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13 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
15 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
15 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
16 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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16 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@TheEvanCat ha, yeah that makes sense. 'Operators' are usually /k/ommando's from my experience and half the time just buy it to look like the cool guy from the Medal of Honor poster. Seems like something a PMC guy might want to do. Either way thanks for explaining. US military is obviously quite different from my country (the Netherlands) military..
@TheEvanCat Aren't marines or other special operators allowed to use private equipment? I know in some book I read, this Delta Force guy bought his own stuff and weaponry, and it was written from a realistic perspective afaik, as it happened. But I'm not sure if that actually holds up.

So @J8cob and his companions can fight Yamato.
Akumako Osuushi

Location: Amegakure Rooftops, nearby Hamajo square

Akumako stood on the same rooftop as her sister, looking impatiently at the mass of people around the statue - at least, the large figure covered in a white cloth. As her sister spoke to them, she perched her head slightly to the left to face her older sister, before looking back. Confidently she nodded. Her face, however, remained covered by the hood she had on. Their raincoats were those typically worn by shinobi during either rain or spec. ops operations. In this case, however, they were wearing them because it'd allow them to remain hidden for that tiny fraction of time more. The confusion of three hooded and coated figures ziplining down to the statue would be more confusing than seeing three - obviously rebel - shinobi doing that. “Hmm, nee-san, make sure to watch out for us too. I don't want them on the roofs shooting ninjutsu and stuff at us.”

Grinning at the prospect of the beheading of the statue, she looked at her two companions. Despite initial hitches in the ride, she had decided she liked the both of them without any more questions. “YO! Let's go!” And with that said, she jumped up and grabbed one of the silky strings. Now, she didn't jump because the strings were so high, but because she was just too short to reach them otherwise.

Almost immediately she slid down, hopefully followed closely by her two companions. As they zipped down the silk strings, the crowd began getting more and more confused. Some slowly started clapping as if this was part of some stunt, others were gasping, and some slowly stepped back. Now that Akumako was closer to the raised platform made of marble that the statue stood on, she let go of the zipline and landed elegantly on the marble steps, turning around rather cinematically, as if she was some movie star. A playful grin was laying on her mouth as she raised her hand into the sky and hailed the crowd.

“Yo, people of Amegakure! The Jiyutai is here to secure the festival and make sure that you don't have to suff-” Her words were rather heroic, though they came out more like some young teenager that decided they suddenly wanted to be a movie hero. She didn't even get to finish her sentence before three shuriken were flung towards her, which she dodged by moving her upper body to the left and letting the shuriken fly by, which then proceeded to plant themselves into the base of the statue. “Hey!” she yelled out, looking at the shinobi that threw it. Only then did she noticed some Hamajo confederates were already approaching.

While the other team naturally would prevent more shinobi from entering the area, the ones that were already there would prove to be an issue. “Chimney, Mae-ma, would you be so kind as to deal with that?” While she wasn't entirely sure what these two chunins could do, she was sure they were up for the task. And besides, Akumako already noticed a ninjutsu coming in from the side.

A giant rock was flying towards them over the crowd that was still left, as many civilians began trying to escape to all sides and directions. As Maema and Seichiro would be pre-occupied with the three frontal attackers that were apparently part of a squad, Akumako took it upon herself to deal with the giant boulder. She took the kanabo that was strapped to her back and twirled around on her feet in a circle as the boulder came closer. Finally when the boulder was close enough, she swung full force at the rock, using the chakra enhanced strength technique she had mastered to fully blast the rock into pieces and send them scattering all over the place, causing debris to fall in the direction of Seichiro and Maema.

Once the debris cleared up from the sky and the light amount of dust settled down, did the scene reveal itself. With the civilians gone all that remained in front of Akumako was a woman wearing a standard Hamajo uniform, but with remarkable hair. It was light pink, almost as vivid as that of the Blue Voice, but less charming and more.. crazy, since she had shaven both sides of her head and the rest was tied into a long ponytail. “Don't fight us, we just want to set you fr-” Her attempt at making peace and convincing her the Jiyutai were good people was met by a series of shuriken, which she deflected with her kanabo - narrowly so, almost getting hit.

“Sheesh.. fine. No talking, let's go!” Hmm, she just hoped her two teammates would be fine on their own. But they had been so boastful during their time in the canteen, that they should have no trouble, right?

Yamato Minamoru

Location: Amegakure, village center

Reports started flowing in early in the morning of a near-normal situation. Only some slight disturbances had been detected at the border but this was quickly clarified as it appeared to be just some traders that didn't have their papers in order. They were simply escorted to the capital and then the rest was arranged, since Hamajo focus wasn't on legality during the festival, more so on providing security and safety during the event.

It was a big surprise then that when the ceremony was about to begin and large movements of civilians were beginning to get reported by the little 11th corps cooperation that they received, that a larger report came in about a disturbance at the statue itself. An 11th corps official came in wearing a typical 11th corps outfit - which was a dark tinted traditional jacket with similar pants. Their operators wore different gear, but that wasn't important right now. “Commander Minamoru, the 11th corps would like to report that disturbances in the form of violence have happened at the statue. The team you placed there is currently engaging, what appears to be, Jiyutai forces. The 11th corps has chosen not to interfere, but we opted to let you know about this in case you hadn't heard already.”

“Can't trust on anyone to do their jobs-” Yamato mouthed rather angrily, getting up from his desk. Frankly he was happy to finally get up and do something, as he'd been doing nothing other than sitting around reading reports. The 11th corps officer stepped aside as Yamato passed him. Yamato didn't even offer him a thank you. He had met enough 11th corps officers - Saburo, Daiki - to know that they were dangerous people even if they were ultimately destined to die. For a moment he felt anger that he wasn't the one that killed the both of them, but rather Yakoul.

As he walked past the coatrack he quickly grabbed his longcoat and his backpack. Those he might need. Furthermore, he grabbed a radio and quickly radio'd in his private squad - those elite soldiers that had been held back to be placed under his care. While they were definitely strong, on the level of ANBU shinobi, the Jiyutai were no joke.

For years Yamato had advocated the destruction of the Jiyutai but his calls had gone unanswered by the president and it seemed like now they would finally pay the price for that. Jiyutai were unconventional shinobi, and so he wasn't sure what to expect. Missing nin? Possibly.

With that, he marched straight to the village center, that is if he wouldn't be stopped by any interception team. He was joined by some high ranking jonin from his special squad, but besides that, there had not been any large scale order for any other teams to move towards the village center - mostly because that would open up other areas to a possible attack.
@Silent Observer why thank you
@raviolli I'm very interested in setting A, the fantasy one, if you're up for that? I could PM you some personal information on myself, if you're up for it!
@Kimchi you have eyes im surprised
@POOHEAD189 laughed harder than I should

i just got asked when i was gonna shave. she said 'it makes you look too mature' and then after a silence, she added 'but it looks good too' and it feels like that was said out of pity lol but anyway here's my new beard, who dis
@ClocktowerEchos At least my religion isn't fictional.
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