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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

The dark elf looked over those in his company, Kuroi, Ayita and Torvi. Baraian's face was dripping with sweat, there was a clear tension on his face. It was important to leave the city as quickly as they could, before the dark elven guards could apprehend them for questioning. If there was even going to be such a thing. Perhaps his heritage could get them out of such a situation, yet a perhaps was not comforting enough. They had to leave for the north, find refuge at one of the port towns north of Roshmi. That was their best bet, from there they could plan their next move.

"My vulpine friend. We best keep moving, things are going to get alot worse before it gets any good. Let's move northwards shall we? We must regroup with other survivors. The king's men will search every corner of the city, including the slums, we best be swift and cautious. They will find every hiding place there is in this city even the haven. But the members have most surely withdrawn from there in advance. Right now we need to focus our efforts where most needed. With the fairy princess and our leader." Baraian spoke in his monotone voice as he was moving with hastily steps, he was eager to get out of the city. The more rebels that could evade the king the better.

"Proper introductions will have to wait. I am Baraian." He said in a stressed voice, his face displaying that he was likely running all manner of scenarios and calculations in his head.


Present day

Pacific Point, CA

The happy chirping of birds rung in the ears of a young man, who were dressed in a tan suit. He sat perched upon a large boulder overlooking the wilderness outside of Los Angeles. The sun beamed with a light that could contend with that of his own, at least that was what he believed. Without that shining light in the sky, the world would be a cold and dead place devoid of any life. A frozen wasteland. He had to view himself akin to that of the sun, a preserver of the natural world, a protector of life itself. A line of ants made their way below the boulder he sat upon, he had watched them for hours, how they were able despite their size to carry such large things over their backs and with their comerades helping them, all serving under their queen. There had been small mammals passing by every now and then aswell, some foraging for food, others being preyed upon by snakes or other carnivores. But such events were common in the natural world, there would always be something chasing you, even if you were an apex predator you would someday be overcome by something else as evolution is constant. Just like he had done. Humankind had long been the apex predator of the world, constantly pressing it's borders and consuming what stood in their path. Like the mammoths or the dodo bird who were brought to extinction because of them.

While there had been things which humankind had created that were of good, it could not excuse the bad things to the young man. Music was a thing he enjoyed, sweet melodies of various kinds. But no matter how sweet a melody is, eventually it comes to an end and the reality once again makes itself known. The ever hungry darkness, which would threaten to devour everything. Some humans sought refuge in music, books, games or in tales and stories to occupy their minds. Others found their aid in drinking, to momentarily dullen the present and to cloud the past creeping up behind. The thing you could never change, the desire so many felt that if they could only turn back time they would make things differently. But what if they could not? What if they would make the same mistakes again?

As he pondered on human nature as he knew it, he was brought out of his thoughts by the silence of the birds, the small mammals running away and then a rumbling in the earth. Something was happening. The young man, Milliard, rose up on the boulder to which he had sat upon to look what was causing it. In the distance a large wave of water... no... a wave of death was approaching the city of Los Angeles. Was this a sign that humankind had to perish? He had felt it before though, the urge to bring their destruction... to finally sever the chain of on-going wars that had plagued the world for so long.

"The earth is screaming... it wants me to grant it's wish." He said softly, looking to the sky above momentarily before getting up on his feet. The young man proceeded to lift his right hand to his chest, where a bright light began to form within his palm and soon entered into his very form. Out of the young man's back rose spectral looking, wings of golden light and he began to hover away from his boulder up into the air, his gaze towards the city of Los Angeles in the distance. Milliard soon after flew off into the air with remarkable speed, raising himself in elevation mid-flight to avoid disturbing the animal life on the ground. Upon reaching the city's border he could see the large wave of water clash against what seemed to be a shield, a supernaturally created shield by the looks of it, unless the humans had technology to have such a thing. The barrier had repelled the wave, but the surrounding area outside of the city had still been subject to the relentless force of the water.

