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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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Prepare for oblivion...
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The moth fairy began to flutter his wings, hurling himself up into the air, where he stopped to hover, crossing his legs slightly as he 'sat' midair.

"It is not a matter of me seeking the answer to that question, I know it already. I simply wish you lovely people to know your answer too, would you have not given it any thought. I cannot read minds, neither can you, otherwise you've would not have stated what you did." He softly mused before continuing.

"A person's true nature is akin to the heart of the forest, buried deep within... warded by thorns and vines. You can only guess what it may be, perhaps by the sweet smelling flowers, the trees yielding it's fruits or the colourful leaves. Yet the sweetest of things may be the most poisonous, how could you tell the truth from the lies? Perhaps only in time. As to what I am doing here? Let me tell you a little story..." The moth fairy moved one of his hands in front of him in a sideway motion, as if he was turning a page in an invisible book.

"To open a door, one require a key. But not just any key, the right kind of key. Some take the shape of a sword, others as a shield or set of armor. For not all things of battle are created to destroy something, some are created to ward the wielder of said sword. As certain as the water flowing in a stream, a powerful shield of the same kind will realize everyone's dream. The blade must be kept beyond the element of life, obscure and protect it's very existance from the evil one would seek to end with it. Light in it's purest form is the sword, yet without a sharp edge even it will be unable to cut the dark. Who is the smith that will hone the edge and where is the sword, now that is something worth pondering on for those seeking answers..." The fairy kept musing on softly.

"You seek to end the lich to give peace to the fallen, this is indeed true... but only partly so... It is someone... someone important to you that was... taken from you. A friend? A sibling? A lover? Yes... you crave revenge or justice, whichever word you prefer. Yet your statement that you do not care about the world... is not true at all. Because you are a part of this world, just like your companions are. To reject the world is to reject your companions, because they are as much part of the world as they are a part of you, and you are a part of them, my wintery friend." He allowed a soft upturn at the corner of his mouth, still keeping his attention on those in the group.

"As for the lich, what drove him to place the world in his hand? Perhaps his reasons were not far different from your own at the beginning. After all he was once a breathing and living being too, shaped by the world around him and those he surrounded himself with. A part of this world, if you so wish. Some elders have made claims that he was once an elf, but whose alive to truly confirm such a thing? Even so would you believe it?" Elthrael softly exhaled, blowing a falling leaf out of his path, causing it to twirl down towards the earth.

"Now here's an actual thought for you, what if the lich was not an elf at all... but a human?" The moth fairy's hair was blowing slightly in the wind, his eyes looking to the group over his shoulder as he turned midair as if he sat on a spinning chair.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Elthrael wasn't the type to generally enjoy gloating, but in this case he had to make an exception. As the female winter fairy had openly stated her interest in him, and complimenting his recently grown apples. The moth fairy had a smug expression on his face, glancing towards Kenia and then towards Bowyn, which had begun to address him.

"Oh no need to fret, my frosty friend. The elf girl's little fantasy is just a fantasy and has nothing real to it. Same can be said of the fairy princess, Risa Millinia. She no doubt believes that after removing the lich from power the world will suddenly have peace. But that is just naivé thinking. What is worse though? Order under the current king or disorder with several kingdoms fighting oneanother til a new Aklenroth would appear?" He couldn't stop a soft chuckle at the end of his sentence as he looked over the group, turning to address Kenia.

"Not at all. I suppose you are just upset after failing to get under someone's blanket the past night. If you have such an urge to get under something, why don't you go ahead and dig underground? By all means dig us a tunnel to the north! I am certain the orc mines would be more than welcome to take you in if that's more to your liking. You do seem like the kind who enjoys digging for gold, or your own grave." The moth fairy smirked, as his golden eyes watched Kenia closely.

