The Dragon Claws' blade struck nothing but the blade of the demon's own sword, stopping him just short of his target. This annoyed Auron, as this not only stopped his attack, but he wouldn't be any the wiser as to how sturdy the enemy's armor was. But what surprised him even more was Meats' speed and reaction time. He had taken note that Meats had stopped his stab immediately after he had sidestepped, giving him enough time to bring it up and block as needed. He pressed his blade up against his opponent's with much of his strength. With the blades locked, and the indestructible nature of his own weapon , he felt that he had the advantage here. If he could overpower his foe and send him reeling, he could take the chance to deliver a strong blow.
Unfortunately for Auron, however, that plan did not work out very well. As it turned out, Meats' blade was pressed up against his chest...and this gave him all the leverage he needed. And soon, it was turned against him. when Meats lurched his body forward, Auron had to back off; he knew that he wasn't keeping him at bay well enough. He was successfully thrown back. He had no time to recover, however; Meats was already bringing the blade around at him again. However, he was able to recover quickly enough to raise his blade once more. Thanks to this, he was able to hold his sword upward with his right arm holding it in the opposing weapon's path. He quickly braced it with his other arm, however, hopefully ensuring that he could stop the blade's strike. He had been taken by surprise once...if it happened again, he might not be able to help block it the next time.
Instead of trying to counterattack with his own blade, he maintained his grip and the sword was kept in its position, trying to keep the deadly blade from coming any nearer to his body. Instead, he switched all of his weight onto his back foot, trying to leave himself with enough force to keep him from falling, and brought his nearest foot upward and into the air. He aimed a single kick upward, toward Meats' midsection body armor once again. His attack would have quite a bit of force behind it, so with any luck it may be able to force an opening for him to strike with his blade again. As his body moved fluidly in his attempt to slam his foot into Meats' stomach, his tail came into use. It planted itself on the ground, allowing Auron to instinctively use it as a method of maintaining his balance should something go wrong on the front. This would all be done the moment Iginbo's blade met the the Dragon Claw's...and if it worked, Auron could potentially show this demon what real strength was!