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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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Prepare for oblivion...
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The moth fairy had smirked at the idea of keeping watch with the elven woman, that she assumed he would sleep amongst them in the open where anyone of them could plant a dagger in his back or worse. Thus he departed from the group as soon as the first group went to sleep.

"Afraid my sleeping manners are too different from yours and thus I shall find my own refuge a distance from here. Fret not, I shall be able to hear anyone of you scream for aid. Would such be required." He said in a soft reassuring manner, followed by a chuckle.

He flew into the forest and began to use his plant manipulation to form a field of thorns and poisonous plants in his path before creating several 'cocoon' like covers from a few trees, so that his location would be harder to find. The various plants would emit their pollen and shield his presence decently enough he thought. After having drifted off into rest at his own little makeshift sanctuary the fairy awoke to the scent of of the flowers. It didn't take him long to form a small tree with juicy fruits to eat, after all he too had to eat and drink. The drink came in the form of sweet nectar from another plant. The breakfast was light, but then again so were he. He needed to be in order to make use of his flying and mobility. During his breakfast he pondered on the happenings of the day before, and how the fairy girl Risa had slipped out of his fingers and her whereabouts were unknown even to him. Had she been taken captive by Aklenroth's servants? Had her vulpine friend caught up with her? It no longer mattered, the girl had refused to go along with his plans.

'What a pity, little princess. I suppose I shall seize the throne by other means, I'll take back what your kind stole from mine. This group may indeed prove more useful than the last, the human male shows more promise than Elsea. The winter fairy is a thinker, a refreshing change. I do hope I won't see his companions again, unless they come in a lighter dressed up shape. The two elves however does not show as much promise. The woman is suspicious and one to carefully watch over. The male is even more a problem, he has for the most remained silent. It is the silent ones you've ought to watch out for, or those who are more drawn to you than you are to them.' He thought to himself as he got up to his feet and then jumped from tree to tree towards the area where his group had been the night before.

That's when he caught it in the air, a sweet smell. "Oh? What's this then?" He sniffed the air and narrowed his eyes looking about til he found the one emitting it. What he found was another winter fairy, which had stumbled upon the male one and the human. Or rather stumbled upon the ground so she was now muddy and messy. Yet even so she had fine looks which intrigued the moth fairy, and without wasting much time he jumped down to the ground in the vicinity of the pair, approaching the woman as she was lying on the ground.

"Good morning, my new associates..." He first uttered before continuing to speak.

"Well, well, what have we here then? A rose amidst the mud? I don't think a fine looking fairy such as yourself ought to be crawling in the mud. I think one ought to rather pick you up. I'm Elthrael." Elthrael said in a far softer tone of voice than he had used the night before, almost as if he was dipping his every word in honey. It didn't take him long to walk up to her and offer his hand down to her. "Ah, you must be hungry. I think I can provide you with something to take a bite out of. A few sweet fruits for such a sweet wintery rose. Though you might also require to clean yourself abit, fret not such can also be arranged." He offered a soft smile, his golden eyes setting on Zephyrine.

Lost Haven, present day.

Interacting with: Icon

The elevator music did little to calm Kenneth, the anticipation of reaching the roof of the large skyscraper was all he currently was thinking of. He didn't want to miss a good opportunity to see what the whole alien buisness was about, and also see if he could speak with Icon, who had saved Lost Haven from one big space rock. Kenneth's ride up the elevator was not a lonely one however, as he was accompanied by his two minions, Lolly and Coco who were excited but not as much as Kenneth to get a scenic view of what was happening. Once the troublesome trio had made it to the top floor, Kenneth quickly made it up the stairs and ladders until he finally reached the roof. The wind was alot stronger up there, but it didn't concern him. He wanted to thank Icon and also welcome his new potential guests.

"Ahh! Nothing like the scenic view of- chaos? Why in the baker's buttocks are they firing at us? That doesn't seem overly appropriate considering they are guests right? Lolly, binoculars please." Ken said in a frantic tone, grabbing the pair of binoculars which often were carried by Lolly in her side-bag. "Sweet harshmellows, what in the cocochopachubra are they doing? This doesn't look like a welcome party. What a mess, glad I am not the mayor in charge of this major mess. I think it was kind of cool what Icon did before, you know picking up that large space boulder and tossing it back out into space. And trust me there's alot of space! I can imagine there's alot of happy customers being enriched because of not being made into goo goo flatpankake tofu!" The finely dressed man said to his two companions which stood just ten feet behind him now, not overly keen on standing too near the edge of the building.

