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15 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
17 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
17 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
17 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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17 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Savato If anyone doesn't show up in the OOC, I could take a spot, but otherwise it's your call buddy pal.
Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Lady Grey Coulbourne

Location: inside the castle.

Lord Tybalt Gully and Lady Grey Coulbourne have small talk and then discuss the Hyland family, detailing both Tybalt's experience with them as well as Grey's reasons for asking about them - they are interrupted by Grey's escort, whom promptly recognizes Tybalt from a former tournament, before taking Grey with him again back to the stands of the Coulbourne family, leaving Tybalt behind.

I just play assholes. Play what you know.
@Savato Let me know when a spot opens up for your favorite Dutch friend, or otherwise I'll be forced to remove you from my friends list. :(
Southern areas of the Country of Fire, in an underground base left behind by Orochimaru

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Tazei ni buzei. Few against many.

These words were inscribed in the walls of the darkened underground hallways of the underground complex, which were host to Orochimaru not more than 200 or so years ago. Now they were nothing more than the gathering grounds for some rebel army, fighting against the odds to take back what they thought was rightfully theirs. Sovereignty. A freedom of sorts. A sense of self-worth. As decrepit and broken down the halls were, they were home to a force that had been steadily growing and seemed to finally be ready to go against the Hamajo confederation, and finally try and strive for a greater good. Tazei ni buzei. Few against many. Never have these words rang more true than now. This year was the year, this day was the day, the hour of striking back would finally come.

Few against many. To take back what was lost, and to give back what was taken.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

The underground hallways were bustling with activity, for once, as it seemed like most of the Jiyutai had made their way over to the larger base that was held by none other than Senhime of the Million Threads. A woman that had grown from a reserved Osuushi shrine-maiden into something of an urban legend within the Confederation. Survivor of the attack on Kirigakure, murderer of generals, and her most famous title within the Hamajo Confederation, brought to you by the head of propaganda, war-criminal. For a long time the Hamajo confederation had failed to acknowledge the presence of the Jiyutai, discarded them as nothing more than a bunch of criminals looking for an excuse to start a anarchic civil war to further their own gains.

No more.

With Senhime organizing the multitude of organizations under the single banner of the Jiyutai, they finally had some power to back up their claims, and Senhime had orchestrated a gigantic plan to showcase their newfound powers. 'Hamajo-day' was coming up in two weeks to celebrate the livelihood of the Hamajo Confederation itself, Ryuu Hamajo, the president. The tyrant, more like. While it was hard to argue that the Hamajo confederation had achieved nothing at all - they were responsible for the building of large infrastructural projects, the creation of an organized education system, and peace above all - it was also hard to argue against the crimes of the Hamajo confederation, which heavily outweighed the benefits.

“To-to-to-nee-chan.. you said we're gonna be doing stuff soon, right?”

The soft but high pitched voice echoed slightly through the hallways, but the other conversations between the Jiyutai rebels was over-powering it, and so the otherwise public conversation suddenly became a bit more private. Senhime and her younger sister, Akumako, were walking through the hall towards the main chamber, which was a large chamber with an overhanging balcony from which she could deliver a speech and some mission objectives for the different Jiyutai groups that were under her control. There had been some initial controversy, some two years ago, as the Jiyutai groups were all vying for control of the organization, but Senhime had been quick to squash that out. By now, most of the groups were loyal. Those that weren't were still involved, but they acted autonomously and mostly did whatever they felt like. Ultimately however, it was believed that anyone fighting against the Confederation was doing a good deed, and therefore these Jiyutai were left to their own devices.

”Yes, Kuko-chan. Something a bit flashy to make our message a bit more clear.

The elder of the two Osuushi sisters’ voice had the slightest twinge of mischief behind its gentle timbre. While Senhime did not want to get too confident about the way things would play out, she was quite satisfied with the idea itself. But it would need to be handled responsibly. There happened to be fair amount of younger Chunin within the ranks of the Jiyutai, many of whom showed great promise. But potential meant nothing if they were killed before it was realised. As much as Senhime wanted to use Hamajo Day as a prime time to make a statement of the Jiyutai’s power, she was fully capable of swallowing her pride if things went south. Some of the naysayers might consider that to be cowardice on the commander’s part, but Senhime was of the opinion that the Jiyuna no Guntai’s already inferior numbers didn’t need to drop any further if it could be helped.

“So-so.. and then we're going back for the shrine, right?”

