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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Zelginn Darkmane

The 'chicken-stealing' demon had eluded the snapping jaws of the wolf like creature, not only that but she had slashed away at his side using her own claws. Zelginn's head quickly turned at the jaw snapped after the white demoness as she jumped away from him. The stinging pain in the side caused by Myra's claws, the scent of blood and the rage boiled in the dark beast. Zelginn lunged after her, it was almost as if she was taunting him. This made him even more thirsty, as he crashed through a few tables and chairs, with some unfortunate people being caught in the path got trampled.

'Fast! So fast! I like fast food! You make me salivate!' The beast thought, picturing the moment when it's jaws would clasp down around it's prey and crush it. The large black wolf-fox like creature snarled as it readied to pounce on Myra, despite her being awfully quick, the beast was only thinking of making her it's dinner. The beast lunged forwards, but mid flight it was stopped dead in it's tracks as some things had attached themselves to him. Zelginn let out a loud whine, as a dog which had gotten stung by a bee, before looking to what was holding it stuck. Chains. Magicals chains were attached to it's limbs. The beast turned it's head around, spotting a man standing still amidst the chaos. Zelginn attempted to break the chains by brute force, but they would not break, he was stuck. The man didn't waste time, he yelled out some orders for his allies. Zelginn was far too riled up to pay much heed to the command, but he did watch that mage's movements. The man quickly hurled a magical energy spear towards him, seemingly aiming for his restricted limb.

Zelginn, the Spellbane then opened his jaws wide on seeing the magical spear fly towards him, and as the spear came into contact with his fanged jaws it seemed to vaporize into nothingness. The jaws quickly closed and he snarled at O'Ner menecingly, the mage which had trapped and attacked him. Zelginn proceeded to open his jaws again and bit down on the chains restricting him, causing the magic to vaporize upon getting into contact with the snapping jaws. The beast took a second to watch the mage before looking towards it's initial target, which seemed to be tempting him. And he gave chase again, using it's head and neck to hurl a man who got caught into the path several meters up into the air.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

He had successfully managed to grab hold of Risa and lift her up into the air and Kyran would surely be unable now to catch them. The reaction he wanted from Kyran was partly obtained in that his rage got the better of him, to the point of him changing his very shape. Elthrael had previously assumed the big fox which had fought against the dark elven warrior time past, had been Kyran. Yet this transformation was nothing like that. It were as if the young man had thrown away all sense of reason and turning into some more primal beast on two legs.

'Oh? You've lost! You vicious vulpine! More than the lady, you even lost yourself! How truly ironic!' He thought with glee as he watched over his own shoulder, carrying Risa who was beating on his arms in an attempt to let her go. He couldn't let her go now. The moth fairy had seen these kind of creatures before, the one which Kyran had turned himself into, although they were extremely rare in the forest he dwelled in, they were most surely more common the further north you went. Kyran, or rather the beast he had turned into had given chase for abit, but soon changed his direction. Once himself and Risa had gained sufficient elevation he turned his attention on her.

'To think that foxboy had that kind of thing in him... even so a power you cannot control is not a power but a curse.' He thought to himself, thinking back to Elsea momentarily before looking over Risa.

"She needs you? Who does? Your friends? There are things you can and cannot do princess. Your friends such as Elsea are beyond any help which may be given right now, you know these words be true. Foxboy even turned into some frenzied beast." Elthrael said in a calm tone of voice, without looking at her, the fairy inspected the large building to the side which almost seemed to shake and there were screaming within. The trap had been sprung and now the ones which triggered it would have to pay the price for doing so. The moth fairy softly shook his head to himself. He had refused to enter the place himself, keeping himself however in the vicinity just for the potential to snatch Risa and fly off with her.

"Risa.. you are too important to this world than you know, without you the rebellion will ultimately bring the rise of a new tyrant if Aklenroth is indeed defeated... everything would be for naught. Everyone would want a chance at his throne if there is no clear powerful successor to bring back order, and who has the support of the people. Your friends, family... these humans... all would have died in vain for a peace which would never come. As long as you live, the claim on the fairy throne can be used to bring true order back to this world after the lich is defeated. This is your destiny Risa, this is the path you are meant to take. The hope that so many has no doubt has died believing in, and still believe in. Join with me and we can destroy Aklenroth together and bring this world peace under a grand fairy empire."

