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5 hrs ago
Current ah alts
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6 hrs ago
what does mules mean in this context
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1 day ago
Epic win!
1 day ago
she ocky my wocky
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2 days ago
jokes on you i track all my status likes......
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@somnolence i like poon ye
i'm generally not here, i'm also a perfectly straight 180 degree angle, but i am still a disappointment to my father
@Valgaerd Heil ogg Sael.
In regards to the skill—thank god I'm not counting numbers, being skill accountant is lame is heck. You'd still have a higher STR gain that everyone else though. Basically, it's the perfect flavour town ability.

Thanks to @vox I got a nifty excel sheet that balanced the stats for me, although I was sorta surprised I could max out str and have otherwise high stats simply by dropping int to 1. Rest assured that I accountancy'd the stats for you and they average out to a neat 13 (which should be like, the average).

Also I should warn I have no idea what the anime that this is based on is about so that's why my sheet probably seems like I just wrote something random and called it a day.
@Renny I'm always here. Waiting. Watching. Lurking. Judging. Nutting.
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