'They do not see what I am doing do they? No matter. I will find out who wants to keep this group to stick together and who does not want that. The latter may likely serve the lich king, for what better way is there to turn ones enemies upon each other. Just like Aklenroth no doubt did long ago before he took the throne. In this coming fight, the one who is going to pull these strings will be me. But I'll do it one better. Without a massive civil war. I will seize the throne by force if I have to, order must triumph over chaos. At the crucial moment, I must be the one to take the lich's place. All sides must be pleased with the terms, lest war shall come anew and all of this will be for nothing. Battles are won by men and women with physical prowess, wars are won by men and women with mental prowess. I possess both, yet the latter is by far the more important. Victory and loss in battles mean nothing if the war is lost. I must win. If it will not be my destiny, I might aswell be dead. The answer I seek is not too far away.'
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

It took a moment for the graceful elven lord to gather his composure, after all these spiders were not a threat to someone like him. At least that's what he believed. The forest itself was in dire need of elven restoration, with all the web scattered about and beastfolk running amok. And now they were leaving. They were what?! They were leaving! Governor Andros blinked his noble eyes at the sight of the strangers deciding to leave, but they were leaving without him. Him of all people. The most important person around.

"What are you doing?! Get back here this instant! I command you to cease- Get off my boot you dirty arachnid!" The elf yelled in annoyance as he kicked a smaller spider off his once clean boots, the elf shot two more beams of light at some more spiders as he was making his way forwards quickly towards the group as they were leaving. Too bad the governor's fast movement, was the equalent of being very slow to everyone elses standards. All those years in the carriage was surely to blame for this unfortunate setback.

"I said get back here, I order you to carry me with your unworthy hands! I care not in which manner you do this, but that it happens right now! The rough terrain is damaging my pure feet..." His yelling soon turned into muttering as he looked around, seeing spiders scattering or darting off into the forestation. He had come to a forked path in the forest, which path did they take? One of the prints looked like a reversed "U" and seemed to dart off to the left, and there was some other prints leading right. The elf knew that right had to be the right way. The governor was certain he would soon catch up with the incompetent half-breeds and when he did they would have to pamper him as he deserved. Lost amidst his thoughts, and whose thoughts were better to get lost in. The elf found the forestation to be getting way thicker.

"Annoying trees! How did those idiots manage to get through here without removing these things. Out of my way!" The elf spoke up and channeled his light magic, creating beams which would slice open a path between the various trees and bushes. Frightening off any nearby animals and spiders still about.

"Aha! A path! I knew it, salvation from my troubles at last- what in the smooth elven arses is this?!" The ever so considerate and patient governor noticed that the path he had taken was now being split into three separate paths.

"Which path leads to the idiots and what paths do not? Let see... what path would I take if I was an inbred imbecile and halfbreed? Why must I suffer the presence and existance of all these inferior things?" The elf asked out to none in particular, the forest now being quiet and the more he wandered off, the deeper the forestation and more quiet it became. Had he taken the wrong turn? Not a chance. Such a thing could not happen to a esteemed individual such as himself.

No such idocy was privileged for the less rich. Then the elf finally heard a sound, like a low roar and it took him by surprise. What in the world was this creature that had snuck up on him? Then he realized what it was. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Hunger. He was hungry. Poor hungry. Not just the gluttonous desire to eat something expensive for the sake of it or look down upon the poor. He was starving. How could he? He who shone brigher than any other? To have to feel like a poor person, the feeling was enough to make him want to throw up. The idea of poverty and him being in the same sentence, even mentally was abhorrent.

'This is all Feldrin's fault! That idiot got himself killed without my permission, and that idiotic pig-man and his duckfaced bitch. Damnable fairies and demons! The world would be better off without you.' The elderly elf lamented his situation and where he was, someone had to be blamed for his unfortunate misplacement in the forest, without water, food, luxery and servants. He stopped for a moment and began to wonder, did he really take the middle path? He was so full in his thoughts, it might had been the most right one. But how? How could he had allowed himself to- No, this was the forest itself turning on him. It wasn't his fault, the forest was most likely serving something.

