Baraian Paladice
The dark elf had watched with both intrigue and worry at the display that had appeared before the people in the great hall. Whilst listening to her plea and words of rebellion, he knew that it was of outmost importance he found the others. While Kuroi had aided him against that self-important governor, he was also surely not fully into the whole rebel thing. When it came to 'the little miss' as he liked to think of her, she was doing good work on leading the group. She would certainly lead better than he ever did, and doing so it would leave him with more freedom himself so he could undertake some covert operations.
It was important to drag as many as possible into the coming wars, not only drag people to rebel but to drag people into a massive war to seize the throne after the lich would be dealt with. People which had to be eliminated after the rebellion would have to include this Risa Millinia, Terneus Andros and also the little miss who currently leads the Golden Death. Only then could there be usurpers and infighting and true chaos, which would draw Avalia towards the end it deserved. They were all equally guilty in pushing the world towards it's self-destruction, and thus had to all vanish.
'Destroy each other, and keep on until nothing remains. Drown in the pit you've dug for yourselves, you ever greedy and wretched fools. I've seen the darkness of this world, it is time it consumed everything once and for all. Put an end to it all.' He slowly turned around and began to walk towards the entrance of the large hall, going along the walls to avoid the possible stampede of people in the middle. He wasn't intending on dying just yet. The appearance of Dionaea's body was further proof to him that the world was deserving what it would be getting.
"Whoa, that's what I like to call an entrance..." Zelginn said in a mumbling manner to himself, looking at the display that Risa had put forth before all present. The fox-eared figure blinked a few times and then smiled.
'Oh boy! Things are going to get really fun really soon isn't it?' He thought in a childish manner, his entire form squirming in joy.
'I am going to have so much fun! Finally!' He grinned, and continued to watch with a highly satisfied look on his face, even more so when he beheld what had happened to Dionaea.
'Someone has played with their food... speaking of food...' He thought in a darker way, as his eyes glanced over towards Myra. The small figure then began to scurry and press his way past people on his way closer to Myra so he could easily stalk her as soon as she began to move.
Terneus Andros
The noble elf raised an eyebrow aloft on seeing in the corner of his eye into the great hall as there was a slight commotion. There was no time to wait for the elven woman and her seemingly beastial servant to acknowledge his grandeur. What was going on in there? Terneus began to turn fully and move indoors, looking over the railing into the hall. It sure was high up but it gave quite the view. It was the fairy girl in the fancy dress, or rather fancy for a fairy. It wasn't elvenmade after all and not really on a competetive level with his own fine apparel, at least to himself.
'A rebellion? At this place? How untactful.' He thought, thinking he would -never- act without some manner of tact. After all, he was as wise as he was clever, of this there was no doubt in the ever growing mind of the governor.
'Dark elves evil? Ofcourse they are... wait what? Encountered evil? No no that's wrong. Live alongside dark elves? Is she an idiot? How I hate these would be idealists. The ideal world is one without the unclean. How is that so difficult to understand? Ahh, I expect far too much for the inferior.' The governor grimaced as he leaned over the railing, this was putting him in a difficult seat. He wanted nothing more than get rid of that lich king, but he didn't want to possibly endanger his own beautiful existance. It wasn't the liberation of the land, the death of a king or the rebellion overall which was concerning him the most. It was himself, and what he could get out of it. The elf felt physically ill on looking at the display of Dionaea's body, even if it were a pathetic creature compared to himself it still was overly sadistic and lacking in style. Typically dark elven no doubt.
At least people could look up to him from his vantage point, as it should be according to him. But they were distracted by the display, that wouldn't do. He had to put on an image which could benefit his own ascension. Thus he gathered his voice and pointed with one of his arms.
"Guards! Close the gates! Don't let the rebels escape! Capture them for his majesty!" Terneus yelled across the ballroom as high as he could, this was such a great moment to earn more wealth and be the subject of noble gossip for times to come, and display his high virtues, leadership and decisiveness. He felt prideful after his own words, he felt so overwhelmed by his own performance that he felt like kissing himself, but alas such would have to wait. He didn't want people to think him to be self-centred, narcissistic or anything but humble.
At times he felt like he could compare himself with the wind, forceful and strong when he had to be, and gentle and cool when such was required. But now was a time of action, the governor turned around to begin to move down the stairs to 'take control' of the guards or to make them look sloppy. This opportunity must not be missed.
Elthrael Vol'Kerno
The moth fairy had spent abit of time relaxing on top of a rooftop, overlooking the large building which the ball was held within, after his little encounter with that arrogant governor. Watching various people from the rooftops were at least a way to pass time, someone in particular did catch his interest however. He could easily recognize a pair which was now located near a tree, whereof the female were now up into it. It was Risa and Kyran.
'Oh? What's this then? What are you doing, princess?' He thought to himself as he focused his golden gaze ahead, Risa seemed to hold unto something. The darkwinged fairy began to softly smile.
"So that's it.. eh?" He said softly before pushing himself off the building, taking flight.
If Risa and Kyran were outside, they were certainly being watched from the darkness. Elthrael knew that many dark elves knew magic to camoflague themselves in shadows. They were surely going to be captured unless...
The fairy darted behind a few houses and rooftops until he got closer to the location, and that's when he saw the girl sink down on her knees on the large branch she had been standing on. Elthrael quickly fluttered his wings and flew forth, from a higher elevation, diving down and attempting to grab hold of Risa in order to lift her up into the air. This moment were too good to pass up on, the foxboy was below and Elsea were nowhere in sight.
"Time to fly!" He said quickly, his cornerteeth visible and he threw a mocking glance over his shoulder towards Kyran as he attempted to snatch the princess.