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15 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
17 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
17 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
17 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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17 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Renny Put it in the char bin.

@Krot I mean, probably not boss fights. You can fight chunin or some people of similar level but I wouldn't expect our characters to be kicking jonin ass this early.

That said, we're definitely gonna be frequently one upping our characters a bit to show that this will be a more.. 'Jiyutai are the heroes' approach, because we don't have the Hamajo vs. Jiyutai rivarly in PC's. So to balance that and keep interest we'll be mostly playing out hero characters.

Working on the IC with Ryoryoryoryoryoryoryoryoryo now.
@Renny No real changes should be made tho. Just.. he's in the Jiyutai now.
@Evil Snowman Cheers, thanks for letting us know at least and best of luck!
If you bait someone into asking you 'whats wrong' or complain about your 'problems' in public (no matter how serious) and then proceed to either refuse to talk to them about what is wrong or tell them not to get in your business, you're a fucking moron and you deserve every single bit of the problems you're facing.
@Renny More like 'this is the first time I'm not on skype during work' lmao
@Kimchi i'm pretty sure his haircut is too wild for me, his hair must add atleast 2' to his height jesus
@Kimchi how much if i want that tall guy in the back for 2 hours?

EDIT: i mean i need some help vacuuming my room and i can't really reach the high ends of my walls because i have tall ceilings, sooo
@Savato Since your dumb ass isn't responding on Skype, do you want me to make a start on the IC?
@Savato Aye, but that's just gonna be for your pleasure. The CS looks solid enough, lol.
@mochin I was gonna deny it because blood manipulation sounds like some Avatar shit, but then I read it.

I'm very impressed. This has to be the most creative application of an otherwise standard KG 'idea' (I've seen blood manipulation more often than I have seen my own hands) and I am actually.. jealous of your creative abilities when it comes to creating a KG.

@Savato @Ryoryoryoken I'm gonna go ahead and accept it ahead of time. We know the 'history' due to the PM. I'm convinced it'll be a good history so I'm not too worried and this way we can get started. Also, the CS is just really good.

[@Everyone else] I'm actually very impressed with all of you. What we lack in numbers of characters, we have made up in sheer creative abilities.
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