Then came a sound again, not from his stomach but from above. A decently sized nut was falling down from a nearby tree. And up in the tree sat a familiar face, the squirrel from before, it was peeking down to the dinner it had just dropped by accident. Possibly due to it's size. The elf's eyes widened as he lunged towards the nut and grabbed it. "Hah! I've got it! Fortune favours the beautiful!" He said aloud triumphantly as the squirrel squeaked angrily at the elven thief.

"Oh you want this? Not a chance you fleabag, this is going down the elven inner circle. More precisely my inside." The governor allowed a cruel chuckle as he cracked the nut's shell and began to pick out the nut within. He looked up towards the hungry squirrel with glee, the idea of this pitiful creature being on the receiving end of this stroke of luck filled him with more determination. But he was tired. Way tired. He had to find a place to rest at soon... but the forest was so dirty.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The night Roshmi burned...

"Valaeon, my friend, I am not deaf yet! I can see, hear and sense you perfectly fine. Even before you landed!" A voice answered from above, where a man hung upside down with some form of dark wrap around himself, his clawed feet holding unto an old wooden post. One of his fingers poking his ear after the bellow provided by the demi-dragon. A long black braid swinging slightly below him, as if it were a pendulum. The figure didn't wait long before spreading his batlike wings and allowed his grip of the wooden post to loosen as he landed on his feet close to Valaeon, folding his wings soon after he did.

"It is however good to see you are well my friend, there are some things which require our attention must urgently though. There is light on the horizon, in more than one way. Walk with me will you?" The bat-demihuman nodded towards the direction of Roshmi, then attempted to place one of his arms around the back of the demi-dragon to urge him to walk with him to the top of a wooden balcony to one of the higher buildings of the port town.

A toothy grin was pasted on Valaeon's face the very moment Carnylus greeted him. He would admit that his approach was not always the best, but it got him the results he wanted… mostly.

Valaeon walked with Carneylus, being guided by the hand on his back.

"Light you say?" Valaeon furrowed his brow to the southeast. To Roshmi. "It's unfortunate the sun would never arrive so early… Have things really gotten so grave?"

"It would seem so, at this rate the people living here will become entangled in this war. It does seem like one in any case, so what do you think is the best course of action now? Have all living here depart to the flower fairy kingdom?" The winged man turned to face his companion upon reaching the wooden balcony, to Carneylus this war came in an inconvinient manner. But even so it wasn't something he nor anyone else could ignore.

"The strong will always oppress the meek if there is a will to do so. The reason I sought to become stronger was to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The king may offer some stability, but he is nothing more than a tyrant who sows discord which someday will and as we now have seen will blossom into rebellion." The winged man blew out air through his mouth, causing some strands of his hair to blow upwards.

Valaeon had his eyes set on the horizon as he thought of the innocent lives that would lost in the inevitable conflict. Tragic as it was, it was also unavoidable.

"Unfortunately, this is not the first hint of rebellion. All that came before were either quelled swiftly or on standby awaiting a miraculous advantage over the Lich. The absence of my brothers is proof that many lack confidence in the young fae princess..." His smile returned as he turned his head to Carneylus. "So before we alarm these people. We will search for the face of this rebellion. Princess Risa Millinia."

The bat-man nodded, Valaeon's reasoning was indeed sound, but so were his brothers.

"I can understand those who feel hopeless, I was once one of them. But there comes eventually a time when you can no longer turn a blind eye and wish for things to go away by itself. The young fae princess may have the spirit, but what she truly needs is a major victory against the forces of the king. Only then will the spark of hope awaken in those whose forgotten how it felt." Carneylus said softly, a finger curling some of his hair as he leaned over the balcony railing.

"Valaeon my friend, I believe you are right. We need to find Princess Risa Millinia. But there is someone, or rather something else we also should find. " The winged demi-human turned his head to look at Valaeon, his facial expression being serious and thoughtful. He remained silent for a few moments, if Valaeon needed some moments to gather his thoughts.