"As of now Risa, I am the only one who has not abandoned you. I will not allow them to harm you. You are under my protection now." He said softly, trying to comfort her by looking to her face. He began to fly towards the north, further away from the large building and the screams within it. "We cannot help the ones within, to keep you alive is to aid the rebellion and keep the beacon of hope lit. The dreams and hopes they all shared." He said softly to Risa's ear, his eyes darting around to survey the surroundings for any dark elves or beastlike foxboys.

'Now I just need to get her to one of the fairy kingdoms and the right to the throne will soon be mine. Oh I wonder if you will make it on time for the wedding, oh ever persistant foxboy.' Elthrael mused inside of his head, as of this moment things were all in his hands. He was the one holding the cards now, now he just needed to play them right.

"Do you believe in destiny, princess Risa?~" He asked softly in a seductive manner of voice.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Upon hearing the words of Caius, the dark elf had remained quiet and leaning up against one of the walls in the grand hall. He knew that the possibility of a trap being made was highly possible, but the humans would nontheless likely be drawn towards it like moths to the flame.

'In life or death. All hail the king, the king will soon be dead. Along with everything else.' Baraian thought to himself, watching the attendees get more unruly and panic strickened, even more so when some winged woman had opened a rift. This was not a calculation that Baraian had expected, even less the large demon which came through it and began to spread chaos across the entire room. Grabbing, stepping and barging through various people. Even seemingly eating some. This enemy was not something he could easily dispatch on his own, especially not with his recent injury. When he thought of it, who within the ballroom could possibly stop this juggernaut of a creature from ending the rebellion right here? This wasn't good, if the rebellion would die here then he would have to spend who knows how many years to build up another Golden Death and wait for a second wave of humans. This obviously was not a liked option. He had waited too long for this, the earth and skies screamed for revolution and liberation. It had to be given to it right now.

There had been various humans revealing themselves in the grand hall, much to his own displeasure, whilst he had expected someone to yell out and cause a mess. To have so many of them reveal themselves were simply just folly to him. So much folly in fact that he realized that at least one of these humans must have been aligned with the lich king, attempting to lure the rest out by stating their stance. This was a most likely case, and such also concluded there were a very cunning human about. Just how gifted were these humans anyhow? That even the lich king feared them so much? They must not die so early in the rebellion, that was important to Baraian. They needed to further spread mayhem across the land. Drive the elves, the fairies, the demi-humans, orcs, dark elves... every race on Avalia had to be plunged into the conflict. They however had to band together first to kill the lich, after that he could personally support each faction by giving them useful information about the rest. So that the most amount of damage could be done. Drawing the largest armies to duke it out with each other until nothing would remain.

It was this dream, the only reason he still drew breath. The world he hated and the creatures which inhabitated it, himself included had to be rooted out and disappear forever. The dark elf's thoughts fell on Illan for a moment. If only all would have been like Ilan then there would be no reason for the world to be destroyed, however the real world wasn't as kind as such a fairy tale! The dark elf slid his way across the wall of the grand hall, glancing to the warded exits as people slammed into them, trying to get away.

'There's something beautiful about seeing the true nature of life being shown at the verge of death. Trying to save each other, step on one-another, trying to press yourselves over the bodies of others. You all deserve to die in this world, together with me.' He thought as he lowered his head, watching some other large beast rampage in another section of the hall. The rebellion had to survive for now however, if there were no exit to be taken, there had to be an exit made. The dark elf glanced at one of the large walls of the building. If he could lure that brute of a demon to slam with it's massive arms or weight it could possibly breach the walls, thus creating a passage for the rebellion to live on.

He relocated himself to a fitting wall where he thought it was thin enough, before he reached out with his dark magics, his aim set on the large creature. Whilst knowing his magic would no doubt only be able to tickle it, as long as he could grab it's attention he could possibly lure it to do as he please. He readied himself also for the moment when he had to dip into the shadowy magic to avoid getting flattened or grabbed by the thing. To make sure the little miss which was leading the Golden Death was also important. She was after all unwittingly doing his work for him and would save him much strain and bother.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Zelginn had perked his ears up and his tail had flapped from side to side very fast on hearing Caius words to the crowd of people within the grand hall. Then moments later Caius had revealed his true form, and it was one which Zelginn knew of. But not only that, Azriel had opened a rift to welcome an old aqquaintence into the ball. The fox boy smiled broadly when he saw who it was.

