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13 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
15 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
15 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
16 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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16 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Krot @Renny I'm getting to the point where I feel like we should just move on and let the other team sort themselves out, but as a GM, that's kinda hard to do. Sorry for taking so long but I can't really have the other team falling behind.
Grímhilðr Schwarzwald

Fuckboy Extraordinaire

Grímhilðr shot Rhein a berating glance as he lectured her. He was really not in any position to speak since he barely pulled his own weight to begin with. “I don't know what subtle means.” she replied, looking back at the gigantic slime. Hm, okay. So how exactly did Estelle expect to take down this thing? She called Grím to go outside and fight it, but as far as Grímhilðr could see, they had to actually get close to smack it around a bit.

When the slime reared its arm back Grímhilðr readied herself to get hit, since nobody seemed to be taking care of it. Well, Rhein was, but she didn't really have faith in that kid. He was nice and all, and he indulged in her antics from time to time, but he hadn't really shown himself to be a leader.

In reality Rhein was quite effective when it came to stopping the slime. “Wow. That was actually pre- ho, wait!” She took a running start towards the front of the prowler, which was still driving, by the way. Once she reached the edge she quickly jumped off, using her tremendous jumping power to head towards the slimes arm. She used one hand to hold on to her musical club, the other frantically flailing around in the air to stabilize herself slightly as she flew towards it. When she got closer she suddenly noticed the left over bones inside.


It didn't have a head, so it .. how did it eat?

Well fuck.

She deduced that landing on that arm would be a very, very bad idea at that point. She moved quickly to push the musical club in between the slime and herself, and when she finally landed on the slime, she managed to not get eaten by using her club as a sort of vaulting pole to avoid touching that thing.

Then, she pushed herself away and swung the club around harshly, swinging it around and then overhead before sending it down on the remnants of the slimes arm. The hit was quite hard, and Grímhilðr used whatever mastery of Ki she had to further the hit. However she lacked proper Ki control and so, it didn't really amount to much. The slimes' arm seemed to burst slightly, with splats of slime coming loose and landing on the ground around the slime. Some of it landed on Grímhilðr's arms and hands, which was to be expected since she was, after all, smacking the slime from up close. What followed the hit was a deafening chord from her musical club, which played a small tune akin to an arcade-game style beat. It quickly subsided however, since the club needed subsequent hits to be able to play a full song.

Now the fall to earth began again, as she tumbled to the earth again. When she landed she bent through her knees lightly and looked up at the destruction she had caused, bits of slime still falling down around her. Her hand moved up to her face, and wiped some sweat from her brow, inadvertently also smearing out a bit of the slime all over her forehead. “That'll teach it! Sorta!”

Waiting on @j8cob as always.
Grímhilðr Schwarzwald

Fuckboy Extraordinaire

Grímhilðr had spent most her time driving that damn oversized prowler. The machine was her baby - to a degree - and the large amount of childish and fuckboy-esque decals plastered on the machine were a testament to that. While the prowler itself was a group effort and everyone had in some way or form contributed to obtaining it, nobody could deny that the prowler was Grímhilðr's child. And despite the things size, it was still a smaller prowler than most models out there. They were just a party of four, that didn't have a homebase to return to. Naturally they slept and ate aboard the prowler. For the other guilds, their mobile bases were.. gigantic. Cities within their own right.

However that didn't make the Shabu Shabu's prowler any less cool. Sure, the camo had rusted off in most places, sure, it took twenty minutes to start the engine, sure, it sometimes would shake for no apparent reason giving everyone within the prowler a bout of carsickness, sure, it was a piece of junk. But it was their piece of junk. Until a giant eagle shat on the windshields again, then suddenly it was Grímhilðr's piece of junk as everyone else suddenly said it was her prowler and so she would have to clean it.

When Saffron started giving Grímhilðr shit, she looked over her shoulder towards the back cabin. Due to the fact that they were driving well over 120 kilometers an hour, she started swerving slightly. For those inside the prowler, it wouldn't be that noticeable, since the prowler was equipped with some stabilizers. Naturally they were old (as most of the prowler was) so some swerving was expected. For Rhein, however, atop the prowler, he'd probably get carsick. Blame Saffron for that.

“SHUT UP! Can't you see I'm driving! 'sides.. I can lift you AND that damn shield at the same time and throw you off a cliff so shut the hell up..”