"Soruklithbaal. We need to end the undead dragon, that will awaken the people of Avalia to fight." The demi-human allowed one of his clawed hands to stroke his chin in thought. "But how would we do that?" He said softly, before closing his eyes and smiling in Valaeon's direction.

"Soruklithbaal..." Reality seemed to slap Valaeon in the face as his confident expression wavered. As much as he wanted to tell Carneylus how ridiculous such a feat was, it was necessary in defeating the lich. There was no path to victory without devising a way to remove such a powerful abomination of a weapon from the battlefield. Valaeon took a deep breath, regaining his composure. "The intellectual and the cowardly would say it is impossible... I am neither! Undead are not unbeaten and neither are my powerful cousins. I will see to it that Soruklithbaal is not but ground bones and ash scattered across the battlefield!" The fire in his eyes was hi determination in victory. A great sound suddenly rumbled between the two men.

"BUT, we need to feast my friend. My stomach yearns for a different kind of battle." Valaeon grinned while placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Valaeon always enjoyed the food from the port. So much fish to be devoured!

"Haha! I expected you would say something like that, my friend!" Carneylus said in a laughing manner, as he looked to the hand placed on his shoulder. "You are trying to prevent me from being first to the food table aren't you?" The man looked at Valaeon with a serious expression before it faded to be replaced by a grin.

"You got the right idea!" The darkhaired man said in a joyful manner as he attempted to shrug himself free from his draconic friend and dart across the wooden second floor on his bare feet, his aim the wooden stairs leading down to the first floor and the dining hall which was being ready for their arrival. Last time Valaeon had visited the port town, he had eaten half the fish before anyone else had even gotten into the hall itself. The winged man wasn't taking any chances this time around. That salmon was going down, one mouth or the other.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Each action has a reaction. This is something he learnt long ago, his mentor often told him the importance of consequences. How it all was linked together like a massive long chain of events. Much like the events which had passed on in the past, the events of the present and those which would lie in wait in the future. The most cunning of all hide behind a mask of a fool, yet if he remains behind that mask for too long he may become the fool. Yet reveal a part of yourself, and others may come to do the same as a statement of either agreement or disagreement. Much could be learnt from it. Much had been learnt from it.

Kenia, the elven woman was displaying her nature openly and drawing attention to herself. She wouldn't be an ally of the lich, that much was certain to him. The male winter fairy was similar to the elven woman, yet not as openly dreadful with his words. He showed concern for the group, not a trait of a spy or a servant of the lich for certain. Out of those present, he seemed the least likely to be serving the lich king and that made him an ally. His perception of the moth fairy's words and behaviour to Zepherin made more of his nature known.

'How easily some can reveal their true nature just by their words or actions... but people can only react in manners of their own experience. Not all bear the luxery that my mentor bestowed upon me.'

The female winter fairy, Zephyrin was appearing grateful and energetic. A big contrast to her male counterpart, yet such could also be a fine thing. Her nature however was far more difficult to discern, the girl had a look about her. That of a sly little vixen, the girl was certainly worthy to make note of. Perhaps she was the most similar to him out of all present, time would however tell if such would indeed be the case. Patience would reward those who'd had it, and Elthrael had the patience to wait. Bide his time, watch his companions closely with penetrating intent. The human of the company, was a hydromancer? Just like how Elsea had controlled the very flames themselves, this man could wield water to his bidding? That power was certainly grand in it's own way. But if this was the case, than this man wouldn't be able to defeat the lich alone. How could one drown something which doesn't even breathe? It was a pity, had he had been given control over the fire that Elsea had things may have worked out more fine. But as it now looked, there would be no reason to train him to become stronger if he cannot do anything to the lich. Just how many more humans were in Avalia? Were the rebellion doomed to fail?

'He listens well however, that itself is promising. A thinking man is a good man. It is one you can bend to your whim with the right words. That other beings find interest in you is not an oddity. It is to be expected. Even if ultimately it may prove to be a disappointment.' He thought briefly back about Elsea, then he watched as Zephyrin's attention set on Darius. The moth fairy adorned his corner-toothed smirk as he turned his head to answer.