"Ahaha? This is great! I haven't seen him in ages!" He said aloud in a cheery manner to some frightened women next to him, some of whom had pinched his cheeks earlier. The looks on their faces were that of terror and stress, they couldn't understand what had caused the small boy to be so cheerful.

"It's time~" He snickered before he leaned down abit, placing his hands on the floor as darkness would begin to swirl around him, his small frame beginning to distort and grow. His limbs extending, his face elongating and his tail growing longer. The eyes of the fox-looking boy had soon shifted in both shape and colours as his form began to grow, and grow and grow. His hands and feet turned into large clawed paws, his teeth and jaw grew significantly. His white fur began to become grey and then darker until it became black. The form was growing to the size of a horse before it stopped and the large black fur ridden tail swirled around, knocking a few people over. The fox boy was gone, and had been replaced with a creature of nightmares, close akin to that of the demon which was now unleashed into the room.

"Grr! Darrrkmane hungers! Let us feassssst dear brotherrr, to honor our motherrrr and the rrrrightful king!" A growling voice came from the fur clad beast, as he lifted his head to unleash a terrifying howl across the room, his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings until he found what he was looking for. The woman which had taken his food before. Myra. Zelginn took a lunging leap forwards, biting hold of some unfortunate souls in his path towards Myra, hurling them to the sides and into the direction of Ahzmorath.

She ate his chicken, now he was going to eat her. His jaws opened wide as he attempted to snap them shut around Myra would he get close enough.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

One of the noble eyebrows of Terneus had risen slighlty upon hearing one of the ball attendees raise his voice and address the crowd which were scattered all over the grand hall. It was with a mixture of disgust and rolling of his eyes that he listened to the man, who was obviously trying really hard to flatter the king. What did the lich king have that he didn't have? Aside from his powers. Terneus was confident that he was indeed more fashionable, more fair in both judgement and looks and far more liked by the people. Especially his people. Ofcourse there were every now and then a critic, but such could easily be dealt with using ol'chop chop. The somewhat cheery name for the guilliotine located in the middle of the light elven place where Terneus governed. As a sign of his power over life and death, of justice and order. This man which had addressed the crowd however seemed to not be what he appeared to be. The noble elf seemed to recall seeing him before, but maybe it was just his imagination. After all, commoners and those of not as noble blood as his own all looked the same. More or less. The new form the man had taken were however far more grotesque, and to what Terneus was concerned this man was no man at all. He was a monster... or a demon... to Terneus these words were more or less the same and not overly far away from orcs, dark elves or demi-humans either.

The governor reached for his napkin, placing it before his nose as if to ward off some possible incoming smell.

'Yeuch. Revolting. All these heaps of meat and no brains.' The elf thought from his elevated position, leaning slightly over the railing to observe what was going on below.

Terneus could soon after see a winged creature, whereof it was male or female was beyond even his perception. Not like there was an easy way to distinguish one kind of dirt with another anyhow, at least that's how he regarded it. It wasn't an important matter. But the feathered thing had tossed something in the middle of the hall and hurling something quick to hit it. Even the overly gifted and humble governor had to agree it was indeed a quick action. Then came the rift. The elf pushed himself off the railing and took a step back, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping slightly. What was going on?

'What in the pure elven graces is going on? A DROM? No this is-' He felt sweat falling down his face and he suddenly felt both warm and cold at the same time, a cold shiver down his spine as he watched as a large creature, far larger than the one which had spoken to the crowd, had begin to make it's way through the rift.

'A demon. An old demon. He thought quickly, trying to fathom that this was indeed happening and he was located within the same building as the rebel scum and this monstrousity. The elf stood still for a few moments, watching as the demon crushed a few people under it's feet. One of them being the pigfaced man who he had encountered earlier, then the demon had swooped down and picked up a dark elf. Not just any dark elf but Commander Dreadclaw. Terneus blinked a few moments, as if trying to collect himself. Was this really happening? Then the demon had bitten down on the dark elf, seemingly killing him.