What had caused this to happen? And who or what had raised that shield in defense of the city? That place were in no need of saving. The young man hovered above the barrier, searching for who or what was projecting it. Perhaps he could find someone who could explain what had just happened, for the damage done to the area surrounding the city. All the forestation and wildlife that had perished because of it and that barrier. Someone had to pay. Dearly. Justice must be done.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The elven woman and the winter fairy had both made their own inputs soon after his own, one of them was questioning him while the other was agreeing with him? He decided to asnwer the elven woman first, despite how pleasing the winter fairy's words were.

"No fairy hm? Oh, I am not saying that.. just that a more developed mindset is needed, one which usually comes with age. However such is not the case with your elven governor. Lest you'd see him in more favorable..." He chuckled momentarily. "Light."

Elthrael seemed quite amused by the little encounter with the elven governor, just how conceited could one man be? Yet it had not been him which had attacked him when he had seized Risa. That attacker was something else, something with the power to create high pitched sound. A very bothersome thing indeed. Some kind of harpy? A sirene? A demon? Whichever the case, it was no longer important. The princess had slipped out of his fingers, in a very defiant manner. There was very little he could do with her now, much as with Elsea. A person he cannot control is a person that is useless to him and would be better discarded. The elven woman seemed to also possess some defiance in her words, yet with more reservation than most.

"I've spent enough time with plenty of races in this world of ours, have they been companions, captives or simply just enemies. So many various kinds chose to travel through the forests, be they orcish raiders, demi-human bandits, elven merchants or simply curious fairies. Oh and as of late humans too." He blew some air through his mouth, glancing to those gathered before turning back to Kenia.

"Ahh, I was there you see... when the humans came... at least for two of them. A male human, very aggressive and stubborn. A female, fiery in spirit and body. Risa Millinia and her two companions, Kyran and Dio was there too. A vulpine and her...fair haired fairy friend."

The moth fairy chuckled softly before continuing. "Had she a hand in bringing them to this world? Who knows. Though it is highly likely. However others soon picked up the scent in the air, hounds of Daka more precisely... rare to the southern regions, lest you find yourself invited to a dark elven feast. A dark elven beastmaster engaged the humans, alongside Risa and her companions. Ultimately the group decided to withdraw, with the male human covering their retreat as he was so set upon it." He paused as he remembered the moment, just how many from that one encounter was still alive? Were he to be the only one remembering such a meeting? Perhaps so.

"Then he was... dealt with by the associates of this dark elf. Some large demon and a winged woman. I guess he didn't know things were... heading the way it did. What a shame. Same can however be said for that female human, Elsea. She bears the ability to call upon the flame, her temper and lack of restraint is quite similar to that element indeed. But who knows where Risa Millinia, her companions and that human is now. I shall hope you will not follow the awful trend of the other two humans... in dying or combusting into flames that is." He said momentarily tossing glances over at Darius, inspecting him as if he were an alien, and in some sense he was. Were this man going to prove more useful than the other two? The moth fairy was intending to find out, but all things had their time. For now it was to continue his conversation with the elf.

"So you crave the past hm? Not overly surprising hearing this from an elf. But sometimes there's no past to return to, no matter how much you might desire it. How do you think Aklenroth came to be where he is this day? He played the various factions against each other and rose in the chaos as a sign of stability. The dark elves flocked to him like... vixy vulpines in heat and more followed." He snorted slightly, picking up one of the many bottles by the fire, looking through the glass abit.

He soon lowered it and smirked to Kenia. "People are greedy, that's why those whom have little want abit more... and more. Aklenroth's rise and his kingdom was the last one standing because of this greed. No matter if there were twenty kingdoms or two. There would be a winner and many losers. The lich king gave favors to a few, but left the masses in rags and craving for a change. Greed is a dangerous thing. Aklenroth's gain to magical powers was however not free, he lost something along the way..." The fairy said as a matter of fact, putting the bottle down, having not taken a single sip from it's contents. His attention turned now more towards Bowyn.

