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12 hrs ago
Current death is certain if you encroach near, ancient folklore, a battle hardened tribe
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19 hrs ago
shits antisocial as hell, your cat is eating all the birds outside or god forbid it gets hit by a car. nothing says i love my cat like allowing it to become roadkill
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19 hrs ago
its important to understand i am not american, we do not have stray cats here and all outside cats are a) owned by someone and b) that cat is shitting all over other peoples front yard
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20 hrs ago
as much as i hate people that keep outside pets of any kind, probably not the right time to put that out there lol
3 days ago
i'm trynna see some TOES
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Uchiha are gross.
Interacting with:

Usagi Orihara - @Project

Sakana did not turn to face her - didn't notice the smirk either. Her reaction was somewhat humorous but did not receive a smile or any response at all. That's naive, Sakana thought to himself. “Perhaps they are easily amused,” he began, shooting a glance at the hokage, waiting for the speech to begin. If it continued like this, they'd be here all day. “Controlled insanity is controlled chaos. In the grand scheme of fate, that's all we are. Controlled chaos. It seems chaotic, but there is a pattern if you move away far enough and spectate from far away. Just take a step back, and you'll see the threads running everywhere in our history. But if you're here.. in our shoes.. there is no pattern. Only fear of tomorrow and regret for yesterday. It's the curse of shinobi.” Slowly he let his eyes droop off of the hokage's figure and instead looked to the right, where Usagi was. He waited a moment and then looked back to the front, not really looking at anything specific more so than observing the entire spectacle. A broad overview, an unfocused gaze. For a moment it seemed like Sakana would walk away, as if he were bored by the conversation, until he suddenly spoke up again after a long intentional pause.

“Bad days bring out people too. Are they the same as you and me?” He made no move, did not even flex a single muscle as he waited there. He was extremely calm for someone that was about to undertake the jonin exam. It was especially strange as he was two years Usagi's junior - a woman who by all intents and purposes was going to be a young jonin if she made the exam at 18. In fact, closer inspection would reveal that Sakana could very well have been the youngest chunin that was taking the exams.

By all means it would've been natural to be nervous, but not a single drop of sweat lined his face, not a single muscle was tensed. Those familiar with Sakana's creed - and there were few that were, besides his team members, sensei, and his parents - would understand. Sakana's fate had been sealed, as had the other chunin's fate been. There was no point in worry. Everything that was meant to happen would happen. Again he was silent, pausing momentarily, allowing Usagi to interject, respond or ponder his statement and question. Perhaps she'd wonder whether Sakana was simply trying to sound smart or wise. It certainly wouldn't be the first time anyone would think that. “Maybe this is just a day then, neither good nor bad.”
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Yes, but you can do that while also adding a bit of spice with a harmless color. In fact I'd hazard a guess that many people that use colors are also making clear distinctions on who is speaking. Colors don't detract from an RP in any way unless, again, it's someone using dark colors on a dark background and making people have to highlight it. One can say they don't add anything either but if people like doing it then why not let them. 'Aesthetics' is a stupid reason but it's one people use anyway. RPs don't tend to have vomits of color unless someone is just doing a post of all dialog in which case colors are the least of my concerns there.

It's not like people are coloring text because reading is difficult, it's just a stylistic choice. And if all someone is doing in an RP is reading the colored bits then they're doing it wrong anyway.

Yeah, it's just something I'm not a fan of myself for aesthetic and literary reasons, but I completely understand some do it because they like it. Perhaps another thing that I'd say bothers me about it is that it is very dependent on what type of roleplay. I'd find it very misplaced in an RP with a very serious undertone, and which is trying very hard to read like a book, with advanced writers or writers who are trying to make it look 'professional.'

Meanwhile, it'd look better in an RP about lets say some happy go lucky moe anime or something. IDK, just my two cents.

Nothing else is going on, so I mean.. we're still waiting for several characters to be finished. I don't see a reason to wait.
Colors aren't a bad thing really and they're easy enough to do - unless you're an insane person who doesn't format as they write and then have to go back and do it. The problem is when people use colors that are too dark to read and so now you've gotta highlight the text and it's tedious.

I don't like it because that's not how it's done in books either. Instead of coloring your text, it might be worthwhile to just write in a structured manner so that the question 'who said this' doesn't come up to begin with.

I know that's not the reason people do it now (I hope so at least) but that's what it was when it was first done IIRC. I used to do it then because I was a lousy writer but in general, investing the time to write properly (i.e. characters can't speak in the same paragraph, etc) makes it easier to read than colorcoding the fuck out of your post so it looks like a messy rainbow.