"I might not be a man of much favours, I prefer dealing in flavours! And if these alien's have this terrible taste and class, we should- Oh look! One of them is coming this way! Over here! Welcome to earth! We come in sweet cheese!" Kenneth said aloud, dropping the binoculars and spreading his arms wide as the alien craft shot him with an energy blast which left a hole in his chest.

"How rude! I am appalled!" The Candycane burst out in a mix of annoyance and surprise. "This alien just made a donut out of me? Sweet and with a hole in the middle! That does it! We are doing this the hard way! Jawbreaker way!" Ken reached down to his belt as the hole in his chest began to close in on itself, he allowed his candycane to fit nicely into his hand. "Now it's time to show sportsmanship. Why not abit of golf? Fore sure!" He chuckled, while forming a few golf-ball sized candies. Nearly indestructible and the only harder material in Ken's possession was his trusty cane, which was not only a thing for him to appear classy and help his walk. It was also a potent tool, even a weapon.

"Lolly! Coco! You two better take cover, daddy is going to score a few points! Like every donut has a hole! Chew on this!" The finely glad gentleman dropped one of the hard candies on the roof, then whacking it using his superhuman strength with his mighty cane. The candy flew far and with immense speed before crashing into the spacecraft that had done the flyby on him, the ball itself bouncing off the spacecraft's shield but the impact itself caused the craft to crash into another skyscraper.

"Whoops! I hope those guys had ensurance on that. But these spacecrafts are completely alien to me, but maybe that is the point? By the sugarcoated donut that is saturnus ring, look at them go! Whooo!" Kenneth yelled out in a cheery manner, shooting another candy towards another spacecraft. "Sir, these ships seem to have some kind of shield on them, maybe a different candy would do better?" Lolly suggested with a hint of worry.

"Salty sturgeons! You are correct! Let's get to giving them something else! Chew chew, said the locomotive! Isn't loco mad in sombreroland? You have to tell me about that later, Coco." Kenneth said aloud and with a ponderous tone in his voice, he attached his cane to his belt again. Then he took a pose resembling a thrower in baseball, he turned his hat backwards and then formed a candy ball inside of his hand, hurling it towards what looked like a transport ship. Upon impact the ball itself spread out like a sticky goo'ey chewing gum, obscuring the ships view and ability to manuever, ultimately leading to it crashing into a smaller craft and then tumbling down to the streets below. "You sir alien, you lack manners! And now you lack flight aswell! Ta ta! He kinda fell for that one he did! This is like a big recipe for disaster! Thankfully every disaster can be solved with enough sugar!" The Candycane twirled on his feet to look to his two minions.

"Coco! I have a question for you! What do I dislike the most?" The man adjusted his hat back to it's original direction, before forming a chair out of sugar to sit down upon, crossing his legs as he did. "I think it's diabetes no?" Coco answered in an uncertain manner, having placed her hand under her chin and poking her lips with a single finger.

"Aha! Close one! But no! I dislike it when the good guys are sugarfree! So what should we do about that? I can't just shoot one of my sweets from down here! He wouldn't see it coming! I am not an underhanded scoundrel who takes advantage of others when they are not looking! I am a gentleman who takes advantage of people right under their nose when they are watching! Now that's a big difference!" Kenneth nodded quickly and then looked over his shoulder and to the sky.

"So how do I get up there? I doubt there is a spacecraft taxi service available! Ahh! Improvising! Ofcourse! It comes naturally to one such as I! Sit back and watch a master at his craft." Ken explained as he rose from his chair, stretching his body abit before walking over to two different ends of the roof and began to create two sturdy and tall pillars of candy. "Ahh yes! This will likely do just perfectly! Da Vinci, watch how far humanity has gotten since your inventions!" Kenneth said in a cheery manner, walking to the far end of the roof where the pillars wouldn't be. The man soon after began to elongate his arms, reaching out to grab with his hands at the both pillars from far away.

"Allright, all I need to do now... is to let- GOOOOOO!" He finalized as he lifted his feet from the air and allowed his body to be flung forwards towards his arms and the pillars, but he let himself go before he would be stopped by them. Flying far up into the air and landing on a solid surface. A large ship. "Whooooa! It's slippery! Crap! I miscalculated! The shield is up!" He yelled as he began to bounce and slip along the large upper side of the spacecraft until finally slipping off it. The crafty sweetsman however had more candy up his sleeves, he quickly formed a large piece of gum in his hand and then began to chew it and blowing it up into a balloon. Then grabbing unto it with his hand. An improvised parachute.