With Akumako at her side, Senhime took to the balcony overlooking the main chamber. Upon looking down onto the floor below, the commander was greeted by a sizeable group of rebel shinobi, having come together to hear the speech due to Akumako having delivered the announcement earlier in the day. The hall was a mess of conversations as everyone was waiting for the speech to start.

”Ara ara~. It’s been two years already and I still feel a little odd doing this.” Senhime remarked quietly enough that only her younger sister could hear. Taking a deep breath, Senhime took a step forward so all those gathered within the main chamber could see her clearly. In order to enforce the silence, Akumako found it necessary to spin her kanabo in her hands a few times before smacking it down rather hard on the wall next to the balcony, visibly cracking it and letting loose an audible cracking noise. This gave free way for Senhime to continue with her speech.

”It is no secret that the past two years have been a period of great progress for the Jiyuna no Guntai. And, while I would like to think I deserve full credit for this, this wouldn’t be possible without the wisdom of the leaders of the factions forming our band of freedom fighters. As well as the faith that you all put in our cause, and the faith that you all place on me. Moving forward, I would like you to know that I place the same faith in all of you. she paused for a moment to let her words sink in, taking in the energy of the room during the small break before resuming her speech.

”As you may all know, there are only two weeks left until the coming of Hamajo-day. We have stood by as celebrations in the province of Amegakure have gone off without a hitch. This year will be different. As a display of our power, and a statement of our resolve, we will put a stop to this year’s Hamajo-day festivities. If Ryuunosuke Hamajo fancies himself a dragon…. Then I say we fancy ourselves to be dragon slayers,” ending the speech on that note, Senhime bowed before turning on her heel and walking back, feeling that the speech needn’t be much longer than that. Now, however, was the time to gather the initial strike team.

”Ara ara~. Was that last line a bit too much?” Senhime inquired, feeling a little bit embarrassed in retrospect after trying to use a cool line.

“Nee-chan...” Akumako whined, looking at her sister with a disappointed glare. “You tried too hard.” she continued, pinching the bridge of her nose with her small fingers, shaking her head in disappointment.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
A day later, in the same hideout, spread out across the quarters
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Akumako was walking around all day, reading off a list of notes and entering various of the sleeping quarters. The quarters were relatively comfortable for a 200-year-old underground-bunker that was hosted by none other than Orochimaru. Some of the quarters had been improved with brought in bedding and field equipment, and there were some various additions made over the course of the years, such as showers and other necessary equipment. But Akumako wasn't looking for the comforts of the rooms, but rather the people in it.

“Seichirō Roga?”

She didn't bother knocking, since she was the commanders little sister after all and could get away with many different things - a pleasure she used in large to steal sweets and other candy from the provisions. With her head peering inside of the room she spotted Seichiro, doing whatever he was doing. For a moment she'd wait until he acknowledged her, because she wasn't going to talk to a wall. She was far too important for that.

“Room 8-B, if you would be so kind~.. time to meet the team.”

From what she could see Seichiro looked like a cool kid - but then again, none looked more cool than her, since she had horns. And what was cooler than that? She continued on her route through the quarters, entering the next room over and raising her voice again, interrupting the person inside of it with whatever they were doing.

“Tsukiko Umene~?”

She tried to sound as sweet as she could, because this person was supposedly a jonin, just like Akumako was, and of course nee-chan. She looked at the woman, looked her up and down and then smiled brightly at the woman. She has a chest just like nee-chan, Akumako thought to herself, I'm.. not jealous.. not at all.. Kuko doesn't need.. chest.. For a few moments Akumako stared in silence as she mentally tried to calm herself.

“Ehe-ehe.. please.. room 8B..”

She quickly drew her head away from the door opening, feeling herself getting red, with a mix of embarrassment and anger. Taking a moment to breathe, she felt herself calm down enough to head to the next door. This one wasn't so close and she walked for a good minute, reading the make shift nameplates as she went. A bunch of 'famous' names passed her by, but Akumako was not interested in them at all. She'd met all of them already, by courtesy of her nee-chan being the most famous of them all. At least, in Akumako's mind. She popped her head into the next door opening that she needed to visit, waving at whoever was inside.

“Riiiiin Takahashiiiii?”

She noticed the girl inside, and smiled at the girl. This one didn't have such a big chest. It was easier to contain any feelings of jealousy as Akumako was sure she was cuter than most girls - due to her small height at 5'0 she felt that this was a boon, not a curse. People liked small girls, right? It was 'cute' she heard from nee-chan. But nee-chan was quite tall.. was she lying? Hm. No, never! Nee-chan would never.

“Small ches- I mean! I mean! Rin Takahasi! Room 8B, please! Time to meet the team~!”

