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8 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
1 day ago
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2 days ago
ah alts
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2 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
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3 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Sanctus Spooki well for starters, you stay away from RPG and move towards a more suitable website specifically catering to more literate erotica. Secondarily, you begin paying closer attention to your partners and vet them more extremely to weed out the impure ones who do not write at your level.

Sounds mean but it's whatever.
@Renny discord.gg/x97pbAF in case you wanna chat later, but go ahead and sleep on a character. We're still organizing teams and such so the perfect time to jump in is now rather than later.
@Odin I'm interested. You're pushing an environment where cooperation and activity is key, I digs it. I'm half-dead since I decided to stay up all night and morning, so I'm going to sleep on a character concept and hopefully have something for you tonight.

Do you remember Saburo Uchiha?

Good to have you back, Renny.
reviewing sheets takes so much time

There's my submission! Enjoy (hopefully)! Off the top of my head, I'm not like... super stoked about how the name sounds, particularly the surname, so my kingdom to anyone who can pitch me a better one Sakamoto Isami?. Also, wasn't sure how to handle the second and third affinities, so just followed suit with Terminal's.

Review in red

ok look through, make edits, and post it in the character bin

@Lo Reviewing yours tomorrow because I somehow ended up taking a long ass time to review Terminals.
So, as a way to introduce everyone to how I grade sheets;

  • Take what I say with a grain of salt. Just because I mock your sheet a little bit doesn't mean it's awful -- my own sheets deserve mocking too.
  • I can point out some flaws that I'd like for you to fix but that doesn't mean I automatically reject your sheet (and in some cases I'll trust that you'll make the edits and accept it on the spots, allowing you to place it in the character sheet area after editing it without having me re-check it).
  • Reviews will always be in red because it fucking pops like a motherfucker just like me baby.

Let's start. Review in red.

So take a look at my comments and change what needs to be changed (if it's just a random comment from my side feel free to just carry on.) I don't really have any specific demands other than asking you kindly if you could organize the custom jutsu like I did in my sheets -- but that's not really a hard demand so much as it's me asking you to go easy on my eyes if I need to look something up for a post.

Approved. Move to the char sheet area.

Too often you have writers just do "And then Chad sucked on Stacy's nipple" and it's like, yeah okay this isn't exactly erotic it's just routine.

I don't know about you guys but this always made me think 'yeah you're just trynna have a quick wank/shlick before bed and just want me to write some good shit for you while you do the bare minimum to keep me writing'.

It's hard to write a recipient when the partner gives them little to work with or respond to other than "Stacy moans as her nipple is sucked."

And then this is what happens when two of those 'I only wanna JACK/SHLICK MY ASS OFF and not WRITE' people meet and agree to roleplay...

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