"To act one must first see, to see one must focus, to focus one must remain calm in thought aswell as form. Though I can see how the fair missy's snow-coloured skin can be blinding. As for the the danger, it hasn't changed at all for me." He allowed a soft chuckle to escape his lips. "Trust none, none in this group nor this world. That is the best service you can do to yourself and those who share your path along the way. The only thing you can trust is that people will do what is within their nature to do, whatever that may be." The moth fairy mused softly, moving away some strands of his white hair from his face, allowing them to join his hair flowing over his shoulders.

Kenia's reaction to his words had not been met well or so it seemed, as the woman had barraged him with words. And so early in the day too. He felt obligated to return the favour at that point, to simply let it slip would be rude. "Much akin to the yellow and green fruits when they are newly grown, you seem overly sour. Must be that elven women age like milk or akin, after all you do not look -that- young." It was in a taunting manner that his words were chosen, they came out of his mouth almost with a pouty-looking expression on his face, before his face completely changed to be fully serious.

"Though if you were intending to fulfill said fantasy of yours, I would have no other choice but to squeeze you... like a lemon... until you run dry." His mouth showed no sign of jesting, his gaze cold towards Kenia before his lips formed into a smile and his expression changed to a more amused one. "So pleasantries aside, shall we get moving hm? Like following the flow in a stream wouldn't you say, Darius?"

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

"Forgive me friend for my silence, it's just that I didn't expect things to turn this way. This place really is the cesspool of the world. It reeks..." The dark elf wrinkled his nose, coughing and putting some cloth in front of his mouth and nose. There was no way they could stay where they were, the smell itself whilst surely not enough to kill them. The various other things could infect them and make them sick enough to the point of death.

"We cannot stop here.. we need to keep moving.." The dark elf said in a weary tone, the prospect of death wasn't the reason that pushed him forwards. It was to see the end of the rebellion and if his dream would come true. While everything had not gone according to plan, it was still underway. The injury caused by the elven governor however was still making it's presence known. How could he not had seen it coming? It irked him, of all people he had to be wounded by a complete fool. A powerful fool however.

The dark elf looked over the two women in the company as they ventured forth. "Do not lose hope. We will make it through this... believe in yourselves and that good will prevail." The dark elf said in his monotone voice, before offering his non damaged shoulder as a support for any of the women would they want it.

'Heh... speaking words not even I believe in, what a joke. There is no hope for this world. There never were. People will never change. The only release from this hellish existance is death. Death of it all.' The dark elf grew silent again, dwelling on his own throughts as if channeling them like they were some form of mantras.

"Do not let my appearance make you uneasy, none hates Aklenroth more than I. We'll definitely defeat him and bring peace to Avalia." Baraian said in his usual monotone voice, but with some reassurance.

'A lie? Not fully... I hate him as much as everything else. Hate... is my only true companion until we all shall be consumed in a final Golden Death.' The dark elf clenched his teeth togetherw, to stop himself from laughing.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

"Oh surely you jest? This is just a fraction of what one may achieve if there is a will to do it. The powers I possess however be nothing compared to the potential that the humans possess. I've seen their destructive and defensive powers firsthand after all. Not a thing many have seen, and even less spoken of. Also you are most welcome, how very refreshing with someone who appreciates the gift of the gods." Elthrael made a bowing motion with the top part of his body towards Zephyrin, with one hand behind his back, slightly like how a butler would greet people.

"Poetic? Isn't life itself very much so? It has a prologue and an epilogue. Almost as if we all are part of a grand book of some kind, where the end of it shall forever be another page yonder. What ultimately matters is if we obtain what we desire in the chapters which we are part of. It applies to everyone. To the rebel princess, to Aklenroth, to the the humans... to everyone whom live or has lived. One could say life itself is like a maze, where we are all searching for the fabled ending where all of our wishes and dreams come true." The moth fairy smiled and closed his eyes momentarily, walking up closer to Zephyrin.