"Yes!" He exclaimed in a joyous manner, his hand tightening into a fist as he raised it slightly, he felt like he had scored a victory on seeing one of his enemies get killed. Before he snapped back to the grave situation, there was something far more important than looking at the carnage and destruction of his enemies, or capturing rebels or a human. That thing was to preserve his own life, for what was more important? He couldn't think of anything even coming close. Then he turned around swiftly and began to move up the stairs towards the balcony, he had to find a way to get down from that place.

'While those mindless sheep get butchered in there, I shall use my great intellect and make my own retreat...' He thought in a smug manner, if such a thing even was possible. That's when he went facefirst into an invisible wall, his mask slamming into something he couldn't see. The mask fell off his face and began to fall down the stairs before stopping.

'What?! A warding here? You must be jesting with me! I am not going to be made a fool of, not here, not anywhere! Not ever! These damned stairs.' He mentally cursed his predicament as he turned back to move down the stairs to the railing where he had stood before, albeit a distance away from it, just for safety measures.

'Where is that useless piece of trash Commander Feldrin. This is all his fault.' The elf grunted lowly as he surveyed the grand hall and the demon again, and then he saw his commander. He was moving towards the direction of the stairs, albeit closely to the middle of the room. 'Ahh there he is, once I get my hands on that good for nothing...' Terneus snarled and glared in the direction of his commander who moments later bumped into another person and fell to the floor, before the demon descended it's feet at him, crushing him in an instant, leaving only a bloody mess behind.

'Argh! That idiot! Now I need to find another commander, how I hate having to do all the hard work all the time. Elven gods of old, why must you test me so?' He lamented in grief, not over losing his commander, but over him having to waste time finding another.

If only he could get outside, he could make it to his carriage and- his carriage... The elf's face grew grim and his frown clear as day. How could he have been trapped indoors with these rats and none had told him? Was it that difficult to alert the most highly esteemed and respected elf of the lands that something was being prepared for the rebels? So what could he do now? It was wreaking havoc below, and he had no intention of putting himself on the line unless he knew he could gain something from it. If the rebels would somehow fight it and be winning... then maybe he could unleash his powerful magics on it and get the glory. But that would earn the ire of the king. But if he just stayed up there and the rebels lost, then he could possibly have to face that demon by himself.

Ofcourse no low-life demon, no matter it's size could possibly stand against his brilliant mind and magic, but if there were no witnesses of his heroic and legendary power, how could he possibly benefit from it. The dilemmas plagued him as he watched the chaos unfold from his little nest. Sooner or later the wards would surely go down and then he could withdraw from there. Even if everyone else in the hall had to die, as long as he made it out it would all be worth it. As long as he survived. His eye began to twitch violently as his sanity began to tingle.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

The dark elf had watched with both intrigue and worry at the display that had appeared before the people in the great hall. Whilst listening to her plea and words of rebellion, he knew that it was of outmost importance he found the others. While Kuroi had aided him against that self-important governor, he was also surely not fully into the whole rebel thing. When it came to 'the little miss' as he liked to think of her, she was doing good work on leading the group. She would certainly lead better than he ever did, and doing so it would leave him with more freedom himself so he could undertake some covert operations.

It was important to drag as many as possible into the coming wars, not only drag people to rebel but to drag people into a massive war to seize the throne after the lich would be dealt with. People which had to be eliminated after the rebellion would have to include this Risa Millinia, Terneus Andros and also the little miss who currently leads the Golden Death. Only then could there be usurpers and infighting and true chaos, which would draw Avalia towards the end it deserved. They were all equally guilty in pushing the world towards it's self-destruction, and thus had to all vanish.

'Destroy each other, and keep on until nothing remains. Drown in the pit you've dug for yourselves, you ever greedy and wretched fools. I've seen the darkness of this world, it is time it consumed everything once and for all. Put an end to it all.' He slowly turned around and began to walk towards the entrance of the large hall, going along the walls to avoid the possible stampede of people in the middle. He wasn't intending on dying just yet. The appearance of Dionaea's body was further proof to him that the world was deserving what it would be getting.


"Whoa, that's what I like to call an entrance..." Zelginn said in a mumbling manner to himself, looking at the display that Risa had put forth before all present. The fox-eared figure blinked a few times and then smiled.

