Avatar of Dion


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Current gangsta
1 day ago
am the worm lord.
1 day ago
what happens in the burger kingdom of the burger king
1 like
1 day ago
certified worm touching king
2 days ago
space racism is ok as long as they deserve it and man they deserve it in this case


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@nodogs can't believe you named your character after an alcohol
I'm making a dude
<Snipped quote by nodogs>

Good old times. I long even for a time when the fucking "like" button didn't exist. That thing kills a lot of posts—a lot.

sorry, I kind of had to do it to em after you said this

i will be making my character sheet at some point when i feel motivated and have a feeler for what i actually wanna do
This RP looks banging. I want to throw my hat in the ring, if you'll have me, artist formerly known as Grim.

so devoted and dedicated players who aren't afraid of making world-altering choices are key.

Does this mean we will be afforded large amounts of creative liberty or is there a check and balance system you use (a lá run everything by zerodogs first?

How do you intend to pace the RP?
cmon guys
god damnit
bump man
But am I the only one who feels like this site is slowly dying?

No, lol. It's been dying for the last x amount of years, though. This site is always slowly dying. It's been dying ever since Guildfall.

Is written RP dying in general? Or are people really just shifting to other mediums like discord and what not. I know I'm on the older-ish side of things, so maybe it's old fashion of me to want to stick to one site.

I do GTA RP now. I have a blast. It's nowhere near as deep as written RP, though.
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