Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

7 hrs ago
Current i see you stalkers that hate me cus they aint me and i suck toes and you don't. baby blue toes in my mouth, sucking.
9 hrs ago
red skull, nuclear death
1 like
15 hrs ago
fledermaus you're a freak, get a life and a job
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17 hrs ago
it's ocean wide puddle deep and its not a big ocean altogether. it's horribly broken and overpowered but when has a CK3 DLC not introduced horribly broken and overpowered mechanics?
18 hrs ago
using the new DLC to be a mongolian adventurer with a 10k stack of MAA with insane bonuses so I can stackwipe armies 10x my army size and never settling down because camps have elect. primogeniture


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@DeadbeatWalking 'lead character syndrome' where your character has to be special and unique and totally not the lead character but it definitely is.
@naptime you sound very melodramatic over something that isn't really a loss at all

sometimes personalities just don't click. being up front and honest here: some people annoy me purely by how they talk. or what they talk about. i just have no interest in it. sometimes writing styles don't match up; either you were expecting something else, the length of the posts just isn't enough, or the post is just riddled with holes or low quality responses. whatever really. it doesn't matter. if someone decides to stop roleplaying with you then that's not your decision, but it's theirs.

and yeah i can kinda see why you'd get mad/upset whatever, but really, consider it a show of character. do you really want to rp with someone that has such little decency?

and that's coming from someone who really does have such little decency. i drop partners all the time. sometimes i tell them, sometimes i dont. most often it's because i think someone will write back some dumb shit that i'm not interested in hearing. i'm not interested in trying again with a different plot or whatever. i decided to pull out for a reason and that reason is the same as why i don't wanna continue talking.

would you really wanna continue roleplaying with someone like me or even talk to me some more? lol
@AlShayatin Good to see someone else interested in intelligence disciplines. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
@POOHEAD189 these are the same people that if it wasn't for discord, would've found something else to be distracted by.
@Dervish the key for me is who is giving it and how they are giving it.

If Jan Doodlebag is telling me that my posts suck and that I need to do this and this better, when his posts look like someone vomited on a keyboard and the chunks of food in there happened to hit some keys, and then he hit send, I'm going to tell him in the nicest of ways how he should find a nearby metal rod and stick it up his ass.

If a veteran that has objectively superior posts tells me that I should pay attention to these things, but these things are good, and this could improve, then yeah, sure, I'd appreciate that.

I do have problems with people in my RP's that I GM that do this, because it's annoying as fuck. If I already cleared a character sheet and gave them a review, I don't need a non-GM to go in and tell them, while pushing their fucking glasses back onto their face, 'ackshually...' all smug-like and tell them everything that is wrong with a character. I also don't need people to go out of their way to tell people their posts suck, or something. Because I as a GM am very fucking active and I don't shy away from criticism, especially early on in the CS stage.

Now the problem for that doesn't come from the fact that people are giving feedback because I'd appreciate that, as a bystander, someone is taking time out of their day to comment and critique someone in a constructive way.

The problem is that most people on RPG happen to be extremely smug and, like mentioned before, suffer from Dunning-Krugers. And I'm gonna take the hard stance on that and just say fucking everyone here suffers from it, because the people who actually know how to offer advise are typically too fucking nice to do so on this website.

It has so far in my experience been impossible for someone to give feedback while not in a GM position. Either they try too hard to be 'objective' and come across entirely as some dumbass that wants to shit on someone and portray their opinion as facts, or they just base their entire feedback on their own opinions.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in theory feedback and criticism is nice, totally dope and the best thing ever but that, as with 99% of other issues on RPG, the people on RPG are just too stupid (in my experience, so far) to be able to do it in a way that isn't condescending or downright insulting.
@LadyinInk There is a character form like 90% of the time. Sometimes, there isn't. You can join any thread, or at the very least, you can ask to join any RP, so if you like a certain concept just jump into the thread, say hi, and ask if there's room for you!
Gonna be pushing that interest search, so show me some WIP's/concepts to retain my undying affections.

Suppose it might be best to cancel my interest early on then - or rather, my interest is still there, the schedule is.. likely not. And I don't want to leave you hanging before we even start.
is this even a debate or is it literally two people in the status bar crying about something that doesn't exist

i think it's the latter
@pugbutter i cant help it, the mighty moderators of Roleplayerguil have simply bestowed the honor of being the one whom'st've'd't'se writing is equal to cheap hack not only today but all of the times's't've'd.

@The Valkyrie Valkyrja are always welcome on Roleplayerguild. ;)
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