She was about to say something else when Grímhilðr looked to the right and noticed the two cars, too. They fired some shells at the gelatinous creature, which was stupid, but supposedly it was worth testing out to see if they could blow some chunks of that thing off.. That wasn't what was on Grím's mind though. No, she formed a rather devilish grin. “Eh, Saffron, let's fight later, for now let's focus on showing them what's what.”

While Estelle, Rhein and Saffron were probably expecting to drive up to the slime monster carefully and slowly, then get out and assess the situation with the other two cars involved. Maybe they could split the bounty for the monster? Maybe they would decide who got to take the contract? No.


Grímhilðr was a very nice and kind person, but she didn't see any reason to cut these other guys a piece of the cake. They weren't invited to her birthday party, so they didn't get cake! Simple as that. “Better hold on to something guys!” she suddenly yelled while pulling the steering wheel to the left as hard as she could. The machine roared as she stepped on the pedal, and the prowler started shaking violently as a result of the engine being pushed to it's limit.

For a brief moment, the prowler rode on four wheels as opposed to the eight wheels it was supposed to ride on. Then the prowler cut back onto all wheels again as they closed the distance with the two cars. Closed the distance rather quickly.. actually. This was getting pretty dangerous. “GET OUT OF HERE!” Grímhilðr yelled as she rode alongside one of the two cars. Suddenly she steered right again, ramming the other car with the prowler. “OUR CONTRACT. GET.”

Then Estelle called her over, saying to get out of the car. “Hmph. Fine.” She pulled some levers and pushed a button, before getting up and running to the back, grabbing her giant musical club and strapping it to her back. The prowler kept riding on automatic, however it would slow down eventually and stop driving.

Grímhilðr's eyes looked at Saffron with his pig, slightly confused about why she stabbed it. “When you're ready Saffron, come and help us. You're a fucking weirdo.” Then she promptly grinned at Saffron and raised her fist in the air, as if she was trying to motivate him. “Yo, let's do this!” And then, as quickly as she had spoken, she disappeared out the hatch again, jumping up top the prowler.

Almost immediately she swung her giant music-club around and then smashed it against the car that was still driving alongside them. TWANGGGGGG! The chord wasn't particularly nice to hear but it was certainly loud. The car's side-door windowshield cracked under the hit, causing some confused screams from inside to be heard. “HEY! WE'RE JUST HUNTING THIS MONSTER, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HITTING US! THAT'S ILLEGAL!”

“Oops.” she answered the two guys inside, raising her hand to her mouth as if she was embarrassed by what she'd done. “I really really don't care.”
@Volenvradica i am not sure how many people think you're a girl and how many think you're a man but it's hilarious to me
Grímhilðr Schwarzwald

Fuckboy Extraordinaire

Grímhilðr was riding the boar around, cheering it on with frequent slaps on the ass to speed it up as her other hand was burled into the beast's manes to hold on. Finally, Rhein appeared on the scene, and for a moment she figured he might join in with the fun. But of course, the beast had other ideas, and charged straight for the man. “Wait, no, don't go to him!” she yelled out at the boar, knowing full well what the man was about to do. She braced herself and closed her eyes for the inescapable fate she was about to meet. But since the man punched the boar rather.. straight on, it was only logical that when she flew over from the sudden stop, she would fly towards the man.

She collided with Rhein, grabbing his shoulders as she felt herself being pressed against him, and they would tumble back together in a mess of dusty clouds. When the dust settled, it was revealed that Grímhilðr was already up on her feet again - her nimble and short stature had allowed her to more or less avoid falling on to Rhein. Maybe that sounded good to him, but it was about to get worse. She raised her fist into the air and descended it onto his head, which if it hit would produce a loud thump. After that she would clap her hands together twice as a manner of dusting them off. “Don't do that again! I nearly lost my sunglasses.” she said sternly, as if she had somehow suddenly become more serious.

Her serious gaze at Rhein would last only two or so seconds before she suddenly gave him a shit-eating grin with a twinkle in her pearl-white teeth. She rapidly grabbed her sides and then started laughing uncontrollably. “JUST KIDDING! That was fun! We should go punch some more boars when we have a chance!!”

Slowly she walked over to Saffron and Estelle, before turning around to face Rhein again. She added to her previous line, smiling at him again. She looked more minuscule than she actually was compared to the two standing next to her, which only gave her an even more childish look. “Did you get a new contract for us yet, though..? .. partyleader Rhein?”