'Oh boy! Things are going to get really fun really soon isn't it?' He thought in a childish manner, his entire form squirming in joy.

'I am going to have so much fun! Finally!' He grinned, and continued to watch with a highly satisfied look on his face, even more so when he beheld what had happened to Dionaea.

'Someone has played with their food... speaking of food...' He thought in a darker way, as his eyes glanced over towards Myra. The small figure then began to scurry and press his way past people on his way closer to Myra so he could easily stalk her as soon as she began to move.

Terneus Andros

The noble elf raised an eyebrow aloft on seeing in the corner of his eye into the great hall as there was a slight commotion. There was no time to wait for the elven woman and her seemingly beastial servant to acknowledge his grandeur. What was going on in there? Terneus began to turn fully and move indoors, looking over the railing into the hall. It sure was high up but it gave quite the view. It was the fairy girl in the fancy dress, or rather fancy for a fairy. It wasn't elvenmade after all and not really on a competetive level with his own fine apparel, at least to himself.

'A rebellion? At this place? How untactful.' He thought, thinking he would -never- act without some manner of tact. After all, he was as wise as he was clever, of this there was no doubt in the ever growing mind of the governor.

'Dark elves evil? Ofcourse they are... wait what? Encountered evil? No no that's wrong. Live alongside dark elves? Is she an idiot? How I hate these would be idealists. The ideal world is one without the unclean. How is that so difficult to understand? Ahh, I expect far too much for the inferior.' The governor grimaced as he leaned over the railing, this was putting him in a difficult seat. He wanted nothing more than get rid of that lich king, but he didn't want to possibly endanger his own beautiful existance. It wasn't the liberation of the land, the death of a king or the rebellion overall which was concerning him the most. It was himself, and what he could get out of it. The elf felt physically ill on looking at the display of Dionaea's body, even if it were a pathetic creature compared to himself it still was overly sadistic and lacking in style. Typically dark elven no doubt.

At least people could look up to him from his vantage point, as it should be according to him. But they were distracted by the display, that wouldn't do. He had to put on an image which could benefit his own ascension. Thus he gathered his voice and pointed with one of his arms. "Guards! Close the gates! Don't let the rebels escape! Capture them for his majesty!" Terneus yelled across the ballroom as high as he could, this was such a great moment to earn more wealth and be the subject of noble gossip for times to come, and display his high virtues, leadership and decisiveness. He felt prideful after his own words, he felt so overwhelmed by his own performance that he felt like kissing himself, but alas such would have to wait. He didn't want people to think him to be self-centred, narcissistic or anything but humble.

At times he felt like he could compare himself with the wind, forceful and strong when he had to be, and gentle and cool when such was required. But now was a time of action, the governor turned around to begin to move down the stairs to 'take control' of the guards or to make them look sloppy. This opportunity must not be missed.

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The moth fairy had spent abit of time relaxing on top of a rooftop, overlooking the large building which the ball was held within, after his little encounter with that arrogant governor. Watching various people from the rooftops were at least a way to pass time, someone in particular did catch his interest however. He could easily recognize a pair which was now located near a tree, whereof the female were now up into it. It was Risa and Kyran. 'Oh? What's this then? What are you doing, princess?' He thought to himself as he focused his golden gaze ahead, Risa seemed to hold unto something. The darkwinged fairy began to softly smile. "So that's it.. eh?" He said softly before pushing himself off the building, taking flight.

If Risa and Kyran were outside, they were certainly being watched from the darkness. Elthrael knew that many dark elves knew magic to camoflague themselves in shadows. They were surely going to be captured unless...

The fairy darted behind a few houses and rooftops until he got closer to the location, and that's when he saw the girl sink down on her knees on the large branch she had been standing on. Elthrael quickly fluttered his wings and flew forth, from a higher elevation, diving down and attempting to grab hold of Risa in order to lift her up into the air. This moment were too good to pass up on, the foxboy was below and Elsea were nowhere in sight.

"Time to fly!" He said quickly, his cornerteeth visible and he threw a mocking glance over his shoulder towards Kyran as he attempted to snatch the princess.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

"I can recognize one of my kind from a far distance, to mistake you for being anything else would be folly if not outright unfitting." The governor said in a satisfied tone, it was more a indication to his own vast skills of perception and deduction rather than the woman herself. After all, he was the one who truly mattered in the end, at least to his gracious self.

