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13 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
15 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
15 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
16 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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16 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@SouffleGirl123 i was the cutest naturally

jk my parents dressed me and they had a really shit sense of clothing
and also my mom cut my hair lol
i'm too lazy
@Kimchi 10/10 pinoy on the pinoy scale
@Krot Yeah, but you see, since I need to exposition on the Hamajo side, and it'd be easier for me if I got to do both at once.
I'll get a trumpet and wear one of those bards outfits. Play my trumpet as the steward (you) runs in to announce the commander.

We're waiting on a conclusion from the meeting room discussion and then we are moving on to some exposition on the Hamajo confederation + probably the attack itself, if that'd be OK with everyone.

i also have that blackface pic of that holiday us dutchies have but i dont wanna offend the americans
G H O S T』 - Subject 313


Ghost was interrupted rudely by the alarm that signaled the closing in of their curfew. As he looked over at the area where the sound came from, Frei made a passing comment about sharing rooms. Ghosts' eyes widened, as he looked back quickly. A questioning 'huh?' escaped his lips before he could answer her properly, but by then it was already too late. They were roommates now. As he entered the same room he had originally come from, he proceeded to lay down on his bed again. As luck would have it, Frei managed to pick the bed that he hadn't been laying on moments before he left the room. He wasn't sure about having a roommate, but at least she wasn't overly annoying..

like that big black .. thing. Ghost was unsure if that 'thing' was even normal. On one hand something told him that the monstrosity was barely human, but on the other hand, Ghost had no collection of what 'a normal society' looked like. Sure, the scientists looked like him and the rest, but maybe that was why they modeled them after themselves? Maybe the rest of the world was filled with black monstrosities like Psi. Maybe they were the monsters.

These thoughts filled his head quickly and it would've been a restless night if it weren't for the fact that the gas forced him to, more or less, go to sleep. It was a welcome sleep at least since he was mentally and physically exhausted from the day. Being born was.. hectic. Especially when you had the mental capability to process everything and overflow yourself with information. Right before he passed out, some words escaped his mouth.

“Freischütz... where are.. the.. toothbrush...es...”

The next morning he was rudely awoken by the voice of Hal. That man he didn't know the name of. But, regardless, Ghost turned around and continued sleeping. Wait a moment. Why was that guy in his room? Promptly he sat up and looked at Hal, completely disregarding that he was no longer in his own room.

“Hey! When did you enter our room! Frei, this guy is in our roo-.. wait a minute...”

His relatively fast speaking was interrupted by him looking around and finding himself out of the comfort of his bed - and by extent, out of the comfort of 'what was known'. For what it was worth, Ghost maintained his cool relatively well. Unexpectedly, perhaps, since Ghost was otherwise somewhat of a worrier. He found ways to worry about everything, but somehow contained it in his head, driving himself insane but keeping the others out of those questions.

“We're.. not in our rooms. Where are we. Did they just.. abandon us out in the real world somewhere? H-hey, wait.. what is this fee- WHAT THE?”

While Hal seemed to be perfectly capable of controlling his power, Ghost was somewhat of a different story. He lacked the proper finesses and know-how of his power to control it properly, and while the other peoples' powers might have been situational, contextual, or required some sort of.. physical activation, Ghosts' power was much less physical and more so mental. And.. as a result of him not knowing what his power was, this meant that he had no control over how he used it. Or rather.. how he was forced to use it.

Pf, zt, pf, zt, pf, zt. Those were the sounds it made as he poofed in and out of existence using his power. It was a rather strange feeling, Ghost had to admit, and he had no idea how to stop it at all. To make matters worse, besides constantly seeing Ghost appearing and disappearing in a matter of seconds, evaporating in thin air, more or less, they would also feel a strange feeling overcome them mentally as they somehow forgot all their memories of Ghost, before these memories being returned to them the moment he re-appeared.

Perhaps setting loose stray test subjects without any explanation as to what their power was was a bad idea, but Ghost was less concerned with whether it was a good idea or not and was more concerned with whether they were really in any danger, and besides that, how to stop this god damn power from activating all the time. It seemed to be relatively out of his control, and so he was left waiting for something, or perhaps someone that would require him to suddenly focus and shift his attention, allowing him to learn how to use his power.

But as of now, he was just shifting from nothingness to reality and back again. A strange sensation for both Ghost, and the two spectators.
@LetterA see i told you so
@Superman I'm posting after you since you're the GM and can likely give some more direction to our setting.

EDIT: also I'm lazy
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