Elthrael Vol'Kerno
The moth fairy began to flutter his wings, hurling himself up into the air, where he stopped to hover, crossing his legs slightly as he 'sat' midair.
"It is not a matter of me seeking the answer to that question, I know it already. I simply wish you lovely people to know your answer too, would you have not given it any thought. I cannot read minds, neither can you, otherwise you've would not have stated what you did." He softly mused before continuing.
"A person's true nature is akin to the heart of the forest, buried deep within... warded by thorns and vines. You can only guess what it may be, perhaps by the sweet smelling flowers, the trees yielding it's fruits or the colourful leaves. Yet the sweetest of things may be the most poisonous, how could you tell the truth from the lies? Perhaps only in time. As to what I am doing here? Let me tell you a little story..." The moth fairy moved one of his hands in front of him in a sideway motion, as if he was turning a page in an invisible book.
"To open a door, one require a key. But not just any key, the right kind of key. Some take the shape of a sword, others as a shield or set of armor. For not all things of battle are created to destroy something, some are created to ward the wielder of said sword. As certain as the water flowing in a stream, a powerful shield of the same kind will realize everyone's dream. The blade must be kept beyond the element of life, obscure and protect it's very existance from the evil one would seek to end with it. Light in it's purest form is the sword, yet without a sharp edge even it will be unable to cut the dark. Who is the smith that will hone the edge and where is the sword, now that is something worth pondering on for those seeking answers..." The fairy kept musing on softly.
"You seek to end the lich to give peace to the fallen, this is indeed true... but only partly so... It is someone... someone important to you that was... taken from you. A friend? A sibling? A lover? Yes... you crave revenge or justice, whichever word you prefer. Yet your statement that you do not care about the world... is not true at all. Because you are a part of this world, just like your companions are. To reject the world is to reject your companions, because they are as much part of the world as they are a part of you, and you are a part of them, my wintery friend." He allowed a soft upturn at the corner of his mouth, still keeping his attention on those in the group.
"As for the lich, what drove him to place the world in his hand? Perhaps his reasons were not far different from your own at the beginning. After all he was once a breathing and living being too, shaped by the world around him and those he surrounded himself with. A part of this world, if you so wish. Some elders have made claims that he was once an elf, but whose alive to truly confirm such a thing? Even so would you believe it?" Elthrael softly exhaled, blowing a falling leaf out of his path, causing it to twirl down towards the earth.
"Now here's an actual thought for you, what if the lich was not an elf at all... but a human?" The moth fairy's hair was blowing slightly in the wind, his eyes looking to the group over his shoulder as he turned midair as if he sat on a spinning chair.