Tanrith seems to perk up at Azorigal's words. He smiled at the dragon, grateful that they seemed so up front and reasonable. He opened his mouth to respond, only to suddenly hear Raella--and very quickly afterward, Azorigal--inquired about his mechanical companion. And suddenly, his mood brightened considerably. Now the little lizard was practically beaming!
"OH!" he exclaimed brightly with a wide grin on his face. "Right! Agh, I'm sorry Zyrech, I totally forgot!" Tanrith spun around and immediately rushed over to the side of his mechanical companion. "Azzy, Raerae, this is Zyrech! My masterpiece!~ I made him myself from the ground up. I even made all the metal plating too! Zyrech, this is Azzy and Raerae, my new friends!"
At his introduction, the mechanical dragon bowed his head, but said nothing.
"I haven't figured out how to make him smart enough to think for himself yet," Tanrith continued. "So for now, all he can do is respond to specific stimuli with prerecorded actions. He can't take any complex action without my vocal instruction. But he can understand and process every word we say! He knows Common, Draconic of course, and even Giant!" As he spoke, he dug into his pocket, pulling out a small stone, holding it up to his maw. "Cool, right!?"
As he said that, he lowered the stone and fidgeted with Zyrech for a moment, sliding the stone into his mouth. "And if I inscribe a recorded message onto an object and put it in the latch at the back of his mouth like this, he can tap it on my command with his jaw and it lets HIM say it!"
"COOL, RIGHT!?~" suddenly came the voice from Zyrech's maw, sounding exactly the same as when he himself had said spoken those same words only a few seconds earlier. Tanrith flashed the pair a wide grin at that.
"Oh yeah, Azzy, you were wondering about the design, right? Well you're right, I designed him after a Blue dragon. See the horn here, and the frills on the side and how the spines look...? I immediately knew that a Blue dragon's what I had to base my design on 'cause it's the same color as Captain Stormclaw!" He chuckled again. "I mean, it also pairs well with me 'cause I'm the Lightning Fang, but that's just kinda icing on the cake, y'know? ...Aw man, now I'm kinda hungry...." He reached down and then patted his stomach a bit. "Forgot I basically haven't eaten all day today with all the stuff going on...."
And at long last, his nonstop tirade seemed to have finally come to an end. His passionate, almost babbling presentation stopping seemingly because of a mention of food, even if it was just a figure of speech. Whether anybody actually understood what he had said, or whether they were able to process it properly or not, one thing was easily understood.
He certainly didn't seem sad or depressed about the situation anymore.