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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Satoru turned his attention away from his own conversation once he realized that somebody else had begun talking as well. It seemed like she wasn't directly saying anything to anybody in particular, but it was rather important to know. He quickly made a mental note of what she had to say. Zypha Celtus, shipwright. He smiled slightly. So, it would seem that they have a navigator, a shipwright and now a doctor. Conveniently enough, it was quite a lucky crew, considering the fact that they were the only takers and not one of them copied each other's positions so far.

Satoru quickly turned his attention back to the captain of the ship. "Yeah, I would say that I am," he said with a hint of amusement. "Trust me; if I wasn't, I wouldn't have followed you. I figured that a pirate medic was somewhat hard to find. So, my medical expertise should probably come in handy as your ship's doctor." He then paused and looked back at the ship behind him. "...Though I'm not sure I'll be THAT much help until I can get some medical supplies."
Once the ship had successfully pulled away from the dock of Arlen Island, Satoru knew that there was no more going back. So for now, he decided to take a quick look around the new ship and take in their accommodations. Well...it certainly wasn't the prettiest ship he'd ever seen, but at least it seemed functional enough. And there was plenty of room here for the five members. He just hoped that this ship wouldn't be permanent, considering the much grander pirate ships he had seen in his lifetime.

He soon returned to the deck where he looked at the man whom he assumed was responsible for gathering this makeshift crew together in that bar. At that point, one of the men with them began to talk, addressing which direction they'd be heading in and the weather conditions. He nodded at that. He wasn't completely comfortable with the idea that their navigator was new to the task, but it wasn't like he had any greater knowledge. After all, he had specialized his knowledge in medical care.

Once he was done, he turned back to the man he suspected would become their captain. "Excuse me," Satoru said, reaching out one of his hands toward Lenwood. "My name is Satoru. I assume that you were the one who passed out those fliers back in the bar, right? You were the one looking to form a pirate crew?"
Alright, looks like there's just one more to go. xD

The crew name is probably coming up as soon as this prologue reaches its end. So I suppose we should probably finalize that relatively quickly.
Satoru looked on as the entire group seemed to leave the bar almost immediately upon the young man's suggestion. So, it seemed like they were all together then, for better or for worse. He smiled slightly at the thought. He could hardly believe that he was actually going through with this. He cast a glance to the side, noticing the Marines starting to approach the bar already. "Wow...that's faster than their usual response times," he murmured under his breath.

He kept his head low, trying to avoid any sign of detection from any of the marines. The last thing he wanted was for them to find out that he'd joined a crew already. In fact, he wanted to make sure he went undetected for as long as possible. He definitely didn't want anybody to know just what crew he had decided to join so soon.

He approached the boat that their apparent captain had led them to. It was...not quite what he had expected. Clearly, this was just a small and temporary ship. This thing would probably never last too long out there in the rough seas of the Grand Line. He put his first foot forward...then stopped himself. He couldn't help but hesitate; he was about to enter a world he knew nothing of. For the first time, he'd be stepping out of a comfortable, routine life and into one that was less predictable. But a few seconds later, he smiled to himself.

"...Sounds like fun," he murmured under his breath again. He then continued his walk, stepping quickly onto the ship. "Alright, ready to sail." he announced toward the girl who stood ready to cut the rope that anchored them to the port.
@digizel You make some good points but to spruce up the Jolly roger we could also throw in a reference to Doflamingo's flag since Lenwood has the same DF as him.

How about we use one of these three ships as basis for our own

Yeah, I think the first one sounds good to me. =3 The second one looks like it's a row boat, and we don't know how long we'll keep it. xD And the first one just looks like a better ship in terms of design. Though yeah, a slimmer version of it would probably be a good idea~

The problem with making a reference to the Donquixote Pirates' JR is that it's...extremely simple in design. xD There's not really much to work with. The most obvious thing, I suppose, would be to copy that center smile as the skull part of the flag, but without the line going through it.

All these ideas, really love them ^^ And by the way, my character face claim is Gray from Fairy Tail, for easy reference. I just happened to pick that picture since he looked like almost being killed ^^ The pain that Lenwood will face in the future. So, in conclusion, I'm up for Pic #1 for Ship but it should be slimmer in design.

