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9 hrs ago
Current death is certain if you encroach near, ancient folklore, a battle hardened tribe
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16 hrs ago
shits antisocial as hell, your cat is eating all the birds outside or god forbid it gets hit by a car. nothing says i love my cat like allowing it to become roadkill
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16 hrs ago
its important to understand i am not american, we do not have stray cats here and all outside cats are a) owned by someone and b) that cat is shitting all over other peoples front yard
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17 hrs ago
as much as i hate people that keep outside pets of any kind, probably not the right time to put that out there lol
2 days ago
i'm trynna see some TOES
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Iuniper is my buddy so better recognize her.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Lady Amalthea It'd also be nice if we could get a character submission system where people would submit a character, and the GM can accept and deny it. If accepted, it shows up in the character tab, if denied, it'll send a PM saying the character is denied + a backup copy of the character sheet.

Probably a bit outlandish but I just really, really hate when people post their characters in the character tab without having been accepted (unless it's accidental.)
@Andreyich Even if you cross reference you're only going to end up with the average of all moralities, not the one true collection of moralities that possess the holy power of being always right.
<Snipped quote by Lady Amalthea>
I imagine people who do this are like those people whose life is a total mess and who think having a baby will solve it.

What do you mean adding another expensive hobby (a kid) is going to turn my life even more into a mess?
I was confused on... why question someone who is just uncomfortable with people making fun of the disabled, so I didn't know if Odin was going to have an overarching point on morality.

Also, to get back into politics as well... apparently North Korea's missile over Japan was the beginning of a Pacific Operation.

I mean, morality as an objective unified truth is nonexistant is my point, lol.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

See, now you're treating your view on the morality of a joke as an absolute truth/fact. Which is dumb.

Implying I need to put 'in my opinion' in front of every statement is a rhetorical device deployed to dilute an argument.

Eh, no, I said that because you've said 2 (or 3?) times now that it's wrong, but I can't find any reason in _why_ you are saying that. Leads me to believe you really believe it to be the truth and that there are no other people who can feel otherwise.

How would you feel if a disabled person makes jokes at the expense of their own disabilities and other disabilities? It could be relatable for disabled people, hell it could give them an outlet that they can't usually hear or talk about (talking about disabilities is taboo, at least where I live, in the pretty liberal country of the Netherlands) because people without disabilities don't understand it.

There's so much positivity that _could_ be gained from joking about disabilities but all it seems you're hung up on is 'huh it's bad'.
Making a joke out of a disability is mean, regardless of whether you intend it that way.

See, now you're treating your view on the morality of a joke as an absolute truth/fact. Which is dumb.

Joking about disabilities can be funny.
@Penny Jokes aren't always means to be made mockingly.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

I was actually thinking Hyuga but gave up because of how hard it is to find picture with their white/light purple eyes.

I can edit an image for you if you want. I'm.. halfway decent with photoshop. I've done edits like that before.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Meh. Could be worse.
As am example, I'm thinking of making an Uzumaki for my second character. Kek.

Gross. Go Hyuga or go home.
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