Wew, good save. Breathing out deeply, she hurried on to the next room, not wishing to see Rin when she left to go to the meeting room. The next on the list was someone she hadn't even seen around the complex. A guy by the name of Takashi Ryuuga? Interesting name. Non-descript clan, though. But surely they weren't as cool as the Osuushi, the chosen people of Gyuki! I mean, hell, the Osuushi have horns, so nobody was cooler than them. She seemed happy with herself, knowing that this guy wouldn't be nearly as cool as her. She stepped inside with a cheerful smile on her face, but quickly this turned into a frown when she noticed Takashi.

“OH?! Wh- eh? Oy.. Takashi.. I think they misspelled your surname. It says Ryuuga, but you look like an Osuushi to me.. I'll just make them change it, no big deal~. You can thank me later! O-oh! And go to room 8B please!”

Eh? Senhime didn't mention that any of their cousins would be here. And then they misspelled his surname too. What a bunch of amateur shinobi in this place! They should do a great purge or something and get rid of these incompetent people. Oh well, it was good knowing that there was a cousin of sorts in the complex!

Next up, Maema Nisshoku! Peeking into his room, Akumako made quick notice of the boy. He resembled something of a shonen manga character that Akumako used to read about. Fu-fu.. that was funny to think about. What if this kid was secretly the inspiration for the manga? How.. lame would that be. We need soldiers, not pretty boys, Akumako thought, before speaking up to the boy.

“Ma-mame.. Memame? Umm.. Mister Nisshoku, you're invited to room 8B to meet your new team~! I'm on your team, so you better hurry up.”

Despite butchering his name, Akumako felt rather happy delivering the message. He looked to be older than him and nothing made Akumako feel better than being bossy to some pretty boy who hadn't achieved as much as she had. What a loser. On to the final name on the list. The resident medical nin that every team needed. Although arguably, with Senhime and Akumako around, there wasn't much danger since their combination jutsu were the most lethal in the entire world.

“Oshiro Kazuki~~”

She said it with a twist of cheerfulness in her voice, since she was happy that she finally got to the last name on the list. Wew, what a big ass team. Hmm.. but looking at this Oshiro character she couldn't help but feel unimpressed. No horns.. no cool clothes.. he just looked kinda standard. Well, that was usually the case with medical nin. She was just glad he wasn't wearing some of those stupid medic-nin clothes.

“Please follow me, and let's visit the meeting room!”

And with that said and done, she turned on her heel and marched off towards the meeting room, which was obviously room 8B. With Oshiro dragged in tow behind her, since he didn't have much of a choice, she walked into the room and finally plunged herself down in one of the comfy chairs that was there. With a big grin she looked at the large seat in front of the table, where her older sister was sitting.

“To-to-to-to.. nee-chan, I found all of them. They'll be here soon, or I'll play whack-a-mole with them.”

The older Osuushi sister perked up when Akumako returned with the news of having retrieved the rest of the team. In the time since the two had parted ways, Senhime had been swivelling about on a rolly chair, contemplating how to make her next speech a bit less ”cheesy” as young Kuko had explained it. ”Now now, Kuko-chan~. You may be young, but as a jounin, you have to set a good example.” she chimed, scolding the smash-happy youngster. For now, they would wait for the rest of the squad she’d assembled, and henceforth begin prepping for the assault on the Hamajo monument.

Upon the squad’s arrival, they would find their commander and her younger sister waiting for them, immediately greeted by the calming smile of Senhime as she stood up from her chair. The meeting room was a fairly simple area. All that there was of note was a blackboard on the wall opposite the entrance and a fairly sizeable round table with the Jiyuna no Guntai’s insignia engraved into it. As the group filed in, Senhime motioned towards the swivel chairs that flanked the table. ”Welcome~. I’m sure you all have a rough idea of why you’re here, but before we get into the nitty-gritty, why don’t we start with introductions?” she chimed, observing each of the Chunin (and the one Jounin) that had been assembled.
@Ferris Good luck on your test and may the grading curve be in your favor.

@c3p-0h I should be good to go now. I'll PM you a titanpad link.
@c3p-0h hehe, I can do one, but I'm working on writing a post for another RP now so it might have to wait a bit.
@c3p-0h I don't usually do collabs, they're the bane of my existence, but if you'd prefer that then we could do that. How do you usually do them?

i am actually a professional frowner, that's how good i am at it

also i normally wear my denim jacket with these shirts but i wore it last night and it smells like smoke because we had a fire with our beer. or more like we had beer with our fire

and yes my arms are hairy fucking sue me you cunts
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