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The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:10 UTC+8

Unfortunately for Cristina, just because she wanted something doesn't mean she should get it. Especially when the fate of nations rest in their actions.

Her Noble Arms dispelled violently as she tightened her fist. She understand where everyone was coming from, she knows that she needs to bide her time. But she can't stop her own emotions.

"I cannot stay here, just call me if you needed something." she spoke, refusing to do something she would regret.

Perhaps she could help at ensuring that the Chinese aren't pulling any tricks at the meeting. She could say to everyone that she's taking an enthusiastic walk.

After her eventful summoning, Caster immediately went to work. Preparation is her key to victory in this war and there are quite a lot of things a Caster could do before anyone can see face.

The first are clothes obviously, not only her master's clothing look boorish but it is lacking even with practical protection that clothes should have. Thanks to her she will now enjoy the benefits of a clothes that will never feel the heat of cold, can apply Presence Concealment albeit at a low-level, be attention grabbing when she needs to and even endure blows from some servants. She won't rely on the last feature though.

Second is a quick utilization of her connection with spiders, it was mostly diminished due to her being a Caster and not a Rider but it was still existing and even more subtle.

"I think a found a Servant." she spoke as she move through the countless spiders she had her master's familiar spread around the city before a smile creeps on her face. "A lovely lass she is, although I'm curious about the culture of the clothes she's wearing, she looked like a princess of barbarian lands, as likely such a term is."

"The Master is a holy man though so I don't like him."

The Greatest didn't show it in her face but she knew that this Holy Grail War is going to be a hard fought battle, she is no hero or magus that wield the mightiest of all magics. Her greatest advantage would be the age of her legend but if she faced an actual warrior she would be hard pressed to win.

Well she need to step up her game as the humans of time say, she already did one impossible thing what is another?

She decided to let the discussion about the gods end, her patron must have gotten the message. She doesn't care what she do just don't rope her into it.

Her stunt however ended in an unexpected outcome as her patron flirted with her. It appears that whatever the era of humanity she went, humans will remain mystified by her beauty. Her lips twisted into an alluring smile, not like she minded it. It doesn't care what form it is, she loves the attention.

"Maybe we can talk about that once we got to know each other." she teased before letting go of Samira who is definitely now turning red with embarrassment. She wasn't the first and if they won she won't likely be the last, can she make it would never be the case?

Nobody, absolutely nobody got her heart in her first life. She wants to see if this woman can up the Age of Gods in that regard.

The amusing distraction aside Samira was right at the cloak, it would be something difficult to wear in public with claiming attention.

"The fashion of Modern World is something I should learn at the end of this war." she concluded as she snapped her fingers. The thread began unravelling, multiplying, kneading once again at her commanding. The cloak is now a turned into coat of black laced with golden hexagonal pattern.

It would still attract attention of people but for an entirely different reason, she needs to show the world her once in a lifetime brilliance after all.

The Caster looked smugly she saw her master's lost face, that was hilarious especially when she fixated at her appearance. Admittedly her clothes are inspired by what was worn in the current day but what should she do wear the boring garbs her era made?

Not by her choice, she has standards and they only got higher when she died.

Her hands began moving as she answer to her patron.

"But those are not part of criteria to be victorious, am I right?"

As she listen to her patron, now named Samira introduce herself. At the same time, she masterfully manipulated her threads to create a dark cloak at first glance it appeared to be simplistic but magical detection would say that it was a Mystic Code for a lot of things.

"You don't need to worry about my thoughts on the gods, while I do desire my pound of flesh I do decide that such pettiness was not worth my time."

She tossed her cloak in the air, letting it land to Samira as it landed on her back perfectly.

Then Caster used the two two thread that remained attach to pull her into her face.

"As long as that faith of yours didn't bother me or my hard earned achievements. I can and will live in the same space as them."

Using her own hands, she made know to make sure that cloak will stay in its place before letting go.

"That Mystic Code can take various types of attack, adjust itself for your own comfort and even provide you a rank low ranked Presence Concealment, how's that for a demonstration dear patron."

In front of Samira a golden light began to emerge, releasing golden orbs of light one of by one. Her summoning was successful, a servant is about to manifest and she needs to do is to wait.

Then some peculiar happened.

As if it was commanded by someone's hand, the orbs turned violet and they eventually turned into strings covering the figure in a glowing purple cocoon.

She must after all, capture the world with her brilliance.

Then slowly a string began entering the cocoon leading to its unraveling, finally revealing the woman manipulating the spectacle unseen.

"This must be what they call the Modern Era, I always wonder what the world would look like without the Gods."

She stared at the shrine with disgust. "We don't need them after all.

She then finally turned to her master with a smile of a merchant trying to please her potential customer.

"But where are my manners? My name is Arachne, the greatest weaver among humans and gods and the Caster of this War, who was the magnificent woman who called my service." she asked as the cocoon began turning into a pair of velvet spider themed gloves.

She failed to notice it but she was letting out a feral smile on her face, she only had few opportunities to stretch her legs after all. And after all, what was in front of her was a special patron.

The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:10 UTC+8

Cristina spent her time studying the forbidden knowledge Qingshe provided her. Reading books had been a new experience for her but with a lot of persistence and help from Qingshe, she managed to create a simple spell. A proof of concept before this sudden peace conference.

She would've preferred if they left her alone while she can handle herself at places like this fine, she would prefer to not be in a den of snakes. No offense to Qingshe but the wordplay and euphemisms people use here was just too infuriating for her. Just be direct to the point.

The event passed without much fanfare until predictably the Chinese invited themselves.

Did the Dragon actually forgot about her? Not that she was complaining but that was pretty arrogant of him. And that guy Shen Tu, he looked like he didn't want to be here. She felt a little bit of kinship.

She would've been fine with this until the man's friend introduced himself.

"You." He is Superbia's Avatar?

So the man who turned her sister into that was in front of her?

Sinagtala suddenly appeared on her left hand. He wasn't that far her new move will reach her.

After all, how could she afford to waste this opportunity.

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