"She did most certainly partake in such action and is the reason why they and alot of others are now dead. People have the right to be angry for being here and what has resulted from it all. Your conclusions are refreshing to me, winter fairy. Even a half-drunk winter fairy which converses with a bird has more sense than most, I've had the unfortune to encounter these last few days. Governor included. As for the humans having a say in all of this, they have all the right to be angry, they had no choice after all. I mean how would you feel being ripped from your world and lunged into who knows where? Yet even so I've come to realize that humans are also prone to make errors of their own which people living in this world may pay dearly for." He sighed softly, looking to Vaeril, then to Darius, then Bowyn and finally Kenia. This was indeed a curious gathering, and seemingly so far not as hot-headed as his last group. The winter fairy showed much promise for one, the huuman and the male elf however remained so far silent and listening. People who talked plenty were generally those with little to hide, did these others had something to hide? If so it left the moth fairy with a fine little quest for later, pry open their heads and discover what they were thinking of.

"Oh and human, in case you considered the offer provided by the lich king, as his face was seen across the world. I would highly advice against it, that man is no longer a man truly. He feels nothing, yet he is everything wrong with Avalia and at the same time he is as hollow and empty as the void. He cares more about his enemies than he does for his servants, all be replaceable to someone who has all the time in the world. Or so it may seem. He would rather devour your very soul than let you return to your home. Why? Because he has the power and none to stop him. He has nothing to gain by sending your ilk back, nor keeping you alive after this rebellion." The moth fairy gave Darius a deeper look, as if trying to look into the man's very soul would he meet his gaze. This human. Perhaps he indeed would be the one.

Spent a few days working on this but there it is.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

"Comerades of yours hm?" He asked Darius, who were located to his right. The moth fairy's eyes glimmered in the reflection from the fire, his white hair flickering slightly from the waves of heat. "Makes one wonder just how many be mourning their companions this night... Not always does things turn out as it does in the fairytales. If there's something I've learnt it is that the rightious do not always win out in the end." He softly mused, as he prodded the firewood with a nearby stick.

"The rebel leader, Risa Millinia. Is what she is doing right and just? Some would brand her a saviour, while others would regard her as an usurper." Elthrael softly chuckled as he put the fire-poking stick to the side, as his eyes kept on Darius.

"Then we have Aklenroth. The unliving king. Why did he become king? Why did he walk the path he did? I think not even he remembers at this point, yet even a tyrant king which upholds some order is prefered to utter chaos isn't that so? That said, there are so many who will not allow his rule to go unchallenged. Because they deem him evil or harmful to their ilk or land." The fairy crossed his legs and gazed around at those near the fire.

"What would happen if he is no more? This girl... Risa Millinia won't be able to take his place. I've ought to know as I have met her, she's far too young and naive. Her view on the world is warped as if poisoned by honeyed words fed to her since birth by the former royals. She lives in a world of dreams. If the undead king somehow would fall, the dark elves and orcs would swarm to the southern lands in masses to raid unhindered. The demons would seize places of power. The elves would surrender or simply protect their own interests. The fairies would scatter, be enslaved or outright destroyed in the ensuing carnage... and so forth." He shook his head softly, with a soft smile.

"It would become a new war of crowns, if there is no clear powerful successor to bind all together, there will be sheer chaos where all the efforts put forth by Risa Millinia and those whom follow her would have been for naught. A strong new ruler would be needed, who could make certain all these tragic things would never repeat themselves..." He exhaled briefly. "But who could possibly have the power and determination needed for that hm?" He smiled slightly towards Darius, his eyes setting on him with a fierce almost penetrating manner. This human did intrigue him, while not being female like Elsea, this male had something about him that made him a better choice than she had been. But for what? Humans were both feared and praised, but overall respected by both sides. A human would make a fine binder between forces, if he couldn't sit on the throne himself a puppet would have to do. As long as he could pull the strings. But as things now where, there were still many paths ahead to that throne. One thing was certain, there was no way that he would allow chaos to sweep across the world and burn the forests and the land more than this rebellion no doubt would. Perhaps this human male could be the key to it all? Time would tell. Risa Millinia would never accept the world he wanted either way, nor would Elsea or Kyran.