"Natural charm hm? Well, you are quite the natural beauty yourself, certainly not lacking in the finer things. I'd imagine there are things far sweeter than apples though for those intrigued." The fairy set his eyes at Zephyrin's mouth, more specifically her lips. His own mouth creating a sligt smile with one of his sharper cornerteeth becoming visible, and almost seeming to sparkle for a moment before he turned his attention towards Kenia.

"My my, aren't you quick to jump to conclusions, elven missy. As curved with your tongue as you are with your body. One could almost think you had the imagery already worked out in your head. Must be those keen elven senses hm? Lest you be keen on just thinking of me? My my... the indecency!" Elthrael smirked towards Kenia upon hearing her words, he passed along a wink in her direction, followed by a soft chuckle. The fairy's magic began to work further on the now small tree of apples, causing several red ones to grow from it. Elthrael pocketed two of them, putting them into his attire, and a third which he decided to take a bite out of.

The fruit was indeed sweet, almost as sweet as the coming future would hopefully be. Of all those fighting the lich king, he had to make sure that in the end he would hold all the cards or this world would be lost. All the lives lost up until this point, all the animals and forestation that had been reduced to ashes. Such a sacrifice wouldn't have to be for naught. "Ahh, but ofcourse we shall continue our 'Woo-hoo'ing' session along the way, oh glorious leader. Your permission has also been noted, Kenia." The moth fairy snickered, with the red apple in front of his mouth.

"Nothing like meeting new people and threatening them with imminent death at the first sign of danger. Ahh, all the emotions bringing people together. Unbelievable isn't it?" The fairy chuckled as he looked between the groupmembers, readying up to leave.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

The morning was a sour one, if one were a governor. There had been no sign of edible things along the path he had gone, and the signs didn't make any sense to him. They all seemed to be like very crude drawings, not at all like proper elven signs which were delicate, intricate and far superior. But where exactly had he gone, it felt like he had gone for days with his legs and he felt like throwing up whenever he was reminded of the disgracefulness of having drunk water from a muddy pool. Who knew what else had stuffed it's ugly mug in it, all manner of beasts and inferior things. The elf quickly shook his head, he couldn't allow himself to stoop to such a level to dwell on lesser creatures. Which in the larger picture were insignificant no doubt.

The hardships put forth, he had cleared them all with elegance, at least he thought so. The gods were most certainly going to reward him soon for his temporary sacrifice and suffering. Then the elf's ears began to twitch, what in the elven graces was causing that noise? It was with outmost boldness that the governor decided to step into the forest, what were in the forest that could possibly pose a threat to an elf of his standing. No doubt with every pitiful critter simply scatter upon seeing him. No doubt had the birds and other creatures spread far and wide the words of the generousity, grace but also the power of one such as he.

Then he heard a whistle and some sound against the floor, the unmistaken sound of a horse. A horseman in the forest? Perhaps one of his servants looking for him or perhaps someone having been dispatched to relieve him of his troubles. It was with a mix of anger and annoyance that the elf saw a figure ride further away from him.

"He-" He began to open his mouth to yell towards the horseman and his passanger which resembled some kind of beast. 'A tamer out here?' The elf thought as he moved through the various bushes. Where did all that spiderweb comes from anyways? Some ranger had certainly failed his woodsman tasks of keeping the forests tidy.

Then the elf saw something ahead, two other figures fighting against what seemed to be large arachnids.

'I cannot allow myself to be looking bad here. Ugh...' The elf pinched the bridge of his nose, which reminded him of his pain in his face and that made him boil over. All the walking, no food, no servant, no clear water, no wine... That's it. It was time to let go of a little steam, but surely the elven governor was a man of patience, understanding and restraint.

"Die you eightlegged vermin! I've killed two-hundred of your ilk already!" He yelled and raised his hand to shoot beams of light to pierce some of the spiders. And it was not long after that he recognized one of the figures.

'Isn't that the half-wit Kalay- Kenova... whatever her name was travelling with. Fortune at last!' The elf suddenly felt more energy coming to him.

