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16 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
18 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
18 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
19 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
19 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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OPM is actively going out of it's way to make fun of shonen, while being one itself.

Also it's just really funny. Can't wait for that season 2.

This whole debate sounds a lot like stop liking what I don't like!!!!!!!
@mochin Well, the prime reason for RP's dying is always a lack of dedication (either from GM or the players) and since I am quite dedicated as is my GM team, we need more dedicated RP'ers. So showing initiative and being helpful to others is always a +1.
Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Interacting with: Emmaline @HushedWhispers, Trystan @KillBox, Balian @RangingWolf, Juliana @Harley Q, Edwin Hyland @smarty0114, Julia Hyland,
Location: inside the castle.



Tybalt had quickly drawn the.. hostile attitude of one of the sisters upon him. To his knowledge he had not insulted the Hyland family, yet, so it was quite a strange thing to happen. It must be her young age that compelled her to act as if everyone was an enemy, or something of the sorts. As she referred to him as 'what was it again' Tybalt did his best to suppress any negative reaction he might've had, merely letting a small smile creep upon his lips. It would be a bad timing to act as if she had hurt his honor now. Normally, under different circumstances, Tybalt might've demanded a duel with a champion of her choosing to repair his honor, but looking upon this woman and her family, Tybalt knew he had nothing to fear. Apparently they were without honor already, to insult a man who merely came to ask a question.

“Tybalt Gully, my lady,” he merely answered to her sly insult. It was then that the matriarch of the family made her appearance. The first thing she did was clear her throat, to which Tybalt naturally turned to face her. As she held out her hand, Tybalt understood what her intentions were. Since Tybalt was not a brute, as much as he looked like one, he decided to go with it, and took her hand carefully, before bowing lightly through his knees, not taking the time to press his lips against her hand. Since he was not a Hyland, but a Gully, it would see inappropriate to do so at this point. More over, he did not wish to infer any sign of inferiority to the Hyland family.

Since she asked his name, he would repeat it for the third time, as if these Hyland people were not smart enough to remember it the first time around. “My name would be Tybalt Gully of the Quell Sea, knight of Lhivoria and nephew to the great lord Arthur Gully. I.. am sure you know of his many great deeds and greatness, so I will refrain from repeating all of them.” he said, doing his best to smile while he spoke to her. At least the matriarch had the decency not to act hostile to him. Or at least that's what he thought. “I must say they did not exaggerate when they told me about your beauty, lady Hyland.” Since they were a bit closer in age, perhaps it would not be too bold to try and compliment her, though the added factor of her children being present might make it a bit more strange. Never the less, Tybalt was just doing his best to be courteous despite already having his honor insulted by her children.

“I am not participating, my good lady. At least, I will be, but not for the hand of the princess. I am merely a nephew, and such an honor should be reserved for someone with a bit more.. weight.” She continued her little spiel, talking about how she would root for her children, which was to be understood and seemed rather logical to Tybalt to the point where he felt like she did not think him to be very smart at all. Naturally she would root for her children, Tybalt thought, why would anyone think otherwise?

As she spoke of her sons, Tybalt could not help but let his glance fare over the two younger boys that were present in the circle, whom had not said a word as of yet. His hand left hand leaned comfortably on the hilt of his blade, resting easy there while he listened to lady Julia's words, before replying. “Well, that is to be understood..” he said, looking at the armor that lord Trystan was wearing. Right now it was hard to see how functional the armor would be, but Tybalt knew he'd prefer something else. Something that looked less rich and more functional. “I'm sure they'll do their best.” he then added, pushing out a faint smile on his face that was not wholly genuine. He did not believe in the martial prowess of any of these young kids, but did not dare speak out. Ithobal would probably fare well enough, he thought. He turned back to face lady Julia, but of course, another Hyland son had to push himself into the conversation. Lord Hyland must have strong seed, Tybalt thought, for there to be this many sons and daughters, and all of them seemed to hate Tybalt.