The dark elves want their land and slavery. They may keep it. The orcs must be domesticated or enslaved. Their chaotic way of living must be altered. The demons would abide by getting autonomy of their region. The elves would keep their traditions and the demi-humans would retain their lifestyle. The fairies would have to be brought into line and bow to the new King to come and the world that would bring. A world where all would win. 'I won't be Aklenroth nor Risa Millinia...'
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Of all the struggles in the world, why did he, the elf who shone brighter than any other have to struggle past the horde of commoners. While the path had been filthy, filled with people of lesser birth and race. The ever graceful and collected governor of the light elves had pushed his way to safety, stepping over a few demi-humans along the way, even if he considered his doormat in his tower to be of much finer quality. He had to get out of that place. The breeze outdoors was a pleasant thing for him, even if some of the lowly runts around him dared bumping into his near divine form. The governor soon made sure that he would not get stalked by that monstrous thing once/if it got outside. The governor ascended the stairs in the most hurried manner he could, while trying to uphold a sense of nobility and grace. There was no benefit in him sharing company with the others who exited the building, he instead took a left turn and began moving down one of the streets.

It was then he was reminded of the smell of the place, how it reminded him of stables mixed with filthy taverns. It was so unlike the sweet and refined air around his home, perhaps he had to smell this horror in order to further appreciate his home? But there were more pressing matters than the reeking of the city, one of them being able to leave it swiftly. But his carriage had a... unfortunate accident and his commander, Feldrin, had gotten himself killed. It was indeed inconvienient, he should have known better. As for the rest of his knights they were by the healer's place still recovering from that attempt on his person. He could have used them right now if there was a fine enough chair to sit on, so they could have carried him.

But they were most likely going to slow him down at this rate, with the loss of the commander he would have to give them every single command in detail. It was tiresome on his noble voice, it was unbefitting of someone of his stature to overexert his voice. That was something for underlings, not for him. Then came the thought to him, this fairy princess and her rebellion would likely affect even his domain. His home would likely be in an uproar, those ungrateful dimwitted peasants would likely try to blame him. -HIM- of all people, who had done so much to keep their home pure and unaffected as much as possible from the cruelty and filth of the rest of Avalia. Terneus tightened his hands into fists, this was annoying him plenty. He was without food and water, his carriage and even his servants.

He knew there was a long journey he needed to set himself upon, one of much strain and weariness. But he had to make it further north to one of the smaller elven villages. There he could get some food and drinks, but it was a far distance to travel on foot. The governor didn't even spend a second thinking that he could aqquire supplies within Roshmi. After all, he didn't have a way to certify the wares had been treated with the right care, or perhaps one should say noble hands. The thought of a demi-human even coming into contact with his food, drinks or clothes made him want to throw up. Perhaps he could encounter some elven caravan along the way, he had plenty of jewelry to part with in exchange for supplies after all. Yes, this was the plan he decided on. He was going to make his way to one of the smaller villages to the north, then promise riches for those willing to return with him to the sun elven village and bring order.

Then everything could proceed in whichever manner it would, if these rebels would be able to topple Aklenroth then he could use his influence and wealth to encourage his fellow elves to deal with the dark elven plague and seize any wealth left behind by Aklenroth.

'Have them do all the hard work, and then I will reap the reward. How sweet it is to be so clever. To take advantage of those stupid enough to not understand it, it is as nature has desired it to be.' He spent a few thoughts to himself to easen the mood, thinking of his own brilliance could indeed bring light into even the darkest of days.