"Where is your mistress, half-wi- Ah." He took a moment to cough and change his question. "Your. MISTRESS. Where. Is. She? Do-you-understand?" The governor pointed to Malachi and then to his own forehead, trying his luck at body langauge. After all, someone in the gathering was clearly lacking a few noble steeds in their stable. Terneus also set the eyes on the other figure next to Malachi, what manner of beast was this? Like a... fat elf without the graceful ears? Probably some kind of disgusting demi-human or experiment.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

"Oh pleasure is all mine~." The forest fairy had replied when Zephyrin had introduced herself. The presence of the male winter fairy so far south was an uncommon thing, but to encounter yet another one and a female at that so soon after was even more a rarity. While Elthrael had considered that they could had been servants of the lich king, it was no use dwelling on such possibilities. If they would turn out to be such later, then he would deal with it as he did most other things. Like his old mentor had taught him. He had to remain flexible and able to adapt to his surroundings. Of those in the company, the most suspicious was the male elf who kept to himself still. The female elf not as much, she was too aggressive. Or at least that's how he viewed her. It was the silent types which generally had things to hide, after all the less you speak the smaller the chance of you saying something that could arouse suspicion.

Elthrael had nodded in agreement to Bowyn's invitation to join them to eat, overall the male winter fairy was the least suspicious of the bunch, with his merlin companion sitting on him. Would the moth fairy not have had access to his plant magic, this merlin might have very well been dinner. Though it appeared as the pair was quite inseparable. The fish having been caught was not of interest to him however, after all he didn't know if they had been poisoned. To allow himself to fall prey to such a thing was out of question, to offer others a piece of food however or take some from his own grown plants was far more appealing. As they sat and ate by the campfire, the girl had begun to move closer to Bowyn. Were she feeling cold? The moth fairy allowed a very soft chuckle to exit his lips as he moved closer towards the girl as she gradually made her way over towards Bowyn.

"Enjoying the little swimmers are you? Yet whilst such be good and all, one ought to not forget to have something sweet aswell." Elthrael said in a soft tone, followed by a wink as he watched the girl eating up her fish swiftly. It didn't take him long to lift up his both hands in front of himself, twirling them in slow motions and forming a single capsule, or rather a seed inbetween two of his fingers. The moth fairy held it out towards Zephyrin to have her look at it.

"Everything begins with a seed, yet with enough time, warmth and care it slowly begins to grow..." He softly continued, as his magics began to open the seed and create a tangling vine, which began to gradually spread more vines and flowers would begin to decorate it. The moth fairy allowed the vines to dig into the ground, then the creation began to take the shape of a small tree with green apples on it. The fairy ceased his channeling momentarily, reaching out and unhinging one of the green small apples, placing it into one of his hands before resuming his magic to cause it to grow in size and colour. Becoming a very tasty looking red apple.

"...until it reaches it's peak." The moth fairy held out the red apple towards Zephyrin, while his other hand swiftly created a red rose. "Yet like everything else, it someday will also become one with the earth again. The natural cycle of things." He softly smiled and formed his mouth into a 'O' shape, blowing the rose petals from the rose, causing them to fly up into the hot air created by the campfire before raining down.

"Yet a red rose, does not have the clarity of a pure white one. Nor the rarity, as a diamond amidst the coal or the moon in the starry sky." He softly murmured as he began to regrow the top of the rose-stalk and making it into a white rose. The fairy soon after snapped the stalk and reached out to try place the rose in Zephyrin's hair.