This man Tybalt happened to know, lord Edwin. This one did not seem to have left his manners back at home in mount Promonon, and bowed lightly, to which Tybalt returned the favor and bowed as well. With all these bows of new Hyland sons and daughters coming in I might just break my knees, Tybalt caught himself thinking. “Not at all, lord Edwin. They have been..” His eyes glared at the most outspoken lady of the bunch, Emmaline, remembering her insulting words. Tybalt made sure to remember her face for the years to come. “.. most delightful.”

Tybalts eyes shifted again and noticed that in the distance someone was coming in as well, someone that he also recognized as a Hyland son. Not wishing to bow again and have to introduce himself again, Tybalt coughed loudly in an attempt to keep the attention on him. “Well, it has been wonderful to speak to you, but I must take my leave and see my uncle. Lady Julia, perhaps you and my uncle could speak at a later time, as I am sure he is curious about lord Hylands health too. It's a shame he is not here, as I would have loved to talk to him for a moment. The lord Hyland is a wise man after all. So, I will take my leave for now to assist my uncle.”

He bowed shortly again and then stepped back, escaping the rather chaotic and annoying Hyland family on time before the heir would come to also stick his nose into business where it wasn't required.

How the Hyland family ever talked to anyone with everyone having to butt into the conversation, let alone get any political dealings done, was a mystery to Tybalt.

Tʜᴇ Lᴀᴅʏ Cᴀᴛᴀʀιɴᴀ Lιʏᴀɴᴀ Gᴜʟʟʏ

Myriam Gully @Ferris, lord Arthur Gully @Pundii, Ithobal Gully @tmitche23, lady Amelia Gully @smarty0114.


Catarina gave Myriam a side eye when she complimented Catarina, but couldn't help but smile at the rather noticeable attempt to please Catarina. “Psh,” she scoffed at Myriam, turning herself away from her oldest sister, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she looked upon the people that were still entering the castle hall. “You don't have to be like that, Myriam.” She said Myriam's name in a rather teasing and confrontational voice, though she was still being nice about it since it was all in jest. “I am not twelve anymore. You can be honest.”

Under her voice she tried to suppress a giggle, because being the naïve and girlish girl that she was at times she naturally enjoyed the compliments she received from her sister, even if they were meant to be jokingly given. When Myriam nudged her she responded a bit more outspokenly and showed a bit of that boyish side she had so often. “Ow! Stop pushing me, I'm not stupid. I know we have to go insi-” Just like Myriam, she was interrupted by a familiar voice behind them.

It seemed like Ithobal had returned! Ithobal! she yelled, perhaps a bit louder than a lady of her stature ought to, but she did not care. “You're back! Did you bring us anything? Where's your ship? Did you get a dog? Where's the dog, Ithobal?!” Being on the topic of a dog, she suddenly turned to her father, lord Arthur, and instead focused her attention on him. Normally her father would be stern, and Catarina knew it, but perhaps with the feast he would be in a better mood. Maybe. “Dad! Can I get a dog?! I asked you last year and you said I wasn't old enough, but now I'm 15 and 9 months, so I think I'm old enough now, right? I think so. Myriam, do you think so? Ithobal, you also think I'm old enou- hey, there's Amelia!”

Hm, yes. Catarina was quite excited for the feast and it was very likely that the entire castle hall had noticed that by now. Her voice was high pitched and loud enough to alert everyone in the next city over.

“Amelia! Where did you go? You went with mother to speak with the Moors right? Was Anne there too? I hope Anne is there, she's always so nice. Do you know if the Moors will visit us next month? I want to show Anne and her brother my new dress. Oh, where is mother? Did you see anything interesting while you walked around the city?”
Yes, and we all know what happened to women that outplayed their hand before they even know what cards they had.

For example, you might've just lost a future ally in Tybalt merely by insulting him..

literally everyone hates my new haircut but i rather like it so fuck all y'all

also this is still my bathroom thats why there's cleaning shit on the shelf
These Hyland girls have a big mouth while not really saying anything at the same time Surprising to see so many women that are willing to subtly insult a mans honor.
@Renny nice nice
@Altered Tundra A kippah is one of those Jewish hats.
@Renny Ey man, he's pretty stereotypical, but then again so is Yamato and so is Akumako, so...
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