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18 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
21 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
21 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
21 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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21 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Vor Having run this RP in casual once before - yes. But if interest dictates, I will supply, because summer is coming up, and I want something to do.
While you all fight, let me share a passionate kiss with my good friend Ryo. I mean, Samehana.

⊰ Dan 'Zam-bam Makerman' Gritt ⊱

✓ Location; The Valiant Angler
✓ Current goal; becoming a stowaway on the Argo Somehow overcoming the barrier that is Samehana, and the kiss he gave her
✓ Involved characters;
Samehana - @RyoryoryoKen
Freyja - @Pacifista


Dan watched carefully as Samehana dug into the steak, or at least, what he presumed to be a steak. Was it working? The beads of sweat on his temple rolled down, tripling in number at this point, but he could blame that on the supposed heat he was feeling. He looked on as Samehana seemed.. satisfied. To a degree. Maybe. But within a moment, without Dan getting as much as a warning, he'd be grabbed by the chin and pulled closer. He did not flinch - not in the face, anyway. Mentally, he freaked out. 'She's gonna kill me!' he thought to himself. But his face was still generally unemotive. He placed his hand down on the table, steadily, to stop himself from falling over. His eyes stared right back at hers, with their lips almost touching. He could feel her warm breath on his face. For a moment he was silent as she uttered her question.

“Miss shark, you've obviously never been to Elfen island before.. first of all, we don't see many women like you. I mean.. you're no ordinary woman, in the positive sense, are you?” Yes, pamper her with a compliment, that might ease her up. Perhaps that's what she was after. Perhaps not. But women were sensitive to that kind of stuff he read. Furthermore, she couldn't deny this really, since it was obvious from her attire and her demeanor that she was.. well, either a pirate or a marine of sorts, someone special, someone with a ship.

“Second off, I'm just following orders from my boss.” His eyes kept being locked with hers, where as a normal man would've easily let his eyes wander to her gigantic bossom. At this point, the three sweat beads on his temple had glid down and made it's way to the hair close to his ear, dripping further down from there and eventually letting go it's sweaty, wet clutch on Dan's face, instead dripping onto the table. “Third.. I am not against doing a service for a woman like you. Customer is king. Or.. queen in your case.”

Their already close proximity had given him the shakes earlier, but now, it was perhaps a probable tool to use against the woman. The way their faces were so close, it wouldn't give her time to react to this. He pushed himself forwards, and closed his eyes, pressing his lips against her and locking them together, briefly parting his lips again before pressing them against hers tighter. It was brief, very brief, but unexpected to throw her off of her little 'I'm a dangerous pirate' spiel and put her in the position he'd been in - the position of someone who wasn't sure how to react. Maybe if he was a pirate as well, he'd call this the Ero-ero fruit, after the power of seduction. But he was not a pirate. Or a marine. Or anyone, really. He pulled back, pulling his chin out of the palm of the woman, and then proceeded to pick up the plate. “I will be back momentarily to take your order again.” And then he walked away, without giving Samehana as much as a chance to speak to him again.

He was unsure whether he should run and wait for another ship to pass by eventually, or go back to see what would happen, but frankly, the first option seemed safer. Despite that.. he decided not to. Something about this woman and her friend felt like it was his calling. The sparkle in his eyes, that sparkle of adventure, that was what called him to them.

So because of that, he walked past all of the people that were staring at him, and walked past the other waiters, and even the boss, who did not seem to realize he wasn't employed there at all. His superior power of blending in and being as mundane as he could be were at work now. He went to the kitchen and promptly fetched a 2nd plate, this one filled with various seafood on a bed of lettuce and other vegetables. He made up some quick story, in his head, about the fish. However, he noticed from the corner of his eye that a cook was dressing another fish in some light-brown sauce. Something like.. mushroom sauce.

Dan's hand grabbed the plate and held it up high, like a professional, and walked to the pot of sauce, and when nobody was looking, promptly grabbed the ladle and dipped it into the sauce, before pulling it up and laying down a thick dressing of sauce over the fish. That looked slightly more appetizing at least.

Now that he had his next 'order' which was really just a stolen plate of food that somebody else was going to miss, he walked back into the large tavern and went back to Samehana's table. He put down the plate, as if nothing had just happened, and proceeded to put on the waiter routine. “Ahem. A fine salmon, on a bed of lettuce and assorted vegetables, with a dressing of mushroom sauce. I hope it is to your liking, miss Shark.” His face was unemotive as ever, but in his mind, he was literally preparing to run. Luckily the door was right there.
@NachoBachoPacho Well, he's a normal citizen.