The governor took a moment to look behind him, he had gotten past only two buildings? Were this how slow those not going by carriage were?

"Oh for the grace of the graceful... my feet are tired." He cussed, waving his mirror at himself, throwing glances towards the building the ball had been within. Perhaps someone would run from it who he could accompany. An elf perhaps? An elven man? Yes, that was prefered. He always found the females of his species to be too occupied with their own appearances, as if that was their top priority. Some of them would not even take the moment and opportunity to look at him. It was not only rude, but he considered it an offense. A crime. While he reassured himself that his own beauty was natural, and also a natural thing for him to display his noble features. His parents at least had the decency to make sure the other half were of noble birth and had a long line of purity.

He could still recall the day when he had delved into the old scrolls and family tree, just to make sure he did not have an ounce of commoner blood in him. When he had looked through them all, he was filled with relief. He was indeed pure noble and elven. If he would have found out there were a commoner in his past, then life might not had been worth living. At least that was the initial thought, but he later realized that he as a noble could likely post-humously make a dead relative into a noble. Thus he could solve such a despicable issue would it had appeared.

"I am really too good for this world, am I not? Is that why you test me, oh old gods of old? Testing your most favored child?" He said aloud to himself, it felt good to hear his voice. As if someone had licked his ears, or if he had been given honeytipped cookies with fourhundred old wine to it.

Baraian Paladice

The magics which the dark elf had flung relentlessly at the large demon, had not even scratched it's massive form. Even with the assistance of others, this foe was beyond them no doubt. People had gotten crushed and eaten by it, and also by the large dark wolf creature which had moments ago been finally shut down. Revealing it's form to be that of a small boy. Baraian didn't know what that creature had been up to, come to think of it he had little clue about who was fighting who within the grand hall. What he did know however was that now the moment had come to leave, the rebellion would likely survive and that was what mattered. Even if he would die here, it would be with a smile. Knowing that the world would be engulfed in the fire it had created for itself.

A man yelled to those still present within the grand hall to leave, and the dark elf sprung into motion towards the exit, turning only around to see the large demon drawing smaller objects and things towards it. Including the boy which had turned into a monster, he was sucked into the hole which the demon had opened in it's chest. "Move!" He yelled out towards anyone still behind, before he left with a group of people that had gotten out around the same time.

'Phase two is over... now time to build the army that will end it all. At last.' He thought as he was met with the breeze outdoors, he didn't linger for long but dashed down the stairs, ready to leave the city.

'Golden Death for everything. Use them well, little blue miss... like I will use you and everyone else to grant this world it's dying wish.' A soft upturn appeared on his lips, as his hair hung over the top part of his face. He though of the lich and his domain burning, but not only that place but the wretched home of his. The dark elven realm was beyond any salvation. The rebellious call of Risa Millinia had made him chuckle within, did she think the dark elves would simply forgive and forget? He knew very well that was most likely not the case. Hatred had borrowed deeply within his kind, towards the elves which exiled them but also to all those whom watched.

For Baraian he also hated their kind, for they were indeed as despicable as the elves which had exiled them to the barren lands. The darkness had lkong loomed over the world, even before the lich became king. He still remembered his days in Daka. Where he had been a fellow recruit beside Xenelith Dreadclaw, one of the commanders for the lich. But back then they both were recruits, whilst Xenelith excelled at the dark elven ways and his ambition seemed to be to serve Aklenroth. Baraian was the complete opposite, meek by dark elven standards and would have ended up dead in the final trials had he not left before those tests came into play.

Had his life had been different, he could had been just like commander Dreadclaw and possibly ended up the same way. But he wanted none of it. Why postpone the end of a world without hope? Why struggle and believe someday it would be peaceful? It was all a lie. There would never be peace, the world of Avalia would be filled with wars and new tyrants would vie for control after the power vacuum of Aklenroth. What Baraian found important now however was to first remove the lich, then he would work for all sides. Pin the largest armies against each other, make them burn down all the cities until nothing and none would remain. Make Avalia a barren dead world.

