ty next to her so she cannot easily get away from table if...no... when blushing.

Posted. (Sorry for not waiting for Soph and Kiara's reply, I just wanted to pump out Another post really bad in reaction to the rest.)

Mandi had snickered as Ty explained himself that he wasn't scared of Alberta, the hydromancer didn't quite believe that to be completely true, but there would surely be little gains to be had in arguing with the young man. While he had seemingly tossed that part of the challenge out the window, he did answer who he thought was the cutest girl around, and he had picked Sophiel. This had been followed by a soft nod of the head by Mandi, who looked more thoughtful than annoyed by the choice. While Kiara wasn't exactly ugly, the young mage could understand how Sophiel had been the top choice in this situation. What the young mage had not counted on however had been that Ty would have been so bold.

'He really answered that? Huh.. he really is an idiot after all. Brave and honest though...' Mandi had thought, whilst getting a more amused facial expression.

"Oooh, Sophiel you have an admirer~ Ty-rific." Mandi said in a soft and teasing tone towards Sophiel, giving a wink to her and then smiling over at Ty, who were now addressing another student.

'Oh it's the whirlwind idiot...' The mage thought, still bearing some annoyance with how that boy had burst into Yvaine the first day in class. "Rocks? Don't you mean- Oh hey Ankaa~" Mandi offered a slight wave on seeing the classmate offer some nods to those present, but there were more on the way to join them. That's when Yvaine appeared, and Mandi in turn sprung into action, almost dancing the way over to the kindhearted girl.

"Hello Yvaine~ Glad you made it~. Time for hoot-hoot to go scoot-scoot." Mandi smiled warmly indicating the train, the black and blonde coloured hair fell to one side then the other, as Mandi tilted the head from left and right in a cheery manner. Then the professor himself showed up with another student, a crowd was quickly gathering up. Nyx had told them that they could get free food and drinks on the train, that was a pretty good thing for the students. But knowing there were people like Ty, Mandi was confident that the academy coffers would soon come to deeply regret that. Speaking of Ty, it seemed like the professor had some special thing to speak with Ty and Kiara about. Mandi simply observed them, in a somewhat discreet manner, over Yvaine's shoulder. The ponderous thought that the young hydromancer had were cut short by the arrival of Alberta and Kress.

'Oh? That Alstein kid and the queen of pricks were abit late to join us... and this is too good to pass up on.' Mandi thought closely, before coughing into the right hand that the mage had just formed into a fist. The mage raised it's voice and spoke out towards Alberta.

"Were you two up too late last night, miss Alberta? You look exhausted! Mister Alstein you scoundrel~." Mandi snickered and then the mage's mouth turned into a wide grin, followed by pouty lips making a kissy face accompanied with some sounds to make the implied occurance so much more plain. Mandi soon after readied up, knowing that girl's temper it was good to be ready in case she would try something. Verbal or otherwise.
I would like to post again Before getting on the train. I cannot let this slip.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros and ???

'How dare they treat me as if I were some drunk, no even worse... a damned vulgar vagrant. Where is Feldrin? That useless good for nothing commander. How I miss that other one, what was his name again? Well then again they were quick to carry out the order to lop his head off. Too bad that I got the proof of his innocence so late, well no reason to weep for spilt wine. Even elven wine. Unless it's at least fourhundred years old...' The elf mused, thinking back to his younger years when he partook in the mass exile of some low quality elves. The governor felt abit guilty, he really should have executed them instead of sending them away, would have likely saved alot of future problems with them filthy dark elves breeding like rabbits.

The brightly and elegantly clad governor kept ascending the stairs, he briefly looked over his shoulder seeing some man turning another direction after having just gotten up the stairs. The ever caring and polite elven governor decided it was best not to spend any more seconds looking at someone who had absolutely no real worth. But then again, who within this entire hall had? As far as he knew, he was the purest elf there. None were as well dressed as him, none were as beautiful despite the detestable scar which were now forming on his face. His magical powers were almost unmatched, if it weren't for that accursed lich he would have taken the throne ages ago. Ofcourse he would never admit it, as that could put HIM on Aklenroth's list of enemies, and that was not something the elf was fond of speculating on.