"Former lady-in-waiting to a queen?" Terneus raised an eyebrow aloft, as he said it in a surprised manner. What were this woman on about? There were no queens as far as he knew, them royals had been dealt with way back, either by abdication or... misplacement. This elven woman, which was now being graced with his impressive presence. She was behaving in a suspicious way. Not only did she have the gall to mention the attack on his person, but also having the audacity to remind him of it. He gritted his teeth slightly before replying.

"As for the humans, they fetch a fine price on being captured and brought to his majesty, Aklenroth Grimuth. And rivaling my power? Obviously it would have to involve trickery and other forms of sneaky and underhanded things, I mean how else could they possibly pose a threat to me or the king? You worries are noted, but I can assure you that your benevolent benefactor is quite safe. I mean, it took thirty-seven assassins to even lay a hand of me. I am sure you didn't hear all about it as most of them died or scattered before my brilliant radiance. Despite all this a human does bring out curiousity, even in one so highly humble as myself."

Terneus began to stroke his own attire in a satisfied manner, it felt great hearing his own voice at times. It always seemed to bring him out of thinking of more damned things. "Dear Caius? Have you given it a name? Next it might eveN try speak properly. Oh and I do know how so many can be arrogant, I mean those would-be-assassins certainly were arrogant beyond belief. Aha-hah." He gave an amused chuckle, which some seemed like mock laugh. Then the creature, whatever species it was decided it was time to practice manners, which made the ever watchful protector of the elves raise his other eyebrow.

"So it can make sentences, not only receive them. How quaint. Oh and for certain your... people if you can call them that are indeed plagued." The elf said in softer tone as he stroked his ego, making him feel like this was indeed a good time to display his fairness in a different light. The elf spread his arms and manifested a very bright light to surround him, like the shine of the sun. "Am I not truly stunning to you, beastman? Am I not as radiant as the stars?" He said in a higher tone, surfing on his own magnificence as if it were a wave out at the sea, but even the seas could surely not compare with his grand visage.

Though as the elf was beaming with light he came back to the thought. 'Queen. Avalia has no queen... this woman is attempting to deceive me. I am not certain if I should be impressed of her bravery or folly. I will pry it from her, all elves fall under -my- governance.' The elf smiled as the light began to fade. "I think we should speak more after this here ball." He looked to Elsea, his eyes travelling over Umber on it's way there, but his eyes wouldn't linger on him. Who knews what illness of the eyes which he could attain by watching something so inferior and ugly compared to his grandeur.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

It had gone a few moments since the fairy had vanished outside of the building, the governor found himself glaring all around in an attempt to spot it again but to little avail, thus he turned around and was about to head back indoors. He saw an elven woman approach the balcony seemingly enjoying the breeze outdoors. 'Such a simple elven woman. Most likely moon elven, judging by her less noble features.' The governor considered, before settling on to not greet or converse with her at all. After all people could possibly gossip that he is interested in moon elves, which itself made him feel ill.

Speaking of things which were ill, he began to wonder if there were indeed any humans hidden amongst the crowd. There could be a high possibility of it, but to what he was concerned, there was no way a human would be able to remain hidden for long in his presence. Once more he allowed himself to delve into his memories of his younger years, of just how keen his eyes and ears were, and how much grander his race were than all other. He had at the time felt pity for anyone non-elven in his younger years, for they would never know how great it truly was to be amongst the pure and wise elves. To never be able to look down on your lessers and have others look up towards you as a demigod. The very memory made the governor smile softly, as he felt that tickling feeling inside again. 'Curse your existance, you of lesser birth.'. The woman had left when he had been too busy with himself, but such a thing was inevitable, she was most certainly moon elven and he knew how those were.

Then he noticed the man next to him, who at his arrival had escaped the governor's notice. After all, he couldn't possibly memorize or make note of every lesser creature who happened to be graced with his presence. Though it were also times such as this where it was interesting to see a lesser creature in it's full glory, which according to the governor were not impressive at all. This one looked simply... distasteful. Terneus reached for his napkin to place it before his nose, as the very thought of sharing the same air as that creature was making him feel the urge to throw up.

