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18 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
20 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
20 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
21 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
21 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
1 like


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@LPFan far from

⊰ Dan 'Zam-bam Makerman' Gritt ⊱

✓ Location; The Valiant Angler
✓ Current goal; becoming a stowaway on the Argo
✓ Involved characters;
Samehana - @RyoryoryoKen
Freyja - @Pacifista


Dan looked at Samehana as she introduced herself, revealing her name to be .. Samehana. He nodded at her suggestion to 'take these to go' as she gestured at the two plates. Then, while walking away, she inquired as to his name. Now that his cover had been 'blown' Dan returned to his non-descript silent nature, however, so she should not have expected any other answer than what he gave her. “Dan,” he replied, staring at her rather blankly. Now that they were leaving, Dan quickly untied the window cloth from his waist, throwing it into the air behind him. It'd be a grand move, maybe, if people had actually paid attention to him. But rather than looking at them, most people already took to looking at their food again. It seemed like Dan's power of blending in had rubbed off a little bit.

Putting his hands into his pockets he walked behind the two ladies, looking rather bored and bland as he tended to do. He heard Samehana's comment but did not comment - such a comment would be out of place since he was not actively trying to blend in now, and was merely 'existing' at this point. However one point Samehana raised was what he could do. Hm. This is tricky. If I want to board the ship, I must have something to do. Naturally.. now that they know I am Dan, they will pay attention to me, as expected of these fierce pirates. This mission will be harder than I expected. They are.. superior pirates. For a moment his eyes bore into the backs of the two women's heads, before he returned to his dormant state.

“I'll mop,” he then said, silently, to himself, but not out of earshot of the two women. Yes. Mopping seemed to be the best here. He'd just join the crew until a further time, when he could leave and board a ship that would be.. easier to infiltrate, perhaps.
@Tmitche23 I'm sorry to hear that. Dogs are the best friends you can have. I'm sure you'll survive because you are a strong man, like me.
@boomlover Dude just make a character and fit him anywhere. Nobody will object because it's miss capn Crunch that makes the decisions, not any of the people in the RP.
@wolf paws more like a retard but ok sounds fake but ok
@wolf paws you look like a wild child
@wolf pawsget that hair out of your face you filthy monster child
@KillBoxThe Hylands need a lord, besides that there seems to be nearly unlimited prince slots.
I don't think there's a limit to the amount of princes..
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