While Aklenroth had allowed him to govern over the light elves, he was still annoyed that his skills would be wasted at such a meager position compared to being a king. How wonderful it would had been if he could have wiped out the dark elves, every last one. And while he would be at it, take the demi-humans and orcs along with it. The fairies however could still be useful. To serve drinks and perform tasks which were unbefitting for elves of his stature, or others who shared noble blood. Even if they weren't as pure as he was, they too deserved some privilges for being superior in both mind and body. The exploits of the elven race was truly something which Terneus was most fond of, for what could be greater than reinforcing yourself and those lesser that you are completely and legitimely right.

He huffed slightly as he got up the last pair of stairs leading to one of the balconies, how he really despised walking up stairs. His walk looks far more grand while descending down stairs, like the proper elven god as he truly was. Well the closest thing to a god anyways according to his benevolence. The elf took off his mask and took some fresh air, if one could consider the demi-human's city's air to be anything near fresh. But it would have to do in the absence of the elven realm. 'This city is revolting. More than in one way.' He thought and then coughed slightly, the air was really horrible compared to the elven lands. It even contained some duist particles. Dust particles? Way up where he was? There were a slight change in the wind around him, and his eyes slowly turned to the right and looking back at him were some bright seemingly glowing orange eyes sticking out of some dark shroud. The elf grabbed the mirror by his belt and swung out towards the eyes, which in that instant vanished and the shroud quickly hurled itself into the air. The elf could feel a grip on his wrist, but more than that he was now staring into the face of some nightmarish creature. What in the elven graces was this? The governor felt a chill along his spine, was this a demon of some kind? It bore pale skin, white long hair and with those piercing eyes locked into his. The creature bore some wings which were now halfway folded as it was holding itself upside down, using a single hand on the elf's wrist.

"Boo." The figure said, it's jagged cornerteeth protruding through an amused smile.

The elf gritted his teeth, it didn't matter what this thing was. It was touching his regal form, how dared it. "Don't touch me!" The governor cursed and spitted as he did, before he swung out with his other hand trying to punch it but it propelled itself up into the air still upside down, it's dark wings extending and revealing a pattern of large eyes within.

"My my, how fierce you are." The figure mocked with a soft laugh, as it twirled in the air, landing a distance away along the balcony railing.

"What manner of disgusting half-breed or demon are you? A moth drawn to my light?" The elf asked in a demanding manner, his one arm ready to pulverize this creature if he had to.

"No, I think it might be that your folly shines like a beacon in the starry night..." The moth fairy mused with a smirk on it's lips.

"You insolent creature, do you know who I am? I could have you hang by the morning. Unless I change my mind and blast you to pieces right now!" The elf warned with a threatening tone, his mouth making a frown. This creature was creeping him out.

"Oh.. let me see, you are that one elven governor who almost got himself killed some days ago. Seems you are about as old as you are foolish. I'm sure that wound is going to be great to tell your offspring, if your parts are still working after all the years that is." The fairy grinned and assumed a mocking look in his face.

"Die you cur!" Terneus growled and raised his hand to shoot a ray of light towards the fairy, who went airborne in an instant as if he had foreseen the move ages ago, the soundless ray of light travelled across the sky and finally struck what seemed like a stable not too far away from the building itself. A carriage had been struck most violently by his powerful magic, the elf would have felt a slight amount of pride on seeing the devestation of just a single beam. The ornate looking carriage had been split in two with a scorching hole through it. It was in that moment that he felt it was a shame on a not too bad carriage, now when he thought about it. It seemed abit familiar. And that it was. It was after all his own. Parked neatly in the vicinity so that his grace wouldn't have to walk too far. The elf could feel another thread pop from his wound on realizing he had ruined his own transportation to get home, this fairy was going to pay dearly for this. Terneus looked to the fairy, which very quickly dashed behind some trees and buildings adjacent to the grand structure.

'Such impudent-' The elf thought in a fit of rage before he took a deep breath in and adjusted his composure, it wasn't becoming of an elf of his stature to be petty or overly grudgeful. Even so. Terneus was going to get his hands on that pig faced man, the fairy princess and this damned moth fairy thing along with all the rest later.
When i wrote 'spice things up' I may have meant to add more fuel to the fire...

I mean take for example, what could happen if Alberta finds her pair of stolen undergaements in Ty's bag... this is ofcourse just an example, as there is surely no way anyone would do something like that. Right?
Much shipping and even skinshipping. And love triangles, like Professor Nyx X His ego X His lexicon.

Let see how much challenges Ty can endure first though. Mandi has some outright devious plans.
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