It's not that bad in solo posts, but when you get collabs (which I already detest) with 20 colors in it it becomes a bit tedious.

Also, people's screens show colors differently. I like using black and I can read it perfectly fine on my laptop, but on my phone it's barely readable, and others also can't read it.

I colored my text because I saw it was a thing. I both had the thought that it was silly as reading isn't very hard AND wanted to just get back in the swing of things as smoothly as possible. Now I'm just wondering if it's worth the effort to uncolor all of the text I've colored. Oh god. Now I'm annoyed!

It's not worth the effort. Coding in BB codes without functions to remove it like you have in word (select and then hit control b) makes it a giant pain in the ass.
Interacting with:

Usagi Orihara - @Project

Sakana was stood by himself, watching the crowd move around. His arms were crossed, shutting him off from the rest of the crowd by means of body language - a habit he'd never gotten out of - preventing anyone from looking at him and getting any ideas about approaching him. It was something that his team had gotten used to - this serious demeanour, and although Sakana was far from a cruel or mean person, he wasn't exactly a nice person either, never really going out of his way to chat or do friendly things. That's just who he was.

He glanced back when he heard some noise behind him, spotting some green-skinned girl with pink-ish hair. She wasn't hurting anyone, however that didn't stop the local self-proclaimed class-president, Kurin Senju, from appearing out of nowhere to give the girl what Sakana could only see as 'a stern talking to'. An attempt at one, anyway. Despite Kurin's attempt at looking like a proper authority, it was hard to feel impressed by the display, and Sakana was quick to turn away again, not finding any reason to occupy themselves with the spectacle. Even if alcohol was forbidden - why would it be? - it hardly seemed conductive to proper village relations to immediately berate every foreign shinobi for any transgression of these rules... especially when the Konoha shinobi were just as good at skirting around the rules or breaking them. It seemed, Sakana thought, that the Konohagakure shinobi were just better at hiding it.

It drew his thoughts back to the chunin exam - cheating had been the norm then, since it was all about using your head and skillsets to the best of your ability. Sakana had no specific skillset, but back then he'd been able to figure out the puzzles that the proctor put them through quickly enough. But, like all Uragiri, it was just quick enough to finish above average. He was a nothing compared to some of the naturally gifted shinobi - or those with kekkei genkai. He felt a feeling of slight anger well up inside of him when he thought of those freaks of nature, those with genetic changes that seemed to give them a leg up in life without having to work for it.

The feeling quickly subsided with new arrivals. Some black haired dude, who seemed content to make a fool of him by yelling some dumb stuff about a strudel. It seemed like he was trying to get everyone's attention by acting like a big enough fool to the point where someone had to address him - either to calm down or mock him. Either of the two would have similar outcomes, Sakana ventured a guess, although his attention would quickly shift. He didn't recognize Shizuka at that time, which was perhaps for the better.

From the corner of his eye he noticed a newer entry, someone he recognized as miss Usagi Orihara. One of the more tolerable people in the village as far as Sakana was concerned, as the woman kept to herself mostly, which seemed to coincide rather well with Sakana's own personality. Without drawing too much attention to himself, as far as that was possible for someone with his peculiar features, he retreated back towards the door and walked around the crowd, only to re-appear next to Usagi. His arms were still crossed, and he looked forwards stoically, expecting Usagi to notice his presence without even having to look at him. “It's a good day,” he said somewhat casually, uninterested in the spectacles going on around them. “Good days tend to bring out the clowns and the insane in Konohagakure.” Asking her 'don't you think?' would've seemed appropriate, but the question didn't follow. He had stated it matter of factly, as if he was convinced it was a simple truth of nature that insane and clownish people came out during good days.

He then kept quiet, perhaps awkwardly so to some, but entirely natural to him. For one, because you didn't always need conversation to understand other people. And for two, because there was little he could say to Usagi - they weren't exactly friends, but didn't seem to be enemies either. Any observation he made about the people around them or the event itself was an observation that Usagi herself could make just as easily, and he didn't question her ability as a shinobi enough to think she was incapable of that.

Some of the others that were present, however, seemed to embody the spirit of partying and being a nuisance more than that of a shinobi.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Yeah constitutional monarchy is pretty shit, the monarch is naught but a figurehead.

