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6 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
8 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
9 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
9 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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9 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@j8cob implying he wasn't talking about me and you

get outta here jacob

when are we gonna play csgo again u fag
@The Spectre Just bump it once a day until you find a partner, like @Altered Tundra said.

If I might add, I find your thread rather bland. It can attract people that are into simplistic things. But I would not be attracted by it. And I like simplistic things, at times, so I guess that's telling.

Moving on, I find the usage of 'wants' a bit out of place. As a person that got up to 5 1x1 requests in response to my thread at one point (not anymore, but once upon a time) I can understand why you listed them as what you want but for someone that does not understand the trouble of finding suitable RP partners it can be off putting.

It's like me entering your house looking for a good party, but upon entry you hand me a paper that has 20 rules about what you want me to do. I'm gonna be like 'yo see ya later bro' and find another party.

If I might suggest a fix: make it into a bit of a story. 'I typically write x and y amount of paragraphs/words/characters, and I would appreciate if my partner was somewhere in that area too!' And tone them down a bit. There's a lot of em. Many of them are kinda common sense at this point. For instance: 'I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer.' kind of implies that they know about these:

'I want my partner to have grammar, that's readable enough. As you can tell, I don't have the best grammar; but, I am trying to improve that.
I want my partner to post at least two or more paragraphs.
I want my partner to post often. Doesn't have to be everyday, but posting once in a week is good enough.'

Now this is only an issue if you want partners, many of them. I don't so in my thread I just said fuck it and listed them as rules, lol, but you don't have to do that.

Furthermore your settings and plots can use more description. Not the original ones you list but the setting name. Like shit, I know you like Halo, but what do you specifically want to do with that setting? Just put some interesting ideas below them. Like pairings which are not romance only. It's the match up of the character. It could be something as fucking stupid as 'ODST trooper x Master Chief' and the RP would be about them kicking Covenant ass, not even sharing a single romantic moment. Though they're often used for that, so beware, lol.

Also, if I can be honest, what I find most off-putting about your 1x1 thread is that you're so bloody formal. I like formality, I like that in a 1x1 interest check but it has to go with a sense of humour. Right now you sound like a dude in a grey business suit trying to sell me a car in the most monotone voice ever.

That's probably my nr. 1 tip for you as of now; cheer up. It can literally be as simple as using a few !'s here and there. Yes, portrayal is that important.

But I honestly don't think your thread is bad. Better than 90% of the shit I see. I click on most 1x1 interest checks because I am bored and look around for inspiration. I advise you to do the same, click on a few 1x1 interest checks and see what parts you like. Just steal them, change it and adapt them to your own thread.

Voting for an independent is like voting for a one-issue-party in Europe. It's the thought that matters because lord knows you're not making a fucking difference except on principles. I'm voting for the pirate party in the next elections but I'm not doing it because I believe they'll gain seats, I'm doing it because I agree with them on principle and I think that's what democracy should be about.

As a sidenote I should admit I'm biased towards Trump because as a European and as a Dutch person living in the Netherlands, he's the better choice.

Like, objectively, there's no question he's the better choice for me. He wants smoother relations with Russia (which is a plus for Europe), he doesn't want TTIP (which is objectively a plus for us, since we maintain our higher standards without getting flooded with cheap, non-standard American goods) and he's not in favor of the UN or NATO, all of which would be better for the Netherlands since currently a lot of money is soaked into that for no good reason, because it doesn't support my country all that much.

Also, I just really, really dislike Hillary Clinton.

I don't care how you twist and turn the e-mail fiasco, she could be charged with mishandling information at best and with being a traitor to the United States at fucking worst. Having COSMIC SECRET files on your e-mail without having a) the fucking access level or b) the 'need to know' basis that is required for these things is a fucking crime.

Also, 'lets drone this guy' is not something a president should say. Ever. Especially an American one, who are notoriously bad at seeing what buildings are filled with enemies and which buildings are, ya know, filled with fucking sick people and doctors.
@Vilageidiotx on the photo, good point and I stand corrected.

As for the policies, I don't think they're that insane. For instance the 'China is a currency manipulator' thing has been known and has been 'proven' true numerous times.

Also, his withdrawal of UN funds for climate change is smart. Flint was a disaster. Perhaps it's a smart move of him to fix that shit. IDK, I don't really think all these are insane as said before, nor are they propaganda.

Most of them also aren't really policies, lol.
@King Tai

FBI report on 'The Black Lion'
Eyes only

It got you looking like you run one of the biggest crime syndicates in the USA, and you're smiling while doing it. Damn.
@j8cobMy logic isn't flawed. Trumps policies are no real policies at all (look at the first 100 days). They're unfactual and sheer propaganda. Hillary knows how to run a country, and she'll be careful on how to run it because everyone has their eyes on her from these scandals. Trump is not fit for a marriage, let alone the white house.

I'm pretty sure someone whose first reaction to a critic is 'can't we drone this guy' is not fit to lead a country. Also, I seem to remember that her husband was involved in a big scandal involving her marriage, do you remember that too? Furthermore, most of the criticism being given about Trump can be immediately turned around and said about Hillary as well.

Anyway, I read some of Trumps policies, on his website, you know, where you can get relevant information on policies. They're very similar to most European policies. I honestly don't know how you can see a propaganda thing in it but hey, whatever.

Also, you should read a bit about policies. Seems like you're unaware of what they are.
@cloudystar agreed but I feel like that goes for all things, not writing exclusively.

@Lady Amalthea it is very much a chore. I suppose it depends partially on how seriously you'd take it. Though I also feel like, if I am invested in a plot/setting i.e. if I am the GM or have created my own world for something, I find it easier to get into the writing, where as otherwise I am not too inclined to get 'into' the writing itself.

I suppose that, when you GM, this is also something you experience?
Though not exclusively linked to roleplay, I figured this was a good thing to discuss anyway. Writing to me has never been a task that I enjoy. As strange as that may sound, if I explain, perhaps you will agree.

Though the outcome of writing (namely your story, a character, or interaction between your character and others') is very enjoyable and more often than not the sole reason I enjoy roleplaying, I do not really find any enjoyment in the act of writing, and actually it can be quite tedious and boring. It depends on the roleplay itself of course, as with most things, but typically it's not that enjoyable to write out posts.

Though perhaps this has more to do with me getting older, as I remember I enjoyed writing the posts when I was younger, but it could also be the fact that my posts are getting longer (from 2-3 paragraphs in casual roleplays, to nowadays writing 6.000 to 10.000 characters per post).

Due to this I find 'getting in the mood' can be tedious and I have trouble finding inspiration, the right mood to write, or even willingness to continue RP's because of this.

So what do you do? How do you typically get in the mood and stay in the mood to write? How do you avoid getting bored, distracted?
@Ailyn Evensen I like your hair!
@Masaki Haruna I don't know what you mean about bleeding to death
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