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14 hrs ago
Current death is certain if you encroach near, ancient folklore, a battle hardened tribe
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20 hrs ago
shits antisocial as hell, your cat is eating all the birds outside or god forbid it gets hit by a car. nothing says i love my cat like allowing it to become roadkill
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20 hrs ago
its important to understand i am not american, we do not have stray cats here and all outside cats are a) owned by someone and b) that cat is shitting all over other peoples front yard
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21 hrs ago
as much as i hate people that keep outside pets of any kind, probably not the right time to put that out there lol
3 days ago
i'm trynna see some TOES
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Odin>

Best Friend ever. Kek.

He just wants to take his one and only friend to the afterlife. It's kinda selfish, but understandable.
<Snipped quote by Odin>


even those that are in on the joke aren't really in on it and just pretend nowadays

it's better to forget about it and see alt right as a social phenomenon
<Snipped quote by Odin>

As much as I love memes and trolling I know nothing of this.

then sadly you're not in on the joke

and if you're not in on it then chances are you are the joke
@Andreyich never mind the fact that 'the alt right alt right' was started more or less as a memey joke.
@Odin Now imagine he manages to make one and only friend and at the moment of his death said friend is holding him in his/her arms and he just goes boom? Oh the guilt.

That just makes it all the better right?
Uragiri Sakana - so he's a 16 year old Chuunin that knows both of Madara's A-ranked fire techniques? I'm not totally against the idea but I'm not totally sold on it either. And like is there a reason why he has an S ranked sealing technique with no other sealing knowledge? Again, I'm not totally against the idea but like sell me on it.

I mean, fire jutsu are the most bland of all jutsu in Naruto. Even looking at these two jutsu there's nothing that really sets them apart because they're both just essentially 'I shoot fire at you lol'. If I condensed it like such and made it into a custom jutsu, you'd basically end up with EXACTLY the same thing with a different name and 'it's not Madara's jutsu' and that honestly seems like a waste of time for both of us, hence I kept them in. Also, now it takes two slots, shows off his proficiency in ninjutsu as he's meant to be a ninjutsu duelist, where as if I made it into one custom jutsu it'd be exactly the same thing and offer way less exposition because it'd not be an established jutsu. It just feels like, to me, it'd take away a lot of exposition if I made it into, say 'Sakana's fire bomb' or something dumb, ESPECIALLY if it'd be the same thing.

Kinda hard to make fire jutsu more interesting than 'lol fire shoots in ur face xD!' imho. I can change it - I just think it'd be more work both for you and me for relatively little gain.

As for the sealing - I wanted to show off his devotion to fate, which to me could be showed by having a seal that activates upon death - he's gonna die one day according to fate and he'll never know why, but at least with a seal like this, he'd take down someone with him.

And because of that it doesn't really offer much because I'd have to let him die for it to do anything at all and even then it'd be plot related - because nobody is gonna stand there and let their character get sucked up by some random seal.

I figured that with the way seals are relatively unexplained, it could've just been placed on him as Sakana has no knowledge or expertise in sealing techniques. Could've just hired someone to do it or asked a favor from someone. And if the activator is death, he doesn't even need to activate it himself, and thus needs no expertise.

However, that's with sealing techniques being so random and unexplained that we're left to fill it in on our own as opposed to having a relatively clear idea of how they work.

''Fight against bolshevism!''

''Fight against bolshevism for your honour and conscience!''

''Fight against bolshev-'' you get the point. These are all Dutch.

In Norway something similar, 'guard the front with the east' aka fight the USSR because they're bolsheviks. (Apologies if the translation is half assed, I used my limited knowledge that I have only because I speak a Germanic language like them).

''Fucking bolsheviks!''

Even the nazi's understood that people hate communists more than jews I think.
I suppose the standard is "by any means necessary" to get back at those you do not like now, @Odin. A hurricane at this point is just another tool, as are those tweets celebrating it "hurting white people". I am unsure how we found ourselves here to this, but in large I would have to agree society has become insane to an extent.

it's just really funny to me because the people that are gonna be hit the hardest are the people with little money in the bank, no socio-economic status and no safety net to fall back on

something tells me that's not gonna be white people
you know we've gone insane as a society when we're discussing how hurricanes are racist and racism in relation to the areas where hurricanes hit

that's some retarded shit
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