Yuri Sawatari
Female | “Lisa” | 14
Yuri is an obviously young girl with a very innocent and childlike demeanor. She is short for her age, standing at a mere 4'11.5" and possesses a soft, verdant gaze to match her emerald hair color. She is almost always radiating a rather cheerful aura, causing her to be the type that often attracts others. Because of her love for fantasy novels, she often likes to dress in attire that might fit into such a world, not being afraid to even don a cape of some kind around her shoulders.
Yuri's life has been rather simple and straight-forward...with the exception of one incident when she was young. Yuri had a near-death experience when she was 4, when she was nearly run over by a car. Luckily, a nearby pedestrian managed to pull her away, causing her to only get barely nicked by the car, but still enough to render her unconscious. She was hospitalized for a few days and released with no noticeable, out of the ordinary symptoms. Ever since, her parents became more protective and even began to spoil her. They never did anything about her childish nature, preferring that she stay so innocent, so long as she remains good-natured. She doesn't even remember the accident to this day.
As she grew, she quickly began to grow attached to the idea of different worlds. She often envisioned herself in all kinds of worlds with different rules of reality. Playing pretend was always her favorite activity. As a result, she quickly found herself drawn to fantasy stories. Magic and monsters...the idea fascinated her to no end. So naturally, when she discovered a virtual reality game like "Digimon World," on a trip to the arcade by her mother, she jumped right into the seat to give it a try. She was hooked in immediately, growing extremely fond of her digital friend.
As she grew, she quickly began to grow attached to the idea of different worlds. She often envisioned herself in all kinds of worlds with different rules of reality. Playing pretend was always her favorite activity. As a result, she quickly found herself drawn to fantasy stories. Magic and monsters...the idea fascinated her to no end. So naturally, when she discovered a virtual reality game like "Digimon World," on a trip to the arcade by her mother, she jumped right into the seat to give it a try. She was hooked in immediately, growing extremely fond of her digital friend.
If one word could summarize Yuri's personality, it would be "childlike." She almost seems to have not matured as she grew, due to her parent's pampering and desire to maintain her innocence. She is rather sheltered and innocent, greatly enjoying living in her own fantasy worlds. She exudes a great amount of cheer and she tends to brighten up the mood in a dark situation. This bright, optimistic attitude has resulted in her becoming rather popular, though she is sometimes considered a bit on the annoying side. She loves the attention of others and she enjoys trying to make friends with as many people as possible.

Male | "Vivi" | Free | Light
Veemon is, first and foremost, extremely protective of his partner Yuri. Prior to meeting Yuri, he was a stoic, warrior type of Digimon who fought for the sake of honor and valor. However, one day, she saved his life from an attack, something he had never seen a human do for a Digimon before. That event touched his heart and he has since softened himself, smiling and enjoying himself far more than he used to. He befriended Yuri fully, and now often takes it upon himself to play the role of her babysitter as well as Digimon partner. This can be seen when he often entertains her fantasies, often playing with her unless they had somewhere to go or somewhere to be. He has devoted himself entirely to protecting her from all harm, and she is all that matters to him. Despite is caring nature for his partner, he always tries to scold her and stop with the nickname she gave him, claiming that it sounds "embarrassing." Naturally, this has gone more or less ignored by his partner.
Digivolution Line:
DemiVeemon — Veemon — ExVeemon — Paildramon — Magnamon