'It's a pity you are one of a kind Ilan. But I cannot spare this world even if it has a single good person in it. People will repeat their mistakes and never learn.'
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Zelginn Darkmane

'I've got you now!' The lust for blood was growing stronger for each passing moment, the thought of biting down and killing Myra filled the demon with unbearable impulse to push forwards. But as he was lunging forth, he was interupted as a ball of light slammed into his form, causing him to recoil from the impact, the light magic burning like scorching fire on his fur and skin. The painful sensation causing him to stand still for a moment, his eyes searching for whomever had attacked and wounded him. Upon setting sights on his attacker, he was attacked again from a different direction as three metallic shards crashed into the side of his body, the large wolf-like creature let out a loud whine and pained growl. It's head snapping to see who the other enemy were. It was her. Azriel.

'Betrayal!' He thought in a vicious manner, if he would get his claws and fangs on her later it would be the end of it. But for now withdrawal was required, he was bleeding from the slashes and cuts made by Myra, by the impact of having been locked in place by O'Ner. But also singed and badly burned by Malachi and had now three metal feathers imbedded into his side, which would make further battle difficult. His body was durable, in time these wounds would surely mend themselves. As he was about to make it for one of the doorways, another attack struck him. Right at the nose and jaw, like as if someone had spun and hurled a high propelled stone at him. The impact sent water flying all over it's form, but also sent the large wolflike creature to the ground a distance away, the metallic feathers borrowing deeper into it's skin. Soon after, the creature's form began to become grey in colour, twisting and turning, gradually becoming smaller until there was only a small figure lying there on the side, bleeding, burnt, partly impaled and drenched in water.

Zelginn didn't like the feelings which he was feeling, this was new to him. How had he gotten overwhelmed so quickly. All he wanted was to have fun, and eat that... 'That thieving... bitch...' He thought, as he could feel a pull, one which he had never felt before. What was it? Was he dying? He who had lived for so long, so long that not even he knew how old he was. When his mother Lilith had saw them made.

'Mother? Why destroy a world you could have so much fun in... Is this how death feels like?' The small figure thought, his vision becoming blurried and things seemed to slow down all around him. He could hear the screams, the people fighting and the brother he saw in Ahzmorath. 'I don't like it... I don't like it at all. This... isn't.. fun.' The demon blinked a few times as it rose it's head, looking up to his attackers, Malachi and Belle.

"An immortal like me... by people like you? What a joke...unghn.... uhh..." His vision darkened and his head fell down, his body limp and not moving against the ballroom floor.

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

As the hours had gone on, the weather had too changed. Dark clouds on the dark sky, the rumbling sound in the distance of thunder with the promise of a downpour. "How noisy... scream all you like it won't change a thing! It's time someone shut you up or shut you down." He said in an amused manner, although being unable to hear his own voice nor anything at the moment, was something he found irritating, more so were the fact he had lost grip of the fairy princess. As the moth fairy watched the area where his attacker no doubt were hiding in, as the poisonous dust were covering the place. He was attacked from a different angle, this time it came from Risa who sprouted vines in an attempt to apprehend him.

He had a look of surprise on his face, but he instinctively closed his wings causing him to dive downwards slightly before the vines took hold around him. The moth fairy focused and began to utilize his own chlorokinesis to form a bark-looking layer across his body as as shell almost as the vines would wrap around him midair. As his form was fully enveloped by a mixture of the layer and the vines from Risa the fairy went to work. He channeled his magical prowess to press the layer outwards against the vines with full force. He knew it wouldn't be long til the ground, thus he had to act quickly. The vines snapped to the pressure of the ever growing bark-shell until it exploded alltogether, with shards of bark and wood flying in all directions.

"Haaah!" Elthrael yelled aloud, spreading his arms wide and his wings soon followed, giving a few flapping motions to halt his fall, the two large eyes pattern at the inside of his dark wings making itself fully visible.

