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14 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
16 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
16 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
16 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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16 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Kimchi you listened to too much rihanna and your lighting shines bright

brighter than a diamond
@Buddha Cyka blyat!

Privet kak dela brate?

No harm intended. It was a joke.
@Cynder i would've liked it but your personal status pissed me off so much i just can't press the like button

man you can use ANY voice line from mei and it'd be better than that stupid pun and you even animefied it :////////////

G H O S T』 - Subject 313

Ghost looked at the girl as she reacted rather hostile to him - hostile, to a degree, in the same way that tall black figure had acted. It left a bad taste in his mouth, but he couldn't tell how or why. So far, this had been normal for him, as everyone had treated him rather hostile. He looked her in the eyes as she spoke, since it didn't occur to him to look away after she had spoken to him so bluntly - he wanted to make sure she understood that he was not inferior to her, some sort of natural instinct within him driving him to 'compete' so to speak. Compete for respect, or perhaps compete for.. competitions sake? Because it was a game of finding out who the weakest, most easy to bully person in the group was? Ghost had made sure to remind himself it wasn't him, although he wasn't sure if other people were even playing the game. Was it all in his head?


His reply came equally as cold and direct as the one the girl had given him, though he lacked the pained expression she had that made her look less cold and more annoyed. Regardless, he watched on as she left the room, leaving him alone in the gym. It made him slightly uneasy at first, but looking around the gym, the thought that there was actually nothing wrong with being alone filled his head. Alone is not lonely. I know that. Why? If you are lonely you are.. alone? But if you are alone you're not always lonely.. His thoughts confused him more than the girl had done, and he wondered how he knew what was what.

Shoulders raised as he shrugged at his thoughts, his mind wandering from the meaning of the words alone and lonely, to the thought of tomorrow. Although he was still just as confused to the meaning of the word 'tomorrow' that had entered his mind, he found some vague concept of the meaning in his head. 'Tomorrow' was not the same as 'today' or 'yesterday'. What was a day?

Lacking an understanding of time, he couldn't quite fathom what a day was, since he had never seen a sun, or a moon, or a night or a day, or.. there were so many things he had never seen but still, the words were imprinted in his head and it was curious and frightening at the same time.

Ghost shook his head. Perhaps there would be a better time to think about these concepts later, for now he was more interested in getting sleep. Following the same direction the crew had taken, he left the gym hall behind him and headed to the dorms. While there were plenty of rooms to pick from, and including some that were probably taken but that he could still pick if he wanted to room with someone else, he still opted for a solitary room. For now. None of these peoples seemed particularly friendly with Ghost and they didn't seem to be interested in them. Rather than force a friendship, Ghost took the thoughts he had earlier to heart. With a thump he laid his body down on the bed and sighed heavily. Being born was a big deal but..

Being alone doesn't mean being lonely.
Akumako Osuushi

Location: Canteen

Akumako was quick to realize her show was being stolen. The anger in her face became visible immediately. Though it was subtle, small at first, it quickly grew into something more sinister. She even put down her cupcake, and stared down at the table in anger, a vein nearly bursting in the side of her head. When the two were done speaking, Akumako suddenly looked up, a devilish grin playing on her mouth as she stared down Chimney-boy. “Who's the jonin here?” she said, suddenly being quite serious. Her right hand gripped the handle of her kanabo tightly, tapping it against the bench next to her. An ominous sign if anything.

Suddenly she would lunge up, pushing the entirety of the bench she was sitting up away behind her and giving her space to move. “It's me!” she yelled as she swung the kanabo around in a wide arc, hitting the bottom of the table rather hard. A blast of chakra from her chakra enhanced strength was showcased, and made a compelling point as to why she was the jonin, too.

The table lifted from the ground and surged into the sky, flying at a rapid speed way beyond visual recognition unless you had a sharingan or other dojutsu capable of high-speed tracking. The table stopped only when it hit the top of the ceiling, squishing the candy and cupcakes. A very loud bang! followed that, which prompted Akumako to stop grinning so devilishly and staring down the boy, to exchange her vision with the table above them.

“Oh right. Those were the explosive tags I was gonna set off when we were done eating. Hm. Well, that spoiled the surprise!”

With the explosion her attention (of which the span was already short) shifted to the explosion and then back to the two chunin in front of her. Her rather evil look had dissipated immediately and she faced to May-ma again. “No, nee-chan says if every objective requires a death, we'll be out of an army soon enough. I know I can do this alone, too.. but then what is the point? We need to show we are capable, not that we can do things. Anyone can do things. A dog can destroy that statue. It's about showing that we're organized enough to pull it off without any deaths.”

The words sounded remarkably intelligent for such a dumb girl, but she quickly rectified it by pulling out a small notebook from her inner shirt. She quickly opened it and read through it, reading three pages in rapid succession. “Hm, yep. It says right here. Exactly how I said it. Nee-chan told me!”

BANG! The table clattered down in front of them again and looked rather.. broken. Akumako looked rather unfazed by it all. Her expression barely changed at all as she kept staring at May-ma and sometimes switching her gaze to Chimney as she spoke. Some of the shinobi nearby looked over, but as they saw that the notorious trouble-making child Akumako was standing by, they quickly dismissed it as 'something Senhime would fix later.'

“So-so-so-so.... hmm. But maybe you had a point. I've only got a few jutsu. The three nerd basic jutsu that all the nerds known, and then the chakra enhanced strength. My sister says it's just my gift from Gyuki. I think it's because I'm really cool so Gyuki said I should be cool enough to have this jutsu. Either way, it's really cool and I can smash people really hard with my kanabo. So, May-ma, please be careful with your mercury, because 'killing your superior' isn't something that looks good on your documents, right?! Ha-ha! Imagine that. Hey, Seichiro, what about you? What can you do?”
My training is complete.

Ura, cheeki breeki comrad.

@Kimchi ey fuk you buddy i have my own header its way cooler
me 2
@RyoRyoRyoken Well, the fact that typing ü everytime you write her name (read: a lot) becomes rather tedious. Not as tedious as the line above o in the 'Hamajo' word for our other RP (since that's not even on the keyboard for us) but still.
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