It's OK if you actually give the monarch an official purpose i.e. because the waterworks are so important here all monarchs are traditionally getting a degree in something with the waterworks, but then the problem arises that we pay that dumbass millions per year just to kinda exist and do nothing. The waterworks stuff is more symbolic than anything.

I like monarchies too, but that's only because I can acknowledge that literally all forms of governance are power grabs. Monarchies are just the most straight forward about it imho, lol.

There are many Kings in Asia though, not to mention Poland officially has a King. And of course there are many throne claimants elsewhere in Europe.

The Netherlands has a king too, although his functions are largely defunct and diplomatic at best.
If that is the case then I condemn it categorically.


Why? Offense is always taken, never given. That's not an excuse to be an asshole, but in any other circumstance I think the joke would've been funny.

The offense here isn't a joke about disabled people, it was the intent to hurt someone with it instead of for it to be funny.

Peace breeds war.


“Be thorough. Be diligent. Be exceptional.” The words of his father echoed in Sakana's head, but did not offer any additional pressure or stress on the boy's mental well being. They floated, as if they were leaves in the wind, scattering themselves throughout the corners of his brain to stay there forever. They were the same words that his father said to him every morning, and so to those who would've thought that today was any different, and he would offer more supporting words for the special event, he would be wrong. His parents had caught onto Sakana's views on fate long ago and had ever since respected them - he believed that whatever happened today would be fate, and nothing could stop it. Additional encouraging words were... not required. Offered little in terms of actual gains. It would have been symbolic at best.

Being a Konohagakure citizen, the stadium was a known location to him - in fact he knew it all too well from the events that they held there - and as such he allowed himself to sleep in a little longer. Some over-excited chunin had decided to go training before the big event to get ready and warmed up already, but to Sakana this seemed like a stupid idea. The only thing that that would do was raise the chances of an injury that would put you out of commission for the duration of the exams. Instead, he woke up at a reasonable hour, went into the kitchen and made tea for himself. Following that was a soft, easy going breakfast. He took his time drinking his tea and eating his breakfast, sitting by the long dinner table that lined the wall next to the window, allowing him to overlook the masses that passed by his house on the way to the stadium. There were a lot of shinobi - but a lot of civilians too. He glanced over the many faces that passed him by, finding none that were so strange that they stood out. This was a good thing - shinobi that stuck out were usually easy to trace and, therefore, easy targets. After all, what is a ninja, if not sneaky?

When the time came, he left the house. It was then that his father delivered his words. “Be thorough. Be diligent. Be exceptional.” Strong words, coming from a Uragiri clansman. They were not exactly known as formidable shinobi and his clan held a better reputation for being craftsman than they were quick with a sword, accurate with a shuriken or deadly with a kunai. Sakana was one of the few that were above average - but it wasn't a big margin, and he wasn't a genius, nor was he well known in the village. Most people just knew him by looks - how could they not? His eyes stood out.

Although the largest portion of the crowd was moving through the streets, Sakana decided it wasn't worth the effort and, upon exiting the house, merely jumped up effortlessly like he'd done it a hundred times - he had done it a hundred times - and jumped off towards the stadium, avoiding the large crowds. It surprised him somewhat that there weren't many others using the rooftops as an easy highway of sorts, but he supposed many of the visitors from other villages were interested in seeing everything they could about Konohagakure. He couldn't fault them - he couldn't care less about how Konohagakure looked, but new places were always a sight to behold, and even someone that was largely stoic about most things, even Sakana himself, could appreciate some sights that were different from what he was used to. He still remembered his first time in Sunagakure - it looked every bit the part of a desert city. Interesting and impressive but it became fact of life after a week spent there in the name of some diplomatic mission.

A soft thud and a puff of dust were all that alarmed the rest to his landing outside the stadium, though it wasn't exactly spectacular or strange to see a shinobi using the rooftops as a means of travel. Like the others, he entered the stadium in one of front doors while the spectators would most likely move to the seats through another door.

As he joined the crowd of chunin, he found himself wondering where his team was. As far as he was aware they were all selected to partake, but they hadn't explicitly made plans to meet up together and go here together. In fact, Sakana had more or less assumed that the exam would be performed alone anyway, so there was nothing gained from meeting up. He pushed the thoughts away, however, as he looked over the crowd. A lot of foreigners. “Ksk,” he slissed between his teeth, shaking his head slightly. Foreigners meant kekkei genkai. Something about bloodline limits made him queasy. It just wasn't.. natural. They were like freaks of nature.
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