"That's it! That's what it's going to take princess! Strength of body and mind!" He said aloud, his arms lowering momentarily as his mouth formed a grin. "To stop -him- and stop this world from burning from your rebellion! Those whom cannot foresee the future are doomed to perish in it! Then go about the path you chose, Usurper princess!" The moth fairy raised one of his arms dramatically to gesticulate, as the rumbles in the sky were replaced by a large bang. A bolt of lightning slamming down just outside of the city and behind Elthrael. Causing his wings to cast dark shapes on the ground below, and his face lit up momentarily to show his smile. Before he quickly fluttered his partially scruffed up looking wings, and darted away quickly into the forestation.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

He snorted slightly on hearing Risa's defiant words, then let out a scoff. "Hah! Yet here I am now? What does that tell you hm? A queen without her people is no queen at all, yet a people without a queen is nothing. Just a rabble of headless chickens, running about without any purpose." Elthrael said softly, still scanning the surroundings.

"Let me tell you then about their fates. Kyran will lose himself in rage and get himself killed, possibly because of you. Elsea has not the mindset needed to master the power she holds. She will die and take others with her. As is the fate for all those who crave the power, but cannot control it. They will find themselves controlled by others, and ultimately tossed into the fire when their usefulness is at an end." Elthrael said in a grim manner, a slight smirk forming on his lips, causing his cornerteeth to be visible. Then came the question from Risa, if Elthrael had loved ones himself, the question seemed to both stun him but also amuse him.

"My loved ones hm? Why don't you ask your grandparents? What their ancestors did. About what happened to my family line. How the just and noble forest fairies killed, imprisoned or exiled them all. You might not want it to be the truth, I don't want to believe it neither. But unfortunately it's true." Elthrael gritted his teeth, eyes darting from side to side.

"My destiny has always been... to take it all back, and I'll do it. With or without you." He said softly, as their conversation was cut short by a loud pitched sound. This in turn caused his hands to reach for his ears, after he had tossed Risa up into the air. The moth fairy however, while being unable to hear, quickly glanced around for an enemy and he noticed something coming towards him from behind, he fluttered his wings sideways, dodging the stick as it flew off into the distance. Had someone just tossed a stick at him? Someone had indeed laid a trap and was trying to catch him or Risa. Elthrael's eyes grew grim, as his eyes set on the area from where the stick had been propelled from. He removed his hands as he was effectively having his hearing dullened by quite the amount. He couldn't see anyone as it was, they were hidden well. And he couldn't hear anything due to the ringing in his ears. The fairy nontheless stayed put and glancing about, before opening his mouth to call out.

"Servant of Aklenroth! How considerate of you to save me the trouble of finding you! I cannot see you, nor can I hear you. But... I can smell you! Mhm..." He stretched out his arms and began to channel his plant magic, creating a powder of a poisonous plant and allowed it to trickle down before increasing the amount and fluttering with his wings to send it towards the area where the stick-attack and sound had come from. This particular powder had the properties of being able to cause fierce stinging in the eyes, mouth and nose. And upon consuming enough of it, it would cause temporary paralyzation. Paralyzation were one of Elthrael's favorite things when it came to poisons, while other types of poisons could be used to weaken enemies physically or mentally or potentially kill them, for someone of his teasing nature it was perfect. For by using it, he could often find himself taunting his foes while they would be unable to retaliate.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Chaos. The entire ballroom were in chaos. Yet amidst the chaos, the light elven governor found himself as an example of order, civility and levelheadedness. There was no voice in his head denying him these things. There were at least three demons in the room, the first were the one stomping and eating people left and right, then the other tall demon which had located itself near him yet for now ignored his radiance. How did it dare! The third demon he had laid his eyes on made him sweat, he recognized this demon from fighting which occured before Aklenroth became king. This demon was known to his people, but overall amongst mages as Spellbane. A demon which had aided Aklenroth in his conquest of the world by fighting alongside most of the other demons.