"Mmmhmm! Candy is the cure! Yo! Icon! Pretty neat of you to save the city and all that! But this whole alien thing above us really is spoiling my sweet dreams so be a good boy and get that technological horror away! I make sure to prepare a gift bag with your name on it!" The red and white clad man winked to Icon as he was slowly decreasing in elevation, still holding unto his bubblegum-balloon.

Pacific Point

Interacting with: The Wanderer, Voyager and Hound Dog.

"Get out of my way!" Verge yelled out as he dashed and dodged in his ascent to what he assumed was a mothership. As he traversed forth, he pressed forth through his crystal field but he was singed by a stray energy shot from one of the alien fighters. He could feel the burning sensation on his chest, and how it had scorched a section of his tan suit asunder.

'The audacity... you dare to attack a god of this world?! You'll pay for that...' He gritted his teeth together and flung himself after the fighter which had the fortune, or misfortune to land a hit on him. The young man tightened his right hand into a fist and channeled his light energy into it, before punching through the shield of the craft and reaching into what he assumed were the cockpit. Verge soon after detonated a blast of light energy into the spacecraft itself causing it to explode right after he let go of it.

"Hahaha! This amazing power is beyond anything you can hope to fight! Try if you wish! Ahahaha!" He yelled out and laughed aloud as seven other spacecrafts had followed him in his short pursuit of the 'unfortunate target', they opened fire in a manner which could more or less resemble how it would look like taking a shotgun blast to the face. The young man moved his arms apart and began to create a wall of diamond, blocking the energy shots before it began to further reach out almost like a tidal wave or a tsunami, eveloping the seven ships within what came to be formed as a round, hollow ball of diamond. The ships would bounce into the walls and each other within, like as if one would have put goldfish and piranha's together into a single fishbowl. The young man smirked as he saw the ensuing chaos within it, almost having the urge to geokinetically shake it like one of those old christmas decorations which had fluid and 'snow' within them.

But there were no time for such toying, there was a larger ship which were in dire need of a precise landing. Verge reached out with his powers to fly himself and the large ball of diamond, now filled with seven spacecrafts bouncing between each other within like a crazy flippergame, but not to the speed it would cause them to explode on contact with each other. The mothership, as Verge regarded it were indeed massive, it could likely cover the entire city would it crash. Such a potential outcome couldn't be left to chance, it had to be helped along the way. After all, this is what all those humans below deserved. They deserved the same destruction that these invaders would receive, every last one of them. As he had now gotten out of sight for many of the smaller fighters, mostly due to the city below and the other superhuman... or was it superhumans?

He had little time to deduce whereof the one who created that massive beam were truly alone down there. The large ball of diamond and spaceships was soon hurled towards what Verge considered to be the right side of it. If he could bring down that side, the enourmouse ship would surely land on Pacific Point. How he hated the place. Judgement day had finally come for them. As the ball of diamond had been flung towards the ship, Verge proceeded to move his arms and hands in a circular motion starting from his chest, then moving his hands up above his head and shoulders, then down until he had created a full circle. A shimmering disc was forming in front of him, the like one could expect to find in a strong pair of binoculars, a microscope... or perhaps even a periscope. A lens.

'Today's weather is crystal clear and brimming with light...' He thought as a satisfied smile formed on his lips, his teeth showing as he gathered as much of his light powers as he could muster and shooting it from himself in a cone shape, right into the disc in front of him and the beam that was formed from it shot right into the hurled ball of diamond and spacecrafts as it crashed into the mothership. Causing a massive explosion from the detonating smaller ships inside the ball, but also the thing colliding with the shield of the mothership and finally shattering. Then came the energy damage, he wanted to cut open the entire right side of the ship.

'Fall! Fall and crush them all!' The young man withdrew very quickly after unleashing his attack, he flew right towards the city. There was still someone in there who didn't need to perish with the humans after all. The young man finally laid his eyes on the figure from before, his eyes set on The Wanderer.

"It's time to go, friend. Things are about to lit up, the ship above will level the city..." He said in a calmed down tone of voice, and with a satisfied look on his face, that was until he noticed two others present. Hound Dog and Voyager, whose names he didn't know, much like The Wanderer. They were unknown to him. One thing was certain however, all alien had to be rooted out and destroyed.

