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"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
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she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium/Fire Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Spanner, @Project, @j8cob (Team) @Reflection, @Altered Tundra (Targets)

As soon as Kamui had taken off, Sakana would be right behind them. At this point in time they needed to utilize every strong point in every members' repertoire, and momentarily that meant that they had to let Kamui lead them despite his weakened state. Things seemed to be going fast and fine, but then Kamui alerted them to a change. They broke off - this was good. It was easier to defeat two teams of two than a single team of four. Sakana briefly looked to the side to ponder who they'd be up against, when Kamui continued. Something else had changed. A jutsu had been released? Most likely a sensory jutsu. Most self-respecting shinobi would have at least a single sensory nin in their team... and team fire had two, if you counted Tsukiko's extraordinary smelling sense. “Tsk.” He sucked the air between his teeth in annoyance. Kamui was right - they had to go fast. Even if the two knew they were coming, if they were fast enough they could at least prevent them from preparing adequately.

“Agreed,” he said, and then began overtaking Kamui, propelling him forward harder and harder with every single tap of his feet on the trees - unbeknownst to him, the taps on the trees would most likely also alert the user of the jutsu that they were speeding up. But at that point.. how useful would that information be? Tap... tap... tap tap... tap tap tap... his feet picked up the pace until he breached the clearing and landed on the grass, standing almost directly in front of Jaakuna and Kurin. Both of them were shinobi that he recognized, being a Konoha nin. “Oy,” he casually said to them. For a moment it might've seemed like he was the only one - at least to Jaakuna, who was unable to tap into the sensory jutsu Kurin was using, and thus would not see the other three members of team fire until they, too, broke the cover of the forest to meet this team of two.

“I need your scrolls,” he blandly stated, reaching to his back with both hands where he would pull out the two corded knives that were in their sheaths diagonally on the back of his hip. Although it might've seemed like he was bargaining for their scrolls, he was really just giving Tsukiko, Kamui and Usagi time to get into position and ambush them. However, that would be reliant on their ability to synergize - and so far, if Tsukiko was the guiding principle of synergizing, there would be little of that in team fire. If Jaakuna and Kurin both paid exceptional attention to detail, they would also notice that Sakana no longer had a scroll of his own. If anything that just minimized their gains from fighting Sakana - and of course, it would be impossible for them to tell Tsukiko held Sakana's scroll until she revealed herself.

Sakana himself eyed the area carefully, looking to see where the rest of their team was. He saw, however, nothing. It seemed they had been abandoned, truly.

I'm normally not one for seeking advice for a problem as I tend to tackle it alone and head-on.

I feel like what i am asking for in a roleplay mostly seems either out of reach or not very appealing to people (out of date) and at times I've honestly felt like leaving and not coming back because at times i feel like i am not being understood with what i want.
On the one hand I feel so frustrated that it happened but on the other hand I feel mostly frustration and at times depressed (if that makes sense).
At times whatever RP's i have i am also waiting for a reply or if they forgot about it which has me vexed also. It's like whatever road i have I'm bound to hit a dead end sooner or later and it doesn't help me feel positive much in the slightest because i feel like it's another thing to chalk up that is against me.

That sucks. We all deal with it. 50% of having a succesful RP is getting lucky and having a nice partner that is on the same level of writing give or take a few 'skill levels'. The other 50% is timing and getting lucky that the right people see your thread.

What is your advice and thoughts on this because i do not know which way to go right now on this fork in the road even though my misses are more than my hits..

Get over it. That's my advise. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just being nice when fact of the matter is we all have hits and misses in our roleplaying career and almost all of us have more misses than hits.

@Aksera Pray tell does Australia-land always use GMT? I was under the impression that you guys used American standard for some reason. :/ Regardless, welcome to the forum, and do enjoy your time here!
@Surtr Aight, under the assumption that I can play even without knowing much about the mentioned inspirations, count me in for now.
@Surtr What is the posting speed going to be like? Would I be able to keep up if I had an internship to do and other obligations?
Why let in just a bit of a problem when you can let in none of it at all?

Countries like Sweden have a collapsing social system that is dying under the weight of a greying populace. Germany has a similar problem. If they don't let in these immigrants (because that's what they are even if they act like refugees) their country will need to adapt to a greying population and change their social system and that'd be pretty bad because of path dependency.

There's a good reason to let them in, it's just a shame that they're forcing the others that don't have that reason to do the same. For example the Netherlands has no need for immigrants because we already have too many people and too few houses as it is.

<Snipped quote by Odin>


Yeah, it's inefficient. Still... I mean let's stick with ocean analogies. There are not a whole lot of shark attacks in a given year -- but we still try to protect ocean-goers from sharks. If the lifeguard blows that shark-whistle (do they have shark whistles? Shark alarms? Shark cowbells, I bet it's cowbells). If the lifeguard rings that shark-cowbell, you get your butt out of the damn water.

I think the government has to be a little paranoid -- it's their job. NSA phone monitoring is a LOT paranoid, and it's probably a violation of civil liberties, and I'd like it to stop. Browsing facebook is a happier medium, and like I said I'm still not crazy about it -- but I understand why it's happening, and they're not literally insane for thinking it up.

Sorry for the late reply, it kinda slipped my mind.