'What is it doing here? Go away.. shoo you filthy creature. Crawl back to your badger hole.' He thought and set his eyes on a woman which had arrived shortly after said man. The woman was humming on some tune, it caused Terneus ears to perk up. What manner of elven tune was this? It wasn't one he had heard before, could it be moon elven? No. It didn't sound -that- bad. Which must mean she was a fellow noble. One of his kin. He threw a glance to the man next to her, now when he thought about it. A human could possibly disguise themselves as a beast and be able to sneak about in there. They were possibly crafty and capable, otherwise Aklenroth wouldn't be looking for them.

Terneus allowed himself to ponder of what he would name a human if he would catch one. What possible tricks could it learn, and more importantly could it's magic be harvested? Perhaps this elven woman had heard anything, and since she were kin and being close, why not ask her? But before he had the chance to formulate his epic introduction and titles, that underhanded beast had the audacity to address a kin of his and attempt some crude flattery. But in it's inferiority, how could it not? Then he proceeded to flatter her more and introducing himself.

"Ahem! Madam. There is no need for you to speak with a creature of his standing, whatever you call yourself beast, it isn't worth to remember for us of fairer life and fortune than yourself. Do yourself the favor and scram. I am certain you have peasant things to do? I am Lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves. I am certain you've heard of my exploits, beauty and power, fair miss?" He placed one of his hands at his waist whilst the other he attempted to wave away Umber as if he were a fly.

"Tell me have you heard anything about these humans? Afraid in my strainful way of work, I have had so very little time to converse with others in regards to recent happenings. And I won't take gossip from..." He took a moment and glanced to Umber, holding his breath momentarily before resuming. "...lesser things."
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

To navigate through all the tall folks at the ball was no easy feat for one so short, Zelginn found himself however determined to get back to the food table. His sniffing skills were however of little use here with all the rich perfume, sweat and other various scents got in the way. Then he saw him. A man who carried himself with such grace, his movements so smooth and his attire really formal. But more importantly he carried food with him. It was a waiter. Zelginn quickly licked his lips and began to advance, there was nothing that could stop him from ambushing this walking feast. Or so he thought. From above came a hand, and then another hand and the fingers latched unto his face. The fur clad little boy gasped and struggled, looking up to what manner of lout was getting in his way. It was a woman, an older one. No.. there were a couple. But this one had grabbed unto his cheek and was squeezing it.

"Aww! What a cute little boy! How did you get in here?" The woman said while pinching his cheek with her fingers, and soon enough her associates, which were three other women all placed their hands on him, one lifted him by the back of his collar, another one grabbed his other cheek and the last was toying with his ears.

"Hey! Let go off- Stop that! Let me dow- That's my ear, keep your overgrown greasy fingers off my-" His voice was muffled as one of them was hugging his smaller frame.

'I will devour you, I will feast on your souls!' The boy thought in a much darker tone, before he finally saw a glimse of hope when a pigfaced man and his duck-looking dancepartner tried to speak to one of the women.

"Here's my chance!" He said aloud and did a brief jump, leaping out of the grasp of the women and into the crowd, but he did spot the waiter in the distance.

'Where is he? I can smell it! He's over there!' The small figure chased after the scent of meat, and such a sweet smell it was, it was getting closer and his mouth was beginning to water and then he saw the waiter. The man had put the food down close to some kind of odd looking big woman with white fur.

"No way! Sto-" Zelginn gathered his voice and was about to yell when someone bumped into him and he lost his voice, taking a moment to catch himself he then laid his eyes on something horrible. The creature, whatever it was was feasting on HIS food! It was eating the meat which he had hunted, the realization that he had lost his food to this woman made him so angry he had to breathe in and out really quickly. 'What a glutton...you big oaf...you thief...' He was feeling all warm and almost boiling, this was unbearable. He had to get some of that meat, it had to be liberated from her greedy claws. But then the woman had even given parts of it away to another overgrown figure, to add salt to the injury which the small figure was feeling.

'Well, If I cannot eat that meat, I am going to eat you later.' The fox-boy looked on with a stern and annoyed glance, trying his best to contain his temper.

May I still create a character and add it to ooc whilst being on waitinglist?

Just to give a glimse of what I would bring would there be enough space later or it being up for consideration.
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