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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Haha. That sounds like fun. I've done one or two wrestling things before, so I shouldn't be too bad at this. xD If you want to go ahead and start, feel free to. I'll get my character done soon I'm sure.
Okay then. Hm...how do you think I should insert Hide and Botamon into the situation? Since nobody's taken note of him and all that at the moment. And a couple times, it was specified that there were only two other humans. Should I just simply have Hide there anyway? Or perhaps he was just somewhere out of sight for some reason...?
Ah, I see. Well maybe I did hear of him at some point and just forgot. *shrug* Anyway...I suppose everything involving my character and Digimon is done and okay now?
Heh. I never did finish any of the manga, actually. xD I would start them, but then go into other things like various games.

And yeah, I figured that there was a reason for it. I'll have to see what comes of it later. *shrug*
Heh. I figured it was something like that, given that you've got...what appears to be quite a bit of interesting treatment with the extra Generation. xD I was wondering what that was about more than anything else.
Heh. Yeah, but I have been out of touch with the series for a while now. xD And I haven't played a non-Fighting Digimon game since Digimon World Data Squad or Dawn/Dusk.

Hm.... Well, I'd really like Agumon for sure, if that's doable. xD Greymon I'd be more willing to let go of, though. He and the Ultimate forms I wouldn't mind ditching. As for caring for a Digimon...I wouldn't be so sure. Once he got over the initial shock of everything, he'd be rather intrigued by them. Once he learns that these Digimon don't want to hurt him, he'd probably want to do what he could to keep them in good condition. Especially while they're still in their In-training form or lower, where they look particularly pet-like. xD

@Lugia - Yeah, I know about the giant web of possible Digivolutions. I use Wikimon for everything Digimon. xP But I was particularly looking for any that I would particularly like to have. xD
Hm.... VictoryWarGreymon would be kinda cool (and I'm going to admit that I didn't even know he existed yet xD) but I still prefer the basic form. All he really seems to be, though, is WarGreymon with a giant sword, which is...a bit on the strange side to me. xD The other WarGreymon variants are cool, but not really something I'd really want to match with Koromon and the Virus Buster personality I want for him.
Ah okay, I get it. Yeah, that answers it well enough.

Hm.... There's honestly not a whole lot. xD I mean, there are a few lines that lead to some Royal Knights that I wouldn't mind, but there aren't a whole lot in these Digivolution lines that I'm not just...indifferent toward. xD There are a couple lines, like ones that blend into Veemon's or Guilmon's or Dorumon's for example. But they're all obviously less interesting for me than WarGreymon, obviously. xD "Better than WarGreymon" would be kind of tough for me, given that WarGreymon's possibly my personal favorite Digimon. xD But...I'll see how it goes. =}
Heh. Thanks. It's what Hide's always been, so I don't know what else to say about it. xD

Hm...yeah, I thought so. What are the rules or Digivolution here, though? I mean...it's not even mentioned in the book as far as I can tell, aside from a note on alternative DNA Digivolution methods. Does it just take the ideas from the Digimon World games and do it in a similar fashion? But mostly I want to know what triggers the Digivolution and if you'd be locked into the one line that you get? I assume so, but I know quite a few Digimon games let you alter your line quite a bit.

Alternative Megas? I'm not really sure. Haven't looked into it too much tbh. WarGreymon's always been my main RP choice, and I haven't really thought about any others in the DR or VB lines. But I can take a look. Though it's a lot harder, given the huge possible branches that can be looked into.
Alright, I suppose that's fair enough. I'll go ahead and make a change then. =} I think I'll go with Psychology. Mostly because he does possess a quite a few traits that goggleheads typically do in the Digimon series, so I imagine he would make a good leader if it came to that. He'd be rather attached to his friends once he's made them (since he never really had them before).

Ah, you think so? Heh. Well then, I think I'd go with the main line. My main issue is that I would like forms in which I love Rping each and every one. I could do certain other lines, but I'd have one form somewhere that I wouldn't want to use much. So I'll stick with Koromon > Agumon > Greymon > RizeGreymon > WarGreymon as my the line I'm most hopeful for. xD
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