I have some funny plans for him. It includes obtaining a super rare fruit, and then destroying it.
ℬastien de Warenne,

Allons, Dieu ayde
Da Pacem Domine

Heavy, heavy was the rain, which poured down on the noble knights' helmet, tapping lightly and gently, but made sure to make the knight shiver in cold as he thought of the warm bed he'd receive in the kings castle. Bastien looked forwards, seeing the gates in front of him, marking his entrance into the city. Riadan. Once a stout, noble city, now a city stricken with grief for the loss of their king. Or so he presumed. That's how it'd been in Dieuporteille, where two weeks of grief had been enforced by his father. His white noble horse carried the knight into the city, and Bastien found himself surprised to find citizens of Riadan standing there, in the rain, looking at him. For a moment he was taken aback, but continued on his way, through the streets. Luckily they'd left the streets somewhat clear, enabling Bastien to ride past the many people.

The citizens were apparently aware of Bastien's heritage of Dieuporteille, and his fame as a fighter might've superseded him. Several people cheered him on, and some of the women waved their handkerchiefs at him. Bastien acknowledged them by a glance in their direction. He could feel the weight of the burden of the kings' death on his shoulders, and it did not feel right to be merry so soon after his death. The only thing that felt more heavy at this point was his heavy armor, and the metal shield that clanked on his back, being attached over the shoulder with the workings of some leather straps. It was made all the more uncomfortable as his bastard sword clanked against his hip, and against his horse.

He rode through the street that contained the statues of the Paragons, and looked at them as he rode past, bowing his head in shame for not being able to be as great as them. That'd be a long time, a long time since he could ever aspire to be that great. When he reached the statue of the late king, which was still being constructed, he stopped his horse.

For a moment he stood in the rain, looking at the unfinished statue. The townspeople around him became quiet, looking at the knight, watching him closely as he bowed his head down, and spoke some words to himself. “Blessed be his Holy Soul, for his great works and his greater sense of right and wrong. That Sindoras took you for the right reasons we can only hope, but know you left behind an empire worthy of being called the most blessed on Eldas.” When he looked up again, Bastien made a cross in the air, before grabbing the reins of his horse again and forcing the horse to walk again. Now that the man continued on his way, the citizens started talking again, though Bastien did not seem to pay attention to anything going on around him.

The short ride to the castle keep that was home to the new king was.. short. Bastien left his horse in the care of the nearby stablehand, and walked into the large castle. Which meant climbing the gigantic stairwell. It was a task that he'd undertaken a few times before and every single time felt more awe-inspiring than the last time. That didn't take away from the fact that it was quite the climb.

A long ten minute climb later he finally found himself in front of the keep. The entry was guarded by some men, but luckily they recognized him. It wasn't hard to recognize him due to the small, iron seal that was attached to his armor on the location of his heart, which was colored with the colors of his house. He walked inside the large hall, and continued to walk towards the hall where the king would be found -- likely sitting on his throne.

As he approached the king, who was not even a man yet, he could not help but notice the boy had an older man, likely an uncle or family member with him. It did not phase Bastien, since he was a loyal servant, but perhaps it was important to keep an eye on this man. As he stood before the new king, he looked at the boy for a moment. “My king..” he spoke, softly, before he rapidly pulled out his sword. For a moment it put the old man that was with the king on edge, and Bastien noticed the hand of the man being put on his own sword. Behind him he heard movement of some guards, but Bastien kneeled down before anything happened.

He planted his sword into the red roll of carpet that lead from the entrance to the throne. He bowed his head, deeply, deeper than he should have. “My condolences for the loss of your father. He was an honorable man, a good man, whom I knew personally to be a king of the likes we've never seen before. I am sure that you are a man of equal stature, a man of God. As we say in Dieuporteille, Dieu prend et Dieu donne.. God gives and God takes. He has taken your father, but blessed us with your wisdom and youth. I am sure you will become a man like your father, great, noble, brave, but above all.. just. That is how God would see this happen, and so it will happen..”

He stayed like that, kneeling before his king, until he was given the indication that his king was satisfied and that he could get up. When he got that indication, he got up, sheathed his sword and stepped to the side, taking up a position near a large stone pillar, standing there and waiting for the rest of the advisors. He'd heard that the other grand dukes would send someone, too, and he could only wonder who these dukes would have picked..
@ExplosionMage Welcome to RPG.
Lang leve Nederland!
There, I posted. Please let me know any feedback you might have. We cannot grow as writers unless you tell me what's wrong.

But I might just stab a bitch if they're rude about it.