The last bit was meant to give Rhein some feeling of superiority and perhaps a sense of duty, even though everyone including the old geezer that gave them the pig probably had noticed that Rhein was not much of a leader. Grímhilðr didn't listen to Rhein long enough to hear his answer, swiftly turning to Estelle. “Hey, 'stelle!!” The name was shortened a bit to sound a bit more 'street' than it actually was. Never the less, Grímhilðr had quickly become accustomed to the woman. Namely because she just liked to nap on her cushions.

“I'm taking a nap later, do you mind if I lay on you again? Cool!” Well there wasn't much chance for a reaction from the poor woman, but she didn't object the last few times that Grímhilðr forcibly laid on the womans breasts to take a quick nap. Now that shit had quieted down she rapidly got bored again, and audibly let everyone know by yawning like a wild cat. “WHEN ARE WE GOING HUNTING?”
Grímhilðr Schwarzwald

Fuckboy Extraordinaire

Grímhilðr had found herself early awakened by Estelle, whom saw fit to feed a bird, for some reason that Grímhilðr could not process on her own. Who gave a shit about those flying poop machines. She'd spent more than a day once washing the shit of a giant eagle off the windscreens once. Never again. She merely turned around and continued sleeping, pulling the covers further over her head. Snores were quick to follow as she fell back into her slumber, and slowly the soft, endearing snores turned into full blown snoring as she rolled back over onto her back. Her mouth was open wide and slowly some drool escaped her mouth, too, And so she kept up with her minimum of twelve hours of sleep, until finally she awoke and found the prowler to be devoid of life.

Her arm swung back behind her head as she scratched the back of her head while a yawn escaped her mouth. Promptly she got up, looking lively as ever, and grabbed her shirt, pulling it over her head in a comical fashion, the horns holding back the shirt a bit before she finally forced it to go over her head. To finish off her already rather enticing appearance, she grabbed a black oversized baseball cap from her personal shelves above her bed, and fitted it over her head. Next up was her sunglasses - they were classic. All in all, if you disregarded her rather traditional shirt (incluis shoulder pauldrons) she might've looked like some big guild operator-gunner type. Instead, she just looked like what she was. A fuckboy.

The baseball cap fitted perfectly between her two horns, which were adorned with various linen wraps, which hung down and had beads on them. They were red and thus, matched rather well with her warpaint on her face, the thin red line with 'drips' downwards, and the single line below her lips. All in all she would've looked mighty ferocious if it weren't for the fuckboy apparel she donned. And even then, compared to some Dragnan, her horns weren't even that big, in fact they were sort of small. Hehe. But the rest of the crew didn't know that. In fact, if anything, those of Grímhilðr were very large compared to the only other Dragnan in the crew, Saffron. Then again Saffron was a mage, and mages were known to be, well, pussies. 'twouldn't be the first time Grímhilðr gave him shit for that.

With a large jump, the 5'0 girl launched herself out of the prowler and she landed somewhere out in front of the village that they were currently camping out at. Would be a good time to go explore, she supposed. She strutted down the streets, looking fly as ever, glancing at people left and right. When finally she spotted some of the crew, she spotted, well, most of them all at once. Holy shit. Was that a pig!? “HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S A PIG!!” she yelled out so loud that most of the people stopped dead in their tracks to stare at the girl. But Grímhilðr had no time to stop and apologize for being loud. She started sprinting towards the pig and once she got close enough, jumped high into the air. It was worth wondering how that tiny girl managed to get so much airtime, since she was only 5'0 and didn't look particularly strong.

As she launched herself, she landed on the pigs back, disrupting the scene entirely, scaring the pig with her sudden tackle. As expected, the pig tried to run away, but was held back by the rope that was attached to some pin in the ground. Grímhilðr knew how to fix that however, and reached back. WHAPSH! was the sound of her hand firmly slapping the pig on it's ass, and that was enough to send the pig in a insane dash, ripping the pin out of the ground and heading straight for the market. “YEEHAW!” was the last thing the Shabu Shabu Crew would hear before Grímhilðr lost control of the pig entirely, and the pig barrelled through the nearby market stalls, the pin dragging behind it and swinging left and right.

Hm. Well. That might be a problem financially? “Rhein will pay for that!” Oh, well. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem.
@Renny You do that, broski. Also why yo ass never online on skype? SMH. Added you into the group chat. As of now we only have 1 black guy and he's only 1/3rd black.
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