Yeah, you're right, there's not a whole lot of shark attacks in a year but if you get attacked, you obviously think 'man this sucks.' I'm not denying that, it's absolutely true and we should do what we can to prevent shark attacks. But I feel like in most cases we're not really looking at shark attacks (shark attacks being the few and far between large attacks like 9/11, Nice, Stockholm, etc.) but more so at a smaller stream of fish that might have similar sized, similarly colored fish in them that are predatory in nature. They're hard to find, naturally, and even if you find one, there are ten more for that one you just caught.

That doesn't mean we should try, but things are a bit different than many people think. You seem to be aware of that though.

As for paranoia, I also agree, it's the job to be a bit paranoid of the government. But... I should explain that I study safety and security management so my position in this is a bit different perhaps. This thing you're describing is the paradox of security versus privacy. It's a really standard thing but the rule is that you always trade like so; security <-----------------> privacy. For every step towards security you take, your citizens will have less privacy, and for every step towards privacy.. you get the point. There are things that suddenly push a country to either side, for example the 9/11 attacks pushed America and its' citizens HEAVILY towards the security, resulting in PATRIOT act which Americans are still suffering from because as it turns out that act was supposed to last just during the war, but then they thought 'oh shit we can use this to monitor our own people.. nice' and kept it. It was never meant for that but here we are.

It's smart though, I'll give them that. As a citizen, I'm naturally against these kind of malpractices, but if I were them? Holy shit, I'd be rolling in the transcripts from everyone's facebook feeds, emails, phonecalls, etc. It's genius.
@Rilla Have you looked at the last few pages? Just close it nothing will come out of this that hasn't already been said 300 times. I spoke to two moderators, got some answers, and I know where we're at. That's all I need really. Ideally I'd still like @Hank to comment on the moderator selection process but I think by the time we get to that, the thread will be a shitfest.
I feel like we're talking about two separate things. Is it good of me to be an asshole to people? No. But should it ever be a reason not to do your job as an admin or moderator? No. Both sides in agreement now? Okay, good. Yes @Catchamber it wouldn't surprise me if they delayed responses to people they don't like or preferably don't spend as much time on me, I completely understand their reasoning for it too, but in theory it shouldn't happen. I know I'm a big pain like that, so I don't blame them.

Either way, besides feeling like we're talking past each other and not to each other, I also feel like the thread has reached it's life expectancy and it's only downhill from here (really, it was downhill from the start) but I got what I wanted from it which was a converstation with two moderators about the state of things and some explanation as to what is going on. I'll let the moderators disclose that information at their own pace I suppose because it seems that, even if we were all in agreement that things have to change, nothing will actually happen until the head honcho is here for a prolonged period of time again, and that seems unlikely to happen within a timeframe where I would accept it and shut my mouth for a week or two.

@Ruby I'll just politely request you lock the thread because from my understanding the useful pointers have already been put into the moderator forum. Hide the thread, leave it, it's up to you, I don't really have any need for this one I think.

<Snipped quote>

Right so I'm not here to kiss the butts of the mods or anything but this quote makes me wonder why you haven't tuned down the vitriol. I mean if you are an asshole to someone and they treat you fairly anyway maybe you should stop being an asshole.

Who is to say I went out of my way to be an asshole, though? I can't recall myself doing that, and I'm not really about to take responsibility for the actions of others. Like me and her agreed; we don't have to like each other and neither of us hates or dislikes the other, and as long as we're both working towards the common goal of improving RPG, there is no need for hostilities. Do you think me critiquing her alongside the other moderators is equal to me singling her out and telling her she's bad at everything she does? I don't think so.

How does this connect to me and my post? I assume you are responding to me here but if you aren't then heads up-- you forgot to tag them.

Oops. Well, not like it stopped them from replying anyway.

I heard you were banned from the Discord but I had no idea you were banned from the site.

I wasn't. Yet.

Regardless, my point wasn't about any specific instance in your past. It was about your behavior in regards to the mods and what you can realistically expect when you behave that way.

The bottom line is you are very abrasive and friction creates heat. Behaving as if you exist in a universe filled with robots only works if you are in a universe filled with robots.

Pray tell what kind of behavior are you talking about? Does critique equal harassment in your world? Last I heard the moderators partook in this thread and had some good things to say. I'm not sure why you perceive that to be different?

<Snipped quote by Odin>
I never said that it's okay for moderators to not respond to reports. Let me repost our exchange:

Yes, I would be alright with that. However that is acting under the estimation that I'd ever be considered for that position and actually get it and it's no secret that that will never happen. But yes, I would be OK with that.
<Snipped quote by catchamber>

This is one third of the issue here. If someone isn't considerate when they interact with others then others are unlikely to be considerate in return.

If you interact with a mod and display disregard for their social status, a lack of respect for their time and trample over all standards of common courtesy then don't be surprised when you end up banned.

The real joke here is that I still expect Ruby to do her job when working with me, and so far she has. In fact, she's usually quicker than anyone else, so Catchambers entire argument is irrelevant. In fact, it's the reason I didn't reply because the answer would be that I'd still reply as soon as I can because apparently, unlike Catchambers, I think when you're a moderator you should just do what you have to do. There are no exceptions to that.

Personal anecdotes about me and my behaviour towards Ruby won't really help either. As far as I am concerned, after me and Ruby spoke yesterday, it's behind us. Regardless, just saying 'hehehehe you said she did a bad job once!' isn't really a good argument is it.

More over I'm not surprised I was banned. In fact, I did that myself. I deserved it, I broke the rules, but in my mind I did it for a good reason. Telling random women you'll lick their belly buttons isn't exactly good behaviour and I was making sure to remind this person of that.

Unless, of course, you were referring to someone entirely different.
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