This particular demon was known to have killed many mages in the old glorious elven days, and likely even more in the past. Even to someone as esteemed and grand as Terneus himself, he did not want to cross that thing. For a creature which would be able to even resist his powerful magics were terrifying, only Aklenroth had a terror which surpassed it. The dragon serving the king, whilst certainly a powerful creature were not as worrysome for the light elf. After all, as long as his foe were not resistant to magic he could best it. At least that's what he believed.

As the carnage in the ballroom continued, the elf began to worry. What would happen if all those less important people down there would all be killed, would these demons set upon him? That would not happen, not on his noble watch. He watched as some other beast and a mage attempted to fight Spellbane, keeping that hound of the lich and demonkind busy. That was good. And the rest of the crowd were occupying the big one. Terneus found himself looking to the side, as a human had propelled himself up to the railing where the demon stood using some kind of magic Terneus was unable to identify.

'What -is that-?' He blinked quickly, how could such a simple looking creature possess magic which he could not? The human appeared to have the audacity to take on the large demon by itself, this was the moment where Terneus saw his moment of opportunity. The elf smirked at his own cunning plan as he held out his hand and prepared to shoot a beam of light towards the demon (Umber). He could always blame it on the human later or that he 'missed', while the latter should only be used as a last resort explaination. The beam of light shoot out from the governor's hand and towards the demon, but due to some twisted unholy play of fate, the human had forced the demon out of the way as they both went over the railing and into the main room. The magical beam slammed into one of the walls and the governor cussed slightly.

'For the beauty of me- Curses!' He thought as he hurried over to the railing next to him, looking over it. People seemed to be able to get out now. The wardings were fading? This was his moment to move, even if he hated moving quickly, it ruined the elegance and caused his hair to bounce abit.

As he made his way down the stairs, he was met mid-way by a demihuman who was panicky. "Ahh! Ruuun-" He said to Terneus face, grabbing unto the elf's noble garments. This is where he chose wrong.

"Unhand me you inferior idiot! You are luring that thing towards me!" The governor yelled in his face, grabbing the man's arms and kicking him in his stomach, causing him to fall backwards and tumble down the stairs.

'Ahaha! I can make it.' His left eye twitched as he began to run, which wasn't very fast or elegant looking. He really hated to run. Terneus then heard a big stomp behind him, it was the large creature. Why were it so close to him now? In front of Terneus he saw a young woman looking startled while sitting on the ground, she seems to have been trampled over, she looked up at the silverhaired elf with begging eyes. "H-help... please help." It was in this moment, that the governor knew he had to mend his ways. There was no way he could leave her there, he could never forgive himself. There was one person he had to save. He quickly stretched down and took hold of her hand, pulling her up to her feet.

"Oh thank you, thank-" She said with tears building up, as her panic ridden face was trying to gather what was going on.

"Help? Why ofcourse! Do make yourself useful..." Terneus said the final words in a low voice to her, before he pushed the woman into the direction of the large demon, giving himself a head-start to get away from it and make his way towards one of the exits. He had to save himself. A larger crowd had been gathering by one of them and were pressing to get through, stepping on each other and screaming.

"Oh look! It's Lord Andros! Thank the elder trees!" An elven man yelled and turned back, pulling at Terneus clothes, he was soon joined by a female elf which was pulling on the governor's other arm. "Help us Lord Terneus! The doorway is too crowded!"

"My people! Everyone calm down! Get out of my way!" He threw both of the other elves aside as he began to pull person after person from the line in front of him. "Get out of my way you half-bred imbeciles! Important people first! Then other elves! Then women and children of noble birth!" Terneus screamed in a mix of anger and desperation as he pulled demi-human after demi-human out of the path. He wondered if his hands would ever be able to be regarded as clean after all of this. All these dirty half-breeds.
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