Regarding flag, I'm open to anything really. If we agree upon Digizel's suggestion, the trademark thing from Gray (Fairy Tail, face claim of Lenwood) is his cross necklace. It's small but here's the full pic, it's a sword with blue diamond on the middle. Another trademark would be his strip-like habit, he likes to strip his top and walk around topless also he comes with boxer. Can we come up with a crew name with this small necklace like Silver Sword or something? AND maybe looks funny, but hey, I'm attracted to the word "Misfit Pirates" lol XD

Haha. Yeah, I was starting to suspect that that might have been the case, but I've seen very little of Fairy Tail since I plan to watch it at some point in the future (I mean...I watched One Piece from beginning to end, I don't see why I can't do that for FT xP). It's a shame you had to bar him from the Ice Fruit. xP

Haha. So then, how about I we do something a little bit similar to the Whitebeard flag? Where instead of a crossbones, we have the design of that silver sword pendant behind it?

As for the crew name...the silver sword pendant is DEFINITELY something noteworthy for the crew. So I do like the idea of using that as the basis for the name. Silver Sword works, but I feel like it could be improved. So how about something like the Silver Steel Pirates? I dunno, to me it just has a nicer ring to it. xD But of course, I'm still not opposed to keeping it at Silver Sword.

EDIT: Haha. Though after reading Zel's most recent post, I'm tempted to say the Troublemaker Pirates. xD
Heh. Well, ship design aside for now, the Jolly Roger is usually associated strongly with the captain, right? So somehow, it should resemble Lenwood or be somehow representative of Lenwood. So perhaps the skull and crossbones, but with Lenwood's hairstyle would probably be a good starting point at least. His appearance on his profile is awfully lacking. Does he have anything special about his usual outfit that would look good on the JR? Like chains or ropes or...anything?

As for a crew name, there are a few options that I can think of. The first step would be coming up with a nickname for Lenwood to go by. Akin to "Straw-hat" Luffy of the Straw-Hat Pirates or "Whitebeard" of the Whitebeard Pirates. Then you can name the crew after that nickname.

Alternatively, you could give a name that relates to the crew's origins. Since the crew was gathered all at once, and in such a bizarre manner, and each person is so distinct or simply out of the ordinary, you could go with something like the "Misfit Pirates."

Finally, there's always the simple "Lenwood Pirates." It's rather unimaginative, but it's one to fall back on at least. xD

As for the ship...well, honestly, I feel like the ship we start with should be basic and rather dull. The crew can acquire a new ship more tailored to them later somehow like the Straw-Hats got the Merry-Go. Perhaps with our shipwright having helped build it or something.
Satoru looked down at is handiwork, nodding to himself. At first, he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about injuring him like that. But when he thought about the kinds of things this man had probably done to innocents and the losses of life that he had probably taken part in, he decided to drop it. After all, this is Besides, it wasn't like he had killed him. And the tear in his leg would be easy enough for any doctor to help heal since the shard he had fired was very small and would disappear soon. Besides, hand to hand combat without using his powers was not something he was particularly used to doing. Though he supposed that he would have to get used to in on his pirates' journey.

Satoru turned his attention across the room, where the man he had seen before, who had had two other people walk up to his table, called out to them. He had a point, he supposed. "Down," he murmured, removing what little glass coating he still possessed on his fingertip. And this would definitely be his best chance at joining a crew and getting off of the island in a timely manner. And so, he nodded. But first, he had business to attend to. He walked over to the bar and pulled out a small letter from his back pocket. He set it down on the inside of the bar where it would be easy for the bartender to discover once he regained consciousness and set his glass down on top of the letter to keep it weighed down. The folded sheet of paper had "PLEASE DELIVER TO MARINE COMMANDER HIKARI" written on the front.

With that, he nodded and closed the note again, turning away and making his way toward the exit as well, though he made sure to keep an eye on his surroundings. The last thing he needed was to be attacked again so soon. Especially now that he didn't have the glass in his hand...
Oh wow. I decide to wait for a couple more people to post so Satoru has a better idea of what the rest of the bar is like...I go to sleep and then wake up to find that everybody has posted pretty much all a once. xD

Guess I'd better get reading then. =3
Haha, oh man now that his axe has dropped I'm really tempted to have Satoru touch the flat end of the blade and get an iron coating. xD Or steel, whatever it's made of.

But...I don't think Satoru would do that unless he needed to save somebody or something. Still, though, it's really tempting. xP
<Snipped quote by Digizel>

Oh um, just one more thing Digizel.

You don't have to make your posts this long. It would be somewhat easier to manage if you could reduce them to two- three paragraphs.

It's not really an issue, but it would be better.

Heh. Sorry, I'm not used to being told to make my posts more concise when RPing. xD That's how I often write. For characters like him, I try to go through their normal mental processes and such, but I'll try to keep it shorter.
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