"Life may be sweet and juicy just like these apples, yet it may also be rotten and barren. What decides it? Your choices does. There is an old saying, that if one were to eat the gift of the gods, a gift like this one, one could someday become just like the gods themselves. Powerful, wise and all-knowing. Perhaps this is nothing but an old humantale, told to us faekind as a lullaby. Yet curious nontheless don't you think? People ought to pay more respect to fairytales overall. Especially those of the olden days..." He set his golden eyes directly towards Zephyrin's ruby eyes, his smile soft and beckoning.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

The walk in the night had been tiresome, even for someone as highly accomplished, esteemed and powerful as the ever so benevolent governor, Terneus Andros. He had turned around to look how far he had gotten several times, even if he possessed the ability to create light, it was not an ideal thing as he would be making himself a target. There was also no fancy pavillion, bed or carriage where he could drift off into sleep either, and sleeping on the ground was something only dogs did. Or other kind of beasts. The elven man felt how his back, his legs and pretty much his entire body ached, how could that port town to the north be so far away? It had seemed so close on the maps, and when he went around by his carriage.

The thought of having lost his carriage made him grit his teeth, and he felt the need to blame someone for it's destruction. It wasn't his fault for certain. The mothlike fairy? Commander Feldrin? His incapable disappointment of guards? There were many to blame for his ill fortune, it couldn't all be a test from the elder elven gods could it? Had they not already tormented his pride and honor enough as it were? To humiliate him in this manner, it was likely signs of much good fortune to come in the near future. All he had to do now was to hold on. Terneus could also feel how his throat was getting sore, he wanted some elven wine... and food. But there was no servant nearby to provide him with such, he should never have gone out of the city. 'It's all those idiotic beastfolks fault, they hogged all the food and let this happen to me.' He thought and wrinkled his face, to the point his injury reminded itself of it's presence.

'At least that damned commander Dreadclaw got what he deserved. Good riddance!' He mused. But it had been a filthy half-breed that had summoned the large demon. It was surely not one of King Aklenroth's servants, why would he surround himself with beings of lesser worth? A bird should be in a cage. Be it as something to look at, amuse yourself with or have in a prison. Or teach it to repeat your words, even if it's pronounciation is far from correct.

It was then, caught amidst his thoughts thinking of himself that the ever so humble governor saw salvation ahead. It took the form of a muddy pool of water. It was water... but it was tainted water. But he was thirsty... his throat was killing him about as much as the rest of his body. Upon closer inspection as he approached it he saw a squirrel come running towards the pool of muddy water.

"Oh no you don't! Scram! It's mine!" He screamed out and hurled himself forwards, slipping in the nearby mud, his once white attire being torn and no longer recognizable as white. The elf snarled at the squirrel which halted it's approach and ran back to a nearby tree and looked at him and chippered in an angry manner at the elf which now was stealing his water supply. The governor breathed heavily on all fours and looked at his own reflection in the muddy water, he had never looked as bad as he did now. The elf felt like crying, but crying were for commoners and not rich people like himself so he suppressed the feeling. He gave the muddy water another glance of a mixture of disgust and craving at the same time.

'Why? Why must you punish me so? Have I not been a rightful, kind and just man? What have I ever done to deserve this?' He momentarily looked to the sky, as if expecting mercy from the elven gods. His head soon fall back in a sense of hopelessness, throwing a glance at the squirrel still watching him. It felt him with new resolve, this little mammal had no right to drink this water. It was now his. The elf breathed out heavily, looking around to make sure he wasn't being watched by anyone else. Before he cupped his hands together and lifted the muddy water to his mouth and began to drink it, it didn't take him long to begin to cough. It tasted terrible, as if it would have been wine made by the demi-humans, or an orc. The coughing got more and more violent but then he set his eyes on the squirrel again, it was still watching him.

"It's good! Bet you want some of this you filthy fur ridden treerat?! Well you can't have any! It's mine!" He barked out and took another sip, he felt like throwing it back up but such actions were not befitting of a noble of his standing. The elven man finally got back to his feet, muddied and less gracious than before. But at least he was no longer thirsty. Thus he left the pool of water behind, to which the squirrel quickly and happily made over to and began to drink.

"Damn it all... " Terneus muttered, he was too weary to smite the squirrel for it's audacity. Too tired to care for it's theft of the muddy water. The governor knew he couldn't have that long left, he proceeded forwards and closer to the edge of the forest.
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