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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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I just know I want to be a Fairy type. But I don’t have a character idea…

Hm...what about an Impidimp trickster/prankster kind of character? Or perhaps a big Snubbull that's got a "tough guy" like personality, but actually has a heart of gold and likes kids or something like that? Or you could use an Eevee/Sylveon that loves to manipulate people into doing what they want~

Any of those sound like they could interest you?
Okay, so here's my WIP. It's MOSTLY finished, I just have to actually write up his backstory. Just figured I should post it here first before I actually post him on the characters tab xD

So, what do you guys think of Hidon so far?~
Awesome, guess I've got my character chosen then. xD

And if he ends up dying for whatever reason, I've still got 5 others in the wings xP
Ooh, y'know, I kinda like the idea of him being left orphaned and traumatized by means of a Charizard; because then if I use Hidon as my Pokemon of choice, that would naturally put them at odds with one another, which is always a fun dynamic in a party~
Here's a brief summary that I wrote up based on what I can remember of the Mystery of Mew. How does this sound to you?

Aaron is largely a friendly, selfless Pokemon. He tries to maintain all of the qualities one would expect of a knight. He does his best to be strong, honorable and strives to be a true paragon of the Pokemon world. However, this can lead to him taking on more than he can handle. Compounding on this problem is the fact that he will often attempt to take these problems on by himself, whether it's because he doesn't trust them to handle it, because he doesn't want to put others at risk, or simply because it's something he wants to accomplish his goal in his own way. This can lead to him leaving Pokemon out of the loop when he takes action, for better or for worse. However, this could put him at odds with other Pokemon that he works with.

It's pretty brief, but as far as I can remember, Aaron doesn't really have much attention put on him during that movie; it's all about Lucario and Lucario dealing with being left behind by his mentor.
Hm...alrighty, then I suppose I'll make a basic Pokemon unless it evolves early enough....

That said, I do have a large number of potential characters to throw out here.

1. Hidon, a bold Charmander/Charmeleon fighter kind of character and son of a former hero. He prefers to settle matters quickly and decisively by punching it down, but ultimately isn't as strong as he wants to be (and often gets in over his head). Overconfident and stubborn, but who uses his strength to protect those who can't protect themselves. He also never picks fights with people who can't fight back, or are weak in comparison. He wants to get stronger by fighting tough opponents.

2. Jet, a timid Buizel who was saved from bullies in his marsh homeland once upon a time by a Guild member, and became motivated enough to want to get out of his comfort zone and become strong. He would want to become strong to help Pokemon like himself, and become a top-ranked member of the guild. He has a lot of self-confidence issues that hold him back, though.

3. Marduk, a Zangoose that largely keeps to himself, but is willing to fight with allies to achieve a common goal. He has his own goals and his own agenda involving an island that he once called his home. He joins the Guild for his own reasons. He is a no-nonsense type who isn't afraid to get his hands a bit dirty to do he thinks needs to be done. He is strong, careful, calculating and methodical in his approaches. If something doesn't make logical sense to do, he won't do it unless something forces his hand. Formerly a mercenary who would effectively sell his strength to whoever wanted him...now finds himself under the employ of a guild.

4. Sprout - a rash Treecko that joined the Guild to get to the truth of what happened in The Shattering. After all, it turned his former home in the wilderness into a dangerous place, and caused one of his parents to turn on the other. Rather than wander these dangerous woods alone, he joined up with a guild. He is young and energetic, and likes to think himself a knight that defends the weak, defeats villains, and upholds justice and order! He will sometimes introduce himself by his "title" of Sir Sprout.

5. Cassius, a brave Pikachu who sets out to make a name for himself! He grew up on a farm his parents made with his younger brother Sigma, but after troubles with an outlaw group, his little brother went missing, and now he has set out to find him and bring him home. What better way to do that than with a guild whose sights are set on information gathering and rescue missions? He is largely a show off and loves flexing his physical strength at any opportunity he gets.

6. Halcone, a jolly Hawlucha and, at least as far as he claims, the "King of the Ring." He claims to be from a distant settlement out in the wilderness that was unfortunately overtaken by the worst of what The Shattering has to offer. There, he claims many great warriors lived, and that he was the best out of them all...in the combat sports in which they would partake. He loves to fight and to laugh, but most importantly, he seeks to make sure that everyone around him is having a good time. Especially if they happened to pay to see him fight. He is a bit on the arrogant side, sometimes even believing that seeing him fight is a privilege...even though he doesn't seem to be really any better than other Pokemon of his own rank out in "real" battles.

I've also got a Riolu character option in there, but since we already have one, it'd be a redundant choice. His backstory concept could work really well for this, and it wouldn't be a big deal to have a second Riolu around...but for the sake of variety, I'll probably just stick with one of these six....

Now the hard part. I have to actually pick one to go with. xD
Hm...this does raise a question. What kind of power level are we aiming for here, exactly? Lower level, basic forms to start us off, and we will evolve as the story progresses? Or just whatever Pokemon we want? Other than the Legendaries, obviously. I know the CS says we can be anywhere between Bronze to Gold, but I feel like the characters should be on relatively the same level so that they can do things together, right?
Yeah, I was planning on waiting on Haruki to post with Stargaze, and Vertigo with Fell if he's back by then. But if not, I can have Shieldwing go again after Stargaze~

Shieldwing couldn't help but grin a bit, tail lashing slightly in anticipation. He was excited; and why wouldn't he be? He'd heard all kinds of stories about Echo from Stargaze since the clutch came together. And there was a part of him that couldn't wait to see what made her so special. Plus, this was going to be a new kind of creature he'd get to meet; exactly the kind of thing he had been looking forward to: seeing creatures and beings that you just couldn't find living with the other dragons back in the capital. However, something he hadn't taken into account was just how bad the situation was going to be on her.

Shieldwing's excitement soon gave way to concern as there was a longer wait than he had expected. He glanced at the white dragon in front of them, and got a prompt response from her before he even got to ask his question. Luckily, the muck soon began to shift, and a form began to peak itself out from below. But then he caught a look in the Elemental's gaze. One that he was able to read as relief, but there was also a grimace...? Was it just from how much effort she was having to put forward to mee with them like this...?

He listened to Stargaze's question, but then also to Fell's follow-ups. Oh yeah, that's right. Fellwing's visions had mentioned something like this, including an injured dragon. But to the red dragon, there was something a bit more concerning for him....

"Er..." Shieldwing interrupted, moving to step forward again himself. "Maybe we should wait a sec before pelting her with all the questions at the same time. She's having a hard time as it is." He then shifted his attention back to the elemental. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet, have we? My name's Shieldwing, and that's Fellwing. We're Stargaze's clutchmates, and we're here to fix things over here. There's another one, but he went off on his own...." Shieldwing's gaze fell slightly, but he quickly shook it off. "And the big, strong guy back there is Garrok, he's watching over us while we're here."

Shieldwing adjusted himself, standing taller, with his head held higher and wings tucked at his sides before continuing. "Is there a better way to talk? Or place? One where you might be a bit more comfortable? Like Fell said, we've got a lot of questions, but we don't want you to strain yourself or anything."
I often avoid Advanced RP (not because I can't write at an advanced level, but because a lot of people equate that to quantity), but I caught a PMD RP in its infancy state and it hasn't been flooded yet~ So you've got my interest too!

I've got LOADS of potential characters at my disposal that can serve a variety of purposes. xD Though my favorites are my Buizel, Charmander/Charmeleon and Riolu/Lucario...though obviously, I'm willing to leave that last one to the Alpha Luc~ xP
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