⊰ Dan 'Zam-bam Makerman' Gritt ⊱

✓ Location; The Valiant Angler
✓ Current goal; becoming a stowaway on the Argo
✓ Involved characters;
Samehana - @RyoryoryoKen
Freyja - @Pacifista


Dan Gritt, man on a mission, man with a goal, man with a sparkle in his eyes.. man with... a hungering pang in his stomach. Dan had been in the tavern for a few days now, waiting for a new ship to pass by that he could hitch a ride on. He was sitting near the bar, observing the area, but knowing in his head that he wasn't going to see anything interesting. Most people in the tavern, he'd seen them a few times now, and none of them were pirates or marines that could give him a ride. A ride without realizing it.

His hand fluttered towards the nearby cup of tea, grabbing it tightly and raising it to his mouth while his other hand rested on his face. What a boring place this was. Just when he was about to give up and go to the docks to check for some new arrivals, he heard the door creak open. Turning around, he noticed two women entering the tavern. Both of them were barely covered. Does nobody know modesty anymore? While most men would've been hounded to see these two fine specimens entering the tavern, Dan only seemed to care for the fact that they were obviously not just normal people. Did they arrive by boat? Were they his ride out of here?

A single drop of sweat appeared near his temple, slowly budging it's way down his face, as he realized the severeness of the task, but also the impending difficulties he'd have in fitting in with this crew. They looked.. dangerous. He got up, and walked closer to a window, pretending to be looking out of it. From the corner of his eyes, he looked around the tavern, taking extreme notice of the window covers, the single drop of sweat having multiplied into two now, and dripping down even further. Looking down slightly, he swallowed whatever spit he could muster in his mouth, his mouth going dry with anxiety.

“Only one shot.. I got one shot.” the man mumbled to himself, out of earshot of most people. He looked to the side, and rapidly spun around on his feet, grabbing the white window cover in the process. In one single movement he rapidly twirled it around his waist and tied it down, showcasing his art of being mundane and non-assuming. Now that his makeshift apron was tied down, he quickly glanced around the tavern to see if anyone had spotted them, but it seemed like everyone had been preoccupied staring at the shark-lady's bossom and her friend's bossom.

His disguise as a waiter was now in place. Mission goal 1; blend in, success. He glanced at the shark lady and her friend, and made a note of the woman that was serving them. This would be easiest if I could.. get closer and discover where their boat is. He turned around and walked into the kitchen, marching past the bartender as if he belonged here. Nobody seemed to give enough of a damn. He walked right in there, and grabbed a random plate that had a big, juicy piece of meat on it. Would anyone mind if this went missing?

Probably, yes.

Did Dan care?

Not really, no.

He held the plate up high like he'd seen some of the other waiters do, and walked out again, going to the table that the waitress was currently 'serving'. It seemed like she was fulfilling some kind of fangirl function rather than that of a waitress, but Dan was about to set her straight. “Excuse me,” he mumbled when he approached, stepping towards Tabitha, and forcing her to step aside. He looked her dead in the eyes, when he uttered the next phrase. “Boss said that you can take the rest of the day off.”

No he didn't. This was a lie. Tabitha looked at him rather weird, and for a moment it felt like she saw through the disguise, but then she simply smiled and nodded. Dan turned his face towards Samehana, looking her in the eyes. His expression lacked any emotion - not because he was an emotionless killer like some character from a saga that knew no fear, no, because he was genuinely unemotive. “This is on the house. The boss likes women 'like you'. I present you with a juicy steak, produced by the finest cows from this region. It's paired with a nice, rich sauce made from a mixture of basil and a fine mix of fruits. It's a light blend, designed to accentuate the steaks and not overpower it.”

That was all bullshit too. Frankly, if Dan knew that Samehana was a cook, he might've picked a different approach. Now, it was just a gamble as to whether they could discern that Dan wasn't really a waiter. “Ahem. The boss asked where we might find your ship, as we would like to offer a fine meal to your captain too. I could deliver it, right now, if such are your wishes, my lady shark, and my lady.. my lady blonde.” Was it customary to address pirates as my lady? No? Perhaps they would enjoy the special attention they received from Dan, though having known pirates before, it was more likely that they'd laugh at Dan and then slit his throat.

This was, most definitely, the most dangerous ship he'd attempt to board, in his lifetime.

@Arakadin .. my guy is technically not even part of the crew as long as he manages to blend in.. So unless someone spots him (probably gonna be Sancho, since he's got that fruit of his) and forces him to become a pirate, he's technically just a stowaway. Which makes him just that much more useless.
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