'Why are they not killing this alien? A defector? A spy? A scout? It doesn't matter... It shouldn't be here, it has to be...' He gathered his thoughts before raising one of his hands, with the palm of it facing towards Voyager.

"Purged." He said aloud, as his wings of light sprouting out from his back twitched in intensity as lit up further. "All aliens must be dealt with no exceptions. Hold still and I shall make your exit swift and painless." Verge said as his eyes narrowed and light began to quickly form in the inside of his palm, before he shot out a beam of light towards Voyager's chest.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Will have to postpone my sheet for a day, sorry. If you cannot wait for me go right ahead heh.
Yeah, I am I will see about making my sheet tomorrow. Was working 24 hour shift yesterday so didn't have the time.

The man with all the time in the world.

Location: Pacific Point (Los Angeles), California.

It was with a mixture of disgust, irritation and oddly enough also intrigue that had his two eyes gaze down at the city below, searching for what had caused the massive and most impressive barrier. Whatever it was, it could pose a threat to his future plans of liberating the earth. Then the barrier gave in, or at least a part of it, or had someone simply lowered it partly? The young man hovered down closer towards the streets below, down there stood a figure which could very well had been the creator of that barrier. His next move was cut short however by a sound from above, the young man's attention fell upon the sky. Verge's eyes widened to what he saw. A large construct in the sky, no a spaceship of some kind.

'What that? It couldn't be? Aliens? So you do exist after all?' He blinked his eyes, as if trying to make sure that what he saw was truly as it seemed. The young man braced himself, thinking of his next choice of action. Below were a city filled with disgusting human beings who deserved nothing more than to be destroyed, but up in the sky was a seemingly invasive species. An external, no an extraterrestial threat to not only humankind, but to the very earth and those like him. There was no way he was going to let these things colonize, perverse or destroy the earth, it was likely them who caused the massive wave of water. He had been given the gift, and this was a sign from the higher powers that it was time to begin to work. His first ever sentient kill would be of a creature from a different world. The large construct became more and more revealed, it's massive size casting a dark shadow on the nearby area. Then out from it came a swarm of smaller ships, they were like ants spawning out of an anthill ready to defend their queen. Or maybe more akin to a beehive? Very big, angry and armored bees which were able to shoot some form of energy to boot.

The figure on the ground had noticed them aswell and decided to attack them, as a gigantic beam of energy travelled across the sky from his direction, cutting through a large number of the approaching smaller ships. Soon after he heard the voice from below, like a clarion call. Urging him to help them. Help the humans? Fighting these aliens? It was like fighting for one minor evil to deal with a major one, but it didn't sit overly well with the young man. As both ought to be destroyed. Perhaps he could utilitze the size of that mothership to have it crash right down into the city? It would be worth a try.

'Such immense power that one has, I must inspect it later, it may prove useful... but for now wretched invaders first.' He thought to himself. "Fight them off? I am going to exterminate them!" He gave the figure below a slight nod before quickly dashing up into the air. Verge found himself gathering his powers in on himself, using his powers of earth and geokinesis to create hovering shimmering crystals the size of handballs, several hundreds of them into the air around him, hovering in the air before he finally motioned them all towards the remaining smaller ships and the mothership in the distance beyond, shooting them in a large field with just a few metres apart from oneanother. Just after having flung them forth, the young man gathered his focus and remembered his training, a large number of orbs of sheer light would begin to pop up around him, like will'o' wisps before they darted off in different attack patterns forth towards the crystal field and the incoming invaders.

'Smash them all to dust! Go!' The orbs shot themselves into the various crystals they connected with further ahead, due to the orbs higher speed they caught up with ease, what soon followed were a massive display of glimmering light across the sky as the orbs turned into beams from colliding with the crystals which acted like prisms, bouncing from one crystal and to the next and all around into the air. The incoming ships did evasive manuevers to evade the incoming barrage of light that now was filling up the sky as a large net of lasers. As the beams collided with the ships, some took a few hits before tumbling down towards the earth, others were split in two, and some even crashed into the crystals which caused the crystal to bounce off against their armor into a new beam of light.

"Only gods are allowed to tread the high heavens! Die you disgusting abominations of space!" Verge yelled aloud as he dashed forwards in the air, his wings clearly visible more now as he was using his powers, he was now intending on going headfirst into the remaining ships or possibly even his own field of shimmering beams of light.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Chaos, launching! For the preservation